《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 18
Erranos spent almost an hour working on a device able to interface with human technology. Something with enough storage capacity to accommodate for all of Gaia, with the addition of the human archives. His finished device was no larger than a briefcase and Felix was rather sceptical about its capacity.
"Are you sure it will be enough?" Felix asked as he poked at the device with his index finger, not that he knew what he was looking for.
"Of course. There should be enough room left over for a few movies and some music too," stated Erranos.
Felix hesitated, replaying in his mind what he had just heard, "Erranos, was that a joke?" he asked cautiously.
"Yes," Erranos confirmed, making no other movements.
Felix was stunned momentarily, "why I had no idea the Tarrax had a sense of humour. I guess it is easy for us to forget you were once flesh and blood like us. I thank you for trying to lighten the mood at least," smiled Felix.
"It would seem as though you meatbags are rubbing off on me," Erranos admitted causing Felix to nearly fall over.
"Please don't listen to Lloyd, I feel he will mostly be a bad influence on you," Felix sighed as he shook his head.
The boarding party was busy making their last preparations as Erranos activated twenty drones that stood by the airlock at the ready. Maddison argued that they should take at least fifty but Felix had to explain that they would not all fit in the corridor. Erranos approached a wall and a panel opened exposing a rack of exotic looking weapons that glistened in the artificial lighting. He removed three of the weapons all the same and handed them to Felix, Lloyd and Eva. He explained they were a standard weapon for use against the Scourge, firing a metered dose of energy in a scaled-down version of their ship's weapons. He showed them the features of the weapon, there was no safety, only the ability to lower the rate of fire to increase the size of the energy bolts for larger targets. Erranos advised that they leave the weapons on their current setting as firing larger bolts within a confined space would carry a high risk of injuring themselves.
Leaving Maddison and Emelia at the airlock the boarding party entered Gaia, Felix could see that Maddison's eyes were already starting. He gave a wave as he took off then didn't look back. The drones walked ahead in pairs with weapons at the ready, with four drones stationed at the tail end of the party. The sound of their mechanical feet marching over the deck plating produced a deafening echo. Gaia directed them as they walked, arriving at the junction of the access point within a few minutes. The four rear drones remained close by as personal protection whereas the main body moved into position to secure the passageway and prevent anything from coming down the corridor ahead of them.
Eva activated the panel and typed her access code. A portion opened and a dermal scanner appeared, she laid her right hand down for verification. The next level of security activated producing a retinal scanner. Satisfied with her identity the last panel opened to reveal a portion of circuit board with an available port and three unnamed buttons. Eva stepped back and Erranos produced a corded plug from his device.
"Ready when you are," stated Gaia, "good luck everyone, see you on the other side."
Lloyd gave Erranos the nod. The second Erranos plugged his device into Gaia, the passageway illumination altered to red emergency lighting and all the doors down the corridor flew open in rapid succession. The sound of the opening doors continued for a few seconds, it slowly drifted further away growing more faint.
An ominous sound could be heard in the distance, the Scourge forces were well aware of the human presence back on the station. The sound grew in volume until the first of the creatures appeared in the distance. A vile appearance at the least, the grotesque creature moved swiftly carried by 4 short legs supporting its tall body. The only feature of its face was the large drooling opening, one would only assume was a mouth. Its arms appeared as large curved blades with filthy jagged edges. Before long there were ten more behind it and closing, each appearing slightly different in physical proportions.
The front line of the drones opened fire annihilating the scourge minions without delay. The next wave drew closer. The sound of their brainless groaning was much louder the second time around. The morbid wailing sent shivers down Felix's spine. He could feel their presence, that they were alive but they boasted no individual thoughts, merely an urge, an overwhelming urge to feed.
"Looks like someone rang the dinner bell," joked Felix as dozens of forms took shape before them in the low light.
