《The Hushed Weald》Darker Self
Every day is a gift, all you can do is love whatever you have. Some don't have anything... yet you can give them a reason to live. Can't you?
"Who are you?"
"What is your purpose?"
"Who do you kill?"
"Again. Who do you kill?"
"E-...Everyone! EVERYONE! I'll kill... Everyone... For you!"
"This won't work. Get the others, we still have much to do."
♦ ♦ ♦
Dark clouds gathered upon the city of Molk and, shortly after, the rain started. It was as if the heavens started to weep.
"Such a gloomy day."
"Yes, your highness."
"Get Aeneas and the girl. You three should head back to the city. If you remain here, trouble might brew up."
"I can't leave you alone, my lord!"
"Just go. I have been alone for many years, what could happen in but a few days?"
"I... I understand, my lord."
"Alright... Then go now."
"As you command."
Tarex seemed to be in deep thought. What was on his mind only he knew. Although he felt something is wrong , He rose up from the table and went to pay for his meal.
"Here is the money for me and my associates."
"Thank you. Please do come again."
He left and went to search for blacksmiths, architects, armorers or craftsmen that could help him rebuild. He truly wished to restore Silacet to its former glory. Yet that was not an easy task, for the buildings were extremely old. Amateurs couldn't even fathom how restoring such a city should be possible.
"Ugh, I can't find anyone. Hey you!"
"I searched quite some time for the someone that might help restoring some ruins. Do you know in which direction can I find such people?"
"Further this way are the carpenters. The blacksmiths have a rather hard time these days. You can find them at the western gate."
"Thank you."
He kept walking ahead. There were a lot of people gathered near a colosseum. Tarex decided to take a look. He might find something interesting there. For a moment he stopped and wondered what could cause such an uproar. It simply made him more curious.Inside were less people, and as he entered, the gates suddenly closed behind him.
"I can't believe I actually did this. Sometimes I ask myself how dumb can I be? Might as well find out what this is."
There were a few people in the main box of the building. The king was there, as well as the elites, such as Ulric. Yet something didn't feel right. They all seemed stiff for some reason.
"Hey, what is happening here?"
"I heard there is a special guest coming today."
"Not that, what are we doing here?"
"Oh, wait you aren't here for the rank up trials?"
"No, no no no. I walked in to see what's happening. Well, whatever..."
"You look like elite material. If you want to leave you need to let someone beat you. That might cause you problems, though, they might take it as an affront to the king."
"Can't I just resign or something?"
"If you want to live, no. Especially today."
"Arghhhh..... Alright, sure, SURE. That's just awesome..."
The king rose up and started to speak. Everyone gathered in the center to listen.
"Attention. Remember to give all you have and prove you deserve the rank of elite. The best were selected to enter, and being here is an achievement you must be proud of. Today we also have a special guest. Please welcome her majesty, the Lion Empress Aurelie."
The woman was tall and beautiful. Her hair was long and shone like gold. Her eyes were as blue as the sea and the attitude she had was one of a true ruler.
Everyone but Tarex started cheering. Some people saw that and didn't like it, yet it couldn't be helped. The empress couldn't care less about the cheering. What she wished to see was a truly powerful person. One that could surpass even her.
"Alright, then. we shall start the matches."
A few hours passed, and Tarex was sleeping in a corner. Everyone ended their matches and only one person was left without a fighting partner. The battles left the walls damaged and the ground scorched, but the empress wasn't impressed. Due to Tarex entering by mistake in the colosseum, the one that should have been in his place couldn't participate.
"The one from the corner, come here!"
He woke up and came in the middle. His eyes were still itching from the nap. He tried to scratch but then the helmet stopped him.
" Ah, stupid metal shit. Oh yeah, I give up! I entered here by-..."
"Your opponent is right there. The fight shall start in a few minutes."
"Oh come on. At least listen to me..."
He was totally ignored.
As the time passed the king made sure to try and improve his relationship with the empress. She ruled one of the strongest countries, and having her as an ally would give him an edge over other nations, even if he was but a mere vassal.
"Your highness, do you wish for anything at all? Just tell me and I shall make my subodinates deliver at once."
"There is no need. Though I would love to see a better fighter. Maybe this one will amuse me a bit. I can feel something strange about him, though I can't say for sure what. To be honest, he is pretty disturbing."
"I am sure he is a capable warrior!"
"That remains to be seen. Bring me some wine, whelps!"
The king was in a bit of a struggle, as he didn't know what to expect from the next fight. When the time came, the other fighter went back in the middle of the arena.
"Hey mate, are you ready?"
"Oy, you hear me?"
"Wh-What, oh yeah the fight. HEY, after this, can I go?"
The figures from the box seemed annoyed by that question. He didn't even start the fight and wished to leave.
"You may resign after you win. Also if you lose you will be disqualified. I would say it's quite straight forward."
"Alright. Then shall we begin?"
"The battle may commence at once."
The man in front of him created a mana bow and shot without hesitation. He missed, but that didn't faze him, and he kept shooting Tarex.
"Hmmm, alright, I want to get back home... Let me put an end to this charade. -Silent Decree-"
As he uttered the words his opponent's mana bow dissapeared.
"What is this?"
He kept trying to recreate it, but he was unable to. The others realized as well. That nobody could use spells any longer. That wasn't where it all stopped, though. Everyone was affected in a different way. Ulric could barely lift his claymore. Those who were previously strong beyond measure were now regular people . Only the empress wasn't affected by this.
