《Frostpyre: A GameLit Adventure》Chapter 6 - The Other Circle (POV: Samirah)


Chapter 6 - The Other Circle (POV: Samirah)

“I never should have come to this stupid valley, and I never should have made you my apprentice!” Shareem pounded his fists against the newly erected gold barrier blocking our escape. In an instant it had sprung up, trapping us like animals in a cage.


A warning message appeared in our vision.


You have trespassed on holy ground. In accordance with Law 403b of the Sunset Valley Concordat, you are hereby sentenced to a trial by combat. Choose your champion, or choose to starve, the choice is yours:

[A.] Samirah Bashar Level 1 Illusionist

[B.] Shareem Bidwallah Level 5 Elementalist

[C.] Habib Axum Level 5 Support Mage

“I was right,” I bounced my feet up and down against the golden floor, “I was, so, so right. This is a Frostpyre ruin.”

“Do you want me to gag her, boss? Or are the restraints enough?” Habib ripped another piece of cord off with his bare teeth, spitting the excess rope to the side.

“Go ahead and quiet that insufferable girl. I need time to think.”

I rocked back and forth in place as Habib wrapped the gag around my mouth. I had come so close to touching it. To feeling it. A chair that a Frostpyre artisan had built. I could practically smell the hulky red-headed craftsman who had poured his heart into making it. If only I could have met him. If only I could have felt him.

“What’s wrong with her?” Habib cringed at me.

“She gets like this when it comes to those damn Frostpyres. When she’s medicated, she’s as normal as any other apprentice, but once she gets excited,” Shareem looked at me with disgust, “she gets difficult to control.”


“Did you not bring her medication?”

“I didn’t exactly expect us to fall into a ruin with a Frostpyre relic in it today,” Shareem yelled. “So, no. I didn’t.”

I kicked up and down as Shareem circled the room and stared at each of the throne chairs.

“This truly is an exact replica of The Circle of the Five Houses,” he studied each chair closely, “but I can’t imagine why this frozen chair is in the middle of them.”

I knew why. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. It’s because the Frostpyres are superior to all the other houses. That is the only thing that it could be.

“And this name that keeps appearing in my vision, CrazEGirl2002, it follows the naming conventions of a portal emerger – could this person have been one of the original colonizers of our world? How is their name still attached to this place after so many years?”

I wanted to scream. Maybe the Frostpyres aren't dead. Maybe they are on a rock somewhere, plotting their return. The thought was too beautiful for words.

“Even my evaluation skill claims that this is a Frostpyre throne, but that cannot be, The Circle was created after the Decades of Death, after House Frostpyre was wiped into oblivion. This does not conform to written records at all.”

“History is written by the victors,” Habib interjected, “perhaps the history that we know today is not what we think it is.”

I liked Habib’s idea a lot. The Frostpyre’s may very well have been the creators of The Circle. That would explain a lot. They were a fierce and noble race, the best race. I was sure of it. They must have ruled above the others as their Overlords.


Shareem yelled and stomped his foot, "didn't I tell you to quit interrupting me." A glass vile of liquid flung out of his pocket in his rage.

“What’s that?” Habib asked.

“The girl’s medicine. It looks like I had it after all.”

“I’m going to give it to her.”

“Do as you please,” Shareem exhaled and continued to poke around the room while Habib forced my medicine down my throat.

I hated the taste of my medicine, it was yucky and bitter, but it made me feel – better. A cool sensation worked its way through my mana channels, cleansing my soul. With a deep breath, I looked up at Habib and nodded, letting him know that I was ok. He nodded back, cutting me free from my restraints.

“Sorry master,” I marched over to Shareem, who was poking away at the House Silverwind throne and prostrated myself before him. “Because of me, we are now trapped in here.”

“Indeed we are,” Shareem shook his head, “but since I have my apprentice back, I’d at the very least like you to make a sketch of this place.”

“Of course,” I grabbed my sketchbook and began to color in all the details. The room was large, with vaulted ceilings and open skylights, which had since been shut with golden shutters. In a different time and place, this temple probably sat atop a ridge somewhere, offering breathtaking views of the valley below. Of course, the most striking feature of the room was its resemblance to The Circle. The Circle was the great meetinghouse of our world, a sacred place where violence was forbidden, and where the great powers of the world could meet in peace. Was this what this space was also used for?

“What do you make of the message that appeared in our visions?” I asked Shareem. “Have you ever heard of the Sunset Valley Concordat?”

“No,” Shareem shook his head, “but as you noted earlier, there is no written history of this place from before the reign of Sultan Amir II. It very likely is from that period.”

“If we are going to get out of here, it looks like we will need to respond to the message,” Habib said.

“No shit.” Shareem growled.

“Well? Who’s going to be our Champion?”

"You, of course." Shareem pointed at Habib.

"I am a defender," Habib protested, "you are the one trained in elemental mana. You should go."

"You have a point," Shareem shook his head, "my skill with wind mana is pretty good, but as you know, my body doesn't replenish mana as it used to. If it had, I would have redirected that tempest earlier today. That's how strong I am."

"Sure, sure," Habib said, "here take my mana potion, I'm sure a master like you will pass this trial."

"I'm sure I will too."

With our decision made, I went into my vision and chose Shareem's name from the list. Once our entire party plugged in our choice, a new prompt appeared.

You have made your selection.

Preparing a portal in 3...2...1...

In a flash of light, Shareem was gone.

"Thank The Circle," Habib said. "Good riddance."

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