《The Best Title!》Thoughts


The atmosphere is visibly grimmer, how could it not, Otherworlders were people from another world, and every one of them was a human. Every time the human kingdoms were in a disadvantage against another race or faced peril, they would summon Otherworlders. The so-called heroes, who could earn titles faster than anybody else and become peak existences, overturning the tides of wars and winning the human Kingdoms land and fortunes.

But the price is high and causes too much grief. The ritual requires Over 100 human lives before they can summon an Otherworlder, and there have been records depicting Otherworlders rebelling against those who summoned them, making the practice of summoning them taboo and even frowned upon.

Even worse, there have been some who had gone insane after being summoned. How could they not? being dragged from a heaven-like world, into one full of dangers and horrors. Becoming useless, the huge price becomes even more glaring, after all, which king could sacrifice his subjects without remorse, and for nothing in return no less.

The human kingdoms agreed, to bury this dark practice and designed it as taboo. The ritual seemingly forgotten has not made its appearance again. Till Grey came face to face with Benjamin Stone, an Otherworlder.Being unsure, if Ben really is the Otherworlder or just an unlucky human, he took him back to his house, and shortly after a short conversation with him, he came to the conclusion that Ben is almost surely from another world. But is he dangerous enough, that warrants a death?

Grey is visibly grimmer, wondering which king was mad enough to make this bloody sacrifice, and what could drive a kingdom into a situation so grim, that the only option would be a taboo ritual.

The records of the ritual have been lost in time, only a few people even knowing about it.


"Mother, as you saw, Ben is on my farm, maybe we can change him, teach him to be tolerant of non-human beings. Not like his predecessors, who killed and pillaged all other races, treating them like dirt, just because they were not human."

"You have a point, but I think we better kill him and save the world from another human hero, "The old woman says this with a defeated tone, knowing that her son is too kind to kill someone unless he is in that state.

"But mother, he is still not strong enough to cause us any harm, and I don't think he is so dangerous that warrants a death... I will watch him, and carefully monitor him if he becomes the monster we believe he is, I will kill him "says Grey with a tone full of hope.

"I am not afraid of Ben, but what if he is not the only one who was summoned?" her words strike Grey, who becomes agitated.

"We must let the Horde know, maybe we can salvage this, The Heroes need time to grow, that's why the human kingdoms do everything they can to hide the news of a ritual as hard as they can, but if we know this beforehand, we can limit the damage they cause us"

"I will take care to inform The Horde, you better go back to Ben, it is not wise to leave him alone for too much time, maybe we are not the only ones who know about him "

"Dont's worry, Huno is guarding the farm, I will go back, and mother... it was nice to see you again"

The old woman wants to say something to Grey, but before she does, he is already outside and walking with hurried steps back to his house.


Grey picks up his axe, that he left outside and hurriedly makes his way to his Farm, hoping he gets there before sunrise.

The trek is easier this time, his marks of passing through the forest still fresh, the trip takes halftime the first one did, no monsters attacked him either, thanks to his earlier trip.

In the small hut left behind, the old woman takes a small parcel and writes something down, before she slowly goes outside the hut, staying unmoved for a few seconds, she starts mumbling growing louder with time. A small rift opens in front of her, that she puts the small parcel in.

"The message has been passed, now the world will go in chaos" saying this, she goes back to her hut, resuming her job of stirring in the old cauldron.

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