《My Girlfriend is a Demon》“Prepare to pay for your sins, demon lord.”
Gabriel watched the angels as they went down to the earth. And while he watched, an angel appeared behind him.
“Are you sure to let them go? Won’t you stop them?” He asked to the angel.
Gabriel slowly turned his head around and looked at that angel.
“Why didn’t you do something when that boy was being captured? You were there, but you didn’t do anything to stop them. Is the order that important to you? That even our promise to help anyone who needs it be will forgotten by you? You, of all the angels? Tell me, Michael. Why?”
Michael closed his eyes and sighed. He turned his back and walked a few steps before stopping.
“I… couldn’t do anything when it comes to helping others. You know it, you saw what I could do. You know what would happen if me and the demon lord fought each other. Also I, followed the order. And the order didn’t say anything about saving a kid, or fighting the demon.”
Gabriel didn’t accept his answer.
“That’s the more reason for you to help them! Even though you have no reason to, even though the order didn’t tell you to, you still have your own will! And that demon, isn’t she the one who you were waiting for all these years? And you would just let her go like that? You have the power of our father, you are the only one who can stop the demon lord in her plans, but even after all these years, you did nothing!”
Michael listened to what Gabriel had said, but he didn’t reply to him. He continued to walk as if he didn't hear what Gabriel had said.
Gabriel was annoyed. His words didn’t help, it just made Michael avoid using his powers more.
Gabriel muttered to himself;
“I know that you wanted to help that boy, it is the same feeling that you had back then. When you came down from heaven to warn them. You wanted to help that Nephilim, but the order didn’t let you. You really are the strongest of the angels, Michael. But you are the kindest of us all.”
Gabriel turned his back and releases his wings, he followed the angels that was descending towards earth.
Michael was walking aimlessly in heaven when he remembered something from a long time ago.
He was the first angel that God made. A short time after Adam and Eve, he was the first one to be called “an angel” by God. He is also the first one to know everything about everything.
At first, he was frightened by it, but at the same time, he was also happy to know it.
God told him, “Son, I created you for the purpose of helping me guide this new world. I want you to give suggestions on how can I improve this world.”
Michael was confused, he did not understand any of those words, but he did understand that God needed someone to help him.
He agreed to help God, and God was happy about it. God created another angel, it was Lucifer. At first, they got along. But when Lucifer tried to challenge God, Michael became somewhat angry to him.
Before that, God created the other angels. Raphael and Gabriel. God told them that they are going to be the pillars of heaven. That even if one pillar of it has become broken, it would still stand up, but never the same again. And then, God created more and more angels.
God foresaw the rebellion of Lucifer. But he accepted it, he did not do anything to stop that from happening. He accepted it wholeheartedly, he did not harbor any bad feelings against Lucifer.
Michael guided the angels on how to be kind to others. He is the only one capable of leading all the angels. Gabriel is too shy, and he does not know anything about leading other people. Raphael, he likes to be alone, so it must be given that he can’t be a leader to any angel. Although he became a teacher, he taught the angels one by one on how to fight, and use their skills. Michael's power is often compared to God, but the truth is, Michael’s power is far more greater in the side of destruction.
God is simply a creator. While Michael is the destroyer. God intended to make Michael a destroyer, for he also foresaw that someday, he will be needed to destroy the world that God made.
But Michael didn’t like it. Even though he was happy helping the angels, the power that God gave him was too much. He only wanted to guide the angels, he doesn’t want to destroy anything. So he asked God to take back the power that he gave to him.
But God didn’t do it. He said that it was for his own sake, he needed that power to destroy everything someday.
Michael was shocked, “Everything?” he said. God became silent, so it means yes for him. Michael flees outside the heaven and went down to earth.
He wanted some time alone to think about what to do about everything. Being the one who’ll destroy the world that he loved was not that easy to accept, let alone a being like Michael who's heart and mind was as pure as snow.
He wandered at the sky for minutes, he aimlessly flew through the clouds, hoping that he fill find an answer to his question.
