《World Of Heroes》Unexpected encounter: Part 1


Unfortunately, like the bankrupt heroes they are, Kurayama and Hinotori had to take public transportation to the mission's location, which was a very snowy Japanese farm right next to a mountain that was far from the city.

After Kurayama and Hinotori reached their destination, they walked through a heavily snowy path towards the farm. An old man wearing a snow jacket was waiting for the two to arrive.

"Are you the heroes?" The farmer asked in an irritated tone.

"Yes." Nonchalantly replied Kurayama.

The farmer clicked his tongue and frowned before he started ranting, "The fuck is up with that answer?! And why the hell did you take so long?! And why are there only two of you?! I asked the HGA two weeks ago to send me a group of heroes, but they ended up sending me two fucking rookies after two weeks of waiting! God fucking dammit!" The farmer ended his rant after raising his fists in the air in anger.

'...What?' Kurayama thought to himself.

After being greeted like that, Kurayama was ready to just give up on the job, and go back home. He took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and replied.

"So, how may we help?" Kurayama calmly asked the farmer.

"You already know what to do, just go to that God damn forest, and kill them damn foxes. If you do so, bring them to me." The farmer stated while pointing at the forest.

"Understood. We will report back when we finish." Replied Kurayama.

"Just get going already!" The farmer angrily shouted before he turned around and walked towards his house, "Fucking rookies." He whispered to himself in a voice loud enough for Kurayama to hear.

'I hate my life.' Kurayama thought to himself before he walked towards the forest, followed by Hinotori accompanying him.

Kurayama and Hinotori spent two hours roaming the forest while searching for the 'Foxes'. They encountered every kind of animal except for the foxes. They even encountered a bear at one point, which they were lucky enough to escape from because he was sleeping.

Three hours went by as Kurayama and Hinotori started searching the forest, still not having a single clue on who stole the farmer's livestock. All kinds of animals were in the woods, even bears, but the man always insisted that a fox was the reason for it. He was, thus, making the hero duo search the forest for one last time.

"Kurayama?" Hinotori called out, shivering from the cold weather and snow.

"What?" Kurayama replied with a slightly irritated voice.

"I'm freezing." Hinotori quietly stated.

Kurayama turned around and stared at Hinotori, "Didn't you say you were going to be fine without a jacket?!" Kurayama exclaimed.

"Yes, but it's too cold. My flames are too cold." Replied Hinotori.

"...You can go back if you feel cold, I'll just finish the mission on my own." Kurayama said in a calm voice as he gazed at Hinotori.

"No, I want to finish the mission. I just-...I just feel very cold." Hinotori said as he shivered very badly.

Kurayama gazed at the boy for a few seconds before he released a shallow sigh.


"Hold on a second," Kurayama said as he removed his leather jacket and gave it to Hinotori, "Don't let anything happen to this jacket, it's very dear to me." He said.

"Thank you, but-... Don't you feel cold?" Hinotori asked in concern as he wore Kurayama's leather jacket.

"Not really, I don't feel that cold," Kurayama said, "Let's get going, we need to finish roaming the forest for one last time and go back to that shitty farmer." He said in an annoyed tone.

Kurayama and Hinotori kept roaming the forest with absolutely no clues or leads on who's the livestock thief. It was getting dark, and the two were ready to give up on the mission and just leave. Suddenly, they stumbled upon a wooden cabin, far away from the farm. It was poorly built and looked like it could cave in at any moment.

"Woah! Look at that-" Hinotori impulsively said before Kurayama silenced him.

"Yeah, I know. I see it too. It looks poorly made and inhabitable." Whispered Kurayama while observing the wooden cabin before he pulled out his phone and license and gave them to Hinotori, "Take this and hide behind this tree. If anything happens, call the HGA and run to safety, immediately." He ordered Hinotori.

"But-" Hinotori objected before he got immediately interrupted.

"Just trust me. If you try to do anything, you'll just make the situation more complicated." Kurayama said with eyes filled with concern for his friend.

"O-...Okay." Hinotori replied.

"Good." Said Kurayama as he crouched down. He slowly and silently walked towards the cabin. Upon reaching it, Kurayama walked towards the door and tried to peak through the window, just to get frightened by the face of a black-haired woman wearing all white staring at him from the other side of the window.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came from inside of the cabin, destroying the wall and launching Kurayama towards a tree, which he violently crashed on. He gripped onto his chest and started coughing from the sudden attack that knocked the air out of his lungs.

A woman with black hair wearing a white nightgown walked out of the cabin, extending her arm towards Kurayama as if she was aiming it at him.

"Do you think I'm deaf? I heard your footsteps when you were walking towards my cabin. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The woman asked in a calm but threatening voice.

Kurayama stood up as he kept coughing while holding his chest. He stared at the woman while observing her facial features. Kurayama was in utter shock.

"Y-...you're-...subject# 3?" Kurayama barely finished the sentence before the woman's eyes turned into bloodshot.

A sphere of air formed on the woman's palm. The ball of air shot out like an air cannon which caused a gust of wind so powerful to hit Kurayama and smash him on two trees before he smacked into the third one and collapsed into the ground.

"Who are you? And How did you know that? You have ten seconds to explain before I kill you and your partner who is hiding behind that tree." She said as she took a quick glance at the tree Hinotori was hiding behind.


