《stranger things smut & Imagines》dart


“Why are we in here during our lunch period?” (Y/N) asked as they leaned forwards, hands resting on the table in the AV room with the rest of the members.

You had first met the boys back when you moved to Hawkins six years ago. It had been your first day at school and it turned out that Will had been your cubby-buddy and invited you to eat lunch with him and his friends, which you gladly accepted.

Lucas nodded from across the room, his arms crossed over his chest, “Yeah, and why can’t Max come in?” He motioned over to the door where the new girl was standing out in the hall.

Mike wheeler-the leader of the group-rolled his eyes, ever since the Eleven incident last year he was apposed to new people, “Because she’s not in the party and this is a party thing, right Dustin?”

The Henderson boy standing next to you looked between Lucas and Mike, holding his hands up in surrender, “Nope. Not getting into this.”

You scoffed, causing Will Byers, who was standing to your left to look over at you.

“What?” The smaller boy whispered to you while keeping his eyes on Mike and Lucas as they argued.

You shrugged, kicking the ground lightly with the toe of your sneaker, “Dustin would obviously side with Lucas. He totally likes Max.”

Will didn’t respond, he only gulped before turning his attention over to the Henderson boy.

“Guys, I think I might have found a new species.” You frowned at Dustin’s words, opening your mouth but Lucas beat you to it.

“What the hell? What do you mean you found a new species? I thought you found this thing in your trashcan!”

Will’s eyes widened as he looked over at Dustin across the table, “You found this thing in your trashcan?”


Dustin ignored the smaller boy, yelling to get everyone to stop talking, “Look. I’ve been studying Dart and he’s harmless.”

“Dart?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you raised an eyebrow at the boy, “You named it?”

The curly-haired boy only shrugged, like it was totally normal to name something you found in your trashcan, “It’s fitting.”

You along with Mike and Lucas all rolled your eyes as Dustin continued talking, “Just…don’t scare him, alright?”

You shrugged, the others nodding as Dustin held the button that opened the trap he had used with his ghostbuster costume last night for Halloween, “Ready?”

Mike held the AV microphone tightly, Lucas’ hand was wrapped tightly around his wristrocket as you and Will both leaned back.

The trap opened and everything was silent.

You slowly leaned forward, looking down into the box to see a slimy green, lizard-like creature. It seemed to look directly at you before letting out a small grumble, causing you to stumble backwards, only being stopped by Will grabbing your shoulder.

“Don’t worry!” Dustin assured you, before grabbing something from his bag, “He’s probably just hungry.”

You watched with caution as Dustin pulled out a Three Musketeers bar from his bag and broke it into pieces, tossing it to the creature. The sound of hissing and munching quickly followed.

Everyone sat in silence, disbelief in their eyes before Lucas turned to Dustin, “You’ve been feeding it candy?”

Dustin only shrugged, “He likes it!”

“Guys!” Lucas and Dustin continued arguing, only ceasing once Mike was practically yelling, “Guys! Guys! Why is it glowing?”

All eyes followed Mike’s finger as it pointed to, Dart, who was indeed glowing a shimmery like color. It was almost like something was inside of it.

“Oh yeah, he does that.”


Mike looked over at Dustin in disbelief, “He just glows, and you think that’s normal?”

You slowly leaned forward, looking at the creature carefully, it didn’t seem…dangerous, “I mean, it’s kinda cute.”

Dustin smiled over at you while Lucas rolled his eyes, “You’re cute.”

Your jaw dropped at Dustin’s words and the rest of the boy’s eyes widened comically large. Dustin, upon realizing what he had just said to you quickly clapped his hand over his mouth.

“What did you-“ Your question was cut off by the door opening, causing Dustin to jump and hit the table, the box holding the creature falling off the table. You then watched in horror as Dart scurried past Max and made it’s way out into the halls of Hawkins Middle School.

Dustin stared at the door where Dart had just been in disbelief, “Ah, shit.”

Less than an hour later you stood in the dark cafeteria, flashlight in hand as you carefully walked into the room.

“Come out, Dart.” You whispered to the creature, hoping it was in here, “Please don’t have killed someone.”

You rolled your eyes when nothing happened, reaching for your walkie-talkie tucked in your pocket to signal that the cafeteria was clear, but a loud crash caused you to stop dead in your tracks.

You held your flashlight up, holding your breath as you followed the noise, praying that it was Dart.

“(Y/N)!” A voice called out from besides you causing you to let out a scream and hold your flashlight up so you were ready to strike, “Why are you screaming it’s just me!”

You recognized the dumb voice, dropping your flashlight to your side before punching Dustin on the shoulder, causing him to wince, “What the hell, Dustin? You scared the shit outta me!”

Dustin held his hands up in surrender, “Sorry! I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

You furrowed your brow at the boy, “Why would you do that?”

“What?” Now Dustin was the confused one, “Because I don’t know what I would do without you (Y/N). When you love someone you look out for them.”

Your eyes widened for the second time that day at Dustin’s words.

“Damnit, Dustin.” The boy mumbled to himself, “Way to go you idiot.”

“You love me?” You asked slowly, wondering if Dustin had really said that or if Dart had bitten you or something and you were just hallucinating.

“Of course I love you!” Dustin called, looking directly at you instead of the floor, “I’ve liked you since the beginning of seventh grade! You’re just so cool, and nice, and you kick-ass at Dig Dug! And when Eleven came along and you literally punched one of those lab guys right in the face just to protect her! You’re awesome and-“

His rant about you’re “awesomeness” was cut off by you

grabbing his chin and pressing his lips to yours.

The kiss was quick. More like a peck. It was what you would expect from two eight graders who had never been kissed before. But it was sweet, and it told Dustin exactly how you felt about him.

“Whao.” Dustin breathed out once you pulled away, his head resting against yours.

You rolled your eyes at the astounded look on his facd but smiled nonetheless, “I think you’re pretty cute too, dumbass.”

He then watched as you grabbed your flashlight from where it had rolled on the floor, “Come on, we got a Dart to find.”

And in that moment, with you standing in the middle of the cafeteria, ready to do hunt down a creature no one had ever heard of before, Dustin didn’t think you could get any cuter.

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