"What have you done?"
"You are not special anymore. In my presence, everyone is a normal person. Nobody is strong when they are born. Through training and hard work you can gain certain abilities. Sometimes you are born with power. But In the end that, means nothing in front of me. Now KNEEL! Only higher beings are allowed to stand."
Everyone kneeled in front of him. Every elite. Every warrior. The king as well. Only the empress stood still.
"That is a rather curious ability. Who are you?"
"You are quite special as well, 'empress'. My name is Tarex, king of the Nephilims. This country was once mine. Now my sweet city is in ruins. I came here just to rebuild it, and I have been forced to fight. Tell me, what would you have done?"
"I agree with your actions. Also I have some knowledge about your kind, I thought none of you were still alive. I have a proposal. Defeat me, and I shall help you rebuild your city. The country will be returned as well to its rightful owner. Do you accept?"
"You are a binder as well, are you not?"
"Indeed I am."
He chuckled. The proposal was great, yet a battle between two binders would affect the lands too much.
"I am afraid I have to refuse."
The empress was disappointed at hearing this.
"And here I thought you might amuse me a bit. Why won't you fight?"
"This is my domain. A fight between us would further degrade everything . I would like to avoid that."
"So you do have a brain. Then let us change the terms a bit. Show me that you truly are the so called Silent King and I will offer you everything I said before."
How would you have me do that, young 'empress' ?"
"The way you say it, so annoying. I know about those experiments. There was someone who taught me about the Nephilims. Never thought it might come in handy."
"Then would you like to see my wings?"
"I would indeed love to see that."
"Unfortunately, they have been cut down a long time ago. I can show you something else, if that would please you,though."
"Just do something, this is getting boring!"
"Come to me old friends. -Nether Summon-"
The ground started to shake and a strong pressure caught even the empress off guard. Outside, giant serpent ghosts emerged from the earth. They were beings from another world. They stared at the arena as if they were watching over it like guardians.
"These are ancient basilisk ghosts. "
"The basilisk gods! Although, I can only see three of them here. To be able to summon them... it's astonishing!"
"Oh, spare me. These are mere giant reptiles. Far from gods. Also, why would I give away all of my strengths?"
"It is indeed hard to trick you. Alright, I shall offer you the help you require. Release these whelps I will make sure they will obey, this is now your country. If there are any problems, I suppose you can take care of them."
"Ah, such a wonderful day. Back in my rightful place."
"Tell me your name, king."
"It's Tarex. Through the years, I have been called by other names, but this should suffice. May I know yours, young one?"
"I am know as the Lion Empress, Aurelie."
"It was a pleasure meeting you."
"Tell me Tarex. Should my country ever need you, would you help me?"
"Hah, I don't think there is anyone who could put up a fight against you."
"Indeed, there are quite a few select people that can do that. You included."
"I see where this is going. At the moment, I won't do anything. However, if you hide any other Nephilims from me, we might have a problem."
"Are you searching for your kin?"
"You could say so."
"I shall keep that in mind. May we never have to fight, Silent King."
"Farewell, Lion Empress."
"Before I take my leave, there is one more thing I have to ask."
"Anything for such a beautiful empress."
"Spare me the flattery. Are you truly a Nephilim?"
"Did we not end that discussion?"
"You know very well what I mean this time."
"...Heh...Stay safe, Auriele. The question should be 'What is a Nephilim?' "
And so the two of them parted ways. The old king dethroned. The elites kept their places and continued to watch over the city. The head of Molk was now Leonidas, as Tarex preferred to remain in Silacet.
♦ ♦ ♦
Seven sentry platoons were sent to reinforce Molk. Even though the citizens were afraid of them, they kept order. Now the realm of humans was ruled by the Nehpilim king, and the power shifted.
After the events in Molk, the scouting party returned from the elven realms. Gawter, Lamia and Cory were shocked after their arrival. They searched for Tarex throughout the city, yet they couldn't find him. Later, when they found out about Leonidas still being here, they decided to pay him a visit.
The three of them arrived to the castle and found some of the elites in the courtyard. It was strange, as they were always with the king. Even if that king changed, their place should have been in the throne room.
"Sir Ulric. What happened? Should you not be with the king?"
"The new king said we should wait outside. Me and Sangrey remained, while the other seven left the city. They said that man is no king of theirs."
"What man?"
"I'm sorry, lady Lamia. I did not see you there. The new king of Molk is Leonidas. A monster encased in steel. I have no idea why he would keep us, but that's not for me to decide."
"Indeed. Sir Gawter, I don't recall seeing Leonidas in Silacet."
"Me neither. Cory, do you know anything about him?"
She seemed rather flustered.
"That is our grand general. He took a liking to my brother long ago. After that, he swore to serve him even in death.
"Why wasn't he in Silacet when we came?"
"Because he should be dead..."
Nobody knew what to make of such a statement. How could he bring the dead back to life was beyond them. But time keeps going forward, and so, they were all called to see the new king.
"I called for all of the elites. Where are the rest of them?"
"I am sorry. They decided to betray the country and left."
"I see. And you. Shouldn't the three of you be in the elven lands?"
"We were. Lysander was there as well, and so we returned to talk with his majesty."
"Then you have no business here. You are free to go back now."
