《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 5: Fresh Meat
The next day around 1030 ship's time, Captain Fitzroy marched with gusto toward the Galley. The Major had sent him to enquire about the new menu for a special tasting of their newest protein acquisition. Sova was already growing impatient and his staff knew full well that disappointing him would mean career suicide, perhaps worse. The Head Chef knew it was coming, he'd been under more pressure than ever since getting his hands on a food source that had come from the planet itself.
"14 days? Unacceptable!" barked Captain Fitzroy, staring red-faced at the Galley's Head Chef, Antonio Bernard.
"Look, Sir, these things take time. Ideally, I would love to dry-age it for at least 30 days. That would be best for tenderness and to bring out the full potential of its flavour," explained Antonio.
"Fine, you have 10 days," Fitzroy conceded in a huff. "I'll let the Major know at once, and also, make sure you have enough room in your walk-in. We expect to be receiving another delivery today," informed Fitzroy sounding a little too excited.
"Yes, Sir! How many should I expect?" asked the Head Chef as if ready to take note.
"At least another two," guessed Fitzroy as he slowly tilted his head to each side, stretching and cracking his neck. "The Major has high expectations for this meal, best you don't disappoint him," Fitzroy warned.
"Understood, Sir," the Head Chef nodded just before he turned to scream more orders at his staff, who were already running around frantically preparing for the approaching lunch service.
That afternoon, three Behemoths returned to the Hyperion each carrying precious cargo. A butchering station of sorts was set up in the cargo bay and the fresh meat portions were delivered straight to the Galley as promised. Felix and Maddison were indeed kept busy with a dozen or so smaller specimens to dissect and analyse. They were mostly insects and small reptiles with the odd rodent-like mammal thrown in. Felix however, was troubled by his additional instructions from Captain Fitzroy. They were instructed to determine whether each new species was deemed edible or not, and nothing else. Felix's concern only grew when it became apparent that all the new specimens were dispatched immediately upon capture and that none of their groundbreaking research involved any live study. All three xenobiologists had remained within the ship since landing and were yet to be invited into the field to actually study lifeforms in their natural habitats.
The Galley staff worked tirelessly to butcher and process the fresh Ro'cal parts. Antonio was practically drooling at the endless possibilities. For he had been given an opportunity to cook a protein that was once a living breathing animal, an experience completely unknown to all those born on Gaia.
The day had come and a very enthused Major Sova brimming with anticipation was presented with a tasting plate, which he so graciously chose to share with his ADC. The Head Chef had delivered the meal to Major Sova in person so as to best gauge the Major's reactions to his creations. Lt. Croxen asked Antonio for a description of each item as they tasted. The flavours were nothing short of incredible. The Chef went on to explain that the muscles used the most throughout an animal's life tend to have a more intense and rewarding flavour, but require longer and slower cooking. The pair nodded frantically as they continued to relish the special meal, hardly listening to the Chef's proud words. When Sova finally finished, he wiped his mouth softly, folding the napkin as he placed it down and let out a slow deep breath. He then stood up, his face gleaming with excitement.
"Chef, I can honestly say with the utmost confidence, that this was the best meal, I have ever had," stated Sova almost with tears in his eyes.
Lt. Croxen chimed in, "I'll gladly second that!" she smiled while reaching back for more.
"Oh, it was my pleasure, Sir," beamed Antonio with an immense grin as he gave a small bow. "I can't wait to get my hands on some more new ingredients to play around with. Is there any good news from the botanists, Sir?"
Finished wiping her mouth, Lt. Croxen's finger flicked upwards on her datapad, vigorously scanning for a familiar report. "Why yes, they have now classed as edible and described. Ah, let's see here. Four different leafy greens and a species of tuber," she chirped.
"Nothing sweet yet? Say like any fruits, berries?" the Chef asked optimistically.
"Afraid not sorry," Croxen sighed, "but I'll be sure to notify you at once with anything new," she smiled.
"Now, Chef," interjected Sova, "onto your next project. This time, I require a full meal for myself and the other Senior Officers for tomorrow evening. That of course, means the Colonel will be joining us," he added with an unforgiving tone.
"Yes, Sir!" barked The Head Chef confidently, "I'm on it, you won't be disappointed," he assured the Major.
