《In Darkness》Chapter 6: Questions and Preparations
Content Warning: Little itty bit of profanity
Okay here's the second chapter I owe you guys, enjoy.
Rex pushed his horse to the limit, going faster and faster, he was on his way to the nearest village over that had and excellent herbalist/doctor. Luckily it was only a couple of minutes away by horse and after a short time he came racing down the village’s main road and stopped outside the herbalist’s home. ‘Please be here, please be here’ he thought as he dismounted and rushed inside. When he entered he saw the doctor in a chair drinking tea and shouted forcefully, “Dal, Ruki’s been bitten by a Green-fang hurry!”
He didn’t mean it to be so loud but because he was out of breath and his heart was pounding his voice came out as a shout and nearly startled the herbalist who was drinking tea out of her seat. When the herbalist realized what Rex was saying she shot straight up out of her chair and rushed into the back of her house. Within seconds she re-emerged with a small black pouch in her hands. Rex then ran back outside with Dal in tow and remounted his horse with Dal behind him. They then took off towards Rex’s farm.
Back at the farm Li was placing a cold towel on the Ruki's head. Rall had went to fetch some water while Irema and the other woman, who Li had learned was Rall’s wife named Tina, kept at preventing the venom from spreading throughout Ruki’s system by spreading a green paste over her wounds. Li held the towel on Ruki’s head and felt the warmth of her body slowly grow colder and colder. It was quiet; the loudest noise was Ruki’s breathing which was getting raspier and raspier. Tina would occasionally listen to Ruki’s heartbeat and then go back to sitting there beside her, checking the band on Ruki’s bicep.
“Irema i'm sorry that I couldn’t get her here earlier, I heard her singing by the lake and then it stopped, but I didn't know that she had been bit by a snake and then when I went to see why she stopped she was lying on the floor and wasn’t moving, I didn’t know what to do” Li desperately apologized.
As Li rambled on apologizing, a small amount of tears flowed out of his eyes from the guilt inside him causing him to close them and put his head down, occasionally sniffling as he continued apologizing. He kept beating himself up inside for just staring at the girl when she was passed out beside the lake. He then felt someone’s arms around him, hugging him gently as his tears flowed. He stopped crying and looked up, it was Irema who was gently holding him.
“Li, listen to me, it's not you’re fault. You’re not to blame, had you not been there Ruki would’ve died but now we are going to be able to treat her. If you hadn’t been there at the lake I would’ve lost my only daughter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing up when you did. You shouldn’t feel ashamed at all” Irema said in a gentle and loving tone.
As Irema said this, tears fell from her eyes. Li, Irema and Tina were able to keep the venom from spreading and when Rex had arrived with Dal they immediately treated Ruki’s wounds with a seaweed-type plant of some sort. Li didn't recognize it. After Dal treated Ruki, Rex carried her to her room and stayed with her the entire night. Dal stayed the night as well, just in case Ruki had a reaction to the treatment.
Late that night Li had changed into some light black sleepwear, got into his bed but couldn’t sleep. He kept remembering Ruki’s face and how she just laid on the ground motionless and without color. He shuffled and tossed around his bed for a bit but sleep still never overtook him. Finally fed up with tossing and turning he sat up and left his bedroom. The hall and front room were dark and he had to make his way by moonlight as he walked through them. He made his way to the front room, opened the front door and stepped outside. As soon as he closed the door behind him Li looked up at the moon. It was a full moon tonight and it seemed to get closer as he stared at it.
“You think you can touch it?” a voice said.
Li was startled and looked to his right. On a wooden bench was the doctor named Dal dressed in a light green robe.
“Excuse me?” Li said.
“Sit down” Dal said as she looked at Li.
Li politely obliged and sat down on the wooden bench next to Dal. Dal looked younger than Irema even though Irema told him that she was many years older than her. Li looked at her and thought that she was a nice looking lady who had a sense of wisdom about her. Dal then began to speak.
“When I was young there was a folk tale about the moon. One day a god from another universe came to ours and observed every living thing here in what we call The World. He observed for quite a long time and came to the realization that none of the living things here valued what he valued. So the god appeared before every living thing and told them the value of power, the power to overcome your neighbors, enemies and friends alike. He then showed them a shiny white fluorescent orb, telling them that if they could gain power and reach this shiny white fluorescent orb he would bestow upon them unlimited power. He then placed it up in the sky and watched as the living things of our world competed and struggled for this so-called unlimited power. He was rather amused, yet no matter how long they tried to reach it they couldn’t obtain the orb.”
