《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 20: Ciana (Ears and Eyes)
“Would you stop following me” Ciana commanded Lucine. Both of them in the busy streets. She had been frustrated at Madame Florence mainly because now she acting even more a pain that usual; Stressed as well because now she has to prove herself to Eldrian and Arthur even more, and to add little more annoyance Lucine was now following her.
“Are you going back to the Doctor’s place?” Lucine asked in a joking, innocent, and dumb manner.
“Yes I am, could you maybe go and bond with Beatrice instead of following me” Ciana again commanded Lucine but she showed no hope of letting Ciana go.
When Ciana learned how many nobles were actually present in the city and how many connection they had, she had to figure a way out to know about them. If I can’t help then, I’m just about useless. She would need to find a way, to know about what goes on in the city.
She headed off to Doctor’s place hoping to find some idea to get information around the city. It was unfortunate for her that Lucine had tagged along with her, even though she somewhat befriended Lucine more than the others in the estate, It was in this situation that she didn’t want Lucine to be with her.
Ciana headed was once again back in Wight Hollow Street. When she entered along with Lucine she only found Dr. Wilther the old wooden desk sleeping but woke up as the door opened. The Dr. welcomed Ciana back again but wondered who her companion was.
“An Annoyance” Ciana answered the Doctor’s question.
“Lucine Laeta, is my name.” Lucine corrected.
“Pleasure to meet you Ms. Laeta. Now what brings you here again Ciana.”
Ciana instead of replying sat one of the wooden benches and leaned on the building wall. Stressed; Madame Florence. Oh the thought of her just made her angry, Madame Florence had just been so stingy about everything all of a sudden because again she wanted everybody to be neat and presentable
All because one person from a different country, royal blood, had business in Union’s Rising and had visited the estate. There were numerous times were Ciana hadn’t even been allowed to hide in the library all because Madame Florence wanted everybody to be there making all of us look like disciplined persons. She even warned Ciana about this.
‘Do not do anything that would cause any accidents or humiliation towards me and the girls. I won’t let this precious opportunity.’
‘Why am I always being scolded and not the others’ Ciana replied sourly.
‘Mostly the other girl’s trouble only goes minimal, but your goes to much and gotten an infamous reputation. And the second reason is that I told like your attitude so if you could change it would be far better for me and your family’. Madame Florence said coldly not even look at Ciana when she said that making Ciana angrier and hated her even more.
Ciana composed herself, leaving the thought of Madame Florence behind and said repressing her anger to Dr. Wilther “Oh just visiting Doctor.”
“Ciana, don’t listen to Madame Florence even if she says ‘That girl is probably a stain on her family’”
Ciana’s effort to remain calm was shattered by that and immediately responded back “When did she say that?”
“Right after you and her had a talk. She said that”
Behind my back.
“Well you shouldn’t beat yourself too up there Miss Blaine, I’m sure that in due time that the Madame will have what’s coming to her” Dr. Wilther added.
“Thank you for the morale support Doctor.” Ciana said though it didn’t actually helped her, she was still livid about it.
“Well since you and your friend are still here” Dr. Wilther said. “I might need some assistance here if you don’t mind, Freddy was gone off somewhere else and Darin had run some errands for me.”
“Anything to keep me away from Madame Florence” Ciana responded in anger and relief. Lucine nodded in agreement as well.
“Wonderful I’m expecting a patient to arrive shortly, so there’s some supplies there; Bottles and tools most of them just try to arrange them I haven’t had the time to do so”
Ciana and Lucine helped the place, Ciana was trying to keep herself occupied with the chore of a task to get her mind off Madame Florence.
Someone entered the doctor’s place, he was big fellow, and he wore a dirtied shirt along with that an apron. His leggings were old and used. This man seemed and look like he was in his thirty years. His left hand had a linen cloth wrapped around it as well as he was struggling to with right arm.
His face shown signs of small bruises and from his posture he had been shown to be a man who’s been stressed for a quite a time.
“Is the doctor here?” The man said struggling to keep the pain under.
“Oh yes, let me get him” Lucine replied as she went into the room to get Dr. Wilther. It was brief moment when Dr. Wilther came back and was shocked to find the man all wounded up.
“Dear me, you look even worse than before. Quickly get in the room. Ciana, Lucine help him get into the room”
“No need, doctor. I could still walk.” The man said as he rose up to follow the Dr. Wilther but still he was struggling.
The man sat down a wooden bench in the doctor’s room, Dr. Wilther removed the linen cloth on his hand to reveal a cut, his rolled up his sleeves on right arm to reveal a severe black bruise. He pressed the man’s chest to which the man replied with a small grunt of pain which shows that he had taken damage there.
