《The Celestial Kingdom》Hinooki, The Fae Ninja


Ardent made her way down the long corridor. The familiar surroundings, paintings and tapestries brought her a small amount of comfort and a hinge of sorrow at the same time. A bittersweet reminder that her time in Gaia was now limited.

He doesn't listen to me. She thought, But I have to tell him I can't stay here. Her mind was puzzled, caught between two worlds. One world was regretting that she revealed her identity like she did. The other world was not regretting that she saved her friends. Seems like it was a futile attempt. She told herself. They would have been safe regardless of what I did.

She stopped in front of a set of doors as memories began to flood through her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by a presence she knew all too well. It was foreboding but at the same time, a hint of laughter and a reassuring calmness.

She examined her surroundings. "Nan Nan?" She called, knowing her teacher was toying with her.

"Hello...." She said still trying to locate her friend.

The presence faded and she gave a heavy sigh. She turned to open the door and was tackled. She gave a loud scream before she crumbled to the floor with a small Hinooki in tow.

Heart pounding in her chest, she gave her mentor a hug. "You scared me!"

Hinooki gave her an amused look and laughed, her lavender eyes sparkled with mischief. "Gotcha good didn't I?"

Ardent laughed back. "Always. It never fails and I always fall for it."

"I wasn't completely sure if it was you though." The kunoichi explained, eyeing what was left of Ardent's wings. "You look... different."

Ardent pulled herself to her feet and helped Hinooki to hers. She used the moment to take in the familiarity of her mentor. Long black hair that gleamed purple in the light, short pointed ears that hinted at fae decent. Fae ears were similar to eleven ears, but the length was the same as a human's.


Her pale skin was the color of moonlight and glittered in the light. Another trademark of the fae was their fairy dusted skin. The dust never came off unless a fae wanted it to, but their skin was given a soft glistening glow from the effect.

Her pale skin tone contrasted with her black clothing, a black chiffon see-through tunic accompanied by a black front-tied corset that laced together with yellow ribbon. The tips of her sleeves were decorated in a black floral pattern that faded into a dark violet at the very tips. A yellow choker clung to her neck, interlaced with black beads and a single amethyst engraved with the image of the mother tree in gold.

At her waist was a yellow belt also interlaced with black beads, several daggers lay against it in their black sheaths. Their colorful pommels gleaming violet in the light from the sconces.

A black short skirt dawned her lower half, a slit was cut up both sides. A pair of black shorts laced in the same floral design as her sleeves, turning a violet at the ends and a yellow garter peeked out from the slit.

The garter was also adorned with black beads and a black pouch was attached to it, probably full of kunai and shuriken. Her ensemble was finished off with a set of black leather boots laced with yellow ribbon.

"That's right you and master Shenpai were on a mission that day." She said with a crest fallen expression. "What you see is what I truly am. I broke a law of Heaven and now because I did, I can't stay here."

"I'm sure you had your reasons for this." Hinooki replied. "I was told a dragon attacked our village." Her elegant features turned fierce.


Ardent nodded. "Etah." She confirmed.

"Well in any case," the fae ninja said, changing the subject, "there is a banquette being held tonight in your honor! You should go get changed. You're looking a little ... uh.. filthy."

Ardent gave herself a once over. "I'm going." She replied feeling better. Her teacher's presence always brought her comfort.

She turned back to thank her mentor but the ninja lady had disappeared, leaving Ardent alone in the heavily decorated hall.

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