《Bad Things》Chapter Fourteen- I hope you fall into a thorn bush


"Hello?" I answer the phone, Jake still on top of me.

"Hi, Alicia. I'm so sorry to wake you up, but do you have any idea where my son is? It's half past three in the morning and Jake is usually home by now," Jake's mom asks on the other end of the line.

"Um, Jake...?" I say into the phone. Jake watches me curiously and then he grins and leans down to my neck.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just asking you because you seem to be friends with Jake. He doesn't talk about his friends a lot but he talks about you all the time, and so I just thought I'd ask," she explains.

Jake bites my neck and I gasp, quickly clearing my throat to seem more 'normal'. "Um, Jake is-"

Jake grabs my phone and puts it against his ear. "Hey mom, I'm with Ali. Don't worry, I'm okay," he says. My eyes widen. What will she think of me now? She will think I've been with Jake the entire night.

What would we be doing together at this time?

He ends the call and puts my phone on the bed side table, then he moves off me and turns to lie next to me on my bed.

"I'm glad we stopped. We were about to make a huge mistake again," he states.

I nod and sigh. After a few seconds of silence, "Wait, again?" I ask, looking at Jake.

"Yeah, I lost my virginity to you..." he states and then gets excited. "But guess what. Yesterday I fucked Candace."

I freeze, holding my breath. Did I hear him right? Did he just say he has sex with Candace?

"You..." I sit up, leaning against my headboard, and look down at him. I stop talking, not knowing what to say.


"Yeah, I think she really liked it. She wouldn't stop moaning. She actually messaged me and said she wants to do it again. It's perfect, that way she will want more but she won't get it. She'll want me more. This is going to be great," he explains his 'plan' to me. He works fast. How did he already get her into bed? She's usually picky about the people she fucks.

I nod, frowning. "Yeah, awesome..." I whisper. He said that he thought having sex with me was a mistake but he is glad he had sex with Candace.


"Okay, you can go now," I say and nod, pointing to the window. "My parents are here so you're not going down again or they might catch you."

I hope you fall into a thorn bush.

"I don't want to go. We're friends, right? My mom thinks you're a good girl so I'm allowed to stay here for as long as I want." He sits up next to me and his shoulders brush against mine. I shift away from him.

"No. We're not friends, Jake. I don't want to be friends with someone like you. You can go be best buddies with Candace." I roll my eyes. There's this numb feeling in my heart and it is making me feel really uncomfortable.

I had sex with Jake and that's it. He came to my school and I showed him around, then he found my USB and I have to do what he says to keep my dignity. That's all he is: a useless killer that's blackmailing me.

The only reason he is bearable is because his mom makes good cookies, but now I don't think that's worth the friendship. I really don't feel like talking to him. He can fuck whoever, but Candace... The fact that he gave Candace pleasure...


I shiver in disgust at the thought. "You're jealous," Jake says and laughs.

"Not even close." My dad has been inside her, and now Jake has too. "Get out. Get out of my room."

"What? Alicia-"

"Get the fuck out of my room!" I shout.

Ew. How could I have even thought maybe we could be friends. I will never think anything of Jake again. Not after this. All we are now is acquaintances, at best.

"I'm sorry? Wait, but just hear me out..." he says slowly. I fold my arms and let him talk. "The deal was to get her to fall in love with me, right? If the sex is good anyone would want more. I'm going to get her to want me, but I first had to completely get her attention. Now that I have it, I can con her into going out with me and then she'll just fall for my charming personality," he says and winks.

I roll my eyes, not saying a word. I told him to get out of my room and that's all I have to say to him. I'll get over the disgusting fact that he fucked Candace but right now I don't see the need to talk to him. We're not friends, so I'm not wasting time on him when I don't need to.

"What about if I get you a date with Asher by tomorrow night. Then will you stop hating me?" Jake says.

My eyes snap up to meet his, and immediately my attention is all on him. "By tomorrow?" I laugh. "He hardly knows me and you think he is going to just say okay to a date with me? Asher can get any girl he wants. He won't want... Well, me."

"If I manage do it, you have to come with me to some stupid quinceañera. I can't take Candace to this shit because my uncle's wife is Mexican and her daughter is having the quinceañera, and basically my family is so embarrassing that if I take Candace she won't even think about an actual date. My uncle says I have to bring a date." He grins at me, tugging at the black jacket he has on.

"Take that guy... Ace? He is a close friend. Just pretend you're gay. Maybe after you can go kill more people," I say and grin back at him.

He sighs and stands up. "A date by tomorrow and you're coming with me." He pushes open the sliding doors, causing the cold to seep into my bedroom.

"Fine," I agree.

He gains and walks out, onto the balcony. "Goodnight, midget." He slams the doors closed and walks away.

Fuck. Did I just agree to a date with Jake?


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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