《Fate/Apocrypha》Chapter 3.4
Gordes gnashed his teeth as he watched over the death-match between the Saber of the Black and the Lancer of the Red. There was no chance for him to use his thaumaturgy - the opposing Master wasn't even at the scene.
But what most displeased him was the fact that his Saber - the great hero Siegfried, the most powerful of Sabers who can ignore any attack below B-rank - was not winning.
Even Saber can not entirely defend against Lancer's assault. He must seek her aid.
"O Ruler, I beg of you. At the least, teach us his true name - "
"I cannot. That would against my position as a neutral Servant."
Ruler replied sharply. Gordes doggedly continued.
"But he tried to kill you! If the Servant of Black were to fall here, you would become his target again. We must - "
"As I have said before, that has nothing to do with it. I was summoned as Ruler - I cannot allow my personal matters to foul the battle between them."
Gordes' impatience resurfaced. They were watching, of course they were - Darnic and the others, through Caster's remote viewing thaumaturgy and familiars.
They were watching him, the fool of a Master who can only stand there frozen by the utterly dominating presence of two mere Servants, unable to give any commands or support with any craft.
This is preposterous! Are we not fighting the Holy Grail War? Is it not supposed to be ultimate competition of thaumaturgy decided between two Masters and Servants? Where is the enemy Master? Why is he not here? Does he fear for his life? Come out and let me defeat you! I shall destroy you!
"Show yourself, Master of the Red! Let Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia see how a dog of the Association measures! You are watching this, are you not? Are you not?!"
There was no response. No one paid him any attention - not his own Servant, not even Lancer or Ruler.
The sensation of being left behind led Gordes to feel something he had not felt in a long time - embarrassment, and shame.
-- I must do something.
-- I must have the power to do something.
-- I do. Yes, I do, right at my side.
Gordes looked at the back of his right hand. Yes, the proof that he was a Master was right there - the bond between him and his Servant, the Command Spells which were carved out by enormous stores of prana.
That's right - use this Command Spell, and the Servant is effortlessly placed under his control. Gordes mustn't forget that his Servant is not a hero. He is nothing more than a puppet.
He cannot allow himself to do nothing but watch his Servant fight with blank amazement. As a Master, ought he not find victory through skill of craft and calm judgement?
However, even Gordes was calm enough to recognize that the present situation was not one he could interfere with. Perhaps it is better to say he was simply too intimidated.
Lancer's every thrust was like cannon fire, throwing out roaring gusts.
Saber's golden sword slashed the wind and cleaved the dark.
Every attack was met by its opposite, entwining together and scattering into sparks. The pinnacles of swordsmen and spearmen continued their struggle for dominance.
The superiority of Lancer's technique exceeded Saber's by a slight degree, but Saber was tougher in body. All things considered, they were more or less an even match in strength. A moment's carelessness could lead to a pierced heart or severed head.
Anyone would be hard-pressed to tell who had the upper hand, but there was the matter of Gordes. Due to the healing thaumaturgy of his Master, Saber could always recover from damage. However, Lancer's own ability to recover was also considerable, even by himself. He must be powerfully bound to his Master and supplied by substantial prana.
The clang of clashing steel rang out for over the ten thousandth time.
They were covered by over a thousand light, recovering wounds.
Finally, both knights stopped, but not from fatigue. For these matchless heroes, even three days' worth of fighting would not exhaust them. But time waits for no man - and the pitch-black sky was becoming a gloomy dark blue.
In fact, several hours had passed since they first began. Neither had used their Noble Phantasms - neither had even the chance to utter their true names.
"At this rate, we will be fighting under the sun, though that's of little concern to me. What of you and your wearied Master?"
Saber put away his sword, silent to the end. Gordes tried to say something but the words could not come. Crushed by the wills of the duelling men, he instinctively knew that there was no place for someone like him to open his mouth.
After some slight hesitation, Saber -- bound to silence by his Master -- also decided to speak.
"I dare to hope that our next meeting will allow us to do battle to our heart's content."
There was a curious earnestness to his words. The Lancer of the Red, Karna, knew nothing of what was behind Siegfried's brilliant epic. However, something in those ringing words made an impression on him. With a slight nod, Lancer showed his assent - it was also what he himself secretly wanted, after all.
To call it a promise or oath would be an overstatement. Both understood and saw the other as an enemy Servant. But that was all the more reason for them to share this feeling.
"I must say... luck has been on my side. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that the first of my battles was with you, Saber of the Black."