The drones fired in rapid succession dropping each minion long before it could get within thirty meters of the front line. Eight minutes remaining on download. Like moths to a flame more and more minions continued to appear. The drones were then firing at will without pause, picking off whichever target came closest. What remained of the minions began to fill the walkway. The dead quivered and congealed, slowly consolidating their mass to reform some of the fallen. Two of the drones continued firing at the pile of dead to keep them that way. The air grew heavy, the nauseating smell of cauterised Scourge flesh was building up and lingering. Lloyd wretched after the vile odour first hit him, Felix felt as his sinuses and throat burned from breathing the tainted air. Six minutes remaining.
Suddenly one of the forward drones collapsed with heavy damages. A new Scourge form had appeared on the scene and was firing barbs at high velocity down range. With minimal resistance the barbs pierced the drone armour causing alarm among Felix and Lloyd. Five minutes remaining. A burst of barbs flew past the drone lines striking the wall next to Felix. He yelped lifting his arm to shield his face, a delayed and useless reaction. The barbs travelled at such a velocity he would be unable to guard against them, nor would his human-made armour do much to protect him. Four more of the drones dropped. The minions were closing, more and more crammed into the corridor pushing their fallen in front of them as they advanced like a wave of rancid pulsing flesh. Three minutes remaining.
The minions had almost reached the forward line. The drones continued firing but were now unable to keep back the swarm. Two minutes remaining. More barbs flew toward them, Lloyd commanded the Four drones acting as personal guards in reserve to form a wall for cover. Not a moment too soon as the last of the forward drones were destroyed. The swarm pushed on as the final four drones fired relentlessly to keep them at bay. Felix and Lloyd stood behind the drones firing around them. One minute remaining.
Eva produced a fragmentation grenade from her pocket. She hurled it past the closest of the swarm, the confined blast cleared almost ten meters of the corridor whilst the drones cleared the remainder too close to have escaped the blast.
"Download complete!" announced Erranos pulling the plug from the port and sealing his device.
Lloyd reached out to grab Felix's shoulder. "Let's get the fuck out of-" Lloyd was interrupted as a Scourge minion burst out from the wall behind him. Lloyd spun around instantly, only to be cut down before he finished raising his weapon. The beast slashed open Lloyd's entire torso from his left shoulder down to his right hip in one mighty cleave.
Felix saw red, "No!" he screamed as loud as his lungs would allow just as his mind went blank. The minion puffed out, bloating piece by piece swelling to double its original size before rupturing into a cloud of mist in an instant. Eva slumped over Lloyd's lifeless body watching on in shock as Felix continued to shriek hysterically.
Erranos threw Eva over his shoulder and one of the drones picked up Lloyd's body. Felix turned to face the encroaching swarm, with murderous rage boiling in his eyes.
"Felix, what are you doing?" called out Erranos preparing to retreat. Felix was breathing furiously through his teeth, he stared down the corridor, his eyes trained forward, his rage unwavering. He raised his arms, holding his hands up in front of him. Pushing his mind to it's absolute limits, blood ran from his left nostril as he roared.
The closest of the swarm stopped in their tracks and began to convulse, Felix carried on with his war cry as all of the swarm in sight were torn apart as if sliced by thousands of unseen wires. Bleeding from his eyes, ears and nose Felix collapsed unconscious.
With the Scourge presence now cleared for fifty meters down the corridor Erranos initiated their retreat. Felix was scooped up and the drones carried them all back to the airlock. Eva was placed down to stand on her own, she was crying uncontrollably.
The drone carrying Lloyd's body placed him down gently as Maddison and Emelia came bounding towards them.
Before Maddison could speak Erranos made a statement, "Felix is alive, but Lloyd," he paused as the sound of Eva crying filled the room. Maddison placed her hand on his neck feeling for his pulse. There was blood everywhere, Lloyd's laceration was so long and deep he had bled out almost instantly.
"Please Eva, allow me to try something," requested Erranos. With her eyes still closed Eva nodded, hoping desperately that Tarraxen technology may have the power to bring back one from death if only so recently departed. Erranos took Lloyd's lifeless body and charged off and Emelia ran after him.
"What are you planning?" Emelia asked as they ran off.