"May I be allowed to know something general?"
"Go ahead and ask, Gawter."
"What is with all the sentries in the city? There were much less of them in Silacet."
"They were brought in by his highness. Now, I have no more time to lose with you. Go and inform Tarex."
The three of them left, and only Ulric and Sangrey remained.
"The other elites betrayed us, you say. You two remained, so I acknowledge your loyalty for the time being. BUT, you are weak. The weak have no place in my ranks. I shall personally train you, and after that, you will eliminate every traitor!"
"Yes general!"
"Sangrey. Unfortunately, I can not train you. You have a different set of skills. Ulric uses brute force, and that is easier for me to shape. Go and find someone to train with. Someone worthy.
♦ ♦ ♦
South of the kingdom were the Scorpion raiders. In the desert, they were second to none, and no attack towards their headquarters was ever successful. These people were very sly, and their country was ruled by Jakal, a strong and mischievous leader.These lands are now full of strange beings capable of living months without water. Others, however, don't need it at all, as they satisfy their thirst with the blood of their prey.
In the East was the union of Tougoku. Their lands were rich and beautiful. Such a country is always a target for raiders or warmongers. In the end all of them fell, as their warriors were strong and determined. None may enter their lands, and as those who do never leave. As beautiful and safe as it was, Tougoku fell into chaos. Different clans wish to rule the entire nation, and civil wars are about to start.
In the North, two lands were always clashing. The elves and the vikings were never on good terms. The vikings were always short on food supplies, and the elves never accepted trading with them. In the end, the two of them became enemies due to failed negotiations. Their lands are extremely unsafe, as monsters roam freely. In other nations, monsters exist as well, but not with the same amount or strength. The ones which are nearly always present are the plague maidens. They always roam the lands in packs and resurrect dead women to transform into specters. Due to such beings existing, every corpse is burned.
In the West were the lands of the Lioness. Her warriors were the strongest. They always had everything they needed. Raiders would not dare trespass. For that reason, she believed the world belongs to her. That was until, one day, she met a true king. The Lioness was indeed strong, yet even she understood that there were people she could simply not mess with. She has few enemies outside the country, but the problem is inside. Plots and schemes are always made against her, yet she somehow always manages to survive. Such things are not known to outsiders, as every witness is executed before they could spread any rumors.
The humans she had under her feet for so long were now ruled by the Silent King. In her eyes, that is a problem which can not be avoided. When her spies returned, there were no good news. The warriors he had were not to be taken lightly. Using weapons never seen before and soldiers stronger than any, the Nephilims were a threat to everyone. The small land he ruled was full of forests, ruined cities and strongholds, burned villages and so on. You could always fall in an ambush, with many bandits hiding in the harbringers' land.
Who would prove to be stronger, the Lion or the Nephilim? That remains to be seen, yet there are other contenders for the lands. The shogun of Tougoku, Arakan. A master of the blade, he can hold his ground against both the Lioness and the Nephilim.
For the time being, Tarex and Aurelie have a peace treaty. For how long, it is not certain, but the king needs resources and craftsmen from the empress. Restoring Silacet to its former glory is not an easy task.
Now more than ever, the ruins were filled with people. The plaza was crowded with all sorts of people. The archives were studied by all kinds of adventurers, historians, mages and so on. They couldn't understand most of the books. There were some which made sense to them and eveything they found was astonishing. On the other side, the church was as empty as ever.
Only one person was standing there. He lit other candles and left. On the way back to the castle, Tarex saw a peculiar person. He was wearing seemingly light armor. His helmet had a neck guard and a golden ornament in front. Most of the vital points were covered by strong steel plates. On his waist, he had a slightly curved sword.
"Who are you?"
"Who am I, indeed. I am called Kojirou.Who might you be?"
"Heh, sometimes I wonder about that myself."
"This is awkward."
"Yes, it is. Tell me, why do you visit Silacet?"
"I am a traveler. The east became a bit too boring for me, so I set out to find a new place to waste my existence in. Tell me, are you the one known as the Silent King?"
"Yes, I am. How do you know that?"
"Rumors travel fast."
"What rumors?"
"About a king who kept his ground in face of the Lioness. You don't look as mighty as most people say."
"You know, sometimes appreances can be deceiving."
"Then, your highness. Let me serve you for a while."
"I suppose you have a reason for that as well?"
"Oh, I wonder."
The two of them returned to the castle. There were many people waiting at the entrance. Nobles, peasants, bandits, there was one from each group present in Silacet. They all bowed upon seeing Tarex.
"Cyrillus, tell me, why are there so many people outside?"
"You are king now. Well, now you have people to rule over. They came here because there is something wrong. I think they expect an audience with you."
"Arghhh..... Alright, there goes my free time. Oh, this is Kojirou. Find him a room while I see what those guys outside want."
"May I ask who he is?"
"No, just do what I say."
Kojirou and Cyrillus left. With their departure, Tarex started to let people inside and hear them out.
"Alright, someone get in and say what is wrong."
A woman with a baby came in. She had scars on her face and dirty clothes.
"Tell me, what can I do for you?"
"Your highness. Everyone heard your power knows no bounds. You stood up against the empress. Please, if you find it in your reach. My baby is sick, he is not eating and I don't know what to do!"
"Come closer."
The woman was crying as she approached the king. He put his hand on the child and remained like that for a few minutes.
