《Phantom Path》Chapter 20: Back To School
Strike of 11 on his watch, Victor looks into his home neighbourhood with his suitcase by his side. It's as almost like nothing has changed, he believes, taking his first steps into his former place of residence, already halted by the commotion of a voice that frets while coming down the road.
"L-Look out! I can't stop it!!" The boy yells, furiously hitting the bell of on bicycle.
"Liam??" Victor calls.
"Victor!" The boy calls back. "Wait!! get out of the way!"
With coming full speed with no sign of stopping, the boy's panicking grows stronger as he watches as Victor not move an inch, yelling as to prepare for impact. And so, with a raise of his hand, a gush of wind is summoned by Liam's side, lifting him to break his speed, saved by the calm reaction of the man he yelled on. Liam steadily gets to ground level, carefully getting off his bicycle, firstly brushing off his body full of leaves. He then clears his throat, smiling as he takes a breath, suddenly jumping at Victor with a firm hug.
"Brother!" He grins. "What are you doing here? It's been 6000 years!"
"You and your jokes already," Victor chuckles, rubbing his head. "You've grown taller...and what happened to you?"
"Oh," Liam squats to check his bike. "The breaks must have messed up. Aw, man...I paid 130js for this...so, hey! What are you doing here?"
"Let's get those scratches treated first," Victor smiles.
In a lovely home, a mother and daughter begin their making of a Sunday brunch, leaving the father with occupying the living room for himself, watching a documentary as he enjoys a nice cold beer. To his awareness, he turns down the volume, hearing chatter on the outside of their home become stronger, with the sound of a bell clicking at their arrival. He looks at the other two, all wondering what is going on, as Liam hums his way into their home, clearing his throat as he picks a leaf out his shirt.
"Ladies and old man," He greets.
"Liam?" the daughter greets. "Why are there bandages all over you?"
"Never mind that, sis," He hushes her. "Come, come. Three of you"
With more gestures to come along, they follow his lead onto the outside, all except his sister. They go on the outside to the sight of neighbours by their yard's entry, and there they see the back of someone they haven't seen in a while, poking their hearts with wonder that lingers with joy.
"I'm home," Victor turns.
Instantly their mouths shape wide smiles at this grand surprise, both running towards him with a mighty hug, with Liam joining to give another round of love as well. As she cannot believe her senses, her motherly hands wander all over his face, beaming with uncontrollable happiness, hugging him once more to fully comprehend her son's presence returning home.
"My son!" She greets, kissing him on the cheek. "How have you been?"
"I've been well. How are you? You look younger than the last I've seen you," He smiles, as they walk him into the yard.
"Oh well, your mother has her secrets," She acts cute.
"Anti-ageing creams, that is..." His father coughs.
"Honey! Alright, no extras for you, old man," She pouts.
"Come on, let's go meet your sister," His father scratches his head. "Welcome home!"
They bring him on the inside, surrounding him with the sense of nostalgia which sparks his memories, seeing that his home is still the same as it always was, with almost nothing change.
"Hey, what's going on out there?" His sister comes out of the kitchen. "Huh? Victor?!"
"Paige. Even you've grown. It seems you're even taller than Liam now," He says, greeted by her with a hug.
"Ay, no way," Liam shakes his head, receiving a funny look from Paige.
"Honey, you should have told us you were coming. We would have prepared something way more fitting for you," His mom says.
"It's alright. A friend suggested I surprised you all," He explains, remembering Arnaldo's message."I hope there's enough to go around though, I left quite a large room inside to eat with you all"
"Of course, darling. This is why I stated no extras for your father"
"It was a joke, woman," His father looks at him, shaking his head to her mean decision.
They sit him at the dining table, serving to him a plate of toasts sprinkled with strawberry and fried eggs at the side, with a cup of fresh strawberry smoothie.
"How's work, Victor? I can imagine you're a busy man," His father asks him.