"The brain tissue should still be alive. His body is lost but his mind may yet survive," explained Erranos.
For hours there was no sign of Erranos or Emelia as they remained locked away in the depths of the Lotar yet to be explored by humans. With their task at last completed, Erranos gave Lloyd's brain a stimulant and he regained consciousness within seconds. Lloyd's new face gasped for air as if he were drowning, he began to panic and if not for the heavy restraints his limbs would have been flailing wildly as his mind came to grips with its new host.
"Lloyd relax and calm your breathing," instructed Erranos as he placed his hand on Lloyd's arm.
"What's going on?" Lloyd quavered in a voice not his own, "some thing's wrong I can feel it, what happened?" he fretted.
"You were damaged," interjected Emelia, "please just concentrate on your breathing and I will explain."
Lloyd became still and after a moment his breathing was finally calm, "why does my body feel so strange? Is this a side-effect of Tarraxen painkillers?" he guessed looking into Emelia's eyes. She said nothing in reply for a few seconds as she attempted to construct her response to such a delicate situation, "and why am I restrained?" he added with confusion.
"This is going to come as quite a shock," Emelia began. "so please try to remain calm." Lloyd gave a solemn nod as he lay in silence. "I'm not sure what you will remember but you were onboard Gaia station and you were attacked by the Scourge," she explained. Lloyd's face remained unchanged, his memory appeared intact and he waited for her to continue. "Your body was so heavily damaged that your heart had already stopped, it was a matter of mere seconds until your brain tissue would start to fade. Erranos and I successfully transplanted your living brain into an artificial body," Emelia paused allowing Lloyd time to digest his revelation.
Lloyd turned his head back to centre and lay staring at the ceiling in silence, Emelia using the better judgement she had gained from Maddison remained silent allowing him time to process. Erranos felt Lloyd was in good hands and turned to leave but Lloyd called out to him, "Erranos, thank you." Without any accompanying words Erranos lowered his head slowly then left. Lloyd looked back at Emelia, "was anyone else injured?" he mumbled.
Emelia smiled, "no, you were the only casualty. Although, they were all quite worried about you."
Lloyd smiled, "yeah I can imagine." He concentrated a moment and found he was able to close his new fists and wiggles his toes. "When can I see them?" he begged.
"Soon, very soon. Erranos and I just have a few tests to run first. We certainly don't want you snapping anyone's neck during a hug," she laughed.
Lloyd smiled holding back a laugh as he nodded, "well can you at least let me up now?"
"Sure," she replied cheerfully and a second later the ten restraints that held down his arms, legs and torso all released simultaneously.
Lloyd sat up and spun to hang his legs over the side of the bed, "I still have so many questions, like will my brain need food or sleep, do I run on batteries?" He ranted on. "And I'd like to see myself."
Emelia smiled, "not to worry, I can answer all of your questions," she hesitated, "and once you're out of questions I'll be glad to show you your new face."
Well aware that Emelia had set Lloyd free, Erranos entered and set about to running diagnostics while Emelia answered all of Lloyd's questions.
Felix, much to Maddison's relief had regained consciousness. The pair tried their best to console Eva. Stricken with grief she asked to be left alone as she sat staring out into space, with only her thoughts for company.
Almost twelve hours had passed when Emelia finally emerged looking for Eva. Instead she first found Felix and Maddison.
"Did he make it?" Felix asked nervously as Maddison held his hand.
Emelia had been contemplating her words now for hours. During surgery it dawned on her that she would have to be the one to deliver the news. "Lloyd is alive," she began. Felix and Maddison jumped to their feet, their faces bright with hope. "Wait, there's more," she panicked trying to finish. Felix raised his brow perplexed. "He is alive, everything that makes him who he is has survived, but, he is different now."
"Different?" Maddison muttered unsure.
"What like less of an asshole now?" Felix hinted in jest only to be backhanded by Maddison. He rubbed his cheek in silence.
"No, but. He, his body was beyond repair. We had no other option," Emelia explained.
