《stranger things smut & Imagines》dance? pt.2



When I was done I slowly made my way into my room and putting on the most covering clothes I had. I locked my door and made my way into my bed huddled under the covers staring at the door on high security.

I slowly fell asleep from how exhausted I was I heard the static of my walkie talkie and a voice coming through it "y/-...are...we..worried..." it was choppy as my brain didn't process the whole sentence, as I fell into unconsciousness.....

Present day

It's been a couple weeks since the dance and the.....incident, I haven't been able to go out for the longest time, I just started going out awhile ago. But I've been locking my self in my room everyday, running straight home after school. I just couldn't face anyone, even if they didn't really do anything I just felt like I disappointed everyone.

I've been having random outburst when I did see them, I've also been more paranoid than usual, always looking over my shoulder. Being on edge has taken a huge toll on me, physically, mentally and emotionally.

My uncle makes very often snide remarks towards me when he saw me, or I would hear him and his friends talking about me when I would lock myself in my room. It was once my secluded safe space but even my room doesn't feel like mine, nothing does. I feel like I lost control of everything, even myself.

Hearing the sound of void silence and screaming emptiness as I woke up to see the darkness of my room, looking over to my window I saw the subtle rise of the sun peaking through the cream white curtains. Laying on my side waiting to fully wake up, the deafening silence blasting against my eardrums.

With a fully functional brain, I slowly sat up exhaling a shaky tone. The weight of the floorboards creaked beneath my bare feet. The feel of the Oakwood against my feet sending a shivered shock through my b/s (body size) figure.

Opened the sliding door to my closet, my eyes scanned over the array of tops. My eyes locked on a baggy beige jumper with maroon, greens and blues striped horizontal lines, I tucked just the bottom hem of the jumper into mom jeans, I cuffed the ankles of the mom jeans slightly showing the red top of my socks and to finish it off I put on my white Adidas.

Quietly Rushing into the bathroom after checking the clock on my side table, I didn't have alot of time, putting my h/c hair up in a high ponytail and teasing the front/bangs of my hair making it feathery.

Heading out of the bathroom I saw the rollerblades patiently waiting for me, I grabbed them and my bag, sneaking out of the window. I sat on the sidewalk, tieing the laces, placing my Adidas in my bag til' I got to school.

The way was peacefully quiet as I forgot my Walkman in the rush of the moment. Watching the murky sun rising over the pink, orange, yellow and blue hues of the sky, it captivated me. Hawkins middle came into view, making my anxiety pick up.

Everyone's been trying to contact or talk to me everytime they saw me, I mean Steve, and the grown ups have even hopped on the band wagon, Nancy wheeler surprisingly walked up to me when I was in the library to get away from my uncle and do my homework peacefully, I still remember the conversation, even with having a bad memory.


Flash back brought to you by our very own Tom Holland

The sheet of science work from Mr. Clarke layed in front of me, I (was/wasn't) good with science so I was (flying/struggling) through these questions.

The sound of the chair from across the table I was sitting at squeaking against the marble floor startled me, I looked up wide eyed, heart beat raced seeing a cautious Nancy fucking wheeler holding her hands up in defence "Hey, hey, it's ok it's just me" 'yea that's why I'm freaking out'.

I looked back down at my paper without a word hoping she'd go away, but when I felt the uneven table shift I knew she wasn't leaving anytime soon "You're friends with my brother and his friends, y/n, I remember you, you'd always come over since Mike and you were in preschool....." she trailed off as I looked up, locking my cold e/c orbs with her nervous blue ones, her whole demenour changed while her sentence momentarily stopped, she cleared her throat continuing "and Steve talks about you alot......everyone's worried about you, you just stopped talking and hanging out with everyone" she rambled on, trying to prove a point I guess. She grabbed my hands feeling how cold they were.

Her eyes slightly widened "why, why did you just stop hanging out with everyone?" I was done with this conversation, no one needed to know about anything "because I don't like them, they are freaks" I ripped my hand out of her grasp, seeing her eyes grow to the size of saucers when I slammed my hands on the rickety table.

I didn't want to say that, it hurt me but they don't need to get into this cluster fuck I call my life, they would get killed or hurt, especially Steve, he said he would kill anyone who would even so as lay a finger on me. And even if I did tell anyone and u/n got in trouble where would I go: an orphanage, to another dreadful family member, if I even have any left.

