《White Wolf Legacy {Book One}》Revelations
Shit... shit... shit ... fuck, bollocks and balls!
Can this situation get any worse?
Yes it can.
It can get a lot worse!
Beta Mathew had a complete "WHAT THE FUCK" moment and he angled his body slightly to look between the raging Alpha in front of him and his 'Luna' he had huddled behind him. He was obviously looking for the similarities between us as evidence of kin and keiron's body was as still as a rock. Still processing our fathers outburst no doubt. The only rapid movement to be spotted was his eyeballs which flickered between our father and me. Before long, his shock had turned to something more sour and his once playful glance in my direction held elements of disgust in there as he scanned me from head to toe, noticing all of my flaws it would seem. Something I was used to seeing from my pack members over the years, but having the glare directed from him, my brother, was even worse. Scathing looks from anyone else was fine, but this one cut deep. His movements slowly returned to him as he turned towards his Alpha. His voice was low and threatening.
"You cheated on Mom"?
You could have cut the tension with a knife and even Beta Matthew reached behind him to encase a vice like grip on my arm. With two Alpha's in the room, one being my father and the other my brother, an Alpha to be, it was clear at this stage that things could go south quite quickly. Alpha kiron however was not fazed by his son's question in the slightest. In fact, he offered no explanation whatsoever which only angered Kieron even more. It was clear that he felt totally dismissed and ignored by our father. Welcome to club pal!
The only things which captured my fathers attention was Matthew's warning to him to not lay a hand on me. I decided it was probably a good idea to step in and defuse the situation before things got out of hand. I side stepped around Matthew and my mouth barely formed any words before I was cut off..
"I wasnt speaking to you shewolf"! Kieron spat.
My eyeballs rounded in shock at his curt response. I was dragged behind the Beta again and Matthew seemed to have taken keiron's remark as a personal affront.
"Watch how you speak to my Luna pup"!
My father was next "Watch your mouth Keiron and don't speak to my son that way either, Beta. Remember who's camp you're trespassing in"!
"Any verbal or physical slight to our Luna is a direct insult to my Alpha and the whole of RedFang. Something of which I'll have to report to him directly"! Said Matthew in that monotone robotic voice of his. The moto "snitches get stitches" came to mind and I tried not to laugh behind him. I rolled my eyes and huffed when I thought about all of the 'Insults' I had endured from 'his' Alpha and 'his' wish to now control my every movement in sending me a baby sitter. The absolute audacity of the man! I could barely think of him without abhorrence. He didn't want me but he had to have eyes on me?
The fuck?
I threw a glare at Matthew's back.
I swear, if there was a book on being a Beta he's fucking read it!
"What kind of Alpha allows his pregnant Mate to leave his side in the first place? He's not worthy of being an Alpha". Alpha Kiron rolled his shoulders and I could tell a fight was brewing as Matthew did not appear to be backing down. Although he did seem momentarily taken back by my fathers revelation of my "semi secret Pregnancy".
I thought that was a little harsh considering Demitri knew nothing about the pregnancy. Hell! I didn't even know until a few hours ago either. Kieron looked towards my stomach and sneered.
"What kind of father cheats on his mate and has an illegitimate bastard with another shewolf. And it looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree either if Alpha Demitri is also having to track her down".
Wooooww! Hang on a minute!
"Don't be silly, he's family"! I reminded her.
"I can handle this turnip". I told her and sent him a cold glare which he only returned in earnest.
"How dare you speak ill of my Alpha when your own back yard obviously needs a good triming" said Matthew whilst gesturing towards Kieron and myself. Pointing out what a disaster this reunion was turning out to be.
I couldnt lie, he had a point. My Father was not exactly a model werewolf now was he? Mathew was glaring at my father, my father glared at him and Kieron glared at us all.
"So I take it your here to slither your way into this pack and challenge me for my position as future Alpha"? Kieron challenged as his eyes scanned mine.
Matthew went to speak on my behalf again and I pulled my arm out of his grip and stepped away. It's time to nip this in the bud.
Looking towards Mathew first, then Keiron and then my father I said....