"It's the usual; I came here because of work, actually"
"Aw, I thought you came because you missed us?" Paige questions.
"I have. I was wondering what you all were up to. Seems like I don't have to worry anymore, I'm glad you're all doing fine," He smiles.
"Hey, what about Arwyn? Mr and Mrs Pryce are probably salty knowing that you alone came"
"Let's just make sure we don't show off too much," Their mother suggests.
"Arwyn..." He pauses. "Let's just say...for now, he's on a small leave until he fully recovers"
"So in other words, he's turned back into a wasteman," Paige shakes her head. "Ugh! I still can't believe he was chosen to be a knight, and a captain at that??"
"Don't act like you're upset. I remember when you would act all girly whenever he came around," Liam laughs, followed by the others.
"Quiet, idiot," She reddens, stuffing toast into his mouth. "You know, his parents should know what's going on. Maybe then he'll stop acting like he's a stupid sloth"
"W-Wait, I must ask that you forgive him this once," Victor scratches his head. "He had actually faced some...harsh experiences as of recent. A breakup, to be exact"
"Wait, that's it! He's depressed over a little breakup??" Paige laughs.
"Well, maybe a special someone could change that," Liam slowly turns to Paige, stuffed with toast again.
They chatter all the way into the night, catching up with Victor, spending their time close to each other. Now as they've changed into their sleeping wear, Victor is led by Liam to the upstairs quarters, checking at another old memory. Slowly Liam turns the knob of the door, and to Victor's surprise, is his former room hardly touched by the ageing rule of time, with all his books, bag, and other stuff from his school days still here, cleaned without a single spec of dirt in sight.
"Mom suddenly began cleaning it one day, and since that day, she's been taking care of it for the past few months," Liam rubs his chin.
"Hmm. I have a strange feeling that you and Paige certainly argued for it. What really happened?" Victor raises his eyebrow.
"Ah, you picked it up fast. Well...let's just say we eventually agreed with mom," Liam smiles. "I guess she really missed you"
"Hm," Victor simply smiles.
They settle down into his room, with Liam carrying over his console for them to play together. After taking many losses, Victor finally gives up, with them now tuning in for the latest episode of an anime they used to watch together.
"Liam?" Victor calls. "How's school?"
"Well, school is school. Wow, and I'm finally graduating soon," He stretches, with a sigh of relief. "All the kids are anxious though, especially since we have the summer questline coming up"
"Oh yeah...The summer questline; every secondary school is preparing for this coming summer. Perhaps this is their reasoning for buying these supplements?" He imagines. "Why are they troubled, to be exact?"
"Didn't you and Paige go through the same thing?"
"Times have probably changed, so I'm curious?"
"Hmmm...It's generally the same; Big companies scouting, adventuring guilds scouting, knighthood scouting, and sponsors. Yeah, those stuff" Liam counts. "Everybody wants to make sure they're set for after school. Kinda nerve-wracking when I think about it"
"I see. And what do you plan on doing? You still want to be knighted?" Victor asks him.
"Maybe, but if I want my path, I'm joining another under another province," Liam hits his chest.
"Really? Why not with Strongcastle?"
"You and Arwyn are already here. The first thing that is sure to happen is everybody knowing me as your 'little brother'. I don't want that," He shakes his head.
"That would probably be troubling, I understand," Victor pats his brother's head. "Tell me, have you heard of any strange rumours around your school lately?"
"Hmmm...No, not really"
"Hmm..." Victor fixes his glasses.
"What's up? Why are you so curious about school? You missing it?"
"I'm actually heading there tomorrow," Victor tells him.
"Wait, what!?" Liam jumps up.
"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'm only going as a simple councillor, nothing much"
"Dude, that's a big deal. Man, imagine the number of horny teens you're gonna have to deal with on your first day," Liam grins, scratches his cheek.
"...You remember that time you thought you were home alone and I caught you mas-"
"Ahhh!" Liam stops him, face reddening to the thought of that memory. Nope! Nope! I can't hear you! And I wasn't. Goodnight!"