Sova nodded approvingly as the corners of his mouth turned ever so slightly. “I knew I could count on you, Antonio.”
With his head held high, the Head Chef left the Major's quarters with the dishes in hand. He dumped them with the kitchen-hand who had been made to wait outside for the entire duration of the tasting.
"So did they like it, Chef?" enquired the kitchen-hand as he extended his arms to receive the soiled crockery.
"They sure did Charlie, everything was perfect!" replied the Head Chef with a very satisfied smile. "But now, it's time to trial some new ingredients. We have much to do!" he announced and Charlie nodded with excitement in his eyes as they headed back to the Galley.
Generally, the Colonel would eat unaccompanied in his own quarters, on the odd occasion joined by his ADC. He did not look down on his crew, nor did he wish to distance himself from them especially, he just thought it wasn't proper of the Commanding Officer to mingle with junior officers. Once Sova had finished preparing his current report on biological and geological findings, he used it to bait the Colonel into dining in the wardroom.
The Colonel sat reading the Major's report while his meal remained untouched, a fine skin had already formed on one of the sides. After a few tense minutes, he placed the pad on the table, nodding slowly and picked up his cutlery. The pleasant hum of chatter between the Captains ceased instantly as they watched the Colonel take his first morsel. He chewed slowly then raised his brow, clearly intrigued by his meal. The three Captains exhaled in unison then continued enjoying their own meals, each keeping one eye on the Colonel.
Mere seconds after finishing his meal, the Colonel stood. The Captains followed suit, only to be seated again by a wave of the Colonel's hand. "It would appear our arrival on this world has motivated the Galley crew,” he chuckled. “I can't remember eating so well, even on Gaia," admitted the Colonel rubbing his belly in symbolic approval as he tipped his head back.
"Well said, Sir," Sova smirked, knowing full well the Colonel wasn't watching. "Tell me, Sir, are you pleased with my report?"
"Yes, quite. Assuming you don't lose any more troopers before the planet's viability is confirmed," scoffed the Colonel.
"Yes, of course, Sir," replied Sova biting his tongue, "we should have all the data we need in a few more weeks."
The Colonel gave a nod of approval and continued out of the wardroom in silence.
Later that evening, Lt. Shyfer checked in with the Colonel as per his usual rounds before turning in. As the door closed again behind Shyfer, he found the Colonel at his desk reading.
"No Harry, that will be all," advised the Colonel trying to shoo his ADC and return to his old paperback.
"Yes, very good Sir. How was your dinner with the other Senior Officers? If I may be so bold to ask, Sir," tried Shyfer with bright eyes.
The Colonel rolled his eyes as if saying, like that ever stopped you before... But as he thought back to dinner, his demeanour shifted and he placed his book down on the desk. "Harry it was magnificent! The food was divine and according to the Major's report this world may just be the new home for humanity we've been searching for." The Colonel continued, his enthusiasm growing. "The Geologists have already located significant ore deposits of iron, aluminium and titanium, all within a 100km radius." The Colonel proceeded to forward the report to his ADC for a more detailed read, in his own quarters.
The next morning, Lt. Shyfer overheard a pair talking from around a corner. He stealthily shuffled closer, inching toward the end of the corridor as his ears burned. Shyfer's affinity for gossip was well known on board the Hyperion. It was well understood and widely accepted, that any information, true or false he came upon would be delivered to the Colonel forthwith.
"I can't believe the nerve of those CO's, I shot one of 'em myself but no one offered me a fancy meal, not even a taste," grumbled the first voice.
"Yeah, I get what you're saying," agreed the second voice, "those buggers are fast too, but they sure are fun to hunt. I bet once enough meat comes in they'll start sharing it with us grunts, too."
The first voice scoffed. "Ha! Yeah right, let's keep hoping. Anyway, I've got another mission this arvo, gotta go suit up."
"No worries, good hunting," replied the other.
As the pair parted ways Lt. Shyfer turned to head for the Main Laboratory swiftly. There he found Dr Solanki tinkering away with samples under a microscope.
"Ah, Doctor, how is your work coming along?" Shyfer inquired as if there on behalf of the Colonel.