"YOU calm down, YOU shut the fuck up! And YOU....have a lot of explaining to do"!
Alpha Kiron took a deep breath and nodded. He turned towards Kieron first
"Go and wait outside Kieron and I'll speak with you later. You cannot comment on things you have no knowledge of... Oh! And apologise to your sister on the way out"
He huffed out as he proceeded to rub his temples with the stress of it all. Keiron looked completely astounded by our Fathers rebuttal. He threw his hands up and swung around on his heel towards the exit. Not before stopping to throw one final verbal dagger my way..
"Dont ever call me your brother"!
Matthew tensed in preparation to attack but I put my hand on his shoulder, preventing him as Keiron's back faded out of view, leaving the three of us in an awkward silence.
"I apologise Violet. Stubbornness runs deep within the male line of this family".
Matthew snorted and I cut him off with a glare. It was clear that he thought it ran within the 'female' side of my family too. He quickly schooled his face when I raised an eyebrow and he bowed his head in respect to me. Right now, I could not find any of this funny. It was one major shit show. I want no one to find out who I am and they do. I want no one to discover im pregnant and they do. Oh, and I also want to be left the fuck alone and completely cut off all connections with RedFang pack.
But do you think I can?
Just when I think I can get away, I keep getting dragged back in. I knew one thing with certainty. I needed to tell Beta Matthew to keep his mouth shut. If he informs Dimitri, well, to be honest I have no idea how he would react. After all... he quite obviously used me for 'fucking' as he called it and pissed off. He had a mate he wants and that's fine. But he cannot dictate my life and get his own way in the process. Oooohhhh no! That all ends today.
"Matthew" I said.
"Luna" he replied.
"Do not speak for me ever again. I am not a weak wolf and refuse to have anyone fight my battles for me".
"It is a Beta's duty to protect the pack and its Luna".
"Indeed it is, but I am not the Luna of RedFang". I said matter of factly.
He smiled.
"Forgive me Luna, but the mark on your necks says otherwise". His eyes looked towards the spot I was marked which I had purposefully been keeping covered with my hair out of shame. I instinctively reach up to touch the mark to only find that my traitorous hair had revealed me. I guess my life today is a complete open book. I sighed.
"You are not to reveal my Preganancy to anyone and that's an order! What does your Alpha want with me and why has he sent you here".
"For your protection. We housed survivors and refugees from Bloodstone pack and when my Alpha heard of their downfall he sent me here to take care of you and return you to him".
"Return me"? My hackles raised and he visibly looked shaken at his choice of words as he back tracked.
"I meant that he wants me to bring you home, so that you can be safe".
I could see that he looked confused as to why I would want my pregnancy to remain secret but he didn't challenge me on it. My father watched this exchange with subtle amusement. He leant against his desk and observed mine and the Beta's discussion with renewed vigour. It seemed that his headache had disappeared.
"I have no home. And when you say 'survivors'..."?
My mind lingered on the word and my suspicions came to the forefront. Please don't tell me its happening all over again.
"I mean Luna, that I believe our pack is in peril. We took in a few strays who said that they were pack members of Bloodstone pack".
I reached up to touch my stomach and I instantly thought of Anya and Noah. My eyes glazed over...
It can't be!
"I myself have seen the only survivors of the Bloodstone attack and they currently reside in this camp as refugees". I stated.
He nodded.
"Yes Luna I know. The survivors were siblings or so they say..."
I swayed and he caught my arm to stop me from falling. The blood rushed to my head as my father righted himself to take a hold of my other arm. Steadying me.
"They have a young girl with them".. my eyes teared up.
"They said that during their escape the Beta of Bloodstone Pack had turned Rogue and caught them. During their imprisonment the Beta cut out the young girls tongue and betrayed his Alpha".
My blood boiled as my head snapped towards Beta Matthew in rage.
He held up a hand to stop my protest...
"I came across the Beta a couple of miles north west of here. We clarified the situation and he explained to me what had transpired in Bloodstone".
My father looked confused as the Beta and I exchanged a look of knowing.
"That is why I need you to return with me Luna. We have a messenger who will inform the Alpha of who the traitors really are. Hopefully we will be able to take revenge and put a stop to their plans in taking down RedFang aswell".