He then looked at his face though not wounded he was shown that something had bothered him, greatly.
“I’m still going to recover aren’t I, a few cuts and punches won’t stop me” said the man
“Mister Charles Frill, this wounds inflicted on you are severe. Tell ‘they’ didn’t bother you again, if so I admit you must do something or tell someone about it.”
“No its fine doctor. I just need some medical advice and some things to get the pain off”
“Just a take rest, the wounds I suggest not to get yourself into dirty environment to prevent infections” he gave a roll of linen cloth and a bottle of disinfectant. “But Charles, you must put a stop to this. Go and tell the guards and-” he cut off by Charles.
“No, I’m fine. I’d gotta get back to the tavern. My son is probably worried about me” He replied and left.
Charles Frill left the doctor’s place. “I fear that man’s life, both troubled physically and mentally” Dr. Wilther commented.
“He seems he was being harassed by a bunch of gang members” Ciana commented.
“True enough, Ms. Blaine”
“Though why?”
“I’m not inclined to tell my patient’s problem to others”
Ciana looked at the doctor with an awed face but the Dr. Wilther gave a sign to Lucine.
“Lucine would you kindly leave us for a moment.”
Lucine agreed and left the room.
“Well when Charles Frill first came here about a weeks ago, he not the severe injuries that you had seen right now. It was minor bruises and cuts to which he said it was an accident while he was working or fell down.
One day however I was passing by his tavern, located at abruptly near the city center, just up north of CrohValley. It was about very early in the morning when I had the chance to see about four men outside his tavern guarding the door. I only manage to hear what goes on in the building but I swear I could the sound of furniture being broke and grunts of pain.
The sad thing about the matter I saw his son, William Frill, on the alley behind the building. Hiding and looks of it he’s traumatized
Not only that, There was another time when Charles came here again this time with his son. ‘Father please just tell the guards or somebody, I’m worried’. I heard that all too clear outside this building”
“Why didn’t this Charles tell the guards about him being harassed by some rooks?”
“I don’t know, he never told me what’s really happening.”
Just then someone burst in opening the door, he was a young boy in his fourteen years. Wearing a simple leggings and shirt and his notable feature was his curly raven hair.
“I’m sorry to intrude doctor but has my father came here recently”
“William, yes he did”
“Is it serious” William asked in fear.
“Severe injuries, bruises and cuts. As well his mental condition of him is much stressed”
William Frill sat down by the wooden bench and sunk his head down. He was grieving on how severe the injuries and stress his father had been.
“Does he take your advice? Did he say he’ll rest?” William asked in melancholy.
“He asked for my advice and I gave him some linen cloth and a bottle of disinfectant for the wound. That was all”
William once again sunk into a posture of sadness. He was a young boy, far too young yet he already knew what horrors has come to his father.
“William, if I may ask not as a doctor but as a concerned person what is happening?”
William hesitated on answering the question, and continued to look down as if it something that couldn’t be help with.
“Doctor, could I advise Ms.-” “Blaine” Ciana completed the sentence.
“Yes, I would rather have this problem of me and father be discrete”
“Oh Ciana here, trust she can be discrete. I promise you anything you said here will not go out into the public.”
William hesitated for a moment to speak, he first composed himself then spoke
“I’ll be straight forward. My father has been in debt to someone. I was a boy of ten years when my father was in debt. It was noble named Philip Jaen, he’s not as rich as the other nobles in the city but is still has power and wealth. It was a time were I and father were broke, we were down on our luck. We barely had no money to turn the tavern and added to that the tavern was ransacked by robbers.
Mister Jaen, came to my father one day. He said he could help my father as well as others in that manner. So he did, gave us money to do repairs, buy supplies, and manage to do some bit of improvement to the tavern. I had always taught it was a miracle but it wasn’t it came with a heavy price. My father now works for Mister Jaen, it was fine with my father considering he had helped us out but it was constant abuse. Most of income we’d earned are given to him but if we can’t give anything he threatens my father, if still we can’t pay it results in my father getting beaten. I even heard one of the men saying they going to come after me next.”
Ciana had been listening well to William’s story. She found it sad and interesting. And couldn’t bear to hold what she was about to ask.
“What do you know about Mister Philip Jaen?” Ciana asked.
“Other than he’s choking me, my father, and anyone else in his debt. He’s basically a man with wealth and power, he has a fancy house in Haeshill and is quite a talker with people he likes. He runs a business in Haeshill but his real income comes from the debt people owe him.”
“So you followed this Philip Jaen to his house?” Ciana asked.
“Well you see, I’m mostly out with some boys that my father hired, they’re good friends. Most of them are spread out of Union’s Rising but we eventually meet in the tavern. It just happen they saw Mister Jaen from time to time and told me about it.”