“After many years the god grew tired of waiting for someone to acquire the orb so he once more appeared to every living thing and said “I will leave this universe, however I will leave the orb right where it is, over time it will come closer and closer to your world. Only once one acquires the orb will I then reappear. Just remember that all rays of light shine together through the darkness.” And with that the god left.”
Li listened intently and after Dal finished the tale Li looked up at the moon and responded.
”So the orb in that tale is the moon, that’s why you asked me if I could touch it, right?”
Dal chuckled and replied, “Yes, but you must understand the moral of the story. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with the moon. What the god wanted to see was every living thing work together to obtain the orb. They could have easily acquired the orb if they had linked together to reach it. However, they fought amongst each other, consumed by greed and jealousy and no one acquired the power. You can’t acquire true power without friends and loved ones Li.”
As she said this she stared at him. He didn’t understand why she was telling him this or why she was staring at him in this way. ‘Does she know who I am?’ This question crept into his mind as he stared at her. Dal then stood up and walked towards the door.
Before entering the house she looked at Li and said “Have a good nights rest Li, maybe dream about touching the moon. But beware you might come crashing down from the sky and into a new life.” As she said this she smiled and entered the house.
Li sat there stunned. He thought to himself ‘Does she know about my dream? Did that thing she said about a new life have something to do with why I have no memory? She must know something.’ He was convinced that Dal knew something. He got up and walked inside the house. He went to the guest room where Dal had been staying and opened the door. When he entered all he saw was an empty room, Dal had already gone.
The rest of the night was calm but Li still wasn’t able to fall asleep. ‘She definitely knows something. That old witch knows what happened to me but she just ran off without telling me shit!’ Li was frustrated but as it grew later he finally fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of what had happened today. He kept dreaming of the sight of Ruki lying on the ground, bitten by the snake yet peaceful with her hair flowing in the wind. Ruki’s voice softly sounded out within his dream as he dreamt of her singing by the bank of the lake as she stared up at the sun. As he dreamed this he felt warmth on his chest. This warmth was comforting and slowly woke him up. He opened his eyes and saw Irema with her hand on the spot where he dreamt it was warm. She was softly nudging him, trying to wake him up.
“Li, since Ruki is still in the process of getting better i'm going to need your help at the fair.”
Li sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Irema brought a cup over which had steam coming out of it.
“Here's some warm milk to help you wake up. You must have stayed up late, I know it’s hard getting used to unfamiliar places but it’ll eventually get easier” she said as she handed him the cup of warm milk.
“What part of the day is it?” Li asked.
“Its just before sun-up” Irema cheerily said.
“Now after you finish that milk, get dressed and come to the kitchen. Rall’s getting the carts together and I already have some bread in the oven so you’ll have to help me with the food.”
She then smiled, turned away and left the room. Li thought to himself, ‘How can she have this much energy so early in the morning. Well I shouldn’t be complaining, its not necessarily a bad thing.’ Li finished the milk, got out of bed, stretched and got dressed in an all black outfit (not purposely). He headed to the kitchen and saw that in the front room there were baskets on baskets on baskets. There were so many baskets and boxes that you could probably build a small house out of them. The entire front room was full of them. Li was staring wide-eyed at all of the baskets and the many aromas that caught his savage sniff.
“C’mon Li don’t just stand there gaping at this ol’ heap of goods, help mah out.”
Li snapped out of his stupor and turned to see that Rall had just walked in the front room and was taking some of the boxes outside. Li immediately went over to the kitchen and helped Irema out. As the day went on Li helped make countless batches of peace bread, gayo soup, kaliga tea, lamb bites and many other things ranging from medicinal meals to mending glue. Rall, Tina and their two sons, Connor and Talio, had continued to load up the carts throughout the day until the front room became emptier and emptier and returned to its original state.
“Whew, this is the most cooking i've done in my life. Well, as far as I know” Li said as Irema, Rall and himself chuckled.
“Great work boys and Tina. Now you all need to pack for the journey” Irema said.
“Huh?” Li had an expression of confusion on his face. “Journey?”
“Yes, the journey to the fairgrounds in Etheski, the capital of Dysi. We’ll be making the trip right before sunup. I told you that I would need help at the fairgrounds. The trip to Etheski is a four-day ride by horse. That’s why I packed so many coolboxes and water leaves to prevent the food from spoiling. Your coming along Li, you’ll act as a substitute for Ruki.”
