《Kyle》CHAPTER 2: Dream's Of A Peasant Boy


And the greatsword slides out from old man's chest before once more stabbing him in his stomach. The old man closed his eyes slowly with anguish face, mad as his life will stop after this.

Conrad then used old man's robe to wipe out blood from his greatsword, then he walked to a small shack with a big hole in the middle of it.

As he entered that small shack, he noticed a teenage boy Seemingly in his 14 or 15 years old. The boy seems shocked, very shock. The boy was staring at his right arm without blinking his eyes. There was a yellow aura. Although his aura is very dim, but Conrad recognize it.

"Arcane art," Muttered Conrad as he looked at Kyle's hand.

Kyle, still shocked from the event that has transpired does not aware a man has entered his shack. He was sitting on his bed while shivering. As he slowly regains his composure, he slowly put down his hand and the yellow aura disappeared. He suddenly heard a voice saying, "arcane art," and footsteps coming closer towards him. Thinking that it was frightening old man, he stood up very fast, unwilling to felt the previous sensation.


As Kyle try to run away, not even looking who it is-


He was hit on his head. As he falls down, and regain his balance back, he saw a man. A rich man. Very, very rich man. Not some creepy old man with bloody robe, but a man with expensive clothes, very clean face with shiny black hair.

"You have creepy smile boy, for someone who nearly had death experience," Said Conrad as he looked at Kyle. What he was looking at was not a face of fear. Although he was shivering while sitting on the floor, but… he was smiling. Neither a warm nor kind smile, but a creepy smile.

Kyle, who was looking at Conrad, notice emblem of a shield on his expensive mithril breastplate, "The Order," muttered Kyle.

"That's right kid, I'm Conrad. One of The Order's warden, bla, bla, bla-"

Kyle only heard words of ‘Conrad' and ‘The Order'. After that his mind went blank, ‘The Order's warden huh. That's why he looks so fucking rich. Shit, how cruel life could be. Order's warden live like a prince while I live like a dog.'

"Hey kid, want to join The Order's warden? Well, you can-"


The words that Conrad said to him is like a dirty looking man living as a slave in ore mine suddenly saw a very nice looking woman with a silk dress, diamond ring, and pearl necklace said to him, "wanna be my husband?"

‘Fuck me if I don't.'

"Very good. Not many young men like you have a great heart. As you can see, we The Order's warden always battle the evil that terrorizes this continent. Good, good," said Conrad with approving nod.

"What's the payment?" ask Kyle with a bright smile.

"Payment?" questioned Conrad.


"How much will I gain from becoming The Order's warden?" said Kyle with a beaming smile.

"Well, The Order's warden never care about payment but-"

"What's the payment?" interrupt Kyle.

Justice? The balance of Eldeize continent? Fuck that. Kyle, who live a poor life since he was a kid, eating hard bread, working like a bull, sleeping on top of a hard bed in the cold night.

Try to live like that once and spout justice all day long, thought Kyle as he looked at Conrad.

"Well, it's range from your rank in The Order and mission," answer Conrad to Kyle, but seeing at Kyle unsatisfied face, he adds "The Order will give you 40 silver coins every month when you become an apprentice warden."

Kyle, who heard 40 silver coins stand up very fast and say, "what are we waiting for? Let's go."

"I'll have to report this incident to this town mayor first. As it's still late at night, we'll sleep first," said Conrad.

As Conrad look around, there's nothing in this shack. Just a poor living area and a small wooden bed. He then walked outside of Kyle's shack and pulled out a tent from his ring. It size was so big that can even make 4 adults living comfortably inside. Conrad opened his tent door and said to Kyle, "well, you can sleep in my tent tonight, as it seems how your shack has become."

Kyle was very surprise seeing a tent just come out of Conrad's ring. He then slowly followed Conrad into his tent.

Inside, he saw expensive fur mat all over the tent, mouthwatering looking meat, exotic fruits, warm bread and juice inside a jar on top of a grand wooden table.

‘This is heaven.'

Kyle, who only live his life in the poor shack cannot imagine one day, he will see this place. He grabbed fruits on top of the table and started eating it. He then poured juice from the small jar into a cup. As he drinks it, he tasted sweet and delicious water going down to his throat. He ate meats, bread and anything else on the table until his stomach felt too full.

Kyle looked at soft fur mattress that Conrad has taken out before and gave it to him, ‘Sleep with me, sleep with me. I'm soft and warm.'

He could see how enticing the mattress is. Without further ado, he dives straight into it and sleeps while dreaming cuddling a soft, fluffy animal.



Kyle, who was lying on the grass, watching the sea, and on top of his body, a small bunny was napping peacefully heard someone calling his name. He ignored the voice as he tried to enjoy this scene.

Splash, splash

He tasted some water on his face and said, "that's weird," while sitting on the grass. Suddenly, the scene changed. He opened his eyes and saw Conrad was sprinkling water on his face.

