《Phantom Path》Chapter 27: Frame by Frame
A travelling tune streaming through the radio, the three girls in their chatter, to his viewing is the landscape of Verencia, his head away from their discussion, and his senses on the beauty of this nation; Long narrow roads that span for days like snakes through the earth, watched by mountains standing like titans in the distance with snow-covered heads, and scattered are forests brushed against the cold wind with sways he usually sees only in his dreams, blessed by the sounds of waterfalls echoing into his ears from afar, as they cross other travellers and small settlements alongside a river under the overcast sky above them. Even now the boy is amazed he was summoned to another world, thankful to the overseer for this grand opportunity, yet his heart chills thinking about him, sighing as he eases away from the thought, turning back to the girls with another that comes to his mind, a serious question he has always ponder upon.
"Hmm, I didn't want to think of it again, but...do I have my own harem now?? Nah, I don't think so. If I had one, I could feel it, and I'd at least see some signs of it, don't you think? Yeah, I would...I'm not that dull, a-am I? But, let's look at this, how many girls can I say are in my harem? Fuck, I sound freaking delusional-ahem...I think there is..Aya? Yeah..that's about it. That's her though, she tends to be always flirty. Yeah, I doubt that she's serious about what she says to me too. Hm, yeah, that's it. Just her...probably," He Sighs, wondering how the main characters are always so lucky. "Man, it always looks so fucking easy in the animes, god damn it. Tsk..."
"Yo! Why are you so quiet for, hmm?" Ayame snaps the boy back to reality, Nahshon bracing in seeing her sudden change to going smug as she pushes closer to him. "Aww, is it because you're going into the mountains with three girls all by yourself? What, you wanna go back home? Is it too much for a shy type like you? Or are you imagining something happening while we're all up there...alone, just the four of us? Come on, you can tell me"
"Ayame, he has the switch," Hazel rings in Ayame's ear, getting her to back off in getting scared.
"Ahh! God damn it! This is no fun!" She frowns, crossing her arms in becoming upset.
"Hm..." Nahshon shakes his head, feeling slightly guilty for her issue. "I'm just..looking at the view"
"Hm," She nods, smiling as she begins going through her phone, confusing the boy with her easily changed expression.
"So, chimaera slayer, how long have you been adventuring for?" Bettany invites.
"Well, for a while..like a good month or so," He answers.
"Woah! hm," She expresses, surprised at his short experience. "And in that short time, you already got yourself a big catch, huh? You're quite the skilled one"
"I couldn't believe either. We met when he came to our house that one time because of Ayame, just to hear he helped in slaying those things," Hazel says, her blue eyes going to the mirror, gesturing to him with a click of her fingers. "Good work, by the way"
"Thanks," Nahshon smiles, nodding to her words. "That's what they call us on the news?"
"Yup! You've become quite the celebrity, dude," Hazel answers. "Don't worry about it though. Paparazzi isn't really a thing here, so you're good"
"Hmm," Nahshon nods, hiding his proud self, forcing his cracked smile to go away.
"Aww, look at you all blushed because of the compliments. You want some more, hmm?" She pokes him, Nahshon shaking his head as the girls laugh.
"Here we are!" Bettany points, their point of interest now reached.
At last to their eyes the place that hails to them, their destination arrived. Helgesund; Another city of great architecture Nahshon perceives, the groups firstly fueling back the jeep, then onto parking with big stretches that stir their body back to life. And out comes the high-end camera that he has bought from saving enough, glad he made the choice that could allow him to take pictures again. Forthwith visiting different stores for different products to go, begins his sightseeing of the city through his camera lens; Firstly with the statue of important history, an old commander who settled here after the war of the great depression, remembered as a great hero in the battle to help the king take back the throne, Nahshon saluting in thanking him for helping with saving this beautiful country, then onto the buildings of typical Verencian-style structure, and the birds and boats by the harbours, also challenged with capturing the moments of his companions who smile and pose with silly intents for the shots. And now they've stopped by a restaurant, their bellies feeling lightweight for them to want to leave as yet, Nahshon checking the photos he's taken with Ayame as the two other girls converse, Bettany complimenting Hazel on her shortened blonde hair.