Liam runs away as he's embarrassed, sprinting away into his room, forgetting his console. And in a quick change into a serious mood, Victor takes off his glasses to the thought of where to begin. And thus the morning comes, with Victor and Liam cruising their way into the school's parking lot, in another overcast day to commence their morning.
"Man, dad never made me drive this car," Liam sounds.
"In due time, little brother. Your sister and I had to suffer the same process of his teachings," Victor remembers his father acting fretful as he had given him and Paige driving lessons.
Out of the car and at the entrance of his former school he stands, met with mixed emotions, seeing as students pass with curiosity in their blue uniforms, with some hailing Liam.
"Blue willow high," Victor sounds, fixing his glasses, entering inside to a place that has since changed a lot since the small gap of years he had left.
"Oh, yeah," Liam turns to him, face shaped with an awkward smile that presents his sorrow. "You remember your old classmate is a teacher here, right?"
"Thea? Yes, why?" Victor questions, remembering her scary character of their school-days just by seeing Liam's face.
"Since the 9th grade, I've been met with nothing but her overly strict 'care' for me, because I'm your little brother and all. It was painful. I'm glad I can finally escape this demon now, god. Like, do I look like I would do crack? Why does she have to be so nosy all the time? Geez, school is done. We're coming here for our friends and the extra training, that is all. Damn, and I'm not even a part of her home class, so imagine how they feel," He blows down, seeing Victor look behind his back with eyes that gesture to him to quiet down. "Tsk..."
"My eyes are up here, mister," Thea chops him in the head with a book, as he had firstly gazed at her chest, blushing as to how close they are.
"Thea. I see that you're still scary as ever" Victor hails.
"Victor. Long time no see, heh?" She grins, grabbing Liam with her dragon tail like a puss as he tries to escape. "Your kid brother here has been giving me a lot of sass as of recent"
"Only because you keep targeting me. Give it a rest now, please. I'm not a kid anymore. Tch," He pouts.
"Ah, you think you're a big man now," She hits his back. "Class...now"
"Ngh! Later, bro. Don't let her eat you," He runs off, waving to his brother.
"Hm," Thea sounds. "So, I've heard you've come to council our school for a while. What made a busy man like you so kind to do this all of a sudden?"
"Indeed," He walks with her. "I've heard news of uneasiness growing these days. Thought I could help ease their minds just a little. I am a past student of this school, after all"
"Ah, yes. The summer questline; the event that will decide their future fates. I can understand why they're so anxious, but it's not like they need it to get their dream jobs in the first place"
"The more comfortable of paths are always the most welcoming," He states, now laughing. "I never imagined you would go through with becoming a teacher, and you're a homeroom teacher already?"
"Yup! Even when you all believed I wouldn't. Well actually, their former one left due to some personal reasons. So as her assistant, I ranked up. Ugh...I'm going to miss my class. Those little devils"
"I'm sure you will," Victor stops at the courtyard with her, watching as students roam and converse. Thea, may I ask for a favour?"
"Hm? Sure. What do you need?"
"I find I may run into some questions when I begin with my task. Things may become difficult within these coming days...May I ask that you watch my back when these situations arise?"
"Hmm...? Heh, sounds like you're already in action. I won't ask questions. And of course, we're old buddies, after all. You can count on me any time you feel like" She grins.
"Thank you, Thea," Victor shakes her hands, both now hearing the sounds of the school bell ringing.
"Hey, after you've shown yourself to the teachers' department, how about you come meet my class after? I know they'll love it if a knight like you surprised them with a visit"
"I would be honoured. Shall we?" He walks with her.
In the senior class of 3b, their spirits set free into chatter in their bubbles, while others keep to themselves, all relieved of everything as they are soon to graduate. And with a slide, Thea enters with joy in her footsteps, greeted by most of her kids, smiling as she looks to all of them, proud like a blessed mother.
