《The Hushed Weald》Sanguinem Lapis I


Far beyond the elven capital there is a city. In mountains high enough to pierce the very sky, a city built in them. Throughout years and years, the mountains were transformed into a great masterpiece gifted to a certain count.

As time passed the counts wife fell ill… He tried all he could, he did all he could and nothing would work.

In the end a demon came to him and offered a deal that couldn’t be refused. A contract written in blood. Nobody would even look at such a thing… Only him.

“Accept my gift count, accept it and your wife will be saved, your city will know eternal glory and prosperity. All I want from you is life.”

He did not hesitate, he did not ask the demon who he was… He could save his wife which was more than he could wish for. The wretched fiend gifted the fortress the red plague. The rivers flowing from the mountain became blood, the people were infected by the disease and began killing each other. They ate one another, they drank the blood of each and every animal they had. A thirst that could not be quenched. Of course, his wife was saved… Unaffected by the plague. He locked her in the castle and let none see her.

Upon seeing the vile creatures, the count could not bare it anymore. He used all his might to set order into the chaotic city. In time everything transformed, the city became a fortress, a home for the horrors of darkness. Demons bowed to the count, he created two hundred pillars to surround the land and seal it away from the eyes of mortals.

Search parties were sent to catch living beings and extract their blood. Statues of gargoyles watched over every entrance in the city. From their eyes blood was dripping, like they were crying. The pillars were fueled by demonic energy, space and time stopped being relevant in this place. The sky turned red and atop of it all one being… Severo and his demon aide, which he ever only knew as the deal maker.


The barrier failed. The pillars couldn’t keep up anymore with the needs of the fortress and now everyone could see it. A pure manifestation of evil… Although who can say what truly is evil?

The order sent forth Kana, the reaping scout. She was considered to be on par with a harbinger. Along her two hounds thirsty for battle. From a hill they could see the wicked land, the very terrain was tainted by the plague… To remedy such an abomination, they would have to burn the entire place.

“Hounds, I shall move forward. I want one of you to go to the eastern entrance. The other one return to the council, tell them we need a purifier regiment. Ask for additional hounds as well, who knows what will we fight in there?”

They moved as planned. Kana along with the hound went forward. She ran through the forest and reached to a tall and sturdy tree. She climbed and checked around. A patrol of higher demons.

‘What are they doing?’

She took a spyglass from her utility bag and looked. It wasn’t a patrol, it was a transport. They kept humans in leash dragging them towards the city. Two of them dead and the other three barely walking.

‘Even if I want to help them, I can’t fight head on with demons. Not with such strong demons… If only he was here. Ah, this is no time to think about that.’

Fortunately, she had a desolator crossbow. Although she never actually used one, but the legends say it’s a weapon that pierces through reality and a single bolt is enough to bring down even the strongest of creatures. To think such armament was mass produced by the Nephilims.

She prepared the arrow, slowly taking aim… She shot. The bolt flew through the leaves right into the demon’s head. The body fell, there was no blood spilt, there were no marks left although she was sure she hit him.


She prepared another bolt. The other demons were on guard. They tried to look around to find the person who killed their comrade. Kana was a masterful scout, if she wanted none could find her. Although she lacks in brute strength her wits, makes up for it.

Another bolt flew, no sound, no traces left. The last demon started to panic. He hid behind a tree and tried to pinpoint her location.

Kana was curious, if the crossbow left no traces would that mean the arrows are not physical once shot? It befuddled her. She gave it a try and shot straight through the tree. The last demon collapsed.

She came down from the tree and cut the prisoners free.

Something was not right. Kana took a glance at the demons. They were not moving, whatever spark of life they had… It was now gone.

The nearby river started to boil. The stench was horrendous. From it, hands emerged, they made out of the bloody water. It grasped the corpses and took them away.

“I guess there is more to this place.”

‘Demons… We fought only a few of them throughout the years. Three of them only taking in the goods… Good I told him to come with more hounds as well. Who knows what awaits us?”

♦ ♦ ♦

“Tell me Severo, is there a moment you regret our deal?”

“Not for once, my love lives because of you, is there truly something I should regret? I highly doubt it.”

“You gave away your life force, as well as everyone here.”

“As I said, I have no regrets.”

“What if your wife is dead? It has been a long time, you don’t even know it yourself. You are scared to go and check on her. She never came here to visit you.”

The count looked at the demon. He was amused by that remark.

“I gave her a ring with a soul stone. Even if her body fails her, she will be forever alive.”

“What!? Your love, you gave her a soul stone, you trapped her soul forever between life and death. She can’t reach the heavens nor will she fall into the pits of hell… You are worse than a demon, at least we take you to your eternal damnation.”

The count stood up and caught the demon by his neck.

“I never was a good person. I will not change, this land itself was given to me and me alone. I only ever loved one person and I will gladly do anything to save her, even a deal with one such as you. Begone foul fiend and leave me alone for now. I need time to prepare.”

“You felt it as well…”

“Those horrible weapons, those damned desolators… I hoped the Nephilims will fade away after your friend got his claws into them… No matter, they will not leave this place alive.”

“Then I will take my leave. The Balrog pits are nearly ready as well.”

“Lets see what awaits us.”

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