Grabbing all my stuff and racing out of the library away from her, I made my way dreadfully back home.

Present time bitches

Arriving at the entrance of the school, I found a place to sit as I took off my skates and traded them for my Adidas. After tieing the lace I stood up wiping the debris off my pants, I glanced up feeling an odd presents seeing the boys across the way at the bike rack with El and Max, they were all glaring at me, except Will and Dusty.

Will had a bewildered look on his face, eyes slightly widened and a ghostly pale face, and Dusty had a look of complete broken and disbelief written all over him. A lump got stuck in my throat, so I avoided eye contact and rushed through the school doors to prevent any invitations of conversation I could have given off.

Getting to my locker with no interruptions, I opened my locker and stuck my head in the small space to catch my breathe and calm the storm that was building up. I've been more angry than usual, I feel a rush run through my body when I am upset, right before something bad happens.

Through the whole day I felt eyes on me in all my classes. Heading to my second to last class, science which I had with the whole group.

I sat in the way back as to not catch their glaces and stares, but that didn't work out as we had to do partner projects, I had to be partnered with Lucas, Will, and Dusty.


through the process of researching a scientific role model you all have in common and write a paper about what they did for history, they agreed on r/n (role model's name) and I just nodded trying not to talk, the whole time they would look up at me and just stare, Will always doing it suddenly as if I was a bully going to punch him out of nowhere.

A long silence hung around out heads as the other group babbled on about things not relating to the topic, Lucas broke the silence with a tightened jaw "so,...we're freaks?" My blood ran icy cold at his venomous comment "how long have you thought that, crybaby" he called me my nickname I used to get bullied with because I was a very sensitive kid, which felt like he took a sharp knife and stabbed me multiple times in the chest, my anxiety was picking up.

Dusty jumped in "were all those things you said and did just fake, because you a hell of a good actor" another hurtful pang "I don't even know why we were friends with you, you were annoying but we just kept you around as dead weight" my eyes widened, my vision becoming blurry staring down at my finished paper, tears slipped from my eyes flowing down my checks, occasionally landing on the paper.

I kept my head hung low the whole time the two talked about me. Will looked between all of us scared, slightly shaking. They carried on until "no wonder your parents left you, I would too if I had a dissapoinment" slipped through Mike's lips as if he didn't think before he spoke.

My heart stopped, and the silence was deafening, I wanted to scream, cry, punch him as hard as I could. My head shot up to lock eyes with him, Will had his hands covering his head scared to death at what was about to happen.

When I locked eyes with him he look regretful, just then the burners that the kids were messing with all caught on fire, the kids started freaking out, and Mr. Clarke seemed very startled at the sudden up roar.

The fire alarm started going off through the whole school as the fire picked up as if with a quest. The flames crawled and nipped at the students skin, Mr. Clarke hurriedly ushered the chaotic students out of the class to the parking lot joining the rest of the different classes.

The fire trucks piled into the lot as firefighters ran to get the hose and take out the raging fire, that had apparently developed a whole side of one of the floors, as I heard from teachers not so quietly talking. They called our parents to let them know we may be on a break til' they could fix the damage.

I walked home before anyone could see me, but on my way I heard an engine revving up, glancing over my shoulder I saw a BMW 733i. It was Steve, he pulled up and stopped right next to me, I tried to ignore him and keep walking but he drove slowly beside me trying to coax me inside the vehicle "come on, y/n. Get in" he had his hand on the shoulder of the passenger seat.

I got aggravated when he pulled right in front of me giving me a mother look, opening the door I got in and slammed the door, folding my arms. He drove past my house, I turned in my seat seeing that my uncle's car was in the driveway, I looked over at Steve's concentrated face "why did you past my house?" I quietly asked, raising an eyebrow, not that I complained.

He brown curious eyes glance over at me then to the road "why did you say that?" He pushed me to answer but I just looked out the window, acting like I didn't hear him. The whole drive to wherever we were going he tried to get me to answer his question, which failed each attempt.

