《Boundless [COMPLETED]》IX


I lied in bed and turned left and right, unable to get a wink of sleep. I hate whenever that happens. All the thoughts in the world suddenly decide to ambush my brain whenever I want to rest into my dreams. I even surfed through the Internet to find out how to fall asleep but to no avail.

I looked down at the lonely bed I'm sat on and felt a sudden emptiness in my heart.


I huffed in bed and cursed my brain for not shutting down when I clearly kindly asked it to. I looked at my husband, his angelic face shining under the dim light entering through the slightly ajar door. My eyes moved towards the clock and almost bulged out of their sockets. It was 4 am and I had an exam 4 hours from then. I really wanted to at least be able to sleep and rest so that I ensure my brain works well. I sighed before I sat up and walked over to the study table. I turned the table lamp on and made sure that the light source did not disrupt my husband's sleep. He was occupied with work for the past few weeks that I barely saw him resting so I was glad he finally had the time to sleep. I opened my books and started revising for the last time for my test in 4 hours. I could feel my energy wearing off with every passing second but I knew that trying to fall asleep would be futile so I sat still and read the words in my book over and over again. My brain was in a fizz, making an involuntary groan erupt out of me which startled me and made me turn around to ensure that Damian was left undisturbed. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized that he didn't hear me- even though he was a really light sleeper- proving that he was indeed very tired. Finally, I decided that I had enough and shut my books close. I turned off the lamp and stood up, only to let out a surprised yelp when I suddenly felt my feet getting lifted off the ground and myself being cradled in very familiar arms.


"Did I wake you up?" I asked quietly as he tucked me in the bed before joining me in.

"You're not as quiet as you may think you are," he responded, making me groan and jokingly slap his arm.

"So. Why is my little nerd still awake at 4:20 in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep," I uttered before I turned around in the bed, making my back face him. His arms wrapped around my waist and I felt myself being pulled closer to his chest.

"You could've just woken me up if you were so bored to the point where you started studying," he said as his fingers slowly started running through my hair. I closed my eyes in satisfaction.

"I would never. You finally looked like you were resting after a very long time," I muttered as I turned back around to face him. He smiled and I felt the butterflies in my stomach get even more energetic.

Oh he's so perfect.

"I'm always resting when I'm with you though, aren't I?" he leaned in closer and gave me a peck in the corner of my mouth, "now sleep," he demanded as his fingers massaged the center of my forehead. That was always his tactic to get me to sleep and it never failed to work. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to droop and sleep finally consuming me. The last thing I remember was him lying back down after pecking my forehead and tightening his arms around me.

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