"Very well, Sir,” he answered, putting his pad down and spinning around to face Shyfer. “We've identified and described dozens of new species already," he said proudly.
"That is fantastic Doctor, I'm curious though, how many of the new species would you say have been deemed edible?"
"Edible? Well, they pretty much all are, Sir. Oh, well, except for one of the lizards. I call them Spitfires because they spit a really nasty neurotoxic compound. I bet one of the Troopers found that out the hard way," Dr Solanki snorted as he chuckled. He quickly composed himself once he noticed the Lieutenant's face draining of patience, "but the main one the kitchen staff are fascinated with is the Ro'cals, Sir."
"The uh, big black hairy ones?" questioned Lt. Shyfer.
"Yeah that's them, Sir," confirmed Dr Solanki with a few overzealous nods.
"Well Doctor, thank you for your time, you're doing excellent work," commended Shyfer before turning to leave.
"Why thank you Si-," Dr Solanki paused once he realised Shyfer had already left.
Lt. Shyfer marched to the Galley with fire at his feet. Absolutely deplorable, he thought to himself, a clear breach of the Titan's Mandates. After speaking with a handful of the kitchen staff, as well as a pair of Troopers he found sniffing around the Galley, hoping for a taste of what everyone was now talking about, Lt. Shyfer was satisfied he had enough evidence to proceed.
Lt. Shyfer burst into the Colonel's quarters frantically. He had been so lost in thought over the scandal, and the praises he would receive for his brilliant detective work, that he had forgotten to announce himself properly.
"Lieutenant! What the hell do you think you're doing?" barked the Colonel erupting from his desk. Lt. Shyfer's face drained of blood as he cringed and dropped to his knees in prostration.
"I-I-I'm so sorry Sir, but-but there's a situation, you must hear this," despite his stern words the Lieutenant's tone was quite submissive, he was practically quivering at the realisation of having so rudely stepped out of line.
The Colonel sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead as he sat back down, "Harry, get up and explain yourself." The Colonel had calmed down quickly, for it had occurred to him that his ADC would never be so brazenly rude without a damn good reason. Lt. Shyfer stood and took a deep breath. He had spent the last hour going over and over in his mind the exact way he would inform the Colonel and yet, with the moment before him, completely out of character he lost all focus.
"The meat, Sir, it's uh, not ours or well, it's not from the Galley," he rambled. The Colonel raised his brow.
"Harry, what are you talking about?" the Colonel's tone had shifted closer to being impatient, "I suggest you take a moment to collect your thoughts."
"Sorry Sir, but it's the Major. He, he's been using our forces to hunt indigenous lifeforms solely for food," explained Shyfer more calmly this time. The Colonel burst from off his chair enraged. "The meal you had with the Senior Officers, that meat was procured here on the planet," elaborated Shyfer. “I'm pretty sure they fed you with the one that killed that Trooper.”
The Colonel composed himself. "Are you telling me my Second in Command has knowingly breached the Mandates?" he asked in a rather calm voice.
"Yes, it appears that way, Sir," nodded Lt. Shyfer. "There were rumours spreading around the ship, so I spoke with crew from the Galley. They have confirmed that eight of those Ro'cal things have been delivered directly to the galley in just the past two days."
"Well, Harry this is very serious. I'm not naive enough to think that our presence here would go completely unnoticed and not cause some loss of life, but the Major is clearly doing as he pleases. Harry I want you to find the Major's ADC, tell her I wish to see the Major immediately," ordered the Colonel calmly but sternly.
"Yes, Sir!" Lt. Shyfer saluted, then turned on his heel and burst forth from the room. The Colonel returned to his chair, he spun around slowly to look out the view-port at the tall grasses swaying in the wind. He had very little time to process what his ADC had told him, as only minutes later Major Sova arrived.
"You requested to see me, Sir?" stated Sova, as he approached the Colonel's desk with an attitude of innocence.
"Sit," instructed the Colonel and Sova complied. "Marek, do you know why I wished to speak with you?" inquired the Colonel.
"Hmm, well, I'd wager there is some kind of problem, perhaps some of the staff have found themselves in trouble," replied the Major in his usual coy fashion.
"Cut the crap Sova!" snapped the Colonel fiercely, "I know what you've been doing."
