《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Chapter 3
It's been a few months since I've been here, and I've recently discovered that there is another werecat living here with his werewolf mate. I haven't talked to him much. He's really shy and prefers to stay in his and his mates room. But there's something odd about him. I don't know what exactly, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem right.
I've gotten used to the wolves stench. Honestly, it's not even that bad once you get used to it. And surprisingly, a lot of these wolves have gotten used to me being here. Although, there is a few that still don't like me being here. One of them being James. It's like he's watching me or something, looking out for if I do anything wrong.
Vic's taken me out hunting for the first time today. His Pack leader was a little reluctant to let me out to hunt for awhile, but Vic's talked him into letting me go out and hunt. Finally I get a chance to stretch my muscles. I haven't changed form since I've been here, and my cat is just aching to come out.
I'm hunting with Vic, this young wolf Johnnie, and this other wolf Austin. Austin happens to be the mate of that other werecat here, I think his names Alan. Or it might be Aaron, but I'm pretty sure it's Alan.
"Kellin. You'll change first." Vic said, walking over to me, from talking with Austin.
I just nodded, before quickly jogging back a little, before sprinting towards the woods, and changing into a lithe, dark brown and white large cat creature. I'm not exactly that big, I was one of the smallest in my Clan while most of my Clan was around the same size as a tiger or lion, I was a little smaller. I turned around and padded over to Vic.
He got down into his knees next to me and ran a hand through my fur. I purred a little as he scratched behind my ears. I looked up at Austin and Johnnie as they walked over to us and stroked my fur. I meowed up at them, and stretched my back out, causing them to move back a little. I then shook out my fur and sat down, licking a paw and bringing it behind my ear, washing my face.
I watched as Austin transformed into a large brown wolf, much bigger than my cat form. That dude's big in human form and wolf form, damn. Johnnie was the next to change and his wolf was a lot smaller than Austin's, and was a silvery color. They padded over to me as Vic stood up, and did what he needed to to change into a brown and white wolf. He wasn't as big as Austin, but he was bigger than Johnnie.
He padded over to me and rubbed his head into my shoulder. I rubbed my head against him and licked between his ears. I felt small compared to these wolves, but then again, it's only really Austin I feel small against. Johnnie's around the same size as me, and Vic's only just bigger than us.
Austin and Johnnie ended up running off into the trees, after Vic gave them a flick of his tail to instruct them to go out hunting. I stood up on all fours, as Vic and I padded off into the opposite direction, which happened to be closer to no man's land.
Once I could smell rabbit, I lowered myself into a hunting crouch, and snuck up on the small creature. I was certain that the rabbit couldn't hear me coming, as I crept along the grass, without making a sound. The wind was blowing in the opposite direction so my scent wasn't being blown towards the rabbit. Once I was close enough to it, I pounced onto it. It didn't even notice till it was too late and I snapped it's neck, killing it instantly.
Pleased with my catch, I carried the dead rabbit over to Vic, who sat near a tree watching me, looking quite impressed with my hunting abilities. I dropped the rabbit at his paws and sat down next to him. He stood up and brushed his tail along my back and rubbed his head along mine. I started purring as he licked the top of my head between my ears. He was clearly pleased with my hunting skills.
My ears perked up, and I moved my head away from Vic. Sniffing the air, as a certain scent caught my attention. Fish. I licked my lips, before standing up, grabbing my rabbit, digging a small hole next to the tree stump and dropping my rabbit in then covering it back up with dirt. I'll come and collect it before we go. I noticed Vic give me a confused look after I left my rabbit buried in the dirt. I guess these wolves don't know how to store prey while they're out hunting.
I then ran off into the direction of the smell of fish, with Vic running along behind me. I stopped at a river and sat down at the waters edge. I looked down, waiting for a fish to come along so I can hook it up out of the water. I heard Vic move around behind me, till he sat down next to me. I hissed at him to be quiet, which he did. And I went back to concentrating on catching a fish.
As soon as one swam passed, I shot my paw into the water, hooking the fish onto my claws. I pulled it out of the water, before slamming it down into the rocks, killing it instantly. I turned to see Vic looked impressed with my fishing skills. Damn, I'm not trying to show off, I'm just a good hunter. No need to be impressed.
After awhile, Vic wandered off to go hunt, leaving me sitting by the waters edge to fish. Honestly, I preferred fish than other prey. I was actually one of the only members of my former Clan who could fish. I wasn't afraid to get my paws wet like most others. I was also one of the best hunters too, so, they lost a valuable member of their Clan.
After I caught about five more fish, a scent drifted along on the wind. I sniffed the air. It wasn't werewolf, but werecat. Becoming alert, I stopped my fishing, grabbing all six of the fish that I caught, with much difficultly, in my jaw by their tail fins and slowly padded away, casting glances behind me. I was close to no man's land where I was fishing, and there could be a chance that Richard has sent one of the Clan members out into no man's land to spy on me if I were to go close to it.
I reached the tree stump where I had stored my rabbit, setting my fish down, and digging up my rabbit. I caught Vic's scent soon after and turned around to see Vic padding over to me, dragging a large deer along with him. I looked down at my catch, to see that they looked small compared to the deer that Vic caught. But us werecats can't exactly catch large prey like the werewolves, we're not quite big enough, or at least some of us aren't quite big enough. Plus, considering my size, I was only ever taught how to hunt smaller prey.