Irema then looked at Rall “Go get your family ready, i'll go talk to your father about the caravan affairs.”
“So how long do I need to pack for?” Li asked.
“Hmm, I would say that you should pack for about a month” she replied.
“What?! An entire month?!” Li was shocked.
He knew that Irema had been preparing for the fair, but he had never heard of a fair lasting a month. Not like he could remember anything anyways, it was still a long period of time dedicated to going somewhere away from loved ones, even though he didn't have any.
“Yeah, the actual fair is two months but you only need a month’s worth of clothes cuz you’ll wash ‘em. You’ll love it Li. Theres people from all over The World who make month-long trips to go. Theres people from every region and the free cities, last year I even met a man from Dalimar!” Li just looked at Rall blankly as he said this.
Rall then realized that Li clearly had no idea what he was meant by that.
“Haha, I forgot, you have no idea of any part of The World. But maybe we’ll find someone who’ll recognize ya pal” Rall said as he patted Li on the shoulder.
Over the day, ever since Li had saved Ruki, everyone treated him very well and acted as if he was part of the family even though it hadn’t even been two days since they found him. He didn’t mind in the slightest, he felt welcomed here at the farm. He felt lucky that he ended up here rather than who knows where. Li smiled back at Rall and said “Ya, maybe.” Li felt a sense of hope that he would find something out about himself if he went to the fair.
At these thoughts he looked at Irema cheerily, “Okay i'm going to pack up my things and then go fetch some more water for the horses and voes.” Li then hurriedly rushed towards his room.
Irema smiled, “Well look what you did Rall. You got him all excited about the fair. However I think it’s for the best. Go get situated, I’ll be over before sun up to help get the kids ready for the trip.”
“Okay mah.”
He then turned and left the house. Irema made her way towards Ruki’s room with a fresh set of clothes and a wet towel. She quietly opened the door to Ruki’s room and smiled as she saw her husband sound asleep in a chair next to Ruki’s bed.
Rex had sat by their daughter’s side all day. She knew that Rex was protective of Ruki because she was their only daughter and Rex was always like this whenever something happened to Ruki. Irema set down the freshly washed clothes on Ruki’s bedside table and replaced the towel that was on Ruki’s forehead. She then went over and gently sat on Rex’s lap. Rex slowly put his head up, his eyes returning from sleep. He looked at Irema and smiled.
“I was having a pleasant dream you know.”
“I know, you had a goofy smile on your face while you were asleep.”
They both let out a laugh. Irema sank into Rex’s arms while he held her. They were both looking in the direction of Ruki.
“She’s going to be really sad that she’s missing the World Fair, she looks forward to it every year” Rex said, remembering Ruki’s excitement when she was allowed to go to her first World Fair years ago.
“I thought we were gonna lose her. I honestly did” Rex then said solemnly.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if we did.”
Irema looked at him, “Don’t think about that now, the truth is that she is safe. It’s all thanks to that boy you are so cautious of. If he hadn’t been at the lake and heard Ruki singing, we would have lost her. Li seems like a good boy. Im going to take him to the fair tomorrow with the caravan.”
Rex looked at her surprised.
“You’re going to take a boy that we just met on a month long trip with most of our family?”
“Why not, I haven’t seen any indications of Li making any attempts to negatively effect our family. In fact, I’ve only seen him help us. He saved Ruki, he’s helped around the house and besides he doesn’t even know who he is, the poor thing.”
“I know. It’s just hard to fully accept that. We don’t even know who he used to be. What if he remembers who he is and then starts acting against our family?”
“That’s why we need to fully support him and focus on who he is now. That’s the only way we can be sure that he becomes and stays good person.” Irema replied giving Rex a soft gaze.
Her gaze then became stubborn, “You need to stop being so cold with him, he saved your daughter. Besides, don’t worry about him, he’s a nice boy. The other reason I wanted to take him to the fair is so that we could perhaps find somebody who knows him.”
Rex looked at her.
“You know, I didn’t even think about that possibility until you mentioned it now. Okay, it’ll probably be for the best then. Plus, Rall and the other villagers will all be equipped and able to help out if anything happens” he said reassuringly to himself.
“It never ceases to amaze me at how protective and paranoid you are. Im going to miss you honey.”
After saying this she gave Rex a kiss and then turned to look at the moonlight shining through the window and onto Ruki’s face.
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