We pulled up to the Wheeler residence and my blood ran cold "What are we doing here?" my question came out cruel and void of emotion. He seemed surprised at my sudden mood change "we are here so you can tell us why you are acting the way you are" he opened the car door and making his way around to my side.

I locked the door and folded my arms "come on y/n, stop being like this" he pulled on the knob. I turned to look at him "You weren't there" I looked down "you didn't see how they treated me" there was silence "come in and we'll talk about it" he tried to reason lightly.

I gave in and got out with his help, I gripped onto his hand before letting go nervously "....dont leave me please" my quiet voice cracked "ok, I promise" he grabbed my hand and led me into the house and to the basement door.

I took a deep breathe and nodded slightly to tell Steve I'm ready, he opened the door and we made our way down the creaky wood steps hearing kids arguing. Standing at the bottom of the steps I saw the whole group along with Nancy, and Jonathan

Nancy was the first to notice us and she nudged John. They looked at me, nearly scowling, I hid part of my body behind Steve. The group was still arguing and El was sat on the couch eating eggos. Steve cleared his throat making the kids look at us, when they saw me they glared, except Will.

Mike stepped up "What the hell, why is she here?" He pointed at me and acted like just speaking of me was the most disgusting thing in the world, my chest hurt as a lump got stuck in my throat. Steve stood tall "she's here so you guys can talk" he ordered.

The kids started arguing with Steve while Will stared at me, I had a weird gut feeling about him like he knew something I didn't. Nancy and Johnathan joined in arguing about how I shouldn't be here "she's not apart of the group" Lucas snarled folding his arms "she said we were freaks" Dusty threw his hands up "but you don't know why she said it" Steve countered "...guys.." My quiet voice was no match for the astronomical voices enveloping the room "because she doesn't like us" Max held a frown.

That was a lie but I didn't need them to be hurt "..guys" my voice raised "she's not welcome here" Mike spat, twisting my heart, it hurt tremendously I heard through arguing Will's small voice "guys" he was wide eyed looking around then I noticed looking up that the lights kept flickering, it wasn't noticeable since it was so fast but if you really paid attention you would notice it.

I thought it was ELEVEN, looking over at her she was staring right back at me a weird look I've never seen on her face, not anger or sadness but.....fear. The voices got louder and so did the pounding headache in my head.

Steve grabbed me from behind and ushered me foward so they could see me full "now talk" he pointed with a hand on his hip "no" Lucas argued "we don't talk to traitors" Mike glared at me, I felt like crying the way he looked at me, their was no friendliness, love or anything it's like I wasn't even human to him.

I was in a weak circle of screamed and yelling "guys stop" I put my arms out slightly, but they didn't hear me, the loud volume made me remember my uncle when he would hit me, kick me, beat me. And that night.

I started shaking from fear of what he would do to me if I got back late due to this "she's nothing but a crybaby" Lucas pushed me "Lucas don't push her" Steve pointed at him. My hands were shaking "guys stop" my voice was louder but not loud enough to get their attention "why don't you let her explain?" Steve basically begged throwing his hands up "stop" my voice wavered, I was getting upset.

They are arguing and breaking friendships because of me "she has nothing to explain, she a dirty no good person" Max glared at Steve like his question was the stupidest thing in the world "guys stop" my voice was louder and more stern than pleading "just take her back to her trash home, with her uncle, they make the perfect pair, both let downs" Mike hit a nerve deep in my shit, my anger boiled over "I SAID STOP" I screamed.

Just then as if there was a force field around me everyone was thrown back harshly hitting either the ground or an object in their way. I thought it was ELEVEN until I looked over and saw she flew back too.

I looked down at my shaking hands to see some sort of weird mist. I was scared, I didn't know what the hell was going on. Everyone looked at me as I was the only one standing at that moment. Will looked scared but like he found something he was looking for.

Everyone either looked surprised or scared. When I stopped at ELEVEN she looked terrified, even she knew that I was nothing she's ever seen before, even though she had powers. Stumbling back, I grabbed onto the railing of the stairs and rushed up the steps, out of the house hearing my name being called behind me.

Running out I saw it was night shit, how long was I down there? He's gonna kill me running my way home, I tried to come up with an explanation for what just happened, I couldn't come up with anything that made sense. But I knew one thing for certain, that's not the last time the group would try to talk to me.

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