《My Muted Alpha | ✔️》CHAPTER THIRTY
"Mom, Dad. Check this out!" I called, waiting for their attention to be on me.
They turned their heads to me, smiling ear to ear. "What is it, Kronos?" Gaia, my mom, sweetly said. Her cheerfulness painfully contagious.
I readied myself as I launched into the air and did a triple back flip. My dad, Ouranos, smirked as he saw me do my stunt. While mom gaped her mouth, her hand nearly covering her mouth. "That's my boy! See, sweetheart. He got the good genes from me." My dad teased mom.
That ended up mom slapping him on the back of the head.
"Nonsense. You were just a sperm donor." She retaliates.
Dad pouted and I wanted to gag when they started teasing and poking each other more. Yuck, talk about married couples or mates.
Leaving my parents be, I wonder a little far away from them to practice more of my stunts when I notice something, or rather someone from the thicket of the forest.
A shiver ran through my spine from making eye contact.
Trembling, I reminded myself that I was an alpha offspring and I had nothing to be afraid of. "Show yourself, this is pack boarders!"
When nothing came out, I threatened, "I'll call the guards here! You have three seconds, whoever you are!"
Once more, the figure didn't dare to step forward. I started counting down loudly as I walked backwards, still maintaining eye contact. My heart was racing loudly with every step I took because I was scared. Usually, they would give in by now but they didn't.
When the one passed my lips and I was about to shout for my parents, I heard them scream for me.
"KRONOS! WHERE ARE YOU?" My Mother bellowed desperately. Not a second after, my father mind-linked, 'GET TO THE PACK HOUSE, NOW. OUR GUARDS HAVE MET WITH ROGUES. WE'RE BEING UNDER ATTACK!'
Before I could reply to any of them, I was grabbed roughly by a soft hand and gagged with a sweet smell. My vision darkened as I heard an explosion in the direction of the pack house. Flames were in the air with smoke, as I was taken in by the darkness.
A splash of water rained in on me as I threw a coughing fit. Blinking multiple times, a foul smell hit me square in the face as I woke up.
Smelled like the depths of hell, except worse when combined with a dead skunk. Gagging at the odor, I tried to cover my nose when I screamed in pain.
Turning my head, it came to me that I was chained up by lines of silver. I switched gears and tried to mind-link my parents, but to no prevail. Panicking, I look for an escape route when a throat sounded like it was clearing caught my attention.
Tilting my head up, I was met with pure red eyes.
Ones that seemed like a vampire.
Shaking in my boots from the cold and from the menacing glare from the figure in front of me, I squeaked out, "W-Who are you?"
The figure pulled off the hood to reveal sharp teeth, glinting in the moonlight.
Have I been out for that long?
It's long hair flushed out of its hiding, as a youthful face appeared closer to mine. I was close to passing out from the fear I was feeling. Yet, she was just a beautiful woman.
Fear leaked through my pores as I asked again, "Who are you?"
She smiled, whispering in a sickly yet sweet voice, "Hello, Kronos."
And then her face changed from an angel to a demon from hell.
I screamed on top of my lungs, before she used one of her hands and covered my mouth. Smirking, she seethed, "Shut up, child. I'll kill you if you don't."
Nodding vigorously, tears started to spring from the corners of my eyes. As I quieted down, she walked around me, observing. I was basically tied up on a silver laced pole with chains that were dipped in the very thing that can harm us, it kept me locked in and prevented me from even thinking to escape.
A few minutes passed, and then thirty, as she stared me down with her horrid face.
Where are my parents?
Is the pack okay?
I had many questions, but all were unanswered.
Finally, the female vampire hissed, "What's your name, child?"
I visibly shivered from hearing her voice. It was bone-chilling. "M-My name is Kronos Reinhardt. I'm the son of Gaia and Ouranos Reinhardt."
She then giggled.
"Yes, I know the both of them. They're the reason why you're here, don't you know? It's their fault." She informed me, leaning closer to my face.
I tried to lean back, but the stupid pole was in the way. Her eyes were intimidating, almost as if they tried to prey into my soul.
My lips trembled, still trying to be brave. "What happened between my parents and you should have nothing to do with me. If this is some vengeful act of where you're trying to get me for whatever they did to you, that's wrong."
She seemed taken aback from my comment, then she smiled ever so highly. "My, my... you inherited Ouranos snarky words, have you, Kronos? I should have known there was a day something might happen. Where I'll be tossed aside and left to rot for that bitch of a Gaia!"
The crazy lady ranted on and on, with some parts I didn't even understand.
Regardless of how I knew there was a screw loose in her big head, I stayed quiet and tried to look for a escape route. Every place had one, right?
She must have noticed my eyes were looking around wildly, because the next thing I knew, her face was right in front of mine. Let me tell you, it was one of the scariest crap I've ever seen in my life. Her eyes were pitch black, and she seemed ever so thirsty for blood.
