《Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 2》P A R T - F I F T E E N
Birds chirped as the sun shone down over Summerland, the lake water sparkled as the wind gently rustled through the trees and rippled the water... Over towards the more rural side of town where flowers were beginning to bloom and the grass was turning greener, Alice woke and sighed quietly, turning over and feeling her nose brush against a warm, smooth surface...
The subtle scent of Magnus's skin sent a warm tingle through her body, and she smiled a little, but kept her eyes closed...
The two were lying close together, almost touching, but still apart. Even whilst asleep you could see the chemistry jumping between them, buzzing like a live wire of electricity sending pleasant signals through the air, moving from one to the other and back... It was quiet for a few more minutes until Alice opened her eyes suddenly, and turned over to look at the time with a surprised expression. "Shit," she hissed quickly, sitting up and scrambling out of bed and hurrying to the bathroom.
Magnus opened his eyes carefully at the commotion, hearing the shower water running before he glanced over to the clock... seeing it just passing ten in the morning. He felt no sense of urgency as he got out of Alice's bed, running his hand through his hair before he walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
"Did you turn my alarm off?" Alice asked in a huff as she stepped out the shower, her hair wet and hanging in a wavy, long mass either side of her face. She grabbed a towel to wrap around herself as she moved over to the sink to quickly brush her teeth.
"No?" Magnus replied, even though he had. He had two free periods that morning, and didn't need to be in school until late... he wanted Alice to be there when he woke up, so he turned off her alarm and didn't think much of it. He watched her intently as she finished brushing her teeth and hurried out of the bathroom in a whirlwind of blonde hair and fluffy white towels.
She'd been avoiding him for most of the previous day, brief conversations before she'd hurry away or not answer his text fast enough. He'd been watching her body language intently since he'd surprised her with his arrival the night before, wondering why she seemed almost reluctant to spend time with him. She seemed pleased to see him, but wary, maybe a little nervous or anxious in his presence, he wasn't entirely sure. "Alice," He murmured, deciding to bring up the topic as he watched her do her make up whilst he pulled on his jeans, having no intention of actually attending school until the afternoon for practice before the game.
"What?" She asked in huff, making a face as she applied her mascara.
"Why did you avoid me yesterday?" He asked, sitting on the edge of her bed and finding it fascinating how quickly and expertly she applied her face.
"Avoid you? I didn't avoid you, I was busy with cheer practice." She replied quickly, closing her eyes as she sprayed her face with setting spray. Magnus stared at her in silence, and she glanced at him in the reflection of her mirror before she stood up and walked over to her wardrobe, thanking herself silently that she'd laid out her outfit the night before... which is when she had been avoiding joining him on the bed since she knew what he'd probably want to initiate.
His silence began to chip away at the barrier she'd placed in her mind, since she'd wanted to stop herself from picking another fight when they'd only just 'made up'. "Fine, I was avoiding you because I was pissed that you dumped and picked me back up again without even talking actually talking to me about it. You just walked in here and made and remade the decisions as if yours is the only one that matters." Alice confessed as she grabbed her hair brush, now fully dressed, and began to drag it through her wet hair.
"Elaborate," Magnus replied simply and Alice sighed angrily.
"I mean you dumped me because I disagreed with the way you behaved, and then you just roll up here after two days when I've already gone through two stages of heart break, drag me, then just say, let's get back together. Like what if I wanted to talk about why you're so against taking constructive criticism?"
"Then why didn't you talk to me about it?" Magnus asked as he stood up and tilted his head slightly. The actions seemed challenging but Alice ignored it and assumed his patience was fragile because he hadn't eaten and just woken up.
"Because you moved on, you moved the subject along and I couldn't see an opportunity to bring it up." She replied, "-and I just didn't have the mental energy to pick another fight with you and have you throw another tantrum and spew some shit to hurt my feelings again."
Magnus stared in silence for a moment before he continued speaking. "So you just avoided me instead," He replied and Alice stared back at him in silence. She could even feel his temper behind his words, and ran her hand through her wet hair and closed her eyes for moment, finding her own patience and shoving it forwards.
"You know what... It's not the right time to talk about this," Alice sighed, speaking after a few moments of silence before she walked away and back into the bathroom to grab her hair dryer.
"Yes it is, because you're gonna go the whole day being pissed off about it until you're ready to talk and it will only make it worse because then I'll be pissed off that you made me wait. As my girlfriend, you're meant to-"
"I didn't say yes, you know." Alice interrupted, her hair dryer poised at the ready by her head. Magnus furrowed his eyebrows with confusion as he watched her from the doorway, he hadn't bothered to put his shirt on yet and had his arms folded, but Alice kept her eyes firmly on his face, refusing to be distracted by his biceps and chest. "I technically didn't say yes to being your girlfriend again." She clarified, glancing over at him with a calm but stern look. Her blue eyes intently focussed on Magnus's golden ones.
He was quiet for a moment or two before he spoke again, "You let me sleep in your bed for two nights." He said in a calmer voice.