It was at that time, when the demon lord was tempting the humans.
She was making the humans do evil things. The other humans will also be affected by it, because when a human does a bad thing, of course the people around him will be affected one way, or another.
When Michael came close to the surface of the Earth, Sanata sensed his aura. Sanata, even though it was the first time she had felt this aura, knew that it isn’t just a normal angel; the power that she felt was as strong as hers, or maybe even greater.
She sensed a very dangerous aura, she thought that it was sent by God to kill her. So she went to the place where Michael is flying aimlessly.
Sanata released her wings, and she boosted her momentum with her jump, making the flight faster.
Michael was flying at the top of the clouds while looking at the beautiful scenery of the Earth. He doesn’t want to destroy all of this, if possible, he wanted to preserve all of this forever. But it won’t happen.
God is the creator, he knows everything, even things that are about to happen, and Michael is a good angel, he doesn’t disobey God's orders, he just wanted some time to think about it.
And then, while looking at the beautiful scenery that captured his attention, the white clouds turned into dark ones, and the green color of it was covered in darkness. The clouds were filled with rain, and lighting appeared and started to strike down the sky.
Michael was startled, he didn’t know what happened. He knew that a storm was like this, but a normal storm won’t appear unless it is having a lot of pressure in the air. He knew that it wasn’t just an ordinary phenomenon, there is someone doing this by force.
He focused and closed his eyes. God told him, that whenever he felt danger around him, and he wants some help, he just needs to close his eyes and pray to Him.
And then, he felt an enormous amount of demonic power gathering around a certain place and was moving towards him.
And then, the Demon Lord Sanata appeared right in front of him. She was flapping her large, black wings. It was different from the wings of the other demons, her wings has white lines scattering in it. And then, the Demon Lord held her waist with her left hand and raised her right hand.
“Heyo! How are you doing? Why are you closing your eyes?”
These feelings, I have heard of it. But it is the first time that I encountered someone who bears the very first kind of it.
Michael told himself as he starts to open his eyes. And then, he saw her, waving her hand like a relative that you haven’t seen in years.
Even though it was misleading, he didn’t get caught by it and prayed to God.
He prayed, “God, help me. I do not know what I should do. Please, help me.”
God, up in heaven received Michael’s prayer. He said, “Do what your heart told you to, for your heart knows what is the best for you.”
God's words melted Michael's heart. It made him feel calm and kind of relieved.
Michael held his chest and then opened his eyes, he looked at the Demon Lord who's face is now close to his face.
“My heart told me that I shouldn’t fight you. I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t intend to.”
“Ohoh?” Sanata said with a challenged expression. “Even though you said that, you already know why I am here. I am here to take you down, angel. You are a threat to my plans, prepare to die here.”
Michael didn’t budge. Instead, he lifted both of his hands to the air, showing Sanata that he really doesn’t want to fight her.
Sanata was amused, but even so, she will not let go of this chance to kill a being that is a threat to her life, she knows that this angel that’s in front of her was the one that’ll bring her down someday.
“If you don’t do something, then you’ll die, for real!”
Sanata said to him while flying backwards and preparing for an all-out strike at Michael.
“I won’t do anything, if you're going to kill me, then do. Only if your heart wants it.”
Sanata didn’t listen and charged at him with a tremendous amount of speed, force, that’s enough to destroy a whole building just by stopping at point-blank in front of it.
And at the very end, Michael really didn’t do anything.
But he was saved, not by Sanata nor anyone.
He was saved by the grace of his land.
Michael looked at his front, he saw the demon lord folding her fist at his chest. Sanata used demonic power in her fist and punched Michael. But was stopped at the very end of it.
The heaven loved its first angel, and it will continue doing so.
A barrier of light protected Michael from Sanata’s strike. Sanata became surprised when she saw that, at first, she thought Michael broke his words and casted a skill, but she knew that it didn’t came from him.
Sanata fixed her pose and flew backwards. She stopped at the place in which she could reach Michael with her hands.
Michael looked at her, without any emotions.