I thought quietly for a few moments.
"Who will tell Dimitri of the siblings betrayal"?
Beta Matthew's once concerned expression turned stoic as he gave me a chilled look and seemed to be searching my eyes for something.
"Beta Alec". He said.
I stopped breathing.
"He's alive"? I asked hopeful.
Beta Matthew made a 'tsk' sound and I furrowed my eyebrows. What's with that?
"Can someone please explain to me what is going on here"? Asked Alpha Kiron.
I delved into the whole drama of what happened during my time in Alpha Liam's pack and my father was shocked and outraged with what had taken place. How easy it was for the "Rogue Siblings" to infiltrate and cause distrust amongst the pack. How mine and Anya's relationship had suffered because of it. When I was finished, Beta Matthew looked concerned and worried for what was happening at RedFang at this very moment as we speak. He wanted to be back on pack grounds. Defending our pack. I had to say that he might have been annoying, but he was a trustworthy and loyal wolf. Demitri had no idea how lucky he was to have him. After I too pondered what could be happening a thought struck me. Demitri knows about my history with Alec.
I bit my lip. What would Demitri do? And how would he receive Beta Alec if he is still under the impression that he betrayed his own pack and turned Rogue. Knowing how convincing that 'Bitch' Miriam could be I jumped to my feet and dragged my Beta along with me.
"I need you to return to RedFang immediately and let the Alpha know that Beta Alec was not to blame".
He looked down to the place where my hands were holding him and he detached my hands from his shoulders.
"Are you afraid for the Beta's safety or are you in love with him"? His tone was accusing which made me want to force his submission to my wolf.
My father chimmed in
"Enough! You go too far. Violet will be well protected in this camp. You have more than done your duty Beta. You found her and ensured her safety. You should do as Violet suggested and return to the pack to ensure there are no more misunderstandings between Beta Alec and Alpha Demitri. Make sure the "Rogues" are subdued before the Alpha's meeting in two days".
Thankful for his intervention I smiled at my father. Beta Matthew bowed his head and asked the Alpha to take responsibility for my safety. As if I could not defend myself. A cheeky thought sprung to mind...
"Beta, tell your Alpha for me that in future he should not get so emotionally involved with someone he is just 'fucking'. After all, I'm sure your time could have been put to better use than chasing after some piece of 'Ass' for the Alpha" I put as much contempt behind it as possible. I also made sure it was an order so he had no choice but to relay my words to him. Line... by ... line.
My sarcsam didn't just drip but it came in waves and Matthew's face completely crumbled in horror as my father's was one of absolute mortification at my words. Matthew couldn't even look me in the eye as he shuffled from one foot to the other before mumbling his goodbye. When he left, it was just my father and I and it was awkward.
"Problems in paradise"?
"More like hell". I said.
As the silence ensued the massive elephant in the room would now have to be addressed and I was dreading it. Never one for being tactful I decided to break the ice and go first.
"Did you love her"?
"With every fibre of my being" he said truthfully with conviction as he sat down behind his desk ready to confess all as I sat down to join him.
"I was 27 and tired of waiting for my mate. I honestly thought she had died or the Goddess would never bless me with one. So I had agreed with your grandfathers suggestion to pick a 'chosen mate' from my pack who had lost her true mate in battle. She is Luna Skylar, Keiron's mother. We were together a few months when she caught pregnant with Keiron. It was not a love match and never had been. This was before war broke out in the south and my pack was asked to intervene and prevent further bloodshed. To act as a mediator. I was under the impression that it was a civil war taking place in one pack. Half of the pack wanted an Alpha female to rule and the other half wanted 'others' to rule. Whilst I was down there I met your mother. My true mate who was voted as Alpha. Whilst I was there I made a promise to take her as my Luna and she caught pregnant with you".
"You mean my Uncle's who are the current council. They wanted power over my mother and her pack"? I queried.
He looked shocked that I had drawn that conclusion.
"So you know who they are"?
I nodded and began to re tell the vision I had experienced with the Goddess. After I revealed all I knew, he stood abruptly and put his back to me.