"Everything should be alright now."
"Thank you you highness. I don't know how I could ever repay you!"
"Just keep on living. You should visit the archives. There are people who can teach you how to prepare medicine in the future. I will also send sentries to distribute food in the city."
"Thank you so much, your highness. What should I do in the archives, I don't know how to read..."
"They will teach you. If they don't, I shall make sure they will be exiled from my lands."
"Thank you so much!"
"Now leave, there are others waiting."
The woman left with tears in her eyes. Immediately, a nobleman came inside. He looked like a count or a duke. Dressed in fancy clothes, giving the air of snobbery.
"Your majesty, my name is-..."
"No need to tell me your name. Say what is wrong and how can I help you."
"The amount of peasants is disgusting. Why should a city such as this be filled with so much trash? I understand you take care of everyone under your rule, but I can't find myself standing next to so much scum."
"Oh, let me guess. You lived the good life, no struggles, no problems. You can't stand seeing people that have less. You won't help a man or woman in need if she is dirty or stinks. Your kind of people disgust me more than the filthiest whore. You shall leave the castle and never show your face in my presence again. NOW LEAVE!"
The man was angry at such remarks. He left pissed at the king, as he knew there was nothing he could do. A few minutes later, a bandit came inside.
"Ugh... Your majesty, I guess. I'm sorry, never talked with a noble or anything of the sort."
"Do not worry. Just tell me what is your problem."
"Well you see, as a bandit, we don't really have anything to do around. With your sentries keeping the order and all of that. Can we also have a similar place?"
"Hmmm, I do want to keep the sentries for other purposes. Alright, you and your friends can keep the people in line. I shall give you ten gold coins a month. If I hear you misused the power I gave you... Trust me you would prefer death rather than what I will do."
"Thanks. I do have one more question. Why don't you resent us? I mean we are bandits. We did kill innocent people."
"As long as you accept what you did. You have to live with the burden of those lives you ended on your shoulders. It is not easy. I am not a 'pure maiden' either, I have my hands sullied with more innocent lives than you might have taken."
"I see... Thank you, king Tarex. I assure you, we shall defend the people."
Many other people came. The king took care of all their problems. As the night came, Cory, Lamia and Gawter arrived as well. They were surprised at the sight of so many people living in the ruins and the many building that were repaired.
"I guess it's time we talk to him."
♦ ♦ ♦
The Lioness. She conquered many territories, and there was never a foe strong enough to defeat her. With her fire magic, she burned all who stood in the her path. As the years passed by, she managed to create a large empire. Her forces were always in good shape. The citizens were thankful for everything they had.
She is loved and hated by many. Some of them hiding right behind her nose without any suspicion.
"Tell me. What have the scouts discovered upon their arrival in Silacet?"
"There would be many problems if we ever wanted to attack that city. It's a natural fortress. The mountains that encircle the city being the first obstacle. We can't bring in catapults nor any other assault engines. Then there are the woods. The air is very humid and the terrain is muddy. His sentries always patrol and have a keen sense for whoever trespasses. Our scouts did manage to get past them but I doubt an entire army could."
"Are you sure there is no way to get in? We can cut the trees if we have to. Or set up camps. If we really need. There is also our superior numbers, we can bet on that ."
"There are other problems as well. You see, my empress, the woods are strange. Our scouts tried to mark a way, and when they returned, the marked path had disappeared. We believe the forest itself is a defense mechanism. When he returned, he told me it was so silent. He couldn't even hear his own thoughts."
"We need to think about it. If we ever need to fight him, that city must fall."
"I believe we must keep him an ally at all costs rather than making a foe out of the Nephilim."
"Yes, that should be the best course of action. I don't like the idea of such a strong being, but there is nothing I can do now, is there?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Alright, general. I think this is good night."
"Good night, my lady. Oh, there are also some rumors about a plot against you. We are trying to gather information, but there are no leads at the moment."
"We shall talk more in the morning."
"As you wish, your highness."
The two of them left the council room and went to sleep. The night was beautiful, the sky was clear and only the howl of the wolves could be heard. One by one, the lights went out, and only the moon and the stars were shining upon the land.
♦ ♦ ♦
As months, passed life began to flourish in Silacet. Things seemed to finally calm down, yet trouble was brewing. In the west, some people decided to take advantage of the current situation and prepare a surprise for the Lioness.
Another night passed, and the Aurelie was troubled about the decisions she made. Even if she put up a show for the Nephilim, his power was far beyond hers. That was a detail which she kept only for herself and her much trusted general.
"Oh, I wonder. No what is he doing? I sent him all that he needed to rebuild. Was that a good idea? There is no way to tell now, but would he start a war without reason? There are strong nations that might oppose us, but he is so unsettling. There are plots against me too. I wonder if he would lend me a hand? I doubt it... or might there be a chance? Ah... I don't know what to do anymore."
Morning came, and everyone started getting ready for a new day. The empress didn't sleep as well as she had hoped. She dressed up in her armor and got out of the room. When she reached the throne room, she noticed something strange. Nobody was inside. Usually the general would wait for her there. Not even a knight or a maid was there.
"This is really weird."
She went and took her place on the throne. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard outside the entrance. There were so many. She didn't know what to expect, but she could simply impale them all if needed.
The gates opened, and soldiers stormed into the throne room, spears and swords in hand.