The Major appeared slightly flustered, though not at all surprised that the Colonel had found out. He then began to ponder for a moment, just who it was that had run their mouth.
His focus was lost as the Colonel continued. "To think that my own 2IC would blatantly breach the Mandates like this. It's unthinkable!" he preached.
"But Sir, it was only a few of them, there are millions out there and if we are to start a colony we'll nee-" pleaded the Major but he was cut off.
"That's not the point!" barked the Colonel now yelling, "we are visitors here, we do not choose which of the Mandates we wish to follow. That selfish attitude is the reason old Earth failed. This is ridiculous, I shouldn't even have to be telling you this. Major, you are a Senior Officer, this is your first and last warning; If you do anything else to breach the Mandates or push me one more time, so help me I'll be demoting you to the rank of Captain if you're lucky," threatened the Colonel. The Major's face turned serious, somewhat of a rarity during most of his career. "Have I made myself clear?" asked the Colonel sternly.
"Yes Sir, completely clear, my apologies. I assure you, this won't happen again," answered the Major.
"Good. Now get out!" spat the Colonel, the Major stood, spun on his heel and left the Colonel's office in silence. As the door closed behind him the Major began to smirk devilishly, his ADC popped her head from around the next corner, where she had been waiting for him.
"Eva my dear, it seems we may need to push things forward a tad, get down to the Galley, you know what to do," instructed Sova. Eva grinned and took off in a flash.
Within the hour, most of the Trooper battalion had passed through the Galley and much to their pleasurable surprise, they had finally been granted to chance to try the infamous Ro'cal meat for themselves. Not a moment too soon either, from some of the gossip circulating, it seemed as though many Troopers were preparing to storm the Galley and taste it by force. It wasn't long before the entire ship was in an uproar talking about the very same thing. The Major had done well to motivate and corrupt so much of the Hyperion's crew and all with such a simple gesture.
Chance entered the Lab finding his friends working away and called over to them, he was holding a small container from the Galley. "Special delivery!" he announced cheerfully.
Maddison was first to respond. "What's that you have there? Did you and your buddies kill a new specimen for us?" she laughed sarcastically.
"No no, it's from the Galley," Chance chuckled. Felix turned, his curiosity was aroused. "I've brought my two favourite people a snack."
"A snack... That's it?" uttered a disappointed Maddison. Felix hopped up from his chair and walked over.
"Is that what I think it is?" gasped Felix. He pulled off his gloves and reached for the container.
"Sure is," winked Chance. "I didn't want you guys to miss out. Everyone's talking about it, I can't believe how good it is, it's unbelievable!" Chance almost appeared remorseful to hand over the container.
"Oh, it's Ro'cal meat. Guess I'll see what all the fuss is about then," said Maddison. "But how did you get your grubby paws on some Chance?" questioned Maddison sceptically as she reached in to claim a piece.
Chance sneered. "Well nothing amazing actually, they're serving it to everyone in the Galley. Just thought I'd bring you some before it ran out. Of course, now, I feel like I shouldn't have bothered," Chance turned his head to remove Maddison from his sight.
"Nawwww come on, don't be like that," Maddison rubbed Chance's shoulders hoping to erase the sting of her remarks. "Thanks, it was very sweet of you," she said softly before eating her piece. They finally had their taste, the meat was soft, glazed in some kind of sweet sticky sauce. "Whoa! I had no idea it was this good. It's incredible!" marvelled Maddison as she began to clean the container with her finger.
“Told ya!” sneered Chance looking over his shoulder.
"Any idea how much is left?" Felix asked, a tad disappointed that Maddison had eaten most of it.
"Nah, all I know is that we aren't going out to get any more," replied Chance.
“I guess it's for the best," added Maddison.
"Huh, how so?" Chance uttered with a puzzled look, one of his go-to expressions according to Maddison.
"Well, we can't just keep hunting them. This is an alien ecosystem, we have no idea how it could affect other aspects. And besides, we grow all the protein we need," informed Maddison a little arrogantly.
"Whoa, hang on a sec there. I mean there's heaps of them, trust me, I've been out there, I've seen it. And you tasted it yourself. None of our slabs come anywhere close to this stuff," snapped Chance.
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