《Phantom Path》Chapter 6: Wohlstand
Adal, Wohlstand, the charming city bustling with filled stores that host many items for many types of people, cafes of characters who relax and enjoy a cup of hot beverage, and crowded streets of many personalities, many of them who are born of this country, the elves who walk the land. A walk through the narrow streets as they file themselves on the side of the brick road, Daunte and Toro had aided Powell in a shopping run; their bags packed of food, clothes, a guitar and some potions, and many more. And back at the passing car, Daunte turns his eyes, impressed by the classic yet modern style of its build, hearing the cussing of the elves who are forced to be squeezed to the side, not feeling the same way as Daunte as the driver had illegally gone through the single lane.
"Neat, he would have loved to see this," Daunte gestures.
"Uh-huh," Toro simple replies.
"Man, these elven girls are just wow, dude, my God. I can't believe they're here right in front of us like this, hm"
"Pardon, Master Daunte?" Powell asks.
"I know this is weird, but they are...' protections' here, right??" Daunte questions, his interest blooming the more he thinks about his possibilities.
"Of course," Powell gladly answers, knowing what Daunte is getting at. "It is the seal that stops a man's seed from getting too far into a woman. Just simply place the seal onto where her womb is, that is if you wish not to have a child"
"That's pretty nice, man...yeah" He goes, nodding as his naughty thoughts form stronger. "Wait...if I'm gonna print it on her, what's gonna protect my 'johnny' from the funky stuff then??"
"You're getting too into this, man," Toro chuckles.
"It's alright, Master Toro," Powell chuckles. "I don't believe there's such a thing to be worried about, Master Daunte"
"Whew, Aren't I glad to hear that," He pervertedly smiles.
"Your homeworld must be very unfortunate to have such worries among them, are they?" Powell wonders.
"Trust me, they are worse things in that world than just 'protection' problems," Toro explains.
"I understand," Powell nods.
"And...I realize they are elves pointing at us, what's going on?" Daunte asks.
"Hm. They aren't entirely friendly to outsiders...especially humans," Powell answers, returning the attention to one of them who humorously chuckles and turns his back to them.
"Why is this so?" Toro questions.
"A Country's history tends to have its ways of digging itself into the mind of its people, young and old," He explains. "Some generations ago, an old king of Verencia dispatched troops here. I have heard of many stories; many of elves beaten, and some even killed, some of it according to the textbooks as well. Our kin reminds them of the king and the troops that once occupied their land, humans, they think of us as savages who only know harm"
"You don't say"
"You mustn't have it bother you, Master Toro. There is at least a minority here that believes in the phrase: 'A people's past, and a people's kin, doesn't define who they are'"
"I'll keep that in mind," Toro smiles.
"Madam Mila, as a noble, attempted to fix this problem," Powell explains. "She wanted humans to feel more at home in the land, being able to get into higher-paying jobs and homes easier than how it is. She believed it would help to make many, if not all nations connect a little better. We were the first of her dream"
"Doesn't seem like it was a bad idea," Toro supports, nodding to the thought of it.
"Yes, she had only good intentions for her country," Powell explains, his hand reaching into his pocket where he takes out the blue rag. "It saddens me, her own people were not keen on her bright spark of an idea. It's a shame you didn't see her at her best, her liveliness always warmed our hearts"
"She seemed like a good woman," Toro tells him, reaching to their car where they stop. "Someone once told me that even in death, their determination will live inside those who believed in them. I'm sure her will is still in many the same way, even if we can't see it"
"Yes, I hope so as well," Powell looks to the sky, its image a reflection on his glasses, onto putting the groceries in the trunk and getting into the car.
He starts the engine and onto the main road their wheels travel on, cruising through the light traffic of the compact city on their way to home to the outskirts of the city. Atop the lonely hills of trees, they reach, through the gates that open for them as servants greet them. And out of the car they come out of, witnessing as Kaia plays around with her magic, swirling streams of water like many miniature rivers in one place from out the fountain, with the servants as her audience.
"So, you saw anything you like out there?" Ronnie asks, nudging Daunte with his elbow to his side.