"For betraying the country, Empress Auriele the Lioness of the Western lands, you are to be arrested and sent to the dungeons."
"What is this nonsense?"
"The people have spoken. Everyone knows about you selling this country to the Nephilim."
"When have I done such a thing?"
"The details are still uncertain. Thus, you will not be sent to your execution straight away."
"Bring the general here!"
"He is no longer with us."
She was angry, and every soldier could see it. He who dared to look her in the eyes felt as though a thousand daggers pierced their heart. The power she wielded put such a pressure over everyone, yet it didn't last. The treasurer entered the room.
"I see there is no peaceful way, my lady. I had hoped we could just take you alive, but bringing these people proved useful. They won't allow you to use any of your powers."
A few people in robes created a barrier in the room and stopped her from using any of her abilities. Outside, many others like them used staves to create a much larger barrier to prevent absolutely anything she could use.
It was as he said. There was nothing she could do aside from wielding her sword. She had only one option left. Fight her way out.
"It seems you underestimate me. I shall return one day. I will find out who planned it. Remember this, if the emperor grants mercy, the empress grants death."
She unsheathed her sword, and with a strong dash forward, started cutting everyone in her path. Every soldier tried to stop her, but nobody was able to. The Lioness was on a rampage on her way out. She might have looked weak, but her power was undeniable.
After getting through more than a hundred soldiers, she managed to reach the exit. Outside, everyone was waiting for her execution, nobles and peasants, kids and elders. They were all waiting. She could barely control her fury and disgust. In the end, all she could feel was actually sadness. Everyone betraying her. After she gave them a future, now they all wanted her death. How something like this could happen was beyond her understanding.
"I shall take everything back. Maybe the Nephilim could help me. Is that really the only way? Argh, there is no time to think. I have to leave as fast as I can. I guess he is the only option."
She hid in a carriage filled with hay. As the night came, she got up and made a run for it. There wasn't anything for her here now. If she wished to regain her country, there was one solution. Get an ally.
♦ ♦ ♦
A month passed since the sudden disappearance of the Lioness. Tarex didn't know what to make of it, nor did he really care. In Silacet was peace and quiet. The city began to develop beautifully. It was slow, but it was a start to the restoration of what he once called home.
"Tell me Cyrillus, what should we do?"
"If you're talking about about your brother Lysander, I think we should be cautious. Being rash has never ended up well for anybody."
"Yeah, I guess you are right. Who remained in the city?"
"Lady Lamia, Roisin and Shepherd are here. In Molk, sir Gawter, general Leonidas and captain Aeneas are waiting your orders. The girl is with them as well."
"Ah, that little brat. Hmm, now that I think about it, I never asked her name. It doesn't matter... or does it?"
"I don't know, your highness."
"Oh, come on mate, why are you so stiff? It's not like we are strangers. Let me get a bottle and let's drink something."
"Yeah, it might help a bit."
The two of them went on the castles balcony. It was a beautiful day. The children were playing outside, birds and bards sang a beautiful melody. The former bandits were now keeping the order. Everything seemed perfect.
Tarex opened the bottle and started drinking. Then he gave it to Cyrillus.
"Agh, this is a strong one. How much?"
"I think seventy."
"Ah, good. I tell you, something really bad must have happened in the west. The Lioness was loved by everyone. It might trouble us too. Look, everyone is happy, but can you assure this will last forever?"
"You worry too much. Yes, it might affect us, but there are worse things out there. Assassination plots? These happen every time to great people. She will pull through it."
Cyrillus drank from the bottle and gave it back to Tarex.
"So... Are you going to the elven capital now?"
"I do not know what to do, if I have to be honest. There is something fishy happening everywhere, and I really hate it."
As he drank from the bottle, he saw Lamia in the plaza. He saw her as beautiful, as the first time when they met. The deep red sparkly eyes. The white and smooth skin, and her beautiful hair. He fell in love in the moment he saw her.
"Say Tarex, you really fell for that girl, didn't you? Can't blame you, she is a beauty."
"Yeah, I guess. Simply seeing her again makes me fall in love once again. Or it might be from this shit. Argh it's not seventy, higher...She looks so much like her... Just as... Who?"
Cyrillus saw that Tarex felt unwell and it wasn't from the alcohol. There was something more yet he didn't feel as he should ask.
"Well, cheers! Though I have a very bad feeling. This might be our last drink, so let's enjoy it."
"If you have such a bad feeling, I am going to bring a few more."
"Oh it's on you, immortal bastard! BRING THE ALCOHOL!"
"YEAH! Lets drink like mad men, you cowardly dog!"
He brought more bottles and drank with this person he started to call a friend. They ended up sleeping on the floor with big smiles on their faces. In the morning, they woke up and went back to their own problems.
♦ ♦ ♦
A few weeks later, a storm began to approach. It didn't seem like a natural one, and that raised question marks for many people. Who would summon such a storm?
The sky started to darken. Black clouds covered the sun and rain started to fall upon the towns. There was something off about the weather, yet nobody noticed until it was too late.
Some sentries became as dark as the abyss. Some remained normal. A war started inside Silacet, sentries fighting each other. People being killed everywhere. It was chaos.
A sentry fell down. It was sliced with one strike, like it was made of paper. Then Kojirou ran to the king.
"Find that man called Cyrillus and search for Lamia. We have to leave the city!"