"I don't understand. What's happened?" Pleaded Maddison losing patience.
"Lloyd now has an artificial body, all that remains of his organic self is his brain," Emelia Elaborated. Both Felix and Maddison were shocked.
"So he's a cyborg now?" asked Felix in disbelief.
"Ah, yes," Emelia nodded, "we have successfully transplanted his brain into an older model Tarraxen body designed to accommodate organic tissue."
"So when can we see him?" Maddison added.
"Soon, Erranos has more tests for him first. It may take him a while to adjust," Emelia explained.
"Yes, of course," agreed Felix. "what about Eva? Does she know yet?"
"I was looking for her when I stumbled upon you two. Do you know where she is?" enquired Emelia.
Maddison nodded, "I have a pretty good guess." She led them through the ship to an isolated section.
They passed a rather helpful bunch of tarras that informed them they were getting close to the Lotar's power core. Felix stopped and closed his eyes. He took a few deep breaths to relax and concentrate, a moment later he could feel her presence.
"She's close," he mumbled then took another moment to focus, "four more bulkheads deep, on the right."
They found Eva on the floor slumped against the wall as if waiting for the day to end. Her eyes now dry she no longer appeared sad, more so her face was blank, devoid of all expression. She had suffered a great loss and with the pain so unbearable her mind did as it was trained to do and suppressed her emotions. Felix asked the other two to leave him speak with her alone and they agreed, at least to allow him the first crack.
In silence he approached her slowly, trying to keep his mind free of thought. She paid him no mind, not even a subtle sign or twitch to indicate she was aware of his presence. He stopped beside her and slid down the wall joining her on the floor. He chose to wait before speaking, not to read her mind, but to allow her the opportunity to speak first. Even though he thought the latter was a long shot. Ten very quiet minutes passed and still nothing, he would periodically check on her forcing his view through the corner of his eye but still she said and did nothing.
Felix eventually came to the conclusion that Eva wasn't going to break the ice, that he would have to make the first move. Sweat ran down his forehead, he was more nervous now than when they went to retrieve Gaia in the first place. He made up his mind, it was time, time to tell her. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak.
"Wait," she requested softly. She moved toward him placing her head on his shoulder, "thank you for sitting with me," she purred.
"Sure, no worries." he sighed, "but I do need to tell you something."
"Oh?" she perked up, "is it something inspirational?" she guessed cynically.
"Not exactly," Felix stammered, "this is going to sound quite strange but I want you to hear me out. Can you do that?" His request was blunt but still enigmatic.
Eva trusted Felix completely and she saw no reason not abide his request.
"Yeah, I can do that," she declared in earnest, turning to look at him.
Felix hesitated and bit his lip. He had never been in such a situation, he was lost for words. Finally after what seemed to him like an hour of deliberating he formed a rudimentary sentence in his mind. "Eva, I'm not going to sugar-coat this," he blurted out then scanned her face intently but she remained blank as he continued, "Erranos found a way to preserve him. He is alive but, he's, he's now a cyborg," Felix paused to allow her time to process his news.
"He's alive?" she questioned with enthusiasm, her mouth remained open as she awaited confirmation.
"Only his brain survived. Erranos and Emelia transplanted him into an older Tarraxen body. But he is all there, I'm told," Felix explained. Without even thinking Eva took to her feet, now brimming with energy.
"I can't believe it. He actually survived. That tough son of a bitch," Eva mused sounding both relieved and excited, "where is he? Can I see him?"
"I don't really know yet," Felix admitted as he stood up, "Emelia only just told us they had been successful. I think Erranos still wants to run tests on him."
"I see," Eva started to cry, "I'm so relieved," she hugged Felix laying her head upon his shoulder, "I thought he was gone and I'd lost my chance at happiness."
Felix didn't need his new found powers to know that. They all knew how close Lloyd and Eva had grown, "you love him don't you?" he smiled.
Eva lifted her head, she wiped away her tears and looked Felix straight in the eye, "maybe just a little, but I'm glad I can tell him myself now," she giggled.
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