"Nice shots," Ayame compliments, very impressed with his skill. 'Lemme guess, you just started taking photos too?"
"Nope," Nahshon shakes his head, gladden at the evidence of him not losing his skill since coming to this world. "I've been doing this since I was a kid"
"Ehh," She sounds, surprising him with pushing her phone against him, smiling with folded lips. "Lemme take your number, so you can send them to me after"
"Hm...I should let you pay me for these first..but sure," He complies, proceeding with exchanging numbers, Ayame confirming if it's legit by sending him an odd message, having the boy laugh. "Alright, what're the best ones to you?"
"Ooo, this one looks great," She says, picking some more from the list, then appearing a man at their table, his arms crossed as he observes them, the four of them returning his gesture in confusion.
"The chimaera slayer, I am pleased that you have come to my restaurant," The man greets, shaking the boy's hand. "But where is the other boy I've heard of, your companion? You switched him for these fine ladies?"
"N-No, Sir. Nothing like that," Nahshon awkwardly smiles, the girls looking at the boy in teasing him. "He's gone somewhere else"
"I see. Well! I am Rollo, the owner of this restaurant," The man grins, nodding in the joy of seeing Nahshon. "And now, I am in no means of rushing you fine young people, but I would be pleased if you tell me what you would like to eat on this fine day out! So?"
"First!" Hazel puts up her hand, clearing her throat. "For me, I would like oksekød, thank you"
"I'll take the salmon sashimi," Ayame seconds.
"I would like to try your fish soup, please," Bettany thirdly adds.
"And for you, young hero?" Rollo turns.
"Hmm," Nahshon looks at the menu, mixed on what to pick as they all look so appealing. "What would you recommend?"
"Hm," Rollo smiles. "Thank you for asking"
Without getting an answer, Rollo makes his way back into the kitchen. Making sauce, products well sliced, meals seasoned and prepped in excellent quality, a while passes and comes out the trolley of plates, a waiter along with the owner, laid on their table is their chosen dishes. The waiter lifting their covers, the scent of their meals already capture them whole, revealing to them a perfect art, Hazel and Ayame in awe of the beauty of it. And lastly, is Nahshon's plate cover lifted by the owner himself, the boy thankful of the fact that this may be the best meal the owner could have given him.
"This is Kødboller! Or you may call it Verencian meatballs!" Rollo tells him, Nahshon understanding. "Enjoy! I can see that you'll all be going onto your next adventure after this. It's on the house"
And leaving them to eat, the group is charged with joy after hearing his words, thus the beginning of the feast of their delicious meals, some taking pictures, Ayame asking Nahshon if his meal is good with her ears that twirl and nostrils dance, the boy realizing she's hinting for him to share, confronting her with distributing some of his food, knowing he wouldn't finish it all either way. And finishing with their food, the taste of great seasoning and texture still on their tongues, they say goodbye to the owner, then back into their jeep to where they now set themselves by the harbour, relaxing as they digest the food with some fresh breeze at their faces and bottled water to drink.
"Ah, being popular does have its perks, huh? And now, we can go into the mountains with bellies full, for free. Ah!" Hazel jumps, her eyebrow lifting as she raises out her journal quickly, her book full of stickers of her favourite boy group, Nahshon understanding that she may be too much of a fangirl. "My babies, did you also have a great meal? Hahh!"
"What are we doing in the mountains by the way?" Ayame asks.
"Oh yeah," Bettany goes, taking out her phone in showing them a picture of a sky-blue wyvern. "A wyvern, an elemental of ice"
"Ah!" Ayame sounds, nodding at the picture. "How much money are we talking here?"
"Now, hold on. We are only to aim for something easier than that actually; One of its eggs. We're gonna snatch one, then escape without being caught, no fighting. As for the reward, a big catch my friends, a big catch"
"Huh, so that's why you were only a group of two," Hazel figures. "Seems like a pretty easy job, for real"
"Mhmm. Mr.Slayer here would have been enough to help me on this quest, right?" Bettany pats Nahshon, the boy awkwardly laughing.