Words of approval from Lancer were beyond any prize. Between them was the bond that existed between warriors - an almost innocent, adolescent hope that each would only be felled by the other's arm.
"Farewell, Saber."
Saber saw him off without a word. Abruptly, Lancer turned into Spirit Form and disappeared. The sky began to turn a light violet, signalling daybreak.
"...A splendid battle. As one would expect from the greatest hero of Germany."
Saber nodded quietly to Ruler's praise.
Gordes was glaring at Saber for momentarily speaking on his own accord, but pulled himself together and turned to face Ruler once again.
"O Ruler, would you come with us now? If you wish to continue surveying the war in Trifas, I can assure you that the Fortress of Millennia will be most welcoming of a guest such as - "
"I must decline. That would go against my impartiality. You need not worry for me - my powers of detection are many, many times beyond a normal Servant. I will be able to make my own way to any battle occurring within Trifas."
Ruler curtly refused. This Great Holy Grail War was an unprecedented clash of two forces - under no circumstances should she appear to support one side.
"...We're leaving, Saber."
It was clear from the unhappiness in Gordes' tone of voice that it was his objective from the start to secure Ruler, but his plans were thrown into chaos by Lancer. And even if his Saber could forcibly restrain Ruler, he was out of time. Gordes was a magus, after all. He would never be so foolish as to fight with a Servant in broad daylight.
With Saber in Spirit Form, Gordes turned his back on Ruler - his shoulders trembling in shame.
With Gordes gone, Ruler once again looked upon the traces of destruction wrought by the two men. There was no sense, no order and no direction in the destruction - proof that it was not caused by malicious intent, but was simply the aftermath of the duel proper. Yes... the cloven highway sign and the crater in the ground, looking like the impact of a meteorite, came about simply from the shock waves of the battle.
Thansk goodness this wasn't a bridge, Ruler thought. It would have buckled under them and they might have brought it down completely. It would not kill a Servant, but the reconstruction would require a very long time. That would be rather regretful.
In any case, the battle between the Saber of the Black and the Lancer of the Red had come to a draw. Neither had suffered a severe wound or expended a great amount of energy. It was only a scuffle - nothing more than a skirmish.
And yet a simple skirmish had led to such a scene.
From now on, the war will only intensify, and some Servants and Masters will likely attempt to break out from the framework. Was that what she - Servant Ruler, Jeanne d'Arc - had been summoned to watch out for?
Unsure, she could neither deny the possibility nor believe in it completely. Rumblings from within told her that something was amiss in this 'Great Holy Grail War'.
"...It's no help thinking about it now. I can only try my best."
Ruler told herself, tightening her fists. Then, feeling somewhat embarrassed to be standing in full battle dress in the morning light, she hurriedly released the magically woven armor and changed back to her normal clothes.
Under the faintly violet sky, the girl returned to the road, picked up her bag and began walking slowly towards Trifas.
Sword of Ending [German]
Disclaimer: German Version (!) - for the english version: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19997/sword-of-ending-english. This version is also not proofread and of lesser quality. It serves mostly as a template for translation. Release Date will be once a week at least. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ollowyn’s Leben begann nicht wie jedes andere. Geboren mit schlohweißem Haar wurde er gemäß alter Traditionen als Neugeborenes im Wald ausgesetzt. Dem Willen der Götter überlassen wartete das hilflose Kind auf den Tod. Doch die Götter zeigten Erbarmen. Ein Wolfswelpe, kaum älter als einige Tage, stolperte verirrt über Ollowyn. Halb erfroren und tief müde kauerte es sich an seinen warmen Körper. Als es nur Stunden später von seiner Mutter gefunden wurde, roch Ollowyn bereits wie einer der ihren. Adoptiert und umsorgt wuchs Ollowyn unter Wölfen auf. Er lernte nach den Regeln des Rudels zu leben, und kämpfte stets darum zu überleben. Mit den Jahren wurde er stärker als seine Brüder und Schwestern, jagte mit anderen Mitteln. Doch trotz tiefer Liebe für seine Familie, stellte er mehr und mehr fest anders zu sein. Er besaß kein Fell, keine Klauen und so sehr er es auch versuchte, seine Reißzähne würden nie Beute schlagen. Was machte ihn anders? Der Drang nach Antworten wuchs mit jedem Tag, bis er im Alter von sieben Jahren schließlich aufbrach um Antworten zu suchen. Doch nach tagelanger Suche und durchdringenden Hunger brach er schließlich auf einer Straße zusammen...
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