《Wizards Go Muggle》Chapter One


A/N: Haiii, so this is my attempt at a fanfiction (my first ever...)

The concept of the story is strange. I do a lot of daydreaming in boring classes, so...this story is the result.

I hope you guys like it!

Note: Fifth year: also know as the year they met Umbridge

Chapter One

(( 5th year))

It was a warm, sunny afternoon that found Harry, Ron, and Hermione seated in the Great Hall with the rest of the Hogwart's students. At breakfast Dumbledore had proclaimed that he would be making an important announcement at the end of lunch. Now, as the food and dishes had been cleared and the owl post had made its run, the students sat waiting. Harry fidgeted in his chair, waiting.

It couldn't be another Umbridge. Nothing was worse than another Umbridge.

"Blimey Harry, what do you think it could be?" Ron asked.

Every other year except theirs had already left. Stare were already being sent his way. Even Hermione was getting suspicious.

"I didn't do anything this time, I swear."

Whatever it was, he just hoped it wasn't anything like the announcement last year. The Triwizard Tournament had been a nightmare. He mentally shook his head, not wanting to think about it.

Everyone looked up when they heard a soft yet authoritative voice coming from the professors' table. Dumbledore stood from his seat at the center, beaming at the students.

"Good afternoon," said Dumbledore, his voice echoing through the silent Great Hall. "I'm sure you are all very curious as to what the big surprise everyone is talking about may be."

He was happy. Good. No Umbridge.

There was an excited, and somewhat nervous murmur from the crowd before it died down.

"Most of you know Professor Charity Burbage," he said, gesturing to his left and a blond woman stood up from part way down the left side of the professors' table. Harry had seen her before, but he had never had any classes with her. He wasn't even quite sure what subject she taught.


As if reading Harry's mind, Hermione leaned over to whisper in his ear. "She's the Muggle Studies professor. She taught me back when we were third years."

Dumbledore motioned for the professor to speak as he re-took his seat, politely giving her his attention. The students shifted their gazes from Dumbledore to Professor Burbage.

"Hello students!" she beamed. "For those of you who don't know, I am the Muggle Studies professor. This year we have a very special treat for all of you. But first," There was a pause as she reached into a pocket of her robes for a roll of official-looking parchment. She cleared her throat and began to read:

"Today I stand here before you students. Muggle-borns, Pure Bloods, and Half-bloods,

All who look the same underneath the skin. In this present day we have learned not to judge based on gender, race, age, or

even sexuality, but there is still one thing wizards have never been able to grasp. They have never been able to grasp the concept that muggles and wizards are the

same. Most of you, I am sure, do not have muggle friends. Most of you find it hard to apprehend that muggles and wizards are both human, whether you be

muggle born , pure blood or half blood. We all have the same blood running through our veins. We may have all come from a different ship, but we are on the same boat


Professor Burbage looked up from her scroll.

"This is a concept that wizards need to grasp. Although muggles don't have magic, they are still human; just as wizards are still human. Under the skin, we are exactly the same."

"With that said," Dumbledore continued, and stood up once more. "The announcement; we will have a field trip this year. You will all be attending a muggle school for a month. Starting with Fifth year."


Harry waited for the 'just kidding'. It never came. Instead, the man continued explaining.

"Then another year will go for a couple of months before returning, and so on.

"This, we hope, will give every student a chance to interact with muggles for a time and learn that they are not as inferior as some wizards like to believe. Remember, students, that you will be covertly representing not only Hogwarts, but your fellow wizards as well. I therefore ask that you all go on your best behaviors and do Hogwarts proud."

The whole room was silent, except for Ron who had fallen asleep during the speech, and was now snoring loudly. Thoughts raced through Harry's mind as students began whispering to each other. He was now wishing it had been another Triwizard Tournament announcement. Anything was better than this. Out of all of the things he wished he never had to repeat, this one took the cake. Muggle school!What were they thinking?!

A/N: I'm sorry, the first few chapters will be pretty short. This is more of a 'go with the flow' type story since I'm procrastinating homework with it.

I'll do some prewrites and give you guys longer chapters soon (promise).

Well, hope you liked it (even though it's just the first chapter...).

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