"Yeah, I let you. I didn't invite you. Completely different." Alice replied, glancing back to her reflection as she began to blow dry her hair. Magnus could feel his heart beginning to thud inside his chest and her narrowed his eyes briefly. He suddenly walked further into the bathroom and turned off her hairdryer at the plug, earning an angered look from Alice.
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm not trying to say anything, Magnus. I like you a lot, you know that. And you also know that I'll let you get away with certain things because of my feelings for you." She huffed, pausing for a moment before carrying on. "I want to be in a relationship with you, but sometimes it feels like an insult the way you just... do shit and expect me to be okay with it like my opinion of your behaviour, that affects me by the way, doesn't matter." Alice explained, knowing if she didn't explain now he would only pursue the topic until they'd probably have a shouting match when both had lost their temper. "And it hurt a lot the way you just dumped me because I disagreed with you. Like I'm meant to be your little girlfriend or some kind of accessory that's just supposed to nod and smile and be like a fucking pet for your entertainment." Alice spat quietly as she watched him in the reflection of the mirror. "I expected, since you claim your mom raised you as a feminist, you would've at least listened to my view and talked through it with me instead of disregarding it like that."
Magnus moved his head back slightly as he stared at her. "I didn't..." he began as Alice looked away from him and fluffed her hair. "I didn't disregard your view of my behaviour because you're a girl."
"It sure felt like it. Because you act perfectly fine when I agree with you and praise you and encourage you, but as soon as I don't like it - you want to punish me and hurt my feelings. It's not the first time you've done it. You do it with all the girls in your group, I've barely seen you punish any of the boys for bad behaviour apart from Noah but personally I think that's because you're mad that he and I were almost a thing." Alice replied calmly and Magnus narrowed his eyes. "I understand you're the alpha male of your little pack of wolves, or whatever, but if we're going to be in a relationship I'm not going to be your follower. I'm going to be your partner. You don't get to just tell me what my role is, it's always going to be a discussion. And this is going to be the last time I let you hurt me and not do anything back." She continued with an intense look in her eyes before she reached across him and turned her hair dryer back on at the plug with a sharp click.
Magnus watched her quietly, and clenched and unclenched his jaw, his eyes focussed on the profile of Alice's face. "Fine," Magnus agreed, and Alice turned off her hair dryer since she saw his lips move and couldn't hear him. "I said, fine."
"Just fine?" She asked, raising her eyebrows just a little.
"... I'm sorry, and you're right." Magnus replied in a slow voice. He wanted the argument to finish, he didn't want to fight with her anymore... and maybe it was because he knew the more fights they had the less likely it would be that he would actually win any of them because she would learn his tactics. And quietly, like a little voice in the back of his mind, he didn't like it when she was angry at him. She had this look in her eye that almost sounded like a ticking time bomb.
Alice continued to watch him in silence, still not satisfied with his response since it seemed like he was just saying whatever he thought she might want to hear. "Elaborate." She replied bluntly, using his phrase against him. Magnus's lips twitched as he fought the smirk. He could feel a warmth of affection in his chest and leant his lower back against the counter top next to her and folded his arms...
"I say shit to hurt your feelings when you say shit to piss me off. And I do it because I want to, it's a habit and I'm sorry about that... I'll try harder not to be a jerk next time." Magnus explained and Alice inhaled and exhaled deeply but held eye contact. His tone of voice made it seem like he was smug, and Alice could feel her temper beginning to break through the patience she was pushing forwards. "I've been fucking up a lot recently so I guess I'm just on the defence right now and took it out on you, I just thought you'd appreciate the gesture but it was extreme and you're not ready for that, I get it." He continued, with a small shrug. "I'm sorry that I broke it off to hurt you, I didn't want to break up - but the boyfriend comment stung... so... because I upset you for two days, you can take one shot at me now and then it's done."
"One... shot?" Alice asked, tucking her hair behind her ears. She didn't agree with the fact her two days of pain earned her one shot at him.
"Just one," Magnus replied and straightened up. "Make it count." He murmured, having a quiet suspicion about what she would take a shot at. Alice's face was blank and angry, and she felt her lips part to shoot out her one bullet before she could even think about it.
"I think the fact you had a stutter is funny." Alice said bluntly and Magnus felt the sting and ache in his chest as he stared at her in silence. Alice continued to stare back at him, seeing him inhale and exhale slowly as the sting intensified with his urge to snap back at her... but he continued to breathe slowly until it died down a little. "I hope that hurt." Alice spat and Magnus raised his eyebrows with genuine surprise as he glanced at her, seeing the intense look in her eye before she shoved her hair dryer down and walked off.
He followed her out of the bathroom, feeling his heart thudding. "You hope that hurt?" He spat before he could stop himself, seeing Alice pulling her shoes on angrily as she sat on the edge of her bed.
"You left me to stand in the fucking rain all by myself!" Alice shouted suddenly, feeling her temper kick through the wall of patience and grab her by the throat and start shaking all the words she was holding back out. "You waltzed into your fucking mansion after dumping me and left me to stand there in the fucking rain!" she repeated, "I was heartbroken, Magnus! And maybe you will never understand what that means, or what that feels like, but let me tell you it fucking sucks!" She snapped, staring into his eyes so intently that she seemed to pin him where he stood without either of them realising she was doing it. "So yes, I hope that hurt because I want you to feel that pain so maybe you will understand what I had to experience." She continued in a calmer voice but she could still feel her heart thudding angrily in her chest.