Another shiver went through my spine as she cackled, "Well, I've let you have too much freedom. Boys! Give me my devices."
I frowned, devices?
Two grown werewolf males emerged from the darkness. They reeked, but smelled of a rogue. I wanted to snarl at them to get away from me, but I was in no position to do so. She giggled more, one where it made the air thicker to the point it became an eerie feeling.
"Ready for your punishment?" She whispered in my ear in the flash.
My eyes widened as I see her hold a whip in her hand, along with a dish of daggers and other sorts of weaponry that were used for torture.
I wildly shook my head, "Stop!"
She grinned, showing off her fangs.
"Too late."
Not a second after those two words left her mouth when a loud crack of a whip stung my flesh. I could feel the sliver coated with it, as it burned me. A scream escaped between my lips, but then another lash fell onto my chest.
Another on my leg...
And another.
I yelled and shouted for help, but to no prevail. She laughed as each whip landed in my flesh, leaving more wounds that continued to make me weak in the knees.
More minutes passed but it felt as an eternity when she moved onto the next devices.
Although a pile of my blood splat onto the ground from the whips, she was far from done. My eyes widened far wider when I saw what was in her hand.
That was when I started crying.
"Shut the fuck up. Are you man? Then act like it!" The lady roared, dangling the dagger in her old and wrinkly hands. I clenched my fists, trying anything I can to prevent her from touching me more.
She only laughed at my attempts and how hopeless I was.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, my childlike self afraid of this woman. Suddenly, she gripped the dagger tightly in her grasp and stabbed me in the shoulder. I yelled out in pain, seething, wanting to roll over and numb it as soon as possible.
The woman chuckled at my pain, biting her lips as she pulled the dagger out of my shoulder, before licking the blade dripped with blood.
My head started to droop from my wounds as I pathetically whimpered, "W-What did I do to deserve this, you crazy bitch?!"
She paused, eyes still dead but filled up joy.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask." She stopped, grinning. "You should have never been born, you fucking mistake. What do you think this is, Kronos? It's revenge. Since I couldn't keep my precious blessing, then Ouranos can't either." The lady hissed, stabbing me suddenly in the thigh.
Blessing? I thought, confused before another scream escaped from my lips. She started to trace along my skin lightly but it still hurt.
I visibly shivered in fear, as I tried to wiggle away. "Please... you've done enough... lady. You've won already, please stop."
She didn't seem to hear me as she continued her torture. I stopped resisting, as blood started to pool around me. The woman inhaled the blood scent around her, intoxicated by it. Her fangs lengthened, glinting in the light before her mouth latched onto my arm in less than a second.
There was ringing in my ears as I felt her drain the blood and life out of me.
"Please..." I whimpered.
Blinking my eyes slowly closed, the darkness pulled me under.
"Can someone wake the damn pûssy up? Someone is here to collect him."
My eyes were still closed, not daring to open them again. Why open them if I was going to be welcomed with more torture?
I could tell that the two males that were with her unlocked the chains from the pole, causing my body to fall onto the ground with a thud. A pained groan escaped from me, the wounds still not healed.
I heard her chuckle again, ordering, "Pick the punk up, let's get moving and meet the victor, shall we?"
Being dragged across endless turns and twists, I was carried upstairs and brought to a sudden stop. A strangled cry that sounded male came from in front of me, one that wavered of what remained of my soul.
Opening my eyes tiredly, I was faced with no one other than my father.
His expression was horrid, mouth gaped.
He couldn't believe it was me.
Didn't want to.
I no longer looked like how I used to with the cuts, bruises, and dry blood all over me. I couldn't blame him, because I knew I wouldn't be able to recognize myself either. Judging by our reactions, the woman laughed some more.
"Haha!! Splendid! This is just... beautiful. What a reunion, isn't that right, Ouranos? Did you miss me, sweetheart? How do you like your gift?"
Dad's eyes glowed, his wolf coming out,
She faked a pout, "Aww... I'm guessing you didn't like the gift... or more importantly, missed me?"
"Bitch you thought, who would miss you? Especially after this!" My Dad retaliated, his fangs and claws growing by length, ready to attack. His wolf was still there, but behind him in every step of the way, getting ready to assist him.
As he stepped closer, I breathed out, "Dad... run."
I didn't want him to get hurt, not after seeing what she did to me.
His eyes snapped to mine, sorrowful. "The hell I will, Kronos. If you die, I die. You're my son, my heir for the next title. I will never leave you behind for my own sake." He declared.
If I could produce anymore tears, I could have cried a waterfall.
Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I painfully nodded. He smiled at me, giving me hope before shifting into a beast I've only seen a little bit of in my lifetime.
The one I admired from afar, hoping to be large and intimidating once I grew older.
An alpha werewolf.
My father.