"Good, now that you have woke up, go and get ready. I have prepared breakfast and portable bathroom outside," said Conrad as he saw Kyle has opened his eyes.


Kyle, who was sitting on the bed mattress, start stretching himself and stand up slowly. He looked at soft sleeping mattress made of silk and expensive animal fur with longing eyes.

"Go take a bath now."

Kyle, who heard Conrad's babbling then walk out of the tent. Outside, he saw a small wooden hut. He hesitated at first, thinking is this what Conrad's mean portable bathroom? He then went inside the hut slowly. Inside, he saw large bath area with hot water inside a big pond. He also saw a wooden table with 10 wooden brushes inside a cup, liquid soap inside a white bottle, and another small bottle with green liquid, ‘I think that green liquid is called toothpaste.'

He also saw another wooden table with soft silk towels on top of the table and a large mirror hanging on wooden's wall.

He then loosed his clothes and brushed his teeth using a wooden brush and green liquid, "although this taste weird, just like peppermint combine with apple flavor, but it tastes good and refreshing," said Kyle as he brushes his teeth. He then took bathing ladle beside the big pond and splash hot water towards his body. After rubbing his whole body with liquid soap inside a white bottle, he splashed hot water again and again towards his body. Each time hot water washes his body, he felt blissfully relax and all of his fatigue has been washed away.

He then walked to a big wooden table and took a towel. He rubbed his body and the softness of the silk make his skin glows. Before, he smelled like a mud, but now, his body smells very natural. Not like rose or lily fragrance, but a warm natural smell with slight wooden fragrance

"Holy shit, is this how rich people live?" said Kyle as he changed back into his daily clothes. He then went inside Conrad's tent and saw Conrad was reading a book on a chair at the dining table.

"Eat Kyle. After that, we'll go to town mayor's house to report previous night incident," Said Conrad as he flips a page from his book.

After Kyle finished his breakfast, Conrad and Kyle then walk out of the tent. Conrad touch it's canvas, and it disappeared into his ring without any trace. He repeated this process by touching portable hut's wooden wall.

"That's very convenient ring," said Kyle as he watched.

"Every warden have this ring to make it easier for their journey. What I have is specially made storage ring, crafted by the top alchemist in this continent. It can even store a castle" said Conrad.

"Wow, what's the cheapest storage ring capacity?" ask Kyle as he was interested.

Conrad then said as he walked, followed by Kyle, "the smallest capacity inside storage ring is about 1/4 of your kitchen area."

Kyle said as he imagined his small kitchen area, "I can live with that."

"And the price is 300 gold coins for cheapest storage ring," Said Conrad.

That made Kyle take a huge blow inside his heart. He, who only used about 4 copper coins for his daily life cannot even fathom how much is 300 gold coins. Even his pocket has 80 copper coins right now, and that is based on his saving. ‘1 gold coin is 100 silver coins, 1 silver coin is 100 copper coins. Fuck! If I have even 1 gold coin, I can live my entire life without working,' cried Kyle inside his heart.

He then stared at Conrad with envious eyes. Jealous of his wealth. He, who always work like a dog cannot even save 10 silver coins, and this man who suddenly appears with his clean face and rich looking clothes show him his wealth. It's like saying to Kyle,

"Look at me, how fucking rich I am, you lowly peasant."

Conrad, who was walking felt weird from how Kyle stares at him, but he just ignored it.

As Kyle and Conrad reached town center, there were many stares. Stared from greedy looking merchants. Stared from beautiful town girls. Stared from envious town men. But, it's not Kyle they are staring at. They just look at him like a pebble beside polished diamond.

"Hey Kyle, who's that man? He looks so handsome." said a group of beautiful town girls.

"Hey Kyle, is that warden's Order?" ask one town guard with awe.

"Hey Kyle, how about bringing that gentleman shopping here?" said one of town merchant.

That is how townsfolk said to Kyle as Kyle and Conrad walked while passing them. They do not care about Kyle, as they knew him since he was a kid. What they want to know is how Kyle, a lowly peasant walk beside a rich, handsome looking man.

They also notice how different Kyle is today. Although he wears his usual rag and torn clothes, but there's something different about Kyle's face. His face seems cleaner than usual today. Although Kyle still has messy hair, but it's not messy because of poor care of hair but straight hair with natural wavy.

Conrad and Kyle then walk to a huge wooden manor. The manor was made out of fine wood and a huge flag proudly stands on top of manor's roof. It was lion emblem flag, swaying by the wind to show how glorious it is. The manor was surrounded by a wooden wall, as tall as this town's wall. There was one main gate, with lion symbol in golden color. 2 guards were guarding this manor main gate. Unlike town guards, these two guards had a fierce looking face with a huge body. They were taller than Conrad, which Conrad's height is about 1.8 meters. They wear heavy armor on top on their muscular body while holding large halberd.

Conrad walked to the main gate with calm face followed by hesitating Kyle. When Kyle saw fierce looking guard staring at him, he felt his heart beating even faster.

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