《Wizards Go Muggle》Chapter Six


There was an immediate outbreak of chatter in the room.

Most wizards shrank back in their seats timidly. A blonde boy with freckles at Harry's table was quick to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Mike" He said leaning back. "What where your names again?

Harry ..something, and Ron Weasel, right?"

"Weasley" Ron corrected, blushing.

"Harry Potter" Harry smiled.

"Hmmm...can't say I've heard of last names like those before." Mike pondered. "Come to think of it, most of you guys had pretty unusual last names" He laughed.

Ron gulped , but Harry laughed it off with Mike. He knew that names wouldn't be the thing that would expose their kind. He knew that Ron was just overreacting a bit, but he still kept a lookout to make sure none of his fellow wizards acted out-of-place.

Mike received a slap in the head by a short girl with glasses sitting next to him. "Mike!" she hissed. "Be nice!"

"I'm sorry about him" she turned to Ron. "He likes to speak without thinking" she giggled.

"Sounds familiar" Harry heard Hermione's voice as she approached them. "Looks like those two would get along" Hermione pointed out as Ron glared at her.

"I'm Hermione " she introduced. "Hope you don't mind me joining you, the table I was at seemed...a little crowded" she said, and stared back at the cheerleaders.

"Not at all" Mike winked at her "Grab a seat."

Hermione sat next to Harry, as the girl with glasses introduced everybody. "I'm Linda, and that's Darren" she said, signaling to the boy who was knelt over a sheet of paper, drawing madly.

"Huh?" said Darren, just taking in the newcomers presence. "Oh..hey" he said timidly.

"What have you got there Darren?" Linda asked curiously. "Another of your Manga sketches?"

"Whats Manga?" Ron asked, but quickly retracted. He covered his mouth as if afraid he just gave them all away.

Harry began to panick until he realized that even he didn't know what Manga was, but of course (as usual) Hermione knew exactly what it was.


"Isn't it one of those Japanese comics?" she asked, knowing she was right.

"Yeah" Linda beamed at her knowledge " We're really into those, but none of us can draw them well except Darren"

Darren smiled at the compliment, but was still reluctant to show his drawing.

"C'mon dude, we've seen your drawings before." Mike rolled his eyes.

Darren hesitated as he handed the drawing to Linda.

Linda scanned the drawing slowly and her eyes widened. "It's amazing Darren!" Linda squealed. "Is it an existing character, or did you make it up? I've never seen this one before."

"I made it up, but I took some ideas from other ones. Robes are hard to draw, so is the hat." Darren said neutrally

"Mind if I show them? " asked Linda.

Darren hesitated then shrugged.

Harry, Hermione and Ron stared at the drawing. One by one, their eyes went wide.

"It- Its..." Ron stuttered

"A Wizard?" Mike finished

"Yeah...I thought it would be different from my usual stuff." Darren blushed.

"No it's not, you're always drawing that fantasy stuff." Mike frowned. "Why don't you draw zombie Manga? It would be waaayy cooler."

"Whats wrong with wizards?" asked Harry.

"Well, they're too weird." Mike laughed.

"Since when are zombies normal?" Hermione asked.

"Well most of them have been affected by some sort of virus, like rabies." Mike defended. "Thats why they attack people, they can't help it. Whats the wizard's excuse?"

"Aren't they people too?" Linda asked

"Zombies, vampires, werewolves and wizards all seem like monsters to me." Mike laughed "Who cares anyway? It's not like they're real."

"True.." Linda thought . "But I still think they're cooler than zombies" she smiled at Darren.

"So I'm guessing that means you're also going to see the new Halloween movie everyone is talking about?" asked Mike "Isn't it about witches?"

"Yeah..so what?" Linda glared "You're coming too aren't you Darren?" Linda pleaded

"Sure, why not?" Darren said, excitement obvious in his voice.


"Why don't you guys tag along? " Darren asked Harry "The more the better." He smiled.

"Um..." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione to see what they thought about that. Mike caught the move and laughed.

"You're not scared of some lame witch movie are you?" asked Mike. "C'mon even I'm going to that freak show Saturday"

Not liking being thought of as a coward, Harry nodded.

Wizard! of all the topics to start off a friendship.. Harry though.

"After that we can come by my house" Darren suggested. "Video games?"

"Hell yeah!" Mike hooted.

Linda rolled her eyes, as did Hermione.

Harry looked over at Ron and saw his horror filled expression. Harry felt the same way. He knew these kids were raised with the basis of witches being evil creatures, no different from monsters. What if they where to find out? Would they turn their friendship away?

They wont find out Harry thought to himself.

"So.." Harry tried changing the subject. "What does your school usually do at a pep rally?"

"Same as other schools." Darren said. "Doesn't your school do pep rallys?"

"Our school isn't the spirit type" Harry answered.

"That sucks" said Linda. "We usually do different things, but I heard there would be a small basketball game between the seniors and some teachers."

That got Ron's attention. Harry was sure he'd never heard of basketball.

Ron finally seemed excited for something at this school. Harry smiled and began to think if he and his friends might join any clubs.

The chatter between their new-found friends continued. Even Ron began to join the conversation. A couple of minutes passed, and Harry heard The cheerleaders leave the room to get ready for the pep rally.

Everything seemed well until there was a scream in the hallway. It didn't sound like your typical scared-from-prank scream. It sounded more like the horrified scream Harry was only too familiar with. A couple of people stood up to see what had happened.

A dark-skinned cheerleader bursted into the room with a panicked look on her face. She looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

"M-Ms. R-Ross!" She cried. "It's Am-mber!"

Ms. Ross tried to calm the girl. "Ajah, breath" She tried. "Where is Amber, what happened to her?" she asked.

"Sh-he was walking out of the girl's bathr-room with me, but then she stopped" Ajah cried. "There was blue light, she looks l-like she was tasered, but she just froze." Ajah finished.

"Show me where Amber is, Ajah" Ms. Ross said calmly.

She walked out of the room with Ajah, and a couple of students followed. Harry and his friends Rounded the corner and found a still Amber on the floor.

Her eyes where the only thing that seemed to be able to move, and Harry could see the tears as they spilled over her face.

"Someone go get the nurse!" Ms. Ross ordered.

A couple of students ran to the nurses office, while others stared at Amber in awe.

Ms. Ross leaned over Amber.

"Amber, honey" She tried. "Can you move at all?"

Not an inch of her lips moved in reply. She could only shut her eyes as more tears spilled over.

A murmur broke out among the crowd as to what could be wrong with Amber.

"Maybe it's Paralysis" Linda whispered.

The others shook their head, they had never seen anything like it. The new students stayed back, they knew perfectly well what was wrong with Amber, so did Harry.

This was no work of a muggle illness. Someone had used the Petrificus curse on Amber.



ok, so more stuff actually happened in this chapter compared to the other ones. Given that these chapters tend to be pretty short (allowing me to update more frequently) only so much things can go down in one.

Also, some new characters were introduced....blah...blah cx

Please comment/ review. I could really care less about votes (I dont mind them tho....) , but I really just want feedback <3 

Have a good week


P.S :I'll update again on saturday...I think i'll make that my update day.

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