《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Chapter 12


Vic and I have been spending a lot of time with Johnnie and Kyle lately now. They're the only ones who know about my pregnancy and they have promised not to tell anyone. Also, Kyle is very close to his and Johnnie's pups due date. The two of them are very excited, and I honestly can't wait to see what their pups will look like. And, how Kyle is meant to give birth to them. But I think I know how he is meant to.

"You okay Kyle?" I ask, as Kyle waddles into the room, holding the underside of his swollen belly. He shrugs. "I don't know." He sighs, sitting down next to me. "They've just been kicking roughly ever since I woke up this morning." He says, rubbing a hand round his stomach.

I nod. "So uh, how's the birthing meant to work?" I ask. "Like, do you have them naturally in human form, or wolf form?" I explain. Well, I've got to know for when I'm ready right?

Kyle laughs slightly. "Well, it would hurt like hell having them naturally in human form." He says. "Although, it would hurt either way." He adds. "But, wolf form would be the safest for a fertile male." He shrugs. "The pups won't be born in their human form anyway, and their wolf would be slightly smaller, and easier to push out."

"Did you search all this stuff up?" I ask. He nods. "And, cause I've been there for a few births on fertile males." He adds. He then whines in pain, clutching his stomach. He then lays back on the bed, looking over at me. "Hey Kellin?" He asks. "Can you go get Johnnie and Vic?" He asks, pointing to the front of his sweatpants, that were currently getting wet.

My eyes widen, and I nod. I get up off the bed, before changing into my cat form, not caring that the clothes I was wearing just seconds ago are ripped now. I turn to see that Kyle has changed into his wolf form and was, doing whatever wolves do when they're about to give birth? I think?

I then sprinted out of the room, glad that my stomach isn't showing just yet. But I still shouldn't really be running like this. But it's an emergency so it's okay. I run out of the pack house and outside into the forest to look for Vic and Johnnie.

Would it be crazy if I said my sense of smell has doubled now that I've got werewolf genes in me for the baby? I guess that was expected really. But it's really helping me find Johnnie and Vic faster than before. Man, my sense of smell was good before, now it's even better! Mix it in my my tracking skills, and walla! Doesn't take too long to find what I'm after.

I let out a loud bark-like meow to get Johnnie and Vic's attention, as they haven't seemed to notice I'm here yet. Score one for stealth! They spin around, letting out yelps of surprise. When they saw me, their expressions turned to that of confusion. Now to just get them to follow me. Curse not being able to talk in our forms.

I ran up to them, meowing up at them, and pushing at their broad shoulders. Vic grunted in annoyance, and whacked me on my back gently with a paw. I hissed at him and scratched my claws down the side of his snout, causing him to yelp in pain. Okay, I wasn't meant to scratch him. That was just reflex cause he hurt my back, and you're not meant to hurt a pregnant person.


Vic barked at me to go back to the Pack house, his eyes were dark with annoyance as he stared down at me. I made no move to go back though. They've got to listen to me! Kyle's having the pups now! Hold on, we can't communicate in our forms.

I then ran behind a bush and changed back into my human form, but didn't move from my spot behind the bush, just, stood up slightly, so they could only see me from the waist up. I fold my arms over my chest. "Vic! That hurt my back dude!" I whine. He just grunted in reply, and barked at me to go back to the Pack house.

"Ha ha yeah, if I go back there you two are coming too." I say. I then looked over at Johnnie. "Unless, you two want to keep hunting." I add. "But, then it would've been a waste of time me coming out here." I shrug. "Kyle's having the pups now!" I shout at them as they go to turn and walk away.

Johnnie stops walking, before turning back around to face me. "Go to him Johnnie." I say. "Vic and I will be there soon," I say, looking over at Vic, who was walking further into the woods. I look back at Johnnie, as he walks over to me, licks the side of my face before sprinting off back to Kyle, but he suddenly comes back, looking lost. "He's in mine and Vic's room." I say, before Johnnie is off again.

I then turn back to Vic, who hasn't stopped walking. I move out from behind the bush, changing back into my cat form and running after Vic. I catch up to him, skidding to a stop on the grass in front of him, and nearly tripping over a rabbit hole. I look down at the rabbit hole that almost made me trip over and growl at it, before looking up at Vic.

I quickly change back into my human form, not caring about the fact that I'm not wearing anything in front of Vic. He's seen it all before anyway. In, not exactly the situation I had hoped for though. "Vic. Are you okay?" I ask.

He shakes out his fur, before changing into his human form. "I'm fine Kellin." He says. I cross my arms over my chest. "It doesn't seem like you are though." I say. "Vic. What really is the matter. I know there is something bothering you." I say, walking closer to him.

Something changes in his eyes and he glares at me. "Okay, you wanna know what the problem here is?" He asks. "You. You're the problem here." He says. I back away from him, my ears pressed flat against my head. That's another thing about this whole pregnancy, my ears and tail won't go back into my body when I'm in my human form.

