《Vapid Recourse》Chapter 2: The Begining of Adventure


Outer Ring, Greenton, Auctus, February 14, 458 UE. Spelman Axiom School: 1020 hrs A.M.S.T.

“You wanted to see me Mr. Soto?” I said to a man, who appeared 30 but was actually over 360 years old, with glasses, or “spectacles” as the one wearing them liked to call them. Nowadays he was the spectacle, no one wore those anymore.

“Yes, come, sit down James.” The spectacle said gesturing to a chair.

“Mr. Soto, I don’t mean to be rude but if we could hurry this along I have someone waiting on me”

“Tell Dreq he can wait… From right here.” He added as I stood. “Don’t look at me like that, I know you can do it.” Seeing my worried face, he said, “don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I know the repercussions if this got out.”

“Now,” Mr. Soto continued, ”tell me James, what do you plan to do? Now that you are graduating from Axiom, what are your goals?”

“Well Mr. Soto…”

“Alexander.” Mr. Soto interrupted.


“Call me Alexander, when it is just us, of course.”

“Alexander,” I say tentatively, as if trying out a new word. “I want to continue school, I plan on submitting a request for the Institute of Technology on Mithycar. I know I don't have a sponsor. I’d have to be bound to the school for one hundred years, but after I could have any job I wanted.”

“Hmm… The Royal Institute, I thought as much.” Taking off his glasses, Alexander looked at me. Then with a wry smile he asked, “What about the Navy? Maybe a pilot?”

How did he know about that?

“Don't act too surprised, I'm a tad more observant than most, smarter too. How else would I have obtained this!”

With a flourish he sent a message to my omnicomp. It was a missive from the RIT.

The message read,

James Valdamar Sabol,

Congratulations, you have been accepted to study at the Royal Institute of Technology, on Mithycar. Due to having sponsorship of former Dean Alexander Dimitri Soto,you have been offered schooling, with all expenses rendered null. You may start your education this upcoming semester, or you may take your leave and resume your studies in 133 years.

Dean Leslie Ann Martin

P.S. James, be a darling, could you please inform Lex to, GET HIS ASS BACK HERE! Thanks.

I was so shocked. How did he do this, well he was the Dean, the freakin’ Dean. Regaining my inner composer. I said “the Dean huh… well uh,” with a wry smirk of my own I added “thought you would be taller.”

“Ha, ha, ha, hilarious. See how funny it is when you have to call this short guy Master.”

“Well Master, I guess I will be the first Apprentice who knows all his Master’s bashful skeletons. I can just chat it up with Leslie. She seemed like she wanted us to be best friends… Lex.” Lex’ face became white when I mentioned Leslie, then scarlet when I said Lex. “Ha ha, I can be a sadist too, old man.”

“Who are you calling old?” Lex said, conveniently forgetting previous embarrassing dialogue. “Anyway, I called you in, not just to give you that, which I should have proofread first.”

“That's Illegal.”

“I also wanted you to do something,” Lex continued, ignoring me. “I got you something, it’s on The Atrium in docking bay 72B, If you don't like it, then on Monday You and I will head to Mithycar. Tut tut, I don't want to hear ‘Oh Alexander, how am I ever to get up to the space station?’ Use your damn ship. I’ve seen it, hell everyone on the Council has, no one goes after it because it looks like a damn fighter that ate a destroyer. You should hear what the Council says! Of course the Duke lies, saying it's his ‘to ensure the safety of Auctus.’ Bloody counsel knows he’s full of it but he is cousin to the High King.”


“Oh, I thought I was being careful.”

“Oh you are careful, that's the only real reason the Council is letting it slide, you’re not showing yourself to the populace. Also they don’t have a clue whom it belongs to. Now, go get your graduation present. It's a DivePod you'll get it before everyone else, start smart, as I know you will, have some fun you got a long life ahead of you.”

“See you tomorrow Lex.” I say standing, to leave.


Catching his meaning this time, “but I like Lex more, it’s succinct”

“Fine, but, you have to promise me, if you catch anyone else calling me that, you have to punch them in the face.”


“I'm serious.”

“If you say so, but if said person is a girl a verbal reprimand is all I’ll do. It probably won't change anything, but something tells me Leslie will take care of that.” With that I left the classroom.

If I had half the insight you seem to have when I was your age, let's just say I’d probably would have retired here fifty years ago. A wife, kids, and a queue of people back to Earth, paying whatever credits they had on them for advice on women. Nah, just the wife and kids, I’d be smarter than that. With that thought Alexander bought a ticket for passage to Mithycar, departing on Monday.

