《The Mystic》Volume 1: Chapter 4-The Woods


As the morning rays flew across the city of Renuit, a young elf was changing his attire.

"Hmmmm...I think this will do." Kale stared at his green shirt and shorts.

"Wonder if Sarah will be free today. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! She just moved in....of course she's not." Kale thought to himself.

Kale then rushed out of his room and out the front door.


"Roi, what do you want to do today? I'm sooooo bored. Wished we had school today." Kale said as they were walking from one bridge to another.

Typically, elven homes were all in trees and so it was common for there to be bridges connecting one tree to the next.

The elves also built flat platforms and buildings on top of the vines that connected one tree to the next.

You could say that the elven cities were usually big and confusing as they had several floors starting from the ground up.

"Want to go to the outer perimeter?" Roi asked.

"Sure, though what are we doing there?" Kale asked.

"I don't know, though it could take the boredom away." Roi replied.

It has been a while since the two went outside of Renuit. So Kale didn't mind doing something different for a change.

As the two arrived at the outer walls, they made sure not to let the guards notice them.

Kids weren't allowed outside without adult supervision as the elven council was worried that their kids would meet danger.

Though Roi and Kale would always be able to sneak out through a hole.

The outer wall was built entirely out of foot long vines which were really durable and solid against attacks.

Due to the tremendous amount of mana from the outer walls, the elves would be able to use it to their advantage and decimate their attackers.


Now to find a hole big enough for a person to go into was impossible. The elves would surely see it and fix it, but that was not the case.

Roi and Kale noticed one day while they were playing that a vine was loose. They push it out of the way to the side and then sawed the vines to get to the other side.

The hole wasn't big, only a feet in width. So the two would have to walk through sideways.

Roi and Kale were careful. They would check the guards and their surroundings first before they ran for it.

When the two ran towards the hole and got to the other side, they scurried their way towards the woods.

"So what do we do now?" Kale asked with panted breath.

"How about just exploring the woods? You never know if we discover something interesting." Roi was gasping for air as the two ran for a mile away from Renuit.

"There should be a river down there. Let's go, I'm thirsty." Roi pointed south.

As the two were approaching the river, they noticed tons of smoke and gargling sounds.

The amount of smoke stretched from far to the northwest, to the south, and then to the north east.

You could say it looked like a U formation. Though they couldn't be sure as they couldn't see far to the north. Who knows if the smoke enclosed Renuit.

Approaching slowly, the two peeped at the river.

"What the hell! Do you see that Kale?" Roi exclaimed in utter shock.

Along the other side of the river laid thousands of packed draconians.

They were each 3 meters tall with reptilian-like bodies. They had tough lizard scales glistening as the sun's rays touched upon them.

Two black protruding horns upon their heads.


Their scales with all shorts of colors depending on the element they used.

Being draconians, they looked just like a dragon in the form of a human.

"You can't be serious...." Kale muttered in bated breath.

"Kale, y-you think they are planning to invade us?" Roi asked nervously.

"If they are, we'd better tell the town. If they are that densely packed a mile or so away from the town, there has to be millions encompassing us. Who knows if they got us surrounded" Kale replied in a shaky tone.

"Grr...look who we have here. Dinner perhaps?" A red draconian stood behind them, battle axe at the ready.

Roi and Kale were both startled. They've been found.

Immediately, Kale turned around to meet an axe coming towards his neck.

"Ahhhh!" Kale screamed as he was about to get sliced in two.

But suddenly, the axe missed by just a hair's breadth.

Seeing the opportunity in from of him, Kale did a jump kick on the draconian's stomach.

A dozen stakes soon emerged from the ground as it impaled the draconian.


With enormous amount of blood oozing out of his body, the draconian used what's left of his body as mana to send a surge of flames at Kale.

As the flames touched Kale, although it would've incinerated any living person it wouldn't be able to against Kale.

Since the amount of mana from the draconian was enormous with its dying breath, it gave Kale first degree burn all over his body.

"Huff...huff..." Kale was gasping as he almost lost his life.

"I owe you one Roi, if it wasn't for that gust of wind to make him miss..." Kale rejected the thought.

"No problem man, let's just get back before we're noticed by another draconian. Also, let's get that body of yours all fixed up. Get on my back, you can't run with that kind of damage to your body." Roi said as he picked up Kale and ran towards Renuit.

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