《The Beauty And The Heist》Chapter-20


Adrian should never have sent Damien and Antonio shopping. Antonio bought me a black leather jacket and a tank top that said 'death metal!!!' with ripped jeans and combat boots. Not exactly my style.

Damien bought me a pink dress that said 'Barbie Girl.'

Guess which one I chose.

The clothes did make me feel ten times more confident and badass. I dared anyone to even talk to me. I smirked at my reflection in the mirror. Atleast he'd gotten my size right.

I walked downstairs.

"So where's Carelia? He's with Carelia. Right?" I asked.

"Sure." Antonio said, "Adrian refuses to call. We have to go and see."

"Hey Adrian? Ever heard of this thing called a cellphone? I know your satallite is sitting in Il labirinto, but still."

If looks could kill, the one Adrian gave me could have killed me, resurrected me and killed me in a more painful way.

I glared back at him. He turned around and walked up the stairs.

"You should eat." I said, gesturing to the lunch Isaac was cooking.

"Your face just ruined my appetite." He said.

"Then my work here is done." I said, turning around and walking upstairs.

Antonio appeared a second later with my food. I ate it in silence, watching television the entire time. After that nothing seemed to hold my interest or amuse me anymore.

I needed to catch up on my sleep. I gave up after waking up in cold sweat. I saw a man slit his throat and I was covered in blood. The rest of the dream, mercifully slipped from my memory.

I was in my old room. I'd broken the keypad though, and yelled at Antonio to get a TV set installed.

I vaguely recalled the chit in my bra.

I needed to see what that was.

I went inside the bathroom and opened it. It was a tiny square of paper, approximately five inches long. There was something printed on it.

Suddenly the door opened and I threw the chit behind.

Adrian stood in the doorway, wearing a three piece black suit and leather gloves, even if he had the attitude of the Devil, his looks were angelic. His hair was sexily messed up. He threw something at me. I tried to catch it in midair and missed.


"What?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

"Are you visually impaired?"

I looked behind me. It was my passport. I opened it and saw a Schengen visa. A visa for most of the European Union.

"We're going to Europe!" I exclaimed. It was a childhood dream.

"I like the way you state the obvious with such a confident sense of discovery." He said sarcastically.

"Amazing attitude. I feel sorry for you."

"Most people would, if they knew I were engaging in a conversation with you." Adrian retorted.

"Because you can't match my intelligence?" I sassed.

"The intelligence that caused you to get kidnapped by the Mafia?" He asked sweetly.

"Well, the only con is that the boss has a personality as bright as a black hole." I retorted.

"And the captive is twice as dense as one." He fired back.

"You're an asshole!" I snapped.

"You consume way to much oxygen!" He snapped back.

"There's plenty of gas between your ears to sort that out!"

"I wish it were cyanide so I would be delivered from talking to you."

"You're the one who came here to talk to me!" I pointed out.

"And I regret that." He said, letting out a sigh of frustration.

"You-you're...stupid." I said dejectedly. Nice ending. I wanted to slap myself.

Adrian raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. Wondering if that epithet merited a response.

Damien walked in.

"Plenty of time for couple fights later. The planes here. Let's go."

"I haven't packed!" I protested.

"Don't care. We're leaving." Adrian said.

"I cannot leave without clothes!"

"You're fully dressed. Let's go." Damien said before disappearing down the stairs. Adrian followed him.

I eventually climbed down too. Isaac and Antonio were waiting with their suitcases. Isaac was on his iPhone and was tapping away on his iPad.


"Why are you smiling? You look creepy." Antonio voiced.

"Geez, am I not allowed to smile?" I retorted.

There was a huge, loud fight over who got to drive. It ended only when Adrian decked the three of them on the head and took the keys.


The five of us piled into the car and Adrian drove us to the airport.

We had to go through a special terminal to get to the plane. An air hostess smiled at us, she had brown hair and stoplight red lipstick, her gaze lingered on Adrian. When she looked at me she must have seen something in my expression to make her look away hastily. Adrian smiled at her. Aww. So did he save his hostility specially for me?

There were leather couches in the plane. It looked like an opulent five star hotel. There was a table on the wooden table that held five flutes filled with champagne.

I looked down.

"Adrian! Your hand is bleeding!" There was blood seeping from his knuckles.

He looked at me, sizing me up and wondering if I was worth a reply. Apparently not. He looked away.

"He punched a window." Antonio piped up. But one look from Adrian shut him up.

Adrian, having decided he'd taken too much of shit. Got up and walked into the plane.

"Where's he gone?"

"His bedroom." Damien said curtly.

The plane had a bedroom. Woah.

"So in the Mafia what other stuff are you involved in besides kidnapping girls?"

Antonio laughed.

"We can't tell you, kid."

I asked the question that had been on my mind for a while.

"Human trafficking?"

Damien spat out his thousand dollar champagne on the million dollar floor of the plane. Which meant the stain was worth one million and one thousand dollars. haha.

"No! Chevron! How could you think that!?"

I shrugged. That was what the newspapers said.

"Drug and arms trafficking mostly, assassination, sometimes. A lot of corporate crime. But the DeLucas own several legitimate companies too." Damien said.

Oh Kay.

My hands went into my pockets. I felt the chit there. I had picked it up after Damien and Adrian ran downstairs.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"In there. You have to go past the bedroom. Don't wake Adrian up." Isaac said.

I nodded and slipped into the bedroom.

Adrian had taken off his jacket and vest, leaving him in a black shirt that suited his tan well. His thick black lashes fell over his cheeks as he slept. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was all over the place. I had a sudden urge to crawl into bed with him. Not out of lust, more for comfort. I wanted comfort from him. For some reason. But he hated me. Was that why I craved his attention?

Dylan and most others had only been nice to me when they wanted something. Nobody else bothered. Granted, Adrian and I didn't get along. But his gentleness when he stitched up my knee...

He had no reason to be careful or gentle. I was already in with the plan. But he was. And it seemed genuine. It didn't seem forced, I liked it. Could he care? But it was too late. I had already ruined everything with my words. I had practically called him heartless and emotionless.

I reached out and gently stroked a lock of his hair back, lightly touching his forehead. His hair was like dark silk under my careful fingers. I was cautious not to wake him up. Fortunately, he didn't wake up.

I had to be kinder to him.

I craved even a sliver of kindness, it didn't come by me easily. I could see that kindness evaded him too. Despite all the terrible things he'd done, I could learn to care.


He let out a soft sigh, startling me. I realized that I was watching him like a stalker. It's okay, nobody saw.

Shit. I didn't mean to invade his personal space. I now felt super creepy.

I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. But before I did, I think I saw him open his eyes and lazily survey the spot where I'd been standing.

I opened the chit, squinting my eyes to see what was written.

My dear Ms Rane,

For when we may need each other's assistance, which may be sooner than you think. Please do keep this message to yourself, for it is in your best interest.

Yours truly,

- Roberto Castellino.

Beneath that was a phone number.

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