"How does this girl look?"
"He will tell you all the details. Now go, we don't have much time."
Tarex started running down the castle's stairs. He went as fast as he could outside and then saw him. His brother Kane, wearing the same armor as him, with only one difference. There was a strange corruption on the armor. It was rooted in his flesh and seemed to have sent him into a frenzy. Black ooze was dripping the armor cracks. The Nephilim was in great pain.
"KANE! You were supposed to protect us!"
"B-Brother! K-Kill me, BROTHER!"
"I can't do it... I just can't..."
Kane lunged at Tarex and smashed pushed him to the ground.
Tarex got back up and tried to dodge his next attacks. He couldn't concentrate, and many of them landed. He was crushed under the mental pressure of his beloved brother betraying him.
"How could you, brother..."
"Please kill me... They... FORCED ME! AAARGHHHHH!"
At that point he lost even the little control he still had.
Tarex believed for a moment that it could all just end there. It could be better that way. Why wouldn't it be better? To finally leave this wretched world. Then a ray of hope appeared before him.
A dark carriage came and smashed his brother into a wall. He let loose of his grip and Tarex managed to escape from his clutches.
"Tarex! Get in fast!"
"No need to tell me twice."
He jumped in and they made a run for it. Inside were Lamia, Cyrillus, Kojirou and Roisin. Despite a clean escape something felt really odd.
"Where is Shepherd?"
Nobody said a thing.
Roisin had tears in her eyes but she forced herself to stop crying.
"He... He tried to fight a sentry to defend me. He ended up impaled and told me to run."
"Are you sure there is no chance he survived?"
"Yes... T-They..."
Kojirou stopped her.
"There is no need to tell us. I think he understood. So what are we doing now?"
"First we must get Leonidas and Gawter from Molk. I don't know after that. I think we are going to move as far as we can."
"I see. Why don't we make a visit to your brother after we get those two?"
"Yeah. Wait... Where is Cory?"
Cyrillus stood a bit to think then remembered something.
"I believe lady Cory went somewhere in the South. I heard she took some of the bandits with her."
"Ah, this is going so bad. Alright, so I see you found one of the Carrion riders."
"What is that?"
"The one driving the carriage. They should have been locked up under the city though."
"Say, Tarex, do you think someone planned all of this? Someone from inside maybe?"
"They were hidden right under our noses, huh. I don't want to think about it right now. Lets just rest and get to Molk."
A few days passed, and they arrived near the city. Everything was in flames and screams could still be heard from inside. From the fire, two figures emerged. Leonidas and Sangrey were on the city wall. It seemed that Leonidas was badly hurt.
The two of them got down to the carriage.
"Your highness, the general is very exhausted, and we don't know what to do here anymore!"
"What is the situation?"
"I don't know what is happening. Demons of all sorts came from nowhere. The sentries turned against us as well. General Leonidas fought without any rest. In the end he was nearly defeated by a barlorg."
"How did you escape?"
"Sir Ulric came right in time. He told me to run with the general."
"What about sir Gawter?"
"He was eaten by imps. We didn't manage to reach and save him in time. I-I... I can't even describe how he screamed, if only you heard. "
"This is... I can't even say how bad things are going at this point... Fucking imps, you say..."
"What should we do, your highness."
"We are going to the Elven Capital. After we reach it, we must think about what's next."
There was someone screaming in the woods. It seemed like they were trying to fight.
"Kojirou, go there and see what is making all the noise. I am going to secure the area."
"Sure, sure."
He went there and found the Lioness fighting three masked men. They seemed to be assassins. Two of them were using daggers drenched in poison while the other one looked like a spell caster.
"Hey hey hey, don't you know it's bad to hit a girl?"
They didn't respond.
"Let me present you, my dear friend... Ketsueki Ryouken."
He moved his hand slowly across his waist and unsheathed the sword with lighting speed.
The three assassins started surrounding him.
One of them tried to close the gap between them. In that instant, with a swift and elegant strike, he cut his opponent in half. The way he moved his sword, it seemed slow at first, but you would be cut before you could realize it.
"Oh now it's getting interesting. Ahhhh the taste of blood, let's have some little fun."
The sword was glowing red. He began to strike the next opponent. He made the attacks slow enough for them to evade.
"That's it, you got it."
He started swinging faster and faster,and In the end, cutting of his leg.
"Oh, and here I thought you might entertain me a bit. Such a shame."
He cut his right arm after that. Then the other leg, and, in the end, stabbed his head.
"As for you..."
The spell caster looked like a woman. She started running, yet it was meaningless. He was right behind the girl and then cut her leg.
"Now, now, I can't have you running."
"You won't get anything from me."
"Who said I needed anything? You will just die here, without anyone knowing about it. A meaningless death. Ha.. Ha ha... haHAhAHAHAHAH!"
He then severed her head.
"Oh, I can't lose my composure now."
Kojirou cleaned the blood off of his blade and sheathed it. He returned to the Lioness to see what happened.
"Say, why were they following you?"
"There are some problems back in the West. It seems the world is in turmoil. Even here, everyone is in disaray. What is a samurai doing here anyway? These are the lands of the Nephilim."
"Everyone has a reason. Also, I doubt he has much control over these parts now."
"Alright, get me to Tarex. I need his help."
"Sure, sure."
He helped the Empress get up, and then returned to the carriage. They were preparing to leave, as the time was short.
