《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Prologue


Run, that's all I can do. Run. My legs start to ache, but I can't stop to rest. My Clan won't let me stop till I'm out of their land. They've exiled me for becoming too close to a certain werewolf.

My mother was so disappointed in me. Werecats and werewolves are not meant to mix at all. Especially become mates with each other. But, I can't help who I've fallen in love with. I've fallen in love with a werewolf. And he doesn't even know how deep my feelings are for him. He thinks it's just a simple friendship - which is allowed, but is still frowned upon.

I can hear my Clan hissing and growling at me as they chase me out of the borders. Some of them are my friends and family. But I've broken the code, and this is my fate. Exiled from the place I called a home, with no where to go.

I let out a whimper as I run over the border line, and into the woods. I stop, once I'm out of the border to see my Clan had stopped and were all lined up against the border hissing and growling at me. My Clan leader - my father, Richard, standing at the front of the line. He stared me down, causing me to shrink away with a whimper.

We couldn't exactly talk while in our werecat forms, but before they chased me out, he told me to never return, and if I do, I'll be chased back out, or worse. I'll be killed. And I bet if we could talk right now, he'll be threatening me never to return again. I broke the code, and now I am being punished.

My Clan gradually started backing away, leaving just my father and I facing each other. I noticed my mother was still lingering behind my father. Suddenly, something that I didn't expect to happen, my father launched himself at me and started scratching and biting at me.


I fought back as best as I could, which wasn't good enough. I was never really strong. Blood started staining the grass and my dark brown and white fur. None of it was my father's blood. It was all my blood. But if any of it was my father's blood, it would be hardly any.

I struggled out from under his sharp claws, and ran off into the trees once I was free. My blood splattered against the ground as I ran, from a nasty deep gash on my side, and I ran with a limp in one of my hind legs. I felt like stopping, but I had to get as far away as I can from my old home. Who knows, my father could still be chasing me.

Gradually, my vision began to grow fuzzy and black spots clouded my vision. The loss of blood wasn't helping my current condition, and I collapsed onto the ground, letting out a whimper.

I couldn't quite tell where I had collapsed, but I know it's far from my Clans borders. I may be near the werewolves border. I'm not sure, but I can smell wolf. I lift my head weakly, to see two wolves running over to me. One was a brown wolf with a little white on him, and the other was a black wolf, with a bit of a spikey coat. But, in my current state, I couldn't recognize the wolves.

When they reach me, the smallest of the two, the brown and white wolf, sniffed my wound, causing me to whimper, in pain. I then felt the black wolf, I think, lift me up onto the other wolf's back. I whimpered as I was knocked around a little, and the two wolves started walking back the way they came, taking me with them.

I don't remember anything else, as I blackout from exhaustion.

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