"Hell yeah, boy, the elven girls here are fucking hot, dawg. You should have seen them!" Daunte answers proudly, chuckling with Ronnie, then stopping as he remembers a fact. "One thing though...this place kinda reminds me of Europe, like a lot"
"Yeah," Daunte answers."The driving on the left side of the road, that German look to the place Nahshon was always showing me, yeah, those kinda stuff...slightly racist too, they're kinda racist to humans, I hear"
"W-W-What??" Ronnie questions, shocked by the information.
"Heh, but don't worry about it, Mr.Pow-"
Onto their clothes, a splash of heavy water lands from above them. Soaked and chilled as the wind brushes past their wet clothes, over to the guilty person they look, smiling as she slowly says sorry, with servants hiding behind her back as they silently laugh.
"Alright, I guess that's enough outside time for today," Ronnie grunts, flashing his hands off as he wipes away water from his bald head. "I'm going to the library, there might be some interesting things there. And I'll be getting some new clothes before that!!"
Into the mansion he stamps his feet, with Daunte looking over to Kaia, believing it was kinda funny.
And by another location, Toro reaches an old ruin of a tower in the next hour, its once beautiful structure standing strong, now barely being held up by time, just ways below the hill their home resides on. And beneath its resting place, a calming yet windy, grassy plain that colours its stone, but not bothering the little peace it has left in this world. To his spirit, his eyes close, sensing a stench is brought to his nostrils by the flowing wind. And step by step, he hears another that creeps out the shadows of the ruin, slowly opening his eyes to the creation of this world that is brought before him.
A beast of two heads, like mad dogs with veins popping in their heads, with a body like a bull's, their mouths drooling as they hunger for a meal, gazing at Toro who takes one more glance at the quest poster tucked away in his pocket, the boy humble yet eager for battle with his first challenge. And out a terrorizing cry, the beast bellows out a paralyzing roar, but it takes no effect on its challenger who stands still, his body not shaken. Into his fighting stance he sets, ordering to his challenger to come forward. And so the beast accepts, disturbing the peace of the ruin as it races toward its prey, with its mouths wide open to feast on his flesh, dodged by the confident Toro who avoids its every attempt. And with each effort, the beast grows more frustrated, its attacks becoming wilder, into receiving a quick hook to its side that sounds it in pain. His strike mighty, angrier it becomes, Toro cockier by every minute that passes, making this beast feel as if it is simply another fodder. He dodges and dodges, smirking with every attempt it does to catch him, but lost becomes apart of that confidence, struck by the beast that marks upon him its sharp claws, as he had lost his balance from backing up into a small piece of the ruin. Rolling away with the three claw slashes indebt on to his body, he blows down at his clumsy, warning himself never to make that mistake again. And rushing towards him, held are its two necks by his bare hands, mild irritation steering in Toro's spirit as his wounds sting him, kneeing its chest with a fury of punches that comes after, his strikes critical to the beast as it is struck into the stone of the ruin, crashing down apart of its structure. Its mouth bloodied from gauging blood, back on its feet it stands, snarling at its enemy who aura is intimidating.
"Stay down...I'm asking nicely," Toro orders, his aura rising out like a fire from within, alarming the beast.
Though frightened by what it is facing, its body now weak, like a proud monster, the beast lashes out with fangs bearing like never before, to Toro who calmly exhales and get into his stance once more, put down with one last fist of superior might, laid to rest, its body twitching into no longer having life, returning peace to the ancient ruin. And his victory won, Toro eases himself, his wound still stinging, yet he treats it like a simple scratch.
Back home, an afternoon snack has been prepared; sandwiches and freshly squeezed lemonade for refreshment. Ronnie and Kaia sit around the table, joined by some of the servants, feeling cosy under the warm coloured chandelier. And In the middle of their eating, comes Toro who returns home for them see what has happened to him, their faces looking perplexed as he simply looks back at them.
"Holy shit!" Ronnie says.
"Language," A servant says.
"Y-Sorry, what happened to you??" He asks Toro.
"Grabbed myself a quest while I was in the city, figured I could use some training," Toro answers, sitting by the table with them.
"Doesn't it hurt??" Kaia asks. "I'll go get a potion for you"
"It's alright, I'll get it," A servant says, getting up from her seat.