"Stop!" Hinotori yelled as he walked out from behind the tree, raising his arms in the air. "I'm subject#2 and he's subject#1. We are both previous subjects of Lab 5. We are not hostile, so please don't do anything." He said, mustering up an enormous amount of courage to answer, but his body was still shaking from fear.

"I don't remember any of you. Show me some proof or I will kill you both." The woman replied in a bone-chilling voice after changing her aim from Kurayama towards Hinotori.

"H-H-How can we prove it?" Hinotori asked in a panicked voice.

"I don't know, and I don't care. Your countdown starts now. "The woman stated as she aimed her arm at Hinotori and started to charge up another ball of air. Hinotori looked stressed and confused.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4-"Before the woman could finish counting, she saw, with the corner of her eye, a dark figure dashing towards her at an absurd speed.

The woman turned in a panic, and launched her attack, but failing as Kurayama dodged her attack before he delivered a devastating uppercut to her abdomen, launching her towards the wooden cabin.

Kurayama's arms were covered in a dark mist as he staggered towards the cabin, violently coughing as he gripped onto his chest.

"Kurayama! Are you okay?!" Hinotori shouted in a frightened voice as he rushed towards Kurayama.

"Hinotori! Stop!" Kurayama yelled as he pushed Hinotori with all his power.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind struck Kurayama and violently launched him towards a tree with immense force. Kurayama collapsed on the ground, unconscious as a narrow trail of blood started leaking from his mouth.

"You bastards! I was nice enough to give you ten seconds to explain yourself, yet you took the chance to attack me while my guard was dropped. Forget about getting proof, I'm killing you right now!" The woman shouted in an enraged voice.

The woman was limping towards Kurayama, gripping onto her abdomen from the immense damage she received from that punch.

Hinotori dashed towards the woman and tried to punch her in the face, but the latter already saw him and smacked him with the back of her fist before she flicked her finger at him, which created a gust of wind that launched him away.

"Stay down." The woman said in a cold voice before she continued limping towards Kurayama.

Hinotori was lying down on the ground, half-conscious from that powerful attack. He was looking at the woman staggering towards Kurayama. He was trying to move, stand up, talk, do anything, but he was too powerless. His body felt heavy and numb.

While the woman was walking towards Kurayama, she was charging up another sphere of air, "I gave you a chance, but you so gladly fucked it up. Say goodbye." She said as she aimed the ball of air at Kurayama.

"Stop!" A loud yell echoed behind the woman.

She quickly turned, startled from the sudden shout. As soon as she turned around, her vision got blocked by Kurayama's black leather jacket that covered her face. As she was trying to take the jacket off of her face, she felt an overwhelming and powerful punch right to her abdomen. She spontaneously gripped onto her abdomen, just to get punched in the face by the same powerful and overwhelming punch.

The woman was trying to regain her focus, but the barrage of punches didn't stop. She was getting assaulted by a never-ending barrage of punched that struck her face, abdomen, and side.

Her nauseousness and dizziness were growing exponentially with each punch, slowly knocking her out of consciousness.

The man delivering those devastating blows was none other than the farmer that Kurayama and Hinotori met when they arrived. He was wearing a white tank top, which revealed his bulging veins and muscles. He looked completely different from the fragile old man that he was before.

As he was about to deliver another powerful blow to the woman's face, the latter instantly charged up another sphere of air. The woman used the ball of air to strike the old man at point-blank range, launching towards a tree at an absurd speed.

The woman removed the jacket that was blocking her vision and gripped onto it very tightly. She was bleeding from her mouth as she checked her surroundings with bloodshot eyes. She glared at the old man lying down on the ground unconscious.

"Fucking enhancers!" She said as she charged up another sphere of air before she shot it out at him, which she missed due to her dizziness and nausea.

"Fuck...That enhancer did a toll on me. I can't believe I was beaten up just because a fucking jacket was blocking my vision." She said as she threw the jacket and charged up another ball of air.

As she launched her attack at the jacket, Hinotori leaped towards it, guarding it with his own body. Hinotori took the full force of the attack with his body, yet he succeeded in protecting the jacket. Hinotori dropped down, struggling to breathe as he started spitting blood.

"Are you stupid?" The woman asked in a confused voice.

"It-...belongs to my-...friend." Hinotori struggled to respond.

"Well, at least you'll die bravely." The woman stated as she charged up another ball of air and aimed it at Hinotori.

Suddenly, the woman felt an overwhelming presence right behind her. The aura of the person behind her was so devastating, it made her want to vomit.

The woman slowly turned around, nervously sweating as she looked behind her with the corner of her eyes, just to see a dark figure completely covered in a dark mist.

The woman quickly turned around and tried to launch her attack, but the dark figure tightly gripped onto her hand and stopped her attack. He then delivered an overwhelmingly powerful punch to her abdomen, launching her towards the cabin at an absurd speed before she crashed on it and completely demolished it.

Kurayama stood still for a few seconds, observing his surroundings. Suddenly, the dark mist covering started to slowly disappear until it completely faded away.

Kurayama collapsed to the ground, unconscious from the immense stress that his body underwent.

The chaotic fight has ended.

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