Exiting the school I see Dreq, curled up on the grass with six girls all petting him. Seeing me Dreq got up, and the girls gave me a death stare. Dreq is a Dashad, think of an ancient Earth tiger with pointed ears like a lynx, but a bit bigger, well, most Dashad. Dreq is only two meters long and 90cm tall, but he is not full grown yet. Also, where tigers and Dashad are orange, Dreq is white, this is not only highly valued in Dashad culture, it is the biggest chick magnet I have seen.

Since people were still around I spoke out loud, “Dreq we are going to The House.” The House was more of a hidden bunker in the forest. Where my ship and Grav Suit are, as well as other things I tinker with.

Where are we going, I'm guessing your laggard behavior had something to do with change in plans.

“Hey, I was not that late”

Yes, but, I am correct, no?

“Yes your right. We are headed to the Atrium”

The space station, Dreq said, showing interest. Though it is technically thought, it is insulting to refer to it as such. For Dashad, it is how they speak. Thoughts are private, spoken words are shared. Though there culture consists of tightly knit groups, individuality is highly revered. Why?

“Straight to the point as always. Lex got me something.”

Who is Lex?



“Mr. Soto.”

Ahh. Did he happen to say what this item was.

“Yes. Hey, Did you know he was the Dean of the RIT…”


“... And he got me a spot there for free, it's so awesome, I can't wait to… Wait you knew?”

Yeah it was said at the pep rally you missed.

“I told you to tell me everything important from that.”

Sorry, I got most of it, some just slipped my mind.

As we entered the woods I started to using my mind. Yeah, more like you were distracted by girls. You are too much of a chick magnet.

You're just mad because I'm better looking than you.

That's like comparing a pineapple to socket wrench.


Or Dashad to tigers

No, I know it is a blatant insult, but if you were to show your picture any human in the galaxy, then ask “what is this” they would say “Oi, that there is a bloody great big bengal tiger!” You're my best friend and I know you're different, but to most people, not on Auctus, you're a tiger. But it's not the end of the world. In many ancient human cultures the tigers shared the spot of the noblest of beings.

Hmff, finally some respect.

Oh, so now you wanna be a tiger.

No! What was the other being, humans?

Nope, the only other being to match a tiger was a dragon.

What's a dragon?

Let's see, a giant lizard with wings.

Sounds stupid.

Get in the House, you're just jealous that you don't have wings.

Yes, you're just jealous that you don't have wings.

Hehe, you said yes.

Shut up, you know I don't lie.

Yeah, I know, but it’s still hilarious.

Walking up to a large boulder I put my hand my hand on a hidden scanner, the door opens with a slight hiss. Inside there is an elevator, after heading down about sixty meters, the elevator opens up to a large room I call the Garage. It's more of a hangar, but I'm keeping within the ‘House’ theme.

I am filled with nostalgia upon looking at the Garage; Today was the ninth anniversary of the House…

Outer Ring, Sector six, Greenton, Auctus, February 14, 449 UE. Sabol Residence: 102 hrs A.M.S.T.

“Breakfast first James, do your chores and your father has a surprise for you!” My mom said as I was about to run out the door. Turning around I grab a biscuit, with egg and sausage, and shove it in my mouth. I then nod a thank you at mom, which she returns with a wry smile and a shake of the head, and I bolt out the door.

My chores are standard farm stuff, muck stalls, feed animals, lead the cows into the dairy, then brush the horses. We have two hundred and twelve of them, three for our leisure, and the rest for breeding. Lots of people throughout the galaxy buy horses from us, and some other farms, for recreational pleasures. I don't brush all of them but I have eleven that are my responsibility.

I like riding, but I prefer to spend my time tinkering in my room, much to my parents chagrin. Not that I hate the outdoors, it’s just that I'm more of a night person. I always wear sunglasses during the day, always.

My chores came easily, except for brushing the horses. Roger, my dad’s horse, always gives me a hard time. I told Dad once, so he watched one day. Watched him behave perfectly that is. Only when Dad is around does Rodger cooperate. And Dad chooses to believe the horse!

After dealing with Roger, I completely forgot about my “surprise”. I guess that made it a surprise, since I forgot about it. Naturally, because I forgot, when Dad asked if I was ready, I respond with, “what for?”

“For your surprize!” He said with a victorious smile. He always had that, like he just won the most glorious of battles, and now wishes to share in drink and revelry. It was because of this most everyone loved Dad.

“Yeah, just finished brushing Rodger.”

“Hey, his name is Voyager, he is a noble steed.”Dad haughtily replied.