I picked up all my prey, which was quite difficult, but I managed to carry all my prey, a rabbit and six fish, over to the clearing we all were at earlier. I dropped my prey onto the grass, and layed down on my side as Vic and I waited for Austin and Johnnie. I'm thinking each time I go out hunting I might bring a bucket or something with me so it's easier to carry everything. I need to remember to tell Vic I need a bucket for all of my prey I catch.
I think Vic seemed to notice I'll need a bucket to be able to carry everything in better, as he got up off the ground, and ran back to camp. He came back a few minutes later with a bucket. I stood up, moving to where Vic sat with the bucket in front of him next to my prey. I then put all my prey into the bucket, licking Vic's face as a form of thank you for grabbing the bucket for me.
The two of us then layed down together as we waited for Austin and Johnnie to return. They returned awhile after, each carrying a deer in their jaws. Is that all they hunt? Don't they catch fish? Or rabbits? Or birds?
I shrugged the thought off, as Vic and I stood up, him grabbing the deer he caught, and me grabbing the bucket with my catch in it by the handle. And we all padded back to camp.
I wasn't exactly sure where abouts we're meant to take our prey to, so I just followed Vic, Austin and Johnnie. We padded into the Pack's building and over to the kitchen area I think. I noticed the Pack leader Arthur walk over to us and stop in front of us. I hope he's not gonna growl me for bringing back something different.
He looked pleased with the deers that Vic, Austin and Johnnie had each caught, but when his eyes landed on the bucket I was carrying, he looked at me questioningly. "And what is this you've caught for the Pack Kellin?" He asked, as Vic, Austin and Johnnie went to go put their deers wherever they need to go.
Vic came back over to me and wrapped his tail around me, as I looked down at my catch. Maybe I have done something wrong by catching these. Oh god I hope not.
Arthur bent down and looked through the bucket at the rabbit and the fish that I had caught. He looked back up at me, and I cast a scared glance at him. But, to my surprise, he didn't look angry, more or less impressed.
"I see you're good at fishing." Arthur commented. I looked up at him and nodded. "None of my wolves can fish. Do you mind teaching some of us to fish?" He asked. "There are quite a few of us who enjoy the taste of fish."
He wants me to teach the Pack how to fish? How am I meant to do that when we can't even talk in our forms? Unless they've got a way for us to communicate with each other while we're in our forms, like, telepathically or something. I just nodded my head, agreeing with the request. I'll just have to figure out a way to teach them.
He left Vic and I alone after that, and Vic led me over to where to store my prey. We then went up to his room afterwards to get changed. There is no way I'm changing right here, especially from the fact that when we change, we won't be wearing anything. I'm not walking back up to Vic's room naked.
Once Vic and I were in his room, Vic pushed the door closed, by pressing up against it with one of his shoulders, before walking over to the other side of the room, next to his drawers. He then transformed back into his human form, getting dressed quickly, before turning to me.
I haven't changed back yet, and I don't really feel comfortable changing back with other people around, not even my mate. Vic got the idea, grabbing some clothes out of the drawer for me and walked over to me, placing the clothes in front of me. I picked them up, and took them with me into the bathroom, closing the door shut behind me like how Vic closed his bedroom door. I then transformed back into my human form, leaning against the sink for awhile, getting used to changing back to human. I never really liked this part that much. I was fine changing into my cat, but changing back into human, always made me feel weird afterwards.
One I regained my posture, I quickly got changed into the clothes Vic gave me, before going back out into his room, to find him sitting on the bed. I walked over to the bed and climbed on next to him, cuddling up into his side as he wrapped an arm round my waist. I started purring as I rested my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my short black hair.
"I'm impressed by your hunting skills kitten." He said. "Especially your ability to fish." He added. "None of us can fish. I tried once, but ended up falling into the river." He laughed. I looked up at him and laughed also.
"I was actually one of the only members of my former Clan who could fish." I said. "And I was also one of the best hunters."
He looked down at me and kissed my forehead. "Well I guess they lost a valuable member then, and we gained a good hunter." He said. "What type of prey can you catch?"
"Uhm rabbits, birds, fish." I said. "I can't really catch anything too big though." I added. "But, none of the Clan really could. Us werecats aren't exactly that big so, we just stuck to catching the smaller creatures." I said. "There were a few who could though, but not many."
Vic nodded. "Maybe I could teach you how to catch bigger animals sometime." He offered.
"Sounds good." I said. "But, quick question." I added. "How are we meant to communicate with each other when we're in our forms?" "I asked. "Arthur wants me to teach the Pack how to catch fish, but I can't if I can't communicate with them while we're in our forms."
Vic was quiet for awhile. "Yeah, that could be a problem." He muttered. "Unless, you stay in your human form when you teach them." He suggested. "But, then again, you can't exactly show them how it's done." He added, furrowing his eyebrows together in frustration.
Just then, an idea went off in my head. "Unless I could teach you first, then when I go to teach the others, I'll explain how it's done, and you'll show them?" I suggested.
Vic smiled. "That's a great idea." He said. "When should we start?" He asked.
I thought about it for awhile, trying to think of when it would be a good idea. "How about tomorrow?" I suggested. "Sometime after lunch?"
"Sounds good." He said, kissing my forehead. "I can't wait."
"I can't wait either." I agreed, cuddling into his side more, and resting my head back onto his chest.
This shall be interesting.
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Saints and Sinews: Wrynn Legacy Book One
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