"I think you may have too much faith in me, ma'am," The boy scratches his head, the girls laughing at his honest thought.
"And there's our ride!" Hazel points, and arriving is a vessel that connects to the bridge.
At the green light of them to proceed, Bettany drives onto the ship with others who also wish to cross the water. And the fjord, the boy silently sounds; One of many great inlets of the sea hugged between high cliffs of Verencia's land, a spectacular that the boy could have only dream of in his world, now sailing across it with taking his own pictures, his passion of adventuring only growing bigger, and the taste on his tongue only sweeter. The group jumps out of their jeep, feeling the sprinkling of water that touches their skin, onto their destination to find them their objective. And getting off, driving for a while, they reach a toll road beneath the mountain. Given the money by Bettany, Nahshon slides an envelope of money within the box, thinking he could easily not pay since no one is watching them, surprised at these people's trust in one another.
And awakes another, his tongue running across his mouth gone sour, passed away is the taste of his beer, his eyes opening to a roof he somewhat recognises, getting up to a sudden headache that surprises him at his rising out of bed, the knight cursing at how bad it is.
"Arwyn!" A voice he hears calls him.
"Huh...? Osle, is that you?" He looks at the demi-human woman. "Wait...where am I?"
"Where do you think you are, idiot?" She challenges, shaking her head to his foolish question.
"No...no! nope! no!!" Arwyn gets up, quickly grabbing his stuff in wanting to get out before another scenario occurs.
"Ah! boy, you're finally awake!" Appears another, Arwyn furiously slapping his forehead at the sound of him, the knight dropping his things as he comes to terms with it.
"Uncle Garkari..." Arwyn heavily sighs. "How did I end up in your house?"
"Your apprentice found you sleeping on the streets. It seems someone was not careful with their drinking," Garkari taunts him.
"Bjørn..." Arwyn slowly nods, thankful to the boy but wishing he had carried him somewhere else.
"Come downstairs, there is something I would like to discuss with you," Garkari tells him. "And have something to eat! I can't imagine how awful your headache must be. Come along, Osle have prepared soup for you"
"Oh yeah," Arwyn sounds, reawakening his headache. "Thanks for taking care of me, Osle"
"Yeah, yeah. Now get outta here! We maids have rooms to clean!" Osle asserts, her vacuum cleaner in hand. "Now out!"
"Sorry.." Arwyn scratches his head, getting out of her way as he goes to follow Garkari.
Pouring himself some soup after greeting some of the other servants, his head already being soothed by the smell of the meal, Arwyn sits around the table as Garkari takes out a scroll, sitting at the table with Arwyn, clearing his throat with a gentle smile.
"How is it? Is it good?" Garkari asks, leaning in seeing the man eat.
"Yes, it is," Arwyn sips his soup, suspicious of his question.
"Hmm, I see. Is it helping with the soothing of your headache?"
"Yes...it seems so"
"Good, good. Osle is a fine cook, after all. I'm sure you'll want seconds after the first, right?"
"Hmm," Arwyn nods, the taste of the meal very pleasing to him. "Of course"
"...I'd like for you to aid me on a quest in the next few hours," Garkari breaks the beans.
"God damn it, I knew it!" Arwyn puts down his soup. "I knew it was a trap!"
"Ah, ah, you've already taken plenty, boy," Garkari laughs.
"But that's unfair! You told me after I had taken it! Wait a minute, you didn't even cook this, this is Osle's work!" Arwyn argues.
"Actually..it isn't. I prepared this," Garkari smiles, leading Arwyn into choking on the meal.
