《Boundless [COMPLETED]》XIV


I wasn't very pleased when I woke up to an email from Mr Brown telling me to head over to Ev & Co. for the day. He said it would be the last time he asks me to go there since the replacement was going to start working there the day after. I decided to cooperate because he promised it would be the last time. However, I wasn't ready to face him again after what happened yesterday.

It became so clear to me that we can't stay in the same room for more than 5 minutes without us fighting. I, of course, get where he's coming from. We didn't exactly depart on good terms and I shouldn't be expecting him to put it all behind without holding a single grain of grudge.

Which brings us to where I'm standing right now- which is right outside Damian Everson's office, trying to come up with as many excuses as possible on to why I shouldn't just turn around and leave.

I inhaled before I knocked on the door.

"Come in," came his response from inside. Immediately, I opened the door and walked in before I changed my mind. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of me.

"Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, it will be the last time you see me here. Mr Brown insisted that I come today since the replacement won't be arriving until tomorrow."

"Then I don't need anyone's help for today. I can manage alone."

"I can't just go against his wishes," I answered begrudgingly. I was not in the mood to argue with anyone today after what happened with Ava yesterday. When I first saw the email from Mr Brown, I thought it would be something related to the argument I had with his daughter. Then again, we had our fair share of arguments before and he was never involved. Though this was the biggest one yet.


"Curse the day my tongue slipped and I told him about my secretary," I heard Damian mumble to himself which made me stifle a laugh as I left his office to my desk outside.

* * *

I rubbed my eyes and temple as I tried my best to focus on the papers in front of me. I received calls here and there, and the more the time passed, the worse my headache got so I decided to get up and pour myself some coffee.

I am not a coffee enthusiast at all. If anything, I am far from that. I don't like coffee but drastic times call for drastic measures and this was one of those moments. I barely got a wink of sleep yesterday because of the consistent thinking that my brain decided to do in the middle of the night. I managed to catch a glimpse of sleep before my alarm clock went off around 30 minutes later.

With 2 coffees in hand, I walked into Damian's office and put his black coffee on his desk. He glanced up at me with a raised brow as though to say "what are you doing?"

I shrugged.

"I was bored."

"You never drink coffee."

"Yeah, I was tired."

His gaze lingered on me for a second before he moved his eyes back to his work. I took a seat on the sofa across from his desk.

"So, what are you up to?" I asked.

"I'm working," he answered. I hummed in response as I sat my coffee on the table. He was so engrossed in his work as I moved my eyes around his office once again.

I could feel my consciousness leaving me as I slowly drifted away to sleep with one thought on my mind.


I definitely need to know where he got this sofa from.

* * *

I jolted up from sleep as I realized that I have slept most of today when I was supposed to be working. I quickly stood up, making the suit jacket draped over me begin to slip to the ground. I immediately grasped it with my hand and adjusted it over me.


I raised my head and looked at Damian who was in only his white button up shirt still working on his computer.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. What do I do now? Do you need help?" I asked frantically.

He narrowed his eyes.

"I told you I could manage by myself."

"I know you can, it's just.. I didn't come here to fall asleep," I groaned.

He sighed.

"That's okay, you were tired. You can head home now. It's late," he said and I looked at the clock only to see it read 10 pm.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"You looked like you needed it."

I didn't say anything and slowly nodded.

"Thank you. Good night," I said as I turned around to leave.

"Wait," he said as he stood up, "I'll drive you home."

"No, that's okay. I drove here," I immediately replied.

"I'll walk you to your car then."

The journey to my car was very quiet. Not a single word was exchanged between us but I can't exactly say the silence was uncomfortable. This was the most civil we've been towards each other in a while.

"Thank you," I said once again as we stood in front of my car. I removed the jacket draped over me and gave it to him.

"And thank you for this too," I smiled.

He ruffled his hair.

"It wasn't me."

"Yeah?" I raised a brow.

"I just felt hot and threw it only for it to land on you."

I rolled my eyes but failed to stop my lip from quirking up.

"Whatever, thank you anyway," I voiced before I entered my car and drove away, all the while watching him look at my departure through the rear view.

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