《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Chapter 8


I huddle up under the blanket Vic has wrapped around me, whimpering in pain. I slowly stroke myself, hoping that would get rid of the unbearable heat coursing through my body. But, it doesn't. The only way it will go away is if I were to mate with Vic, or take my pills - even though it doesn't fully go away after taking the pills. It would only go away completely after I've mated with Vic.

I heard Vic talking with another werewolf about going out and getting me the pills designed for werecats when we go on heat, but I don't know when she'll be back, but I hope it's soon. I don't know how long I'll be able to cope like this.

I whimper as I start rubbing up against Vic, causing him to let out a gasp. "K-Kellin, no." He gasps. "Danielle and Sky will be back s-soon with your pills." He says. I look up at him through big innocent eyes. "I-I c-can't h-help i-it." I stutter out through my whimpering. "I-I need you V-Vic." I whine, my voice turning into a strangled meow.

He looks down at me, regret evident in his eyes. He wanted to help me, but he just couldn't. I could end up pregnant if he doesn't use a condom, or the condom breaks. He doesn't want to risk it. "I'm sorry kitten." He says, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

I screw my eyes shut as I continue to let out whimpers of discomfort. My dick is basically rock hard right now, and is becoming too painful. It hurts so much. I need it to stop. I continue to stroke and pump my hard on, but nothing is giving me the release that I need.

"V-Vic." I choke out. "Please." I continued to rub up against him, and he gasps, gripping onto my hips through the blanket to keep me still. "K-Kellin. No." He says. I look up at him through pleading eyes.


Something changes in his eyes, as he sees me l looking up at him. He can tell I'm hurting and that I just want this to stop. I think I saw, lust cross through his eyes as they darken. He pushes me onto my back, removing the blanket from around me, leaving me exposed. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Kellin, I want to help you, but I don't want to risk you getting pregnant." He says. "Can't you just hold on a little longer to Danielle and Sky get back?"

I shake my head. "I don't th-think I can." I whimper. "Please. Do s-something." I whine, clawing at the sheets under me. He doesn't want to risk me getting pregnant, we both have no idea of what will happen if I do, or what we'll do. I suppose we could run. That's always an option if I end up pregnant. But who's to say his Pack won't come after us? Or my former Clan?

Vic turns towards the door as it opens. I also turn to look at the door, covering myself back up with the blanket as I see Jack and Alex standing there watching us. "Uh, we'll go if you two were going to do something." Alex says as he and Jack back up slowly.

"N-no. Kellin's in heat." Vic says. "I'm not going to mate with him. I don't want to risk him falling pregnant." He says, looking down at me. Something seems to cross his mind as his eyes widen. "Wait." He says, turning back to Alex and Jack. "Can you two look in Alan and Austin's room to see if Alan had any of those pills left?" He asks. "Those pills for werecats when they go through heats." He says. "I asked Danielle and Sky to go out and get some, but I don't know how long they'll be."

Alex and Jack nod, before running out of them room. Vic then looks back down at me, and I whimper at him, tears running down my face. "Awe kitten." He says softly, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to risk it." He says, as he rocks me from side to side. "You're going to be okay." He whispers into my ear.


I whine as I burry my head in the crook of his neck. I need this to end. I can't take it. It hurts too much. You'd think I'd be used to having heats, but I'm not. I've always taken pills before it gets this bad. I would've taken them as soon as my heat starts, but, I don't have any pills right now.

A few minutes later, Jack and Alex came running back into the room. "Vic, there wasn't any in there." Alex says. Alan had none? Usually werecats always had a stock of pills. And Alan would've needed some since his mate Austin is a werewolf. "Honestly, I don't think Alan had any pills left for a few months now." Alex says. "It'd explain why he ended up pregnant with Austin's child."

I feel Vic wrap his arms around me tighter, and I just continue to stroke myself, moaning a little as I run my thumb over the tip. "V-Vic." I moan. "I-it hurts!" I whine. He rubs a hand up and down my back soothingly. "It's okay kitten." He whispers. "It'll be over soon. Danielle and Sky will come back soon with some pills for you to take."

I briefly thought about telling Vic that I'll still be a little horny after taking the pills, but, it'll be not as bad as this and I'll be able to tame my needs. I decided not to tell him, as I don't know how he'd feel about me still being slightly horny. I'd also still give off the scent of a werecat in heat. And since I'm fertile, I'll give off the scent of a female werecat in heat instead of a male werecat in heat.

I don't know how much time had passed, till Danielle and Sky came back into the room. I looked over at the two girls, and I whimpered as I saw they didn't have any of the pills. "Vic." The one with ginger hair, Danielle, says. "We couldn't get any of the pills for him." She says, regret evident in her voice.

"They didn't have any at the Pack's chemist, and the werecats wouldn't let us on their land to get some." The girl with blue hair, Sky, says, annoyance dripping from her voice. "Man I felt like ripping those werecats to shreds." She growls. "They refuse to give one of their own kind the pills he needs."

I look up at Vic to see him looking down at me, a pained expression on his face. There's only one way to stop my heat, and that is for him to mate with me. I know he doesn't exactly want to, and I'm not that keen to right now either, even though my body is just craving for him to get inside me. We both don't want to risk me falling pregnant.

But, it seems we're going to have to risk it. Cause I'm not going to spend all week being in heat. We will use protection, but, there could be a chance that the condom will break, and I'll fall pregnant.

"V-Vic. P-please." I whimper. "I don't want t-to have to s-stay like th-this all week t-till m-my heat i-is over." I choke out. He brings a hand up to my face, brushing my hair off my face and tucking it behind my ear. He then kisses my sweaty forehead. "Okay kitten." He whispers. "We have no choice but, to risk it."

I nod, it's the only other way to stop it. But, we'll be taking a big risk. I just hope the condom doesn't break and I fall pregnant.

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