"Ever since I fell in love with you, and brought you into the Pack, I've had everyone keeping a close eye on me making sure I don't fuck up!" He growls. "Now cause you didn't have any of those fucking pills that you're meant to take when you're in heat, you've gotten yourself pregnant!" He shouts, causing me to shrink back, my tail thrashing frantically behind me in fear.


I don't know why he's saying all this, but he's really scaring me right now and I don't like it. "Now cause of you, you've basically gotten us both killed!" He exclaims. "You just wouldn't suck it up and just wait out your heat till it was over. Now you're fucking pregnant with a hybrid!" He shouts.

"Vic. P-please, calm down!" I plead. "There might be others out here that can hear us." I say. Ducking away, expecting him to hit me. But he doesn't. "What's the fucking point?" He asks. "We're gonna be dead soon anyway!" He says, before changing back into his wolf form, and running off into the woods, knocking me over in the process.

I stay on the ground for longer than intended to, my ears hidden in my hair, and quivering slightly. My tail was thrashing around behind me, still in fright. I wiped the tears away from my eyes, only just realizing that I was crying. He's right. It is my fault. But, it's also his too. I wasn't the only one who made this baby that is growing inside me. It's as much his fault as it is mine.

I stood up, changing back into my cat form, and running off back to the Pack house. I ran inside and up the stairs to mine and Vic's room to see Kyle still in there with Johnnie next to him. My mood brightened as I noticed two small pups wriggling around between the two of them.

I quickly changed into my human form, chucking on some clothes and walking over to them. I sat down on the ground next to Johnnie, and stared down at the small pups. One had silver fur, exactly like Johnnie, while the other had gray fur. I reached down and stroked both the pups fur.

Kyle lifted his head off the pillow that Johnnie had layed out on the floor for him and I stroked his head, causing him to wag his tail slowly. "They're both so beautiful." I say, turning to Johnnie, who was sitting next to me in his human form. He nods at me, picking up one of the pups and holding it close to his chest. "What's their genders?" I ask.

"They're both girls." He says. I awe, as the little pup that Johnnie was holding let out a small baby puppy noise. "Can I hold the other?" I ask, looking at both Johnnie and Kyle. They both nod, and I carefully pick up the other small pup in my arms.

My tail flicks around behind me in excitement, and I bring it round my front, tickling the small pup with it. "When do they change into their human forms?" I ask.

Johnnie shrugs. "I'm not sure." He says. "After six months maybe?" He asks, looking over at Kyle, who nods at him. I nod also, looking back down at the little pup in my arms.

After awhile, Johnnie spoke. "Kellin, can you take that one, and I take this one and we'll take them and Kyle back into our room?" He asks. "Just so they're not staying in yours and Vic's room." He explains.

"Of course." I say. Johnnie nods. "Wait, where is Vic?" He asks, looking around. I let out a sigh. "I don't know." I sigh. "We had an argument outside about how it was my fault that I got pregnant, and now he's ran off." I say. "I don't know where he's gone."

Johnnie puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Kellin." He says. "Don't worry. He'll come back later. He just needs to calm down." He promises me. I look over at him, a sad smile on my lips. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods. "Positive. He does this sometimes when he's stressed out." He says.

I let of a sigh. Hopefully Johnnie's right, and he's just gone for a run to calm down. But what he said hurt my feelings. It's not just my fault that I got pregnant. It's both of our faults.

Johnnie and I then stood up, holding the pups in our arms carefully as Kyle stood up on shaky paws. We then walked out if the room slowly and walked down the hall to their room. Once we walked in, Kyle climbed up onto the bed slowly and layed down on his side. Johnnie then placed one of the pups next to Kyle, who pushed it carefully to his stomach, where I didn't notice before, but there were, uh, nipples there for the pups to suck on to get milk.

I looked over at Johnnie. "Fertile males can produce milk for their pups." He shrugged, carefully grabbing the other pup out of my arms and placing it next to the other, and both of the pups latched onto a nipple each and started sucking. Okay, I did not know that us fertile males could produce milk. That is, interesting. Although, I think I expected that to be able to happen really.

"You two did good." I say, bringing Johnnie in for a hug. "But, the pups are both full werewolf right?" I ask. "No, witch blood? Since Kyle is part witch."

Johnnie chuckles slightly. "If they have any of Kyle's witch blood, it'll be hardly any." He says. I nod. "What are you two going to do when someone finds out Kyle is a hybrid though?" I ask, casting a glance at Kyle to see that he's fallen asleep.

"No one has found out yet, so I doubt they will anytime soon." Johnnie says. "Anyway, if anyone were to find out, they'll easily be able to tell that Kyle won't hurt a thing." He says. "Kyle's not evil. And never will be." He then looks over at him. "He's literally harmless." He says.

I nod. There's honestly no way that Kyle could turn evil even though he is a hybrid. He's too kind. He won't even hurt a thing. But, what if he does?

I say goodbye to Johnnie and go back to Vic and I's room, and clean up everything off the floor. If Vic comes back, he won't want the room to be a mess. I just hope he does come back.

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