William got up after. His face sweating after telling Ciana and Dr. Wilther of his and father’s situation. He excused himself and left. Ciana as well excused himself from the room, Lucine wasn’t there anymore but Freddy is. He told Ciana that Lucine had gone somewhere off.
She wondered on what to do next, Oh Lucine I wish you were still here. She pondered on herself back to Madame Florence’s saying about her family. She recalled now of three of them, Frian, her, and Elisa. All of them just young children playing about in the manor. Remembering her mother’s comforting voice, Versila Blaine. To her father’s strict yet caring attitude, Marquis Blaine. Stain on my family, oh one day Madame Florence you’ll be low and I’ll be high.
The insult on her about her family had wounded Ciana deeply with the added salt of being ‘useless’ and ‘troublesome’. I wouldn’t accomplish anything dwelling on insults. Her thoughts when on with the recent troubles of the son and father. Perhaps there’s an opportunity.
It was possible that this Philip Jaen could release the father and son as well as others under his debt if he was forced too, frightened on what may come to him, or expose about. William’s friend could stalk Philip Jaen, gather more information.
Blackmail is a good way to bring this person down, I just need the information.
She left the Doctor’s building and took a carriage to tavern where the Frill’s owned.
The tavern was named ‘Good Gold Spent’. From the exterior it had two floors and was colored gold and red, it looked as good as it was probably first opened for business.
She spotted William outside the inn along with the boys he described as his friends.
Ciana was about to approach him till she felt an arm touch her arm. She turned round to find it was Arthur sporting a stylish shirt and jacket.
“My dear Ms. Blaine, greetings what brings you near the central of the capital?”
“Oh just a nice travel routine around. By the way where is Mr. Barnnet? I thought both of you were always together?” Ciana said in a friendly tone.
“Well my dear if you know, having the council’s attention has its downsides. Eldrian has been handling those downsides to sort it out. Anyhow what are you really doing here? C’mon don’t jape around”
Well if I’m about to blackmail a noble might as well get some help with it.
Ciana told Arthur of Philip Jaen, how she could William Frill’s boys as spies for her, and blackmail Philip Jaen in releasing all of his clients from his debt and abuse.
“Philip Jaen….I heard Eldrian mutter that name before. So your plan is to hire these boys to stalk Mister Jaen, gather anything that could be used against him to force him out of business as well as freeing the people. A good intention and the opportunity for me and Eldrian, though I couldn’t see any benefit for you Ms. Blaine. But an efficient amount of payment of money and a good conscience of freeing people from abuse should suffice enough.”
Ciana wasn’t too content with just money and freeing people, she taught having a kind of grasp around places and knowing.
“Benefit Mr. Cedricstan is that I would have ears around places, those boys of William’s would be ears around this city. They’re a short bunch and only cover about small areas about the city but in time the numbers would grow, then I know what goes around the city. See Arthur there’s a benefit for me in this as well” Ciana happily said.
“You could use my assistance, but lead the way Ms. Blaine” Arthur replied showing his arm to the tavern.
They both approached William and the boys. William was shocked to see Ciana and was also confused to see Arthur. Arthur asked William if he could to him in private, he agreed and told his friends to move leave. They went inside the tavern at the back. He told both of them that his father still isn’t here but still out buying supplies for the tavern.
“William Frill, I am aware that you and father as well as others are under debt to a Mister Philip Jaen. Now I’ll get straight to the point what me and Ms. Blaine are offering is to free you and your father from his grasp” Arthur blunty said
William aghast and showed disbelief yet there was a glimmer of hope and happiness when he heard the offer, he calmed himself down and spoke.
“And what would you want in return” he said in an intense tone “To be under someone else’s services” in an intense tone as well.
“In return, if you would accept to help me and Ms. Blaine you be free from the debt of Philip Jaen. The benefits I’ve gain is from the defeat of Jaen but for you, I can assure you that you and your father can be left in peace.”
William thought on the offer. He was shaking of the intense offer that was now being brought upon but had doubts if it was a right choice. He was a young boy growing up in debt and abuse he wasn’t easily to trust this.
“What would you need of me?”
“You said previously that your friends had spotted Jaen multiple times across the cities. That’s what I require. I would just need ears and eyes to follow him. You shan’t need to pay us only the services of your friends.” Ciana offered.
“And if they would need something in return, I would gladly pay them. Though it is better if they hear the offer from you. What do you say?” Arthur asked.
William was stunned for about a minute closing his eyes. He then excused himself, got up and left. He returned shortly after to say.
“The boys are willing to be the ears and eyes. They only need payment in return.”
Ciana gave a small grin.
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