"Wow, look at all of you, hm," She greets.
"Yes, Ms.Hansen. You've told us for a million times how you'll miss us," A female classmate says.
"Why weren't you this light-hearted from the beginning?" Another classmate questions.
"Yeah, yeah. My 'scary' persona still got through to you all though. You know you guys love me. And that's a fact. And at least I'm not like some other people who 'did it because they want you to succeed' and ended up getting shunned, heh?"
"Oo, you're shading other teachers now," A third sounds.
"I didn't say anything. Ahem! Alright, guys, attention. A former student and old friend of mine has paid a visit to talk with you guys," She says, inviting him in.
"Good morning," He hails, with some jumping up to his appearance, jaws dropped and eyes lit with passion. "Victor Evelyn. It's a pleasure to meet you all"
"Woah," A boy sounds, followed by others, chilled by his coolness. "Sir Victor?! A-Are you actually friends with Ms.Hansen??"
"Ey! What's that supposed to mean? We grew up together in the same class" She glares at him, throwing her arm over Victor.
"Indeed. I see that you all had to suffer through the same fear as well," He remarks, having them laugh, and Thea pouting.
"Sir Victor?" A lizardman student sounds. "Does this mean we're getting lessons from you?"
"Well, I've come to speak to you, as a mere councillor, that is," He answers, slightly disappointing the kids.
"That's true. He will be here to counsel you and other students until you've graduated. But!" Thea hits Victor's shoulder. "Maybe something could be arranged"
"Woo! Yeah, Ms.Hansen!!" They cheer.
"Mhmm, as long as you don't scare him off, he'll even teach you guys exclusively. Right, Victor?" She grins.
"I-" He stops, looking at the students gaze at him like their idol. "...I guess something could be arranged"
"Hmm," Thea nods proudly. "But it seems not everyone is thrilled by this, even ignoring the fact that a noble gentleman has agreed to give you important advice and exclusive training...Chloe"
"Tch..." The elven girl frowns, seated at the back with her eyes not shifting from the window.
"Tsk, don't worry about her, Ms.Hansen. We don't want someone ruining the mood in the first place," A female orc student glares at Chloe, infuriated by just her presence.
"Hey, Sabrina," Thea points. "Better keep quiet now, unless you want her giving you another black eye"
"Ugh..." Sabrina blows down, muttering the word bitch under her breath, as other students laugh, while one elven student turns to look at Chloe, returning to face the front with sadness in his smile.
"Hmm," Victor observes.
"Sir? Could you tell us a story of one of your battles?" A student asks.
The students verbally try to top each other's idea of the battle they would like to hear, and in them, Victor begins to recall his old classmates; Thea at her young age, and Arwyn's young self in Chloe's seat.
"Alright, everyone," Victor claps. "How about this one?"
- In Serial13 Chapters
Child of Dusk
Life can be cruel, especially to those who don't fit in. But what would you do if you were given a second chance? Tim was a nobody during his time on Earth. As a penniless orphan with no friends to speak of, life was tough for him in his little Arizona town in the '90s. He'd utterly lost hope for the future until one day, he was reincarnated as Alvanue, beloved daughter and heir to the Starlit Throne of Silthonduen. Now, Alvanue has everything a princess could ever want: a loving family, loyal comrades and an entire kingdom at her finger tips. But what good is a kingdom when there's a whole world of magic and mystery out there to explore? *** Ok! Disclaimer time. I do edit my own work and I do not have a beta reader, so please feel free to point out any errors or plot holes (politely, of course). Each chapter will be around 4,000 to 6,000 words long and while I was posting every day at the beginning, I think I'll cut that down to once a week for now, excluding bonus chapters! I really don't want to get burned out. I started writing this because I love world building, so this is gonna be heavy on lore. If you're not into that, there's still a ton of character progression and action to look forward to! It's going to be slow at the beginning, but I promise it will pick up eventually. Thanks for checking my story out, I appreciate it a lot!
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