《Bonnie Bennett Reborn | TVD》01 | Death


A tear slips down my cheek as the credits roll down the screen and I finish my favorite show. You'd think after watching it at least 3 times I would have gotten over it by now. But no, I'm not sure that's even possible.

I grab a tissue and blow my nose before tossing it into the trash in my room.

"Kobe." I whisper tiredly as I sink the shot.

I click off of The Vampire Diaries on my Netflix account and move onto The Originals next to continue my awful Binge Watching Shows Disorder (BWSD).

Did I just make that up?


I fall asleep with the show on in the background. The soothing sounds of snapping necks and hot accents pulling me into a deep deep sleep.


The next day I'm walking home from school through a shortcut I found with my older sister. It's a little shady but it's ten minutes faster so it's worth it. I would drive, I mean I have a license but I don't have a car. I could barely afford the Driver's Ed classes, let alone a car of my own.


I come to an abrupt stop as my blood runs cold and my hands begin to shake.


They aren't a ways away either. Their close, too close.

I can't determine their exact location away from me but decide to rush down the path home, my pace quickened to a speed walk.

But as I pass through, I hear voices.

"Fuck man, why'd you shoot?" I hear a man say. "If someone sees this shit, you know how much trouble we'd be in?"

"Fuck." He huffs.

I stop and turn around to leave but...


I look down to see a broken stick under my sneaker.


"Shit." I whisper.

"Hey, who's there?!" The man yells.

I hear loud footsteps and I take off running.

I'm fast but I hear the guns shoot with loud bangs and I know damn well I can't outrun bullets.

"Stop where you are!"

I run in a zig zag, trying to get away but am hit with a horrible pain in my left calf as a bullet hits me and I stumble to the ground.

I breath raggedly as I try to stand, only for the men to reach me and kick me to the ground.

"Fucker." He places his muddy boot on my shoulder, forcing me to my back. "You really shouldn't have ran."

"I- please don't kill me. Please." I cry.

"Too fucking late, dumbass." He lifts his gun to point at my head and with one last bang, my world goes black.


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