"Uncle...we both know that's a lie. You can't cook, you've never been one to cook. No way you did this"
"It's true," Osle comes with the confession. "He asked me to teach him, and he made it for you. Taste good, doesn't it? His first try too"
"...Gods have mercy..." Arwyn sounds, wondering how this soup is so delicious, his hand at his mouth in disbelief. "Nope! I'm still not going with you though"
"Ahh! I expected that would be your answer, but it saddens me to still hear you decline my offer in such a way, even though I went to such lengths in preparing this for you, how afraid I was for it to only come to an awful quality. You know, Arwyn, in the old ages, your grandfathers before you would always be pleased whenever I came to their side in their many adventures. Especially Marcus, he would be saddened if he saw how you treat his old friend, hm!" Garkari scolds him, turning to side-eye Arwyn who he smells the emotion of guilt rising from, anticipating his response in patience.
"Ah!! damn it all!" Arwyn heavily sighs, leaning back in his seat. "Alright! Go on then"
"Hm, alright then," Garkari unveils an old map of Verencia, excited to show what he has in store. "Our adventure will take us into Kalvehøgde mountain; I have heard from a group of scouts who went there. It seems they have discovered a doorway within one of the caves there"
"Huh?? You mean..they've found another door to the Sanctuary??" Arwyn questions, surprised at this news, now really curious of what he has to say. "Hmm, well, what are we looking for?"
"I believe we may find good treasure there, me and you. Ones of great use to you as well, I hope," He nods. "And as for me, I am hoping to find myself a mountain of gold"
"Hm, typical," Arwyn shakes his head. "Alright then"
"You will come?"
"...Yeah, let me just...f-finish this," Arwyn sips his soup, gladdening the old soul.
And finishing the meal he does, back into his room where he switches back into his armour; The crest of the Strongcastle knights back on his chest, his boots on his feet to warm them, his coat on his body to shelter him, and lastly his sword to his side to fight with him, Garkari appearing as he finishes, seeing the knight's weapon.
"You're still using it as your sword's sheathe?" Garkari sees Arwyn's old, vintage sheathe.
"Yeah. It isn't torn up, just old, so I might as well put it to use," Arwyn brushes his hand over it. "It's great-grandad Marcus' own, after all. You would annoy the crap out of me if I didn't hold on to it properly"
"Hm, perhaps I would," Garkari chuckles, reminded of his old friend as he sees him within Arwyn, and onto the outside of his mansion, they head to, both prepared and ready, Arwyn chuckling as he turns to the old man.
"So, how are we doing this? Take a few trains or are we sailing on a boat like real gentlemen?" Arwyn scratches his head, holding back his laughter.
"Hm," Garkari sounds.
Lifting his arms, called to their sides is an almighty wind that howls in their ears, Arwyn bracing the strong current as he views as the old man is swallowed by a whirlwind of clouds, levitating in front of his eyes. And within the clouds, Arwyn can see the shadows morph; Claws that grow and wings that sprout, then eyes that glow red as a mouth whisks away the mist, revealing to Arwyn the old man's true form; Skin of bronze, scaly in form, and body bigger than his mansion.
"I still have it, boy!" The old man laughs, his wings beating in his dragon form. "We fly!"
"Are you sure, old man?" Arwyn asks. "It's going to be a long flight, you know!"
"Nonsense, Arwyn! I may almost be in my 600s, but these wings can still challenge the sky! Hop on!" Garkari tells him, and so Arwyn mounts his back, settling himself in a good state as the old man tells his servants and other passing citizens goodbye, telling Osle to keep things in check while he's away. "Prepare yourself, boy! The sky is quite chilly even in this summer morning!"
"As expected!" Arwyn tells him.
And so Garkari wings move, his grand power hurdling a gust of wind that blows onto the citizen, the children waving as Garkari takes to the sky. And over the fjord beside the lovely village, he takes flight, over the clouds below him and the many cliffs in his sight. Lakes, rivers, waterfalls, cities, people and many things they cross over, bracing the chilling morning sky from where they finally reach their destination, firstly stopping by a toll where Garkari slides an envelope of money inside of a box at the entrance.
"Uncle, you're a dragon, you fly. I don't think you have pay to enter," Arwyn states, tilting his head.