A roar escaped from the beast, his paws soon getting a launch into the air. The woman grinned, vanishing in a speed of lighting. In less than a second, she was behind him, smirking playfully.
Dad finally ignored her and focused on the two men who held me.
With a growl of thunder, he raced over to me and killed the two men in a flash. One had his head rolling across the floor while the other, had his head between my fathers canines.
Slumping down from my confinements, Dad caught me on his fluffy back, carrying me.
Being careful with my wounds, he gave a loving lick on my cheek, trying to keep me awake. I could hear his whimpers of concern, telling me to hang in there for just awhile longer. I nodded weakly, holding tightly to his coat of fur.
He spun around with me as I laid on him, spitting the head out towards the woman, licking his snout in anger towards her.
A quick struck of fear shown on her face, but it was replaced with awe.
"You've never changed, have you, Ouranos? Powerful and handsome as ever."
He snarled at her, getting ready to attack once more when she waved a hand in the air, signaling something or someone to come to her aid. In fact, more than 46 rogues came.
We were surrounded.
And utterly doomed.
"Last chance, Ouranos. You know my offer from all those years ago, don't you? Leave the child and your bitch. Be with me instead." She offered seductively, sucking a finger between her lips.
That is so unsanitary.
I thought in disgust since she had tortured me moments ago. With all that dry blood and god knows what else, she cleans her fingers by sucking it off.
She's a freak.
Shivering, I gripped my fathers fur of coat harder. His wolfs head turned towards me, trying to show reassurance that we would get out of here alive. I could only nod once more, putting my belief in him.
However, in my mind, I had some doubt we would escape without any consequences.
Dad growled, crouching down to intimidate the rogues. Most of them were already shaking a bit, sensing his powerful aura of an alpha male. Others were greedily licking their snouts, taunting Dad to attack them.
They wanted the fun, the recklessness.
And they'll get it.
With a mighty growl, Dad attacked the closest rogue to him. His canines dig into its throat, the light in its eyes leaving it with a gurgled yelp.
All at once, one after another attacked Dad, while he fought off each and every one of them. At the same time, he protected me to the best of his abilities. There were times some rogues scrapped their claws or teeth on me, but they were minor.
My fathers injuries were a different story. He was bleeding badly, his wolf already panting in pain and stumbling in exhaustion.
There laid about 45 bodies around us. Either ripped apart or enough to be considered dead and lifeless.
One of them was already in the middle of my fathers canines, being crushed as blood splattered everywhere.
With a toss, it's body hit the wall with a bang. It's head smushed enough to be called roadkill. I breathed a sigh of relief, assuming it was over. Dad looked over me happily, his tongue wagging out. He could feel my heart thumping in excitement that we were both going to live.
Only that our moment did not last very long.
Before I could comprehend what happened next, I was thrown off my fathers back.
A cry escaped from between my lips as I landed onto the concrete floor. It scraped more of my skin, creating more cuts. As I attempted to crawl, I could see from the side of my vision that my father was fighting off the woman while desperately trying to get to me.
He bowled to me, as if saying, 'Hold on, I'll get to you. I promise.'
I nodded painfully once more, leaning against the wall for support. The crazy lady seemed to have the upper hand when it came to current physical abilities, but my father had more of a reason to fight.
His mental abilities will always be far greater than hers.
Just when she slashed at his chest with her ridiculously long nails, he used his paw to have a smack at her. It flew her to the wall, crumbles falling on her. A pained shriek escaped from her from the impact, blood dripping from her forehead.
She seemed to be knocked out once she slumped over.
A howl rained from my father, one the celebrated victory.
From there on out, I was able to gather enough strength to limp over to where he was and tried to hug him as tightly as I could.
Key word, tried.
It was only then that the woman interrupted our moment once more and came back in a flash of speed, grabbing my father's throat from behind. In shock, he opened his canines, causing her to shove several pills I've seen before back in the infirmary.
In less than a second, he started to fall limp.
Quickly catching him, I was almost crushed due to the size of his wolf.
The woman cackled, as my father struggled to stand. As she approached us, she turned to me. Her eyes feral, like she wanted to end the job. Before she could, my father lengthened his claws to a massive length and attacked one of her eyes.
She screamed in agony, as the eyeball rolled out of its socket. Once it rolled over to us, he squished it with a pop.
The woman was going to pounce once more when she heard several more howls and snarls coming from all sides of the area.
Holding one hand to her missing eye socket, she seethed out, "This will not be the end, Ouranos. I will have you and my vengeance."
With that, she disappeared, knowing she had no advantage with the incoming reinforcements.
I blinked several more times, trying to keep the black dots from consuming me. Several figures were just near the horizon, one that I identified as my mother. Her mouth was saying something, tears streaming down her face.
I couldn't hear her though.
All I heard was the sound of ringing.
As I held my limp father in my arms, I finally fell asleep in the land of wonders.
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