"It wasn't much of a challenge," Toro shrugs, his confidence at its peak after that battle. "I'm glad this new power could match up to my body and expectations"
"Heh, of course." Ronnie shakes his head. "I guess now your musclehead training can be of better use to you, huh?"
To his statement, Toro chuckles, getting for himself a bite of the deliciously made sandwiches as a reward for his return home. And seated beside his plate, the servant returns with a red potion.
"Good job, Master Toro!" She suddenly salutes, almost having Toro choke out of shock.
"T-Thanks, thank you very much," He replies as he drinks the red potion, his eyes onto her big breasts that are close up to him. "What was your name again?"
"Viola! my master," She tells him, both her hands set to her waist, as Daunte walks in with a guitar, the boy pulling on the strings. "I am always to be of your service!!"
"Oh, nice," He says, taking for himself a sandwich as well.
"Ugh! I wished I'd gotten powers to get some gratitude as well," Ronnie whines.
"Don't say that, you...probably just a late bloomer," Kaia comforts him, resisting the breaking out of her laughter.
"Bullshit," He responds, looking at the servant who warned, apologizing. "You're gonna sit here and tell me that he gave everybody else abilities and not me?? What, am I some soon to be overpowered isekai character here??"
"Ha!" Toro laughs, holding his throat as he begins choking on his food.
"Yeah!" Ronnie smirks. "That's some nice karma there, bitch"
"Perhaps you are an all-rounder, Master Ronnie," Viola suggests.
"Meaning?" Ronnie tilts his head.
"Meaning there is no such thing as a magic-less person in this world. They are some who are born with their magical abilities awakened, and they are late bloomers, like yourself, and people who just don't see the need for it"
"What?" Ronnie questions. "How can you not see the use of magic?? Wait, Daunte, what's your magic anyway?'"
"Heh, it's better if I show it to you," He grins, upon strapping his guitar onto his body, where he begins playing a tune which all around him begins to feel as an aura moves through their body, all of them pleased with his skill as well.
"So, you're a magic bard then??" Ronnie asks.
"Hell yeah, I am! Whatever that means," Daunte grins.
"Alright, screw this," Ronnie gets up. "I'm gonna go look up some stuff in the library, peace out"
"And allow me to be your entertainment of today," Viola says, going to the piano in the living room.
"Man, I can't believe we're in another world though," Daunte says.
"Amazing, isn't it?" Kaia adds. "If only more of our friends were here to see this"
"Yeah...wait a minute, remember when the old guy said something about that??" Daunte reminds them.
"Oh, I wonder who it could be," Toro ponders.
"It's probably Jace or Rya, who do you think it is?" Kaia asks.
"I'm thinking Yusef, could be Yankee too. I'm just wondering why they would come here and decide to go alone," Toro thinks of the reason.
"I bet it's Nahshon, he would probably pull something like this, since he's edgy and stuff," Daunte grins.
"Nahshon...hm. To be honest, he made a foolish choice," Toro states. "I honestly can't imagine him still being alive"
"And why is that??" Daunte questions, intrigued by his thought.
"I mean think about it, he stopped training for god what reason, you think he's getting by doing any quests of the level that I did??"
"I don't know...he has his own ways of doing stuff, and we're talking about someone with a deep love for fantasy here," Daunte states to him.
"Hm, I guess it's alright for you to believe in him, he's your best friend after all," Toro shrugs, Daunte mildly annoyed by his words as they both stare at each other.
"Anyways," Kaia disrupts the tense atmosphere between them. "It's weird how close to graduating we were"
"Yeah, it's insane this happened," Daunte replies.
"I wish my love was here," She sighs.
Their lips stop to the soothing melodies of Viola's talented plays, soothing them with her aura as they reminisce about themselves on the world left behind; old lives, friends, family, relationships, and goals, all those things, now ceased, all unnecessary in this new world.
"I guess this is what they mean when they say you don't know what you've lost until it's gone, huh?" Daunte states, sighing as he thinks of the girl he was talking to. "I kinda miss it there, not gonna lie"
And disrupted is the sullen mood, by Ronnie who rushes into the room like a madman, breathing like a thirsty dog in need for a bone as well, halting the beautiful plays on the piano, holding up into his hand an item.
"Guys! I have found my power!" He exclaims, excited as he holds up an untied scroll.
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