"I loved your mother and I sided with her and those who supported her. Within a few months your Uncles raised a rebellion of Rogues that completely over ran your mothers pack and that's why I stayed to protect her people as I told her to run. I told her to go to my Brother's pack for protection...".
I nodded.
"All these years I thought your brother was my father. Why did he and my mother lie to me and why did you never come back for us"?
He turned to face me and I saw the tears streaking down his face.
"Because she thought it would be best for your Uncle's to think she had died and you as well along with her in her escape from her pack. She thought it best to lay low in RedFang and to not further implicate me and my part in the fight with the council and she told me to return to Skylar and our son. She married my brother of that I knew. But the letters stopped coming after 6 years until my brother informed me that both of you had passed away in an accident. Till this day.. I thought both of you were dead".
I stood up and hugged him.
"I forgive you, but Kieron also needs to know this".
My father wiped away his tears.
"I'll speak to him".
When I left the tent my mind wondered to Demitri and Alec....
Would Beta Matthew get there in time? Before one of them killed the other? Either way, starting from tomorrow I would pick up my training again with my father and Trevor. Try to heal the rift between my brother and I and also prepare for a war with the Rogue King.
I was gonna be one busy shewolf. I touched my stomach and made a promise.
"I'll always take care of you little one".
- In Serial744 Chapters
Fields of Gold
She transmigrated into the body of a little girl from a fishing village! Her father is honest and foolishly filial, while her mother is weak and ill. Moreover, her siblings are still young children. Her father was the best fisher in the village and breadwinner of the entire family. However, when he got injured and was on the verge of death, her cruel grandparents and uncle kicked her whole family out. They were hungry and cold with nothing but an empty house…But that’s ok! She has a multicolored stone that can accelerate the growth of crops. She was also an expert at preparing braised meat in her previous life. Just watch as she, an eight year-old girl, challenges the taste buds of people who lived during ancient times. With improved high-yielding crops, she’s going to become the most famous farming expert in the world!
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The 99th Divorce
In her previous lifetime, they had married for five years. He meant everything to her, but she was thrown away like an old shoe. After her rebirth, she gave him a divorce contract preemptively— “Divorce after one year, the terms of the contract are as follows: husband and wife shall not share a room or bed. Intimacy forbidden?” He raised his eyebrow. Who knew that after she got drunk one day, leaning on the headboard, he rested his deep-set eyes on her. “You broke the contract, Mrs, Li.”
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His Angel Aurora ✔️
"Aurora, you and I are not so different. ln fact, our similarities are quite stunning.""Is that why you do this?" A wry laugh slips under his breath, sheer arrogance in the sound of his own personal, fucked up amusement. His ring covered finger rubs along his bottom lip."I guess so." (Arlan is pronounced ARE-LIN).Highest Recognitions!! :#1 in Ruthless (march 9 2021)#1 in Mafia Love#1 in scary (March 13, 2021)#3 in Horror
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❥Kadhal Kanave
The story of two separated hearts!What if a college romance moved away from eachother and came back after years?That's what exactly happened in Arjun & Thara's life.Arjun Prathap,A popular,talented and charming Kollywood Artist infront of the media but hiding all his sorrows behind the screens.He once lost his lady love who came into his life.One day she came back to him,but not ready to believe him.Thara Vishwanathan,A fashion designer and trying to open a fancy restaurant by her own.She met her College sweetheart after years but she doesn't want to go back to him.The destiny made them to meet again!Arjun and Thara met eachother after years but a truth behind their seperation was the not the same they know,its different!What is the reason for their seperation?Did destiny re-united them?Did she accepted him?Let's see what setting has kadavul done for them 💫!
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Mafia in love with Quiet boy [Taekook]
𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ~~"ℋ𝑖𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝒽𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙 " Can a Mafia fall in love with a quiet boy?? .......... If he can, how will the Mafia make him his, & his only??????top Kookbottom TaeMy YouTube channel @RomanceFanatic got deleted... Here you'll find all the parts of this fiction. I did not own any pictures or fanart. The book cover, the story line & idea are mine. Please don't copy the name or the idea & concept or anything related to this story. Thank you
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