《Kyle》CHAPTER 6: Training As Apprentice Warden


“Ask then,” said Lanister as he sighed in his heart, ‘here goes another type of rich girl. Why does every semester, we always have this type?’

“Isn’t arcane art is different from chaos art. For chaos art, everyone can learn them just by doing some ritual or blood sacrifice, but arcane art usually passed from noble lineage?” asked the girl with stern face.

“Right. What’s your question then?” said Lanister as he looked at that girl.

“Why do we have a commoner here?” said that girl in loud voice while pointing to Kyle.

“Because he has talent in arcane art,” said Lanister in questioning look, as why did this girl ask a question that she already knew the answer, like why did a cat have a tail?

“But, isn’t arcane art usually passed from warden’s lineage. There’s no way a warden will married a dirty peasant as it will tarnish their reputation,” refuted that girl as she look dirtily at Kyle.

“Hey! watch your damn mouth girl,” said Kyle angrily.

“What? didn’t what I said is the truth you dirty peasant?” she said in arrogant tone.

“At least I’m better than some spoiled rich girl who even need her mama to help changing her diapers?” insulted Kyle with ‘fuck you’ gesture.

“Watch your mouth commoner!” yelled the girl angrily.

“What mama girl? Did I just tell the truth mama girl? Sorry mama girl. Did you want to go back crying to yo’ mama,” insulted Kyle more and more, making that girl’s face as red as tomato. Bitching? Are you kidding me? I already heard lot of shitty words since kid. A noble trying to fight dirty words with town’s kid, damn right.

“You damn commoner. Who are you calling mama girl. Hear me commoner, I am Linslet Lionheart. House of Lionheart, hail from high noble family which served as guardian of Iselet nation for 5 generations” said that girl in lofty manner.

“Whatever mama girl, my name is Kyle the moneymaker, hail from house of ‘damn bitch’. Called me Kyle ‘damn bitch’,” imitated Kyle in proud manner.

“How dare a lowly commoner insult a noble from Lionheart family, I shall show you difference between a peasant and a noble,” said Linslet angrily, She then draw out a high grade magic rapier made from pure adamantium from her waist’s scabbard, ready to cut Kyle in two to soothed her anger.

“Resorting to violence when angry. Does Lionheart’s family brain made of steel?” said Kyle as he pulled out his axe from his back.


And they both swing their weapons to each other with all their might. Kyle swinged his axe roughly, “hahaha, take this mama girl,” laughed Kyle as his axe clashed with Linslet’s rapier. Linslet grinned, and suddenly her rapier that is connected with Kyle’s axe change it’s course and slashed Kyle’s wrist, making it bleed with a minor cut.

Kyle then kicked away Linslet’s stomach to gain distance, but she slip away agilely before Kyle’s leg managed to touch her. Linslet laughed as she swing her rapier again at Kyle’s left hand, “taste this commoner. No way a trash who’ve never learn fighting style could fight the great me.”

When Kyle saw Linslet’s rapier coming towards his left hand, he need to change his tactic, ‘tch, this girl’s sword and movement is like a fish. should I back away or counter? Wait a minute –’

Kyle look at his right wrist and saw unexpected thing, ‘her slash before should at least could cut into my bone. Hmm, let’s try this.’

Kyle used her left hand to guard against Linslet’s slash, but before his left hand bleed, he pulled it away instantly. He then used his right hand and swing his axe from Linslet’s left chest to her right waist.

They then back away and look at each other. When Kyle look at his left hand which have a major cut and Linslet’s body armour, which only have little scratched, like when a coin try to scratch a steel, he sighed dissapointedly.

“Heh. Good to have high grade magic armour and weapon. If not, your slash only will scratch my skin and my slash at least will cut your stomach.”

“Say what you will commoner,” said Linslet with great pride, “but from this exchange, just admit you’re a trash.”

Lanister just watched their bickering in relaxing manner, ‘I’ll step in if their life is in danger. Didn’t we have the best medical facility here.’

“Chief, don’t you need to stop their fight?” said a girl with silky red hair and have a pure elegance look.

“Why?” ask Lanister as he face that girl, “it’s perfect to demonstrate a real fight. You should appreciate this Alice. Maybe you can learn something from their fight.”