"I went for the jugular because I wanted you to know how it felt to be hurt by someone you care about." she explained in a quieter voice, the sound of it like silk against the skin now. She took a couple short breaths before continuing talking. "I understand why you say nasty things when I offend you, but maybe in the future we can just take a second, maybe walk it off, instead of wanting to hurt each other like this. I will never be your enemy, okay? But that doesn't mean you can insult me or my intelligence, or take advantage of my feelings for you. Because I will survive without you, I can survive you because I have been through worse than heartbreak and you know that." She stared into his eyes, and he stared back, unable to look away. "Don't underestimate your importance to me, Magnus. But don't overestimate how quickly I will get the fuck over you because at the end of the day? You're just a boy."
Alice left without saying anything else, grabbing her bag and walking out of her room whilst using one hand to text an Uber to come and pick her up, assuming Magnus wouldn't want to drive her to school. He stayed silent, the sharpness of her words still hanging in the air in front of him, leaving the intensity of her anger in the room for him to keep looking at as if she was still there. He cleared his throat, feeling a strange sensation travel down his back... and glanced at his arms, seeing the hairs raising as if to stand to attention out of sheer respect.
He began to smile, as if the void had raised its head at the sight of a confrontation... but this time it wasn't because of a threat, but because it was beginning to smell the warm, welcoming, scent of a familiar. Magnus knew he'd pushed her too far this time, on top of everything else that had happened in her life he realised now that all he had done was kick her when she was down when he should've been the one to make sure she was protected. He knew what he had to do, but knew he had to give her time to cool off too...
* * *
Inside the boys locker rooms the smell of faint cologne, soapy deodorant and excitement collected in the air, music played from the speakers positioned in someone's locker and Magnus stood running his hands through his hair to push it back out of his face as his friends and team mates gathered around him talking animatedly about the up and coming game that was fast approaching. "I'm surprised Penticton haven't pulled a prank on us yet." Charlie said as he sprayed deodorant across his body, walking into the group of his friends.
"They're not very smart over there, it might take them a minute to think of one," Trey replied, earning a round of laughs as he grinned and basked in the indirect praise for his joke. He glanced towards Magnus as the mimicking of Petincton High began, and wondered why he seemed distracted as he looked down at this phone, still only half dressed, without his shirt on. "You okay man?" He asked, moving closer to Magnus so that the other's wouldn't hear.
"Why?" Magnus replied bluntly, not looking up as Trey glanced down at his phone and saw him sending another message to Alice since she hadn't replied to the previous one.
"You're quiet." Trey replied, causing Magnus to look up at him with a blank look. "...I mean like quieter than usual."
Magnus watched Trey for a few seconds in silence, feeling the urge to talk about what was happening in his life rising... which felt strange for him. "She's pissed at me." He said without thinking more about it. "Like... really pissed."
"What happened?" Trey asked, ignoring his first instinct to ask what Magnus did to piss off Alice.
"I broke up with her-" Magnus began and Trey widened his eyes instinctively, "- then we got back together, or not, I don't know. She didn't say yes. But she's mad that I didn't listen to her and that I acted out and didn't want to discuss how my behaviour affects her. So... And now she won't reply to my texts."
"Damn." Trey murmured, "Uh... maybe she's prepping with her team and not with her phone?" Trey suggested as Charlie approached, seeing the two talking and growing curious. Magnus noticed how Trey didn't comment on his behaviour, and took it as a sign that he was almost definitely in the wrong.
"What's happening?" Charlie asked, placing his hands on his hips.
"Alice is mad at Magnus for dumping her," Trey explained, causing Magnus to widen his eyes now angrily.
"You dumped Alice?" Charlie gasped quietly, "Bro, why? I thought things were good?"
"They are-"Magnus tried to say but Trey spoke across him.
"She's pissed because he won't listen to her," Trey explained and Magnus threw his hands up and turned away, throwing his phone back into his locker as his temper quietly bubbled away at the lack of communication from Alice and the too much communication going on between Trey and Charlie about his business.
"So now what?" Charlie asked, "What are you gonna do?"
"I'm trying to talk to her," Magnus replied with his back to them, annoyance evident in his tone.
"You know what you should do? A big gesture, like... I don't know- flowers." Charlie tried to suggest and Magnus scoffed and shook his head.
"Done that."
"Um... chocolate? Food?" Trey suggested,
"Done that." Magnus replied bluntly,
"Buy her something expensive?" Charlie suggested half heartedly.
"Done. That." he mumbled, reaching up to rub his forehead and sighing heavily. He was lost at what to do, and the two other boys seemed to purse their lips and stay quiet as they tried to think as well but neither had much experience to work with.
"Did you try apologising? Like, verbally?" Trey asked, his tone cautious since it seemed like such an obvious thing to do.
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