"As good citizens of Verencia, Arwyn, we must uphold our virtues," Garkari teaches. "As a knight, you should know this, boy"
"Hmm, yes, yes, I'm sorry," Arwyn nods, not wanting to hear his lectures, and back on their track they go.
And picking the route of adventurers, they reach higher into the mountain, both of them this time walking their way forward into a valley, met with a stream flowing through it, Arwyn tasting some of the water.
"According to the map, we can use this as our shortcut," Garkari explains.
"Why don't we just fly there, uncle Garkari? Seems it would be a lot easier, don't you think?" Arwyn questions.
"Now, boy, to always fly would be boring," He teaches, slowly taking out his vintage camera. "...And I want some pictures"
"Ah," Arwyn chuckles, gesturing to let him have it. "Alright, let me take them"
Telling Garkari to make some nice poses, Arwyn snaps his pictures, the gorgeous land as the background. And almost being finished, hands to his waist and foot on a rock, Garkari strikes his greatest post, Arwyn capturing more photos, and appears the sudden echo in their ears, and frame by frame it is revealed within the camera the suspects that disturb their peace.
"What the fuck," Arwyn sounds, both of them looking up to see an ogre falling from off a cliff, hugging with a wyvern just as big right behind them.
A fight that shakes the earth, the wyvern, elemental of the earth that roars, eroding the stones in striking the ogre who bashes it away with its mighty mace. And also coming down with strength in number from the slopes, they witness smaller ones with their warcries, trolls they figure to be henchmen of the ogre, seeing a full-on war right in front of them. And seeing how they fight and chase each, the two men comprehend the situation.
"I think they're coming right to us!" Arwyn discerns.
In also realizing the potential trouble, back into his dragon form Garkari goes, thus the pause of the battle of the monsters, seeing a bigger, scarier threat in front. And clearing his throat, out is an omnipotent roar they perceive, shaking their cores, and shaking the valley underneath them. In their blitz of fear, the monsters run the opposite direction, down the valley where they still fight on.
"It is best we follow along, Arwyn!" Garkari suggests.
"You're right! They're probably other adventurers around! Who knows where they might go too. Let's go!"
As the earth around them shake, followed are the monsters, the wyvern calling upon the might of the land, summoning a great shock that crashes down rocks from above, one in front that Garkari quickly notices.
"I think this is where you jump, Arywn!" He tells the knight, sensing as there will be more to come.
Hence preparing himself, Arwyn is launched into the air, dropping atop a cliff where he begins sprinting on his own path, alongside the trolls who also wish to live and not die by being crushed or falling to their deaths, the land going unbalanced beneath their feet, in which Arwyn finally is near the edge, his heart racing as he hopes not to accidentally do his suicide. And so he jumps alongside with the trolls, the wind bracing his skin and cloak as he begins to scream, thankful as he is caught by Garkari. Quickly looking behind him, Arwyn sees he alone was not saved, blasting the trolls off Garkari's back with fire, thanking the gods he was caught, also wishing for a drink.
"Arwyn, look there!" Garkari head points to a road they see. "It's a vehicle of adventurers; four of them!"
"It seems we aren't the only travellers up here," Hazel states, and going into the clouds, the dragon disappears from the group that had seen them.
"Maybe he..slash she was fighting that wyvern," Ayame figures, her reflexes in her finger pointing to the returning threat ahead, the wyvern that has caught their presence. "G-Guys!!"
"Get ready!!" Bettany orders, stopping the jeep in all of them getting out.
Its fangs showing to them, down like a fearsome spear it comes, it mighty screeches drumming their ears, pushed away by an opposing force that surprises it, Garkari with attacking from its side with a great strike, and down the slope it tumbles, crashing with roars that echo within the mountain. And resting his wings, comes Garkari who lands in front of their vehicle with an almighty howl that blows against them just by the exhaling of his nostrils.
"Children!" He greets.
"I-It's a dragon!!" Nahshon shouts, his excitement confusing everybody.
"Well, that's mildly racist," Garkari gazes at the boy, Arwyn then revealing himself to them as well.
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