《Wizards Go Muggle》Chapter Thirteen



Mysterious flying object thought to be a witch was spotted near campus grounds yesterday night. "They descended so fast into the forest, nearly hitting a tree" Says school newspaper photographer Cole Quinn. "I saw them fly towards campus next"

However, there is no other picture to prove where the mysterious object headed next. The only witness believes it's a student who attends campus.

With no more evidence on this subject, we are left with the intrigue:

Are there evil beings disguising themselves as ordinary students on campus?

This was bad. This was very bad. Not only would this affect their stay here, but Harry's stay at Hogwarts. He'd already almost been kicked out of Hogwarts at the beginning of this school year when he used magic to save Dudley from the Dementor.

At least then he'd had a good excuse to save him from expulsion, but now it was all on him and his recklessness.

He could feel Hermione's disappointed glare on him as he handed the article to Ron.

"Harry, how could you?" She began

"You completely put us at risk, along with our kind!"

Harry scratched his head, trying to think of an excuse. He knew he'd messed up whenever Hermione began using her disappointed mother attitude on him. Usually it was comical, but this time it was him getting chewed out instead of Ron.

Sure, he knew he deserved it, but with such poor sleep last night, and the incident with Darren yesterday, Harry wasn't in the best mood.

"Well, um... at least you can't tell it's me in the picture?"

"Harry, that's your Firebolt." Hermione said, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Yeah, but the muggles don't know that."

"They might not, but everyone at Hogwarts's know that you're the only one with a Firebolt," Hermione said, appearing to be on the verge of tears. "You can't get kicked out Harry, you just can't."

Hermione buried her face in her hands.

Ron sighed, exhausted as well, and walked closer to her.

He put an arm around her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay, Hermione," Ron assured her "McGonagall would never kick Harry out of Hogwarts; she knows it would put him in too much danger.

"Besides, it's a school newspaper, no one would take it too seriously," Ron finished.

"Umbridge would," Hermione said, finally looking up. "She would do anything in her power to make sure Harry is expelled."

Harry nodded, reaching over to wipe away the remaining tears on her cheeks.

"I won't happen," Harry said, sounding more confident than he felt. "She's back at Hogwarts either way."

"Did you forget?" Ron said. "Draco is like her puppet, once he reads it; he'll send her an owl."


Harry bit his lip, thinking the situation over.

All of his usual conflicts with Draco had mostly been either physical or with wands, it had never been something that could potentially get him expelled. He knew Draco had the upper hand now, and that as soon as he got his hands on the evidence, he was doomed.

Fighting fire with fire. That's how he'd 'resolved' all his conflicts with Malfoy.

The fire had always been punches and kicks, or spells and hexes. If he used that type of technique, it would only make the matter worse.

He needed something he could use against Malfoy. Something that would make him think twice before sending that photograph to Umbridge.

"Harry?" Hermione said, waving a hand in front of his face. "What are you thinking?"

Harry smiled gleefully. "I'm thinking...I'm glad you joined the school newspaper."

Harry had kept his eyes on Draco throughout breakfast.

At first, he'd been unsure if Draco had read the school newspaper yet.

In spite that the whole cafeteria seemed to be buzzing with chatter on the picture, Draco had seemed oblivious to the whole subject, as he chatted away with Crab and Goyel.

However, Harry knew his luck wouldn't last as Amber approached Draco, newspaper in hand.

At first it had just been her bubbling over the cheerleading article which showed her on the front cover.

Draco had looked over the picture, hardly regarding the article.

That is, until she closed the newspaper, revealing the front page.

Harry had observed Draco's eyes widen as he snatched the paper from Amber's hand.

His eyes scanned the picture carefully, his expression turned into one of wickedness. He smirked, handing the paper back to Amber, his eyes searching for Harry.

He glared at him, Harry returned the gesture.

Draco finished his breakfast, leaving with Amber.

Harry waited a while before going after him, Ron and Hermione followed a bit further behind.

The hallway was less crowded than usual, most students seemed to visit home on Sundays, or spend the day sleeping in. It didn't take long for Harry to hear Draco and Amber chatting around the corner.

Even though they were out of sight, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hid behind a row of lockers.

"Why do you want that article so bad?" Harry heard Amber's voice ask. "You don't actually believe in that nonsense, do you?"

"Amber..." Draco growled. "Just hand it over."

There was a long pause before Harry heard the sound of paper being torn.

"Fine, but I keep the cheer article."

"Draco..." Amber said hesitantly. "Why are you so mean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm your girlfriend, but you're always so cold towards me!" Amber's voice broke a little at the end. "Do you even like me?"


"Of course I do."