“He does not deserve a title of nobility, so he gets Rodger, a common name.” I say dryly

Obviously ignoring my remark Dad says, “Oooooowwweeee!! Son, do I have the surprise of your life! Because you so kindly wanted to include Voyager, tack him, and Reckless. While you are doing that, you should probably tell Dreq to get his butt over here, he won't want to miss this!” At that he started briskly walking with his stupid smile.

Though his actions made me all the more curious I had to add, “Dad the last person to use Oowee died probably two thousand years ago.”

“Nope, He’s still alive!”

If you were present at this interchange you would have seen a poor soul go and saddle Rodger, because that is the stupid horse’s name. Then that same poor soul putting tack on Reckless. Yes, my horse’s name is Reckless, my dad is fond of horses. Maybe too fond, depending on who you ask, but he sure does know his stuff. His favorite are the stories of ancient war horses who showed bravery beyond most humans. Of which Voyager, Reckless, and Mom’s horse Marengo are nominated.

After setting tack, Dreq showed up, he is my Dashad Bondmate. We bonded last year when I found him in an old maffenbear trap. The trap was sent by illegal poachers thinking the Dashad prey. Setting animal traps of any kind is illegal on Auctus, and Dashad are sentient, therefore have the rights of humans. It would not be poaching, it would be murder.

Hey Dreq, Dad has a surprise for us. Can you tell him the horses are ready. Dreq ran to the hose up to the front door paused and ran back. Dashad don’t yell, so to speak. They instead, extend their range and speak normally. If you are in their range you would hear them but if you are one step outside of their range you would hear nothing You know, it is still kinda weird the way you speak.

Maybe it is your speech that is weird.

Nope you speak using your brain to manipulate preons, this ability is severely limited with humans, and classified as magic. This in ancient welsh and other norwegian, and scandinavian cultures was tied to fate and therefore wyrd.

Well in Dashad culture weird comes from humans and it means… nothing because its a

stupid human word.

Hehe, you can’t lie.

Dad, James is making fun of me because I cannot lie.

“James,you should be more like your brother here, and not lie.” He chides, trotting up with that smile, clearly in on the joke. Getting in the saddle he bellows, “onward!”

Sighing I mount Reckless and follow. After five minutes we reach the woods; five minutes after that we come to a stop at a large rock. Though exceptionally large at five meters tall it was by no means a surprize, I have known about this rock since I was five. “Dad, this is not a surprise, this is a rock, one I already know about.”

“That’s not the surprise.” He says as he dismounts, without tethering Rodger.

“Even though it worked for Moses I don't think hitting it is going to bring water.”

“Ha ha very funny, let’s just see what happens when I put my hand here."

The next thing that happens is, the rock scans Dad’s hand and opens revealing a maglift. Gesturing me inside, Dad walks in. I dismount and tether the horses like a responsible rider, then join him and Dreq who was already inside. “Your mother has been complaining about your cluttered room for some time now. And, as any good parent, she wants you to chase your dreams, just as long as it does not make the home unsightly,” Dad pushed a button and the lift went down for a few seconds then stopped. Then it accelerated backwards throwing me and Dreq into the padded door. Smirking he continued, “Sorry, but the nearest dessert is 60 miles away. It needs to be in a dessert because we cannot disturb the arboreous biomes,”

On Auctus, any above ground construction was illegal without specific permits and a need for the building.

“Why would we need that? We are under ground.”

Ignoring me, again. “When I was your age, my great grandfather told me stories that his grandfather told him about houses people built in trees. Kids used them as a base of operations for exploring, and whatever flew their ship. I thought, since you need space to build your ‘projects,’ and a base of operations for your own adventures, I built this.”

As if timed for a holovid, the elevator stopped and promptly opened. Inside, the Treehouse was a huge metal cavern almost like a huge… “Hanger.” I mumbled.

That was why it needed to be in the desert. The opening of the ceiling would disrupt a life giving biome.

“Well, I know how it is your dream to build a spaceship, and your mom and I decided I that if you sold your share of the crops we grow and maybe sold a few of the things you build, oh, and get a bot to do your chores, then maybe you can save for one.”

Although I knew it still would not be enough, the hope was palpable. And it was an awesome surprise. After exclaiming “Thanks dad!” And a hug, I went exploring. In the back there was a huge D-mat, probably the one used to dig the Treehouse. Then there were four Printers of descending size, from large enough to print an entire hoverbike, to one small enough to print nanites.

“Your mom already called the Axiom to say you were needed at the farm, so make sure you don't come back till after school. Also I'm assuming you will want to start selling your share now so eat from the food Printer, in the kitchen. Hope you heard that bye!”

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