《The Beauty And The Heist》Chapter-13


Weird basement, but I know that I'm

There were few things worse than being stuck in a basement with a Mafia Boss who was more irritating than scary. I pulled on the cuff but I was cuffed to a concrete pipe on one hand and an idiot to the other. I accidentally hit something with my elbow.

"That's my face!!" Adrian said.

"Oops." I replied, not looking back.

I was trying to get my hands to my pocket.

"Listen, I know it's a tragedy being cuffed to someone as attractive as me, but could you kindly keep your hands off?" He said conversationally.

"Do you have an escape plan?" I asked him.

"No, but I can see that you have one. Tell me." He replied. Right. Creepy mind reading.

"There's some concentrated Nitric and Hydrochloric acid in my pocket. I can't reach it. If you mix them together you can-" I started, remembering the chemicals I'd used to get into Roy's house.

"Aqua Regia. I know." He breathed.

"How do you know!?" I asked, surprised.

"I graduated college seven years before you. I picked up some tricks." He said.

"So can you get it? My hands won't reach. It's in the right pocket of my hoodie." I said. My left hand was cuffed to Adrian and my right to the pipe.

"Do you have enough?" He asked.

"I guess, free me from the wall first." I said.

"Wait. I want to see what Abandonato wants." Adrian said.

"Are you insane!? Let's get the fuck out!"

"Shhh, calm down. I know what I'm doing." He said. That was even more unsettling.

"And I thought things couldn't get worse."I rolled my eyes.

"Except I don't have time to waste." He said ominously and I felt his hand on my waist.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked dangerously.

"Getting the acids," he said as if I were stupid, "Don't worry, I'm not desperate enough to want you."


"The pocket is near the zipper."

I felt his hand travel to the pocket and pull out the chemicals.

"Now which is which?" He asked.

"The bigger one is hydrochloric."

He stood up and so did I. He tugged on the cuff as he raised his hands to the pipe. Seriously, being chained to the hottest guy you've seen can be very distracting.

I felt the pull of the cuff lessen and I tugged hard. The cuff gave away, but my hand was throbbing. I winced. Ouch. Adrian pushed a vial towards me. Nitric acid. We poured it on the cuff on our other hands.

"Save some for the door." He said.

With a little more acid, we had corroded the locking mechanism and the cuff came free. Adrian trailed ahead, toward where I thought the door was. He melted the lock off with the remaining acids and with a loud crack he kicked the door open.

There was one man there but he was way to stunned to block Adrian's kick to his ribs and stop him from taking his gun. Adrian looked back over his shoulder.

"Come on." And with that he walked into to corridor, gun in hand.

Seeing that running wasn't an option, I could do nothing but follow him. He led me up concrete stairs and to a door that opened into an elegant room. Marble pillars, marble floors, much like the DeLuca house. But that's where the comparisons ended. I recognized the place. Or atleast, the design was way to familiar. It had to have been designed by the same person.

Adrian's cold fingers wrapped around my wrist as he pulled me across the marble floor and reached an antique wooden door and knocked.

"Who is it?"

That voice.

"It's DeLuca. I was hoping we could talk."

The door opened and in front of me stood Dylan Di Angelo.

Only he seemed different, his blonde hair was perfectly styled and his crystalline blue eyes wore the same detatched, emotionless look as Adrian's. I had never seen Dylan in a suit, but he was dressed in a grey one. Weirdly, he didn't look out of place in it.


He hadn't seen me. I was still shielded by Adrian, trying to figure out which one was the frying pan and which one was the fire.

"For future references, a simple message would do." Adrian said in his scary calm voice but with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Yes, but what would be the fun in that?" Dylan smirked and shifted slightly. He caught a glimpse of me and his eyes widened.

"It's not like you, to throw an innocent girl to the sharks." Adrian said in a harsh tone.

"She was safe." Dylan protested.

What!? I nearly laughed at that. I got kidnapped!

"She was..is...safe because I found her before Castellino." Adrian stated in a monotone.

"Thank you. Now, let her go." Dylan said. Thank God.

"Do you think she will be able to survive without my protection?" Adrian asked in a bored voice.

"I'll protect her." Dylan said.

What the hell!? I don't need some big-headed males to go all alpha and protect me. They couldn't even keep track of a twenty year old girl let alone protect one.

I stepped in between them.

"You framed me." I snarled at Dylan."You used me to get the blueprints and left me for the dead. There's no way in hell I'm staying with you."

Dylan looked hurt at my words, as if I had physically punched him, but I didn't care. The man I thought to be my friend had thrown me under the bus. I don't forgive easily, and Dylan was on the top of my shit list.

I turned to Adrian. I didn't know him one bit. But I trusted him more, because he wanted something from me and so he had incentive to keep me out of harm.

"Just because I'm going with you it doesn't mean I trust you." I warned,"If you don't hold up your end of the deal, I'll make sure you regret it, I don't care if I die in the process."

Adrian studied me with his steel eyes.

I was to drunk on rage to be bluffing and he knew it. He nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I don't have the blueprints, Chevie. Someone else took them." Dylan said suddenly. He might have been lying.

"Aww, you poor kid. And don't ever call me Chevie again. Stick to nerd. It sounds less repulsive coming from your mouth." I spat out at him.

Dylan's eyes flared with fury. Too bad I didn't give two fucks.

"Is your highschool fight over?" Adrian asked suddenly. "The grown up here has places to be."

"Cut the crap. Where's Roy?" Dylan asked.

Adrian frowned.

"We thought you had him." I said.

"No," Dylan said, looking at me.

"Castellino?" Adrian asked.

"Castellino." He confirmed..

"Nice. Now there are three Mafia families involved." I muttered.

"DeLuca, leave her with me. Please." Dylan asked. It made me nervous. What more did he want from me? I didn't know. I didn't know him. The man in front of me was a completely different person. The Dylan I knew didn't exist at all. Never had.

I shifted closer to Adrian.

Adrian looked at Dylan. "I want the prints. You're not half as good as your father. Careful little boy." He warned.

"My biggest threat right now is Castellino. You're secondary."

From experience I knew Adrian was far from secondary. Adrian grinned at Dylan and turned to leave.

I followed him outside.

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