"Good, now that no that we are all we must go. It will be a bit crowded inside, but we can't help it. We shall discuss when we are safe."
As they left, villages and smaller cities were razed to the ground, Silacet once again in ruins and Molk in shambles. For one person, many rise up to the fight, sometimes to fight along them and sometimes to fight against them. One person was hated, and for that, many paid with their lives.
Families burned alive,and children were left with no parents. War may only bring sorrow, but only in war will heroes shine.
♦ ♦ ♦
Far away from these lands, there is a strange place. Only monsters and others of their kind live there. Among them, there are a few peculiar ones.
At first, it looked just like a human. When she turned(around, however, you could understand right away the difference right away. The blue skin, a lack of mouth or ears, with only two eyes following you. As she walked around, she began to transform. Her jaw began to drop and show teeth like blades. Other five eyes opened. Her hands split apart, and she started to talk with herself.
"Yes, yes he is now on the run. I did as he said, I did good. HahahHAHAH, the brother I infected is under my control. The sisters are missing and the reaper licks his wounds. Be it a bruise on the leg or a scar on the soul he keeps it to himself. Such a petty creature, but what am I then? Sure, all I'm doing is for the good of my children. Ah, Medusa such beautiful hair, the griffons with their might. Harpies, your feathers are so beautiful, dragons you are the kings of the sky. How can I not protect you, especially from one like Daghishat. The others... They want war... Yet what has the war ever brought besides pain?"
She kept walking around hoping for the best. All she did was for her people, yet was it truly a good choice?
♦ ♦ ♦
"Lord Lysander, it's heard that the city of Silacet fell. The capital Molk as well. Many monsters and demons appeared out of thin air and destroyed everything. I heard there were sightings of a Balrorg as well."
"Tell me, is he coming?"
"The scouts saw a black carriage and a person with a hood driving it. They seemed to come this way."
"I will have to face him faster than I thought. Oh dear, what am I going to do?"
Lysander was trembling. He seemed so confident before he heard the news. It was like the sky started to fall and he had to meet his judgement the very next moment.
"My lord, if may I ask what is wrong?"
"M-My brother is rather... He is a good person. He withstood so many things thrown at him, but what will he do when he hears some very bad news. To lose a city and a few servants is nothing, for me or for other of my brothers and sisters. He on the other hand is much more sensible. He is not a vengeful being, but if you do make him, Tarex is a much bigger horror than a Balrorg or even a Reaper."
"I'm afraid I do not follow my lord."
"I say that, this might be the last time we talk old friend. When my brother comes, I will surely die."
"What makes you say such a thing. If he is your brother he will show mercy. In the end the family is the most important thing."
"You really don't know my family."
He felt a shiver down his spine. He realized that the long awaited guest finally arrived. You could feel the dread and despeair Lysander felt in that moment.
He went down the street and saw Tarex. He was scared and happy at the same time. It was a weird feeling to put in words, was it love he felt, who knows?
"Brother, it seems you arrived."
"Ah Lysander, how are your experiments going?"
He gulped. It was as he already knew what was coming.
"Brother... I..."
"Is there something wrong?"
He started to get closer.
"There is something you need to see in the laboratory. I... I really don't want to say it to you."
"Tell me what is this thing you want me to see. Brother..."
"It's not a thing?"
"Oh, is it... no! DON'T TELL ME!"
Tarex started running as fast as he could to Lysanders laboratory. He broker every door and sent flying anyone that stood in his way. He knew there was something bad but what he saw next left yet another scar on his soul.
A body was laying on a table. It was decomposing but in his eyes it was still so beautiful. It should have had two wings but one was cut. He couldn't even understand what to do.
"Ah... Oh... Don't run like-... He brought her here. I couldn't do a thing... I stood there watching like a coward. I'm so sorry brother, I know how much you loved her."
Lysander grinned under his helmet.
"Mother, please no. This is just a joke, a really bad joke. She isn't dead. She is just sleeping... Please don't leave me alone. Please. Please... please..."
He started to cry. His tears were dark as the abyss. He fell on his knees and couldn't stop from crying. He lost one of the most important persons in his life. He was trying to deny it all, but who can deny what is right in front of him?
Shadows started to emerge from him, embracing him and changing his appeareance. The shadowy hands entangled him and surrounded his entire armor. The helmet became a skull made of black ooze. He did all he could to keep himself from falling in the dark yet that was too much to handle.
He got his mothers body in his hands. All he could see was a fragile being dead in his arms. He felt responsible for what happened. In his mind everything was his fault.
Tarex began to walk outside with his mother in arms. He was leaving behind a black trail and the shadows followed him. The basilisk ghosts emerged from the ground and jumped around the place destroying the elven houses. He kept walking, and walking and walking like a dead man marching towards the gate of the netherworld. He hoped that his mother would wake up but there was no more hope.
Everything was in vain. He once again fell on his knees and let out a howl.
As he was crying a white figure embraced him from behind. He tried to put a hand on that person, but there was nobody there. A voice told him everything will be alright and he began to come to his senses. He was still crying, but the shadows began to disappear.
"Traitor... Even you have... A heart...."
"Betrayer...Even you.... Love...."
"Horror...Even you have... A soul...."
Everything returned to normal. The emptiness was still there. It was like someone pierced his chest. Only now he felt there was at least some hope.