Harry could tell he was lying.

Even though Amber didn't know, it was the same tone Draco used around teachers whenever he tried to get Harry in trouble. It sounded as sincere and truthful as ever, but Harry knew better. He wondered what Draco's true motives for dating Amber were.

Whatever they were, Harry knew it would only benefit his side of the relationship.

It was just like Draco to use people to get what he wanted, he was a true Slytherin.

"Really?" Amber said, not sounding fully convinced. "Then kiss me."

This is it, Harry thought.

If Hermione took that photo, he would be saved.

The famous pureblood Malfoy, kissing a muggle. This is the new fire I'll burn you with, Malfoy.

Harry's hand slid in his bag, pulling out the invisibility cloak. He handed it to Hermione, signaling for her to ready her camera.

Hermione leaned over and whispered something to Ron. He nodded and slowly slid behind the row of lockers on the opposite side of the hall.

Harry wanted to ask what that was all about, but knew there wasn't much time.

She stood up, draping the cloak around her and the camera, leaving only the transparent lens uncovered.

Even though the flash might still be noticeable, by the time they realized they were being photographed, it would be too late.

After that, he planned on getting Draco alone somehow. Harry knew there was no way he would send that picture to Umbridge, not with his family name at stake.

However, Harry never accounted for the possibility of Draco going a bit farther to protect his name than expected.

As soon as Draco had seen the flash, he abruptly pulled away from the kiss. His eyes scanned the surroundings as Hermione backed away cautiously.

Regardless, the blond Slytherin had a sharp eye. He spotted the lens before Hermione had a chance to slip away.

He must've assumed It was Harry or one of his friends under the invisibility cloak, given that he'd witnessed him use that cloak before countless of times. Any other muggle or wizard would've thought twice before tackling thin air.

Amber gasped and stepped back as Draco and invisible Hermione went tumbling onto the floor, landing with a loud thud.

Once Draco got a good hold on the cloak, he pulled hard enough that even Ron wouldn't have been able to maintain a grip on it.

Harry pounced on Malfoy, pushing him off Hermione. He saw Amber's eyes widen in shock as she witnessed Hermione appear out of nowhere. She took a couple steps back, stumbling slightly,

the fear and amazement visible in her eyes.

Harry had barely begun to think of how he would explain that to her, before the matters got worse. As Draco made another lunge for Hermione in attempt to smash the camera, Ron was quick to act.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Ron shouted, pointing his wand at Malfoy.

Unluckily for Ron, he dodged it, pulling out his own wand from under his sleeve.


Ron's wand went flying across the hall, landing near Amber's feet.

She fell backwards, her face pale. Her eyes bulged out as if she wanted to scream, but all that escaped her mouth was a minor chocking sound.

Amber scooted away from the object, clasping a hand over her trembling lips.

Harry cursed as Malfoy snatched Hermione's camera.

"Reducto!" Shouted Malfoy, as he tossed it in the air at almost lightning speed.

Harry observed the camera exploded into a million pieces, some of them hitting him square in the face.

He looked over at Hermione, expecting to see the same look of defeat he had plastered on his face.

Harry was surprised to find that she actually looked rather calm, and was nowhere near the verge of tears.

If anything, she actually appeared to be smiling slightly, looking at Malfoy straight in the eyes.

Harry's gaze went over to Ron, who had the same expression on his face, as he twiddled away on his phone.

What the bloody hell is happening?!

As Ron stopped typing, Harry felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

"Nice try, Potter," Malfoy sneered "guess I won't be seeing you or your team of idiots at school anymore."

"I wouldn't be too quick to send that article, Malfoy." Hermione said.

Malfoy looked at Hermione, his eye narrowing. "Empty threats don't scare me, Granger."

"Oh, they're not empty," Hermione smiled evilly. "I guess you should've smashed Ron's phone too."

Malfoy's eyes widened, as well as Harry's, both looking to the phone in Ron's hand.

Harry pulled his phone out realizing he'd received a group text.


Members: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Justin Finch Fletchley, Parviti Patil, Padma Patil, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Lavander Brown, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Ernie Macmillan, Anthony Goldstein, Harry Potter.

Ron: *picture*

Ron: Explain later, show no one.

Harry wasn't sure if he was more surprised by the genius plan, or the fact that Ron learned how to use a phone.

"Funny thing about sail phones, Malfoy," Ron said. "They take pictures too."

Malfoy pointed his wand at Ron's phone. "Why you filthy-"

"It's no use," Hermione said. "Our team of idiots already has a copy, each"

"B-but..How is that possible!?"

"Because, Malfoy," Harry laughed. "Muggles rule."

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