“Look,” said Lanister as he pointed at Linslet, “that girl have a great fighting style, but she depends too much on her magic armour, making her arrogant as that boy could not injured her.”

“Poor him,” said Alice as she looked at Kyle with sad face, “if only he had a middle grade magic weapon, that slash to Linslet’s stomach could at least gave her a great wound.”


She retorted as she looked at Chief Lanister, “wait a minute. That’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Haha,” laughed Lanister carefeely as he looked at Alice. He then said, “that’s mean you have a warrior spirit. Now, look at that boy…whatever his name is.”

“Kyle, you should at least remember a student’s name” retorted Alice.

“Whatever. That boy have great instinct, even greater than a warden’s rank. That slashed to his left hand before will make someone like you or that girl lost their forearm.”

Lanister then nod as he looked at Kyle, “Conrad really find an interesting boy. I wonder what his future will be if he become a warden.”

As they both looked at each other, ready to clash at any moment, Alice run and stand in the middle of Kyle and Linslet. She then said as she hold out both of her hand, “stop, both of you. Don’t you feel that this fight had gone too far?”

“Shut up you noisy girl,” said both Kyle and Linslet, looking at her angrily.

“What’s your problem noisy girl. We didn’t even ask for your opinion. Who you think you are huh?” said Kyle but later on he changes back his tone as he looked at her elegance appearance, ‘holy shit. This girl could be a princess of a country for all I know.’

Kyle said softly with a warm smile, “I mean, please back away miss. This fight is to defence my honour, or are you thinking a noble could abuse a commoner like a slave anytime they want?”

Alice had great difficulty looks on her face. Although she think fighting between fellow classmates is bad, but like Kyle said, this useless fight is coming from a rude words of a noble’s daughter.

Before she could explained herself, Linslet’s voice interrupt their conversation, “Please back away fellow noble. Lionheart’s never back down from a fight especially when they have been insulted.”

Linslet run to Kyle with stabbing movement. Kyle response by holding his axe with both hands, ready to slash at any moment. Alice fidgeted as she looked at Kyle and Linslet, then she look at Chief Lanister with teary expression.

Lanister sighed as he looked at Alice’s trouble expression, ‘she is really like a princess protected inside a glass case. Oh well ­–’


And they both fly up 4 meters before touching the ground. they struggle to look up, to see what had hit them. Kyle never even notice how the hell he had been hit, next thing he knew, he have already high up in the sky.

“Thanks for showing us a great demonstration,” said Lanister who is standing beside Alice as his battle gloves instantly vanished into his storage ring.

‘Fast,’ think all the apprentices. Mark then whispered to Shawn in low voice, “Hey Shawn, how did Chief Lanister hit Kyle and Linslet without we even noticing?”

“How should I know? What I know is that I’m starving,” said Shawn as he rubbed his growling stomach, regret not eating anything at the cafeteria before.

Lanister said as he looked at both Kyle and Linslet with a nod, “based on your performance, I’m confidence that not even half of them can fight you one on one.”

Then he continue with a deep look, “but the other half can easily beat you as both of you have a great weakness, do you want to know?”

Kyle, Linslet and all other apprentices look at him with expectation face. 1 on 1 teaching by Chief warden, if you don’t grab that opportunity then you’re a fool beyond saving.

“Think by yourself. Hahaha. You think I’ll tell just you like that?” said Lanister as he laughed, then he said as he shake his head, “you better improve that 1 great weakness if you want to pass warden test. At this rate, both of you only have 10% chance to pass that test, and 9% of it came purely from luck. Class dismiss then.”

Lanister then walked away from training field, too lazy to teach them anything as he want to give that annoying task to the warden in charge for their training class.

Mark and 2 other girls walked to Kyle and Linslet who are lying down on the ground. Mark then asked as he look at unmoving Kyle, “hey, are you alright?”

“How the hell should I be alright? I fell like a giant log just hit my chest, “said Kyle as he gasped for air.

Alice then walked to both Kyle and Linslet with worried face, “you both are not looking good. I suggest you go to medical facility. By the way, my name is Alice.”

Kyle and Linslet look at her annoyingly.

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