He got his mother under a beautiful blooming tree. It had blue leafs and was surrounded by yellow and red roses. He buried here there and laid next to the tree.
A few moment later his brother came.
"Kill me brother."
Under his helmet Lysander still had a big grinn. Yet his brother didn't move. He stood there, watching the horizon.
"Come and sit here... brother..."
He sat on the ground next to Tarex. Suddenly he put his arm around Lysander.
"Why would I kill you. You didn't want this right. As long as you truly regret what you have done god will forgive you, if he will then who am I to deny it? It's painful and I can barely hold back my tears... these times are so dark, everyone losing a special person from their lifes. Tell me brother, do you resent me?"
"You know, she always loved you more... You and Corry, but I never wished such a thing. The days when we were little playing on the streets, she would always come at us worried."
"I... I don't remember."
"Ah, yes it was long ago, but I can't describe to you how painful was for me to do such things. Our older brother, he forced me to do all of these terrible things, I waited for you so much. I said to myself Tarex will come as always and save the day, but you never came. I tried to give her something to ease the pain, she looked at me in such a way, can't even describe it. The life in her eyes simply fading every day."
"It's alright brother. Today we shall weep for the dead and tomorrow we continue the fight. Wasn't it always like that?"
"Yes... Yes it was, her last words were, 'I love you kitten, be good from now on and tell your brother I love him as well' ."
Tarex embraced his brother and gave him a pat on the back. He rose up and kept looking forward.
"Tomorrow we will head out. Would you join us Lysander?"
"Unfortunately I can't. Where are you headed though."
"We are going further to the east, took quite a detour to visit you."
"And everything for this... If you are going towards Tougoku you must know there are some civil wars or clan wars I don't know exactly the details. It's not safe that's for sure though."
"Before that, we are going to make a stop to the Forge City."
"What forge are you talking about?"
"I need something from the old guy."
"I know why are you going there... Didn't think you would indulge in such things."
"Well, I need to calm myself a bit."
"Mhm... Well at least don't tell me you plan to get those girls there as well."
"Yeah... Until I return can you keep an eye on them."
"Starting to care about other people. That's a new one. Well as long as they won't trouble me too much I guess I can."
Lysander felt his head a bit strange. His memories were tangled, he could remember the same things from other perspectives. Everything stopped making any sense, was his brother a horrible person? Was he a good one? He didn't know anylonger.
"Time to head back, brother."
The two pulled themselves together and started walking back to the city. It was quiet, everyone kept looking from the houses.
In the end they managed to return to the others..
"Alright everyone unfortunately I have to leave... Lysander will take care of you. Before you say anything he is a much better person than I am. I know the mission was a whole other one, but things can get complicated..."
"Tell me Tarex, what are we supposed to do here? Sangrey is a bodyguard, a knight he has one purpose. Do you expect him to just remain here... Even the Lioness is here because she needs your help. Will you just leave us behind. I wouldn't have a problem with that but lady Lamia and Roisin lost very importan people. Will you just leave them?"
"That's enough Cyrillus, there must be a reason for all of this, right your highness?"
"Thanks Kojirou, I am going to the Forge, it will be a dangerous road and I don't want to put any of you at risk anymore. When I return we shall all go together in Tougoku and discuss everything. As things are now we are pressed by time so I'm sorry, but I shall return."
"What exactly is the Forge?"
"Well it's a forge... They do have some other stuff, heh. Anyway I shall take my leave now."
Roisin grasped his hand tight. She looked him straight in the eyes barely keeping her tears.
"P-Promise you will return. I-I.. I don't want to lose you as well..."
"... Shush child, eveything will be alright. There is nothing that can put us down."
"Yeah, I promise."
- In Serial57 Chapters
Clear Binding
A magical world filled with fantasies and mysteries , the story is about theValerian Continent is a land of mortals that has many magician , warriors , hunter , alchemist and so on.The continent is so vast that it has not been completely mapped since there is a big threatthat roam in the unexplored part of the continent that may posses ancient treasures.These so called threat are known as Predators , they are small in number but each of them possess enormous danger to humanity.The origin is unknown because the predators themselves do not come from this world. Neo a young boy who dream about vanquishing the beast and predators that roam around the continent to bring peace, that was little boy Neo dream.The slight problem is that Neo does not posses any magic affinity , how will he become a hero that bring peace to his continent?!
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Hello. My name is Arlo, I'm a god/devil and this is my journey. I have no idea what it will be like, or what I may do, whom I may come to meet because I do not possess the power to predict myself, nor do I have a set plan. But anyways, if you feel like you want to join me, then welcome. Let's see where my mind takes me in this Journey of mine. Eternity is an awfully long time you know.
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Roommates with the dickhead
𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔰 𝔦𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔥𝔦𝔪.𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔤𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔢.𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔧𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔶, 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯,𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔫𝔢 ~ 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎 ~ after certain shit happened to her she said enough is enough, she realized that the people she thought she could always count on weren't really that reliable so as she continued on with her life she couldn't exactly find those right people which inevitably led her to becoming antisocial. She continued this way of living even when she started going to college until she somehow became roommates with a certain badboy𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛 ~ He has been pushed to his limits and when he finally fought back he was presumed the mean one. When all he needed was a hug, he was handed a box of matches and a knife. He is a ticking time bomb and now the question is would Vanessa shut it down or set it off?
8 89