“I told you. I won’t do anything.”
“I don’t care. You’re a threat to my existence. If I don’t deal with you right now, then I’ll be just letting myself be killed by you. So fight, even though your heart told you not to, fight. I’d rather die right here, than wait a thousand years just to be killed by a coward like you.”
Sanata said with an angered expression pointed at Michael. She fixed her pose and clenched her fists. This time, fire covered her fists, and at the same time, demonic powers also covered it.
Michael, being a kind hearted and innocent angel, agreed. He was a coward, and if Sanata wanted to die right now rather than wait just to get killed, then he will accept that.
And then, Michael released his power. His eyes brightened with light, his hands overflowing with angelic power, his body being covered by an unknown barrier.
Sanata looked at him and said to herself: “Finally. You’re taking me seriously now.”
And then, she charged into him.
Michael received her, and he used all of his power to fight back this demon.
The two fought each other for days. The collision of their fight was so powerful that it lighted up half of the earth and at the same time, it made the world darken.
The fight lasted for days, but even so, they didn’t feel any fatigue. They continued to fight each other, without saying anything. It was then when Michael realized that he is having fun, fighting her. And so, he stopped halfway while fighting.
Sanata noticed it and used it as an opportunity to finally deal a huge damage to her enemy.
She charged all the way inside Michael’s territory and covered her right fists with a tremendous amount of demonic power, enabling her to pierce through the angel's mighty barrier and finally hit him with her fist.
But Sanata stopped right before she hits Michael. Her eyes widened, her powers, weakened.
She looked at Michael, who was smiling at her and laughing calmly at that time. Sanata became confused, she tilted her head in confusion.
Sanata asked, “Hey, why did you stop? I thought you made a mistake and I was about to kill you. But I couldn’t if you give me a handicap. I have my pride, I won’t kill anyone who doesn’t fight me seriously.”
Michael stopped his soft laugh and then smiled at her.
Sanata was somewhat embarrassed, it is the first time a being smiled at her.
Ever since the first days, no one has ever done that to her. She have seen humans smiling at other humans before, but it never happened to her.
She was the scary type of a demon, no questions about that since she’s the first and the strongest.
Soldiers always obey her, no one has ever made fun of her or did things like having fun with other people.
Those laughs that she made for the last million years, that was all fake. She just accepted that she was evil. She doesn’t really want to be, she was just jealous of the humans that she took the title of “the demon lord” and used it to gain power and fear throughout the world.
And that smile, that damned smile made her feel embarrassed. Her face, blushing red, her hands on her mouth, and her composure was in disarray.
Michael noticed her embarrassment so he talked in order to ease the embarrassing moment.
But Michael was interrupted by the demon lord, she asked him first. Her eyes, hiding in the shadows of her hair, asked Michael why.
Michael understood her question and answered her.
“You were sad. I know why. It’s because you are alone. You don’t have anyone to talk to, you don’t have anyone to have fun with. That’s why, I smiled. When I saw you smiling genuinely while fighting me, I became happy. That’s why I stopped. That’s why I’m offering myself to you. I’ll be your friend, my heart told me to. I know that this won’t do much, but this is the only the to heal your broken heart, to make feel genuine happiness just like the first days. I have heard everything about you from him, the one whom you loved.”
Sanata held her chest as if it was pierced by a spear, she held her chest like something was crushing it. It hurts so much that she cried for the first time in her life.
Michael's heart is the most kindest heart of all. Just by offering Sanata a friend, he made the most powerful demon stop at point-blank and break down.
Michael looked at her, he was about to grab Sanata's shoulders and comfort her. It was all so happy until Sanata stroke Michael's heart with a sword. It pierced right through his body and made Michael puke blood out of his mouth.
She said, “You really are a kind angel. You trust others, even though you already know what evil they have brought. Taste the consequences of what you have done, placing your trust to the most unfaithful being in the universe.”
But instead of fighting back, Michael grabbed Sanata’s shoulder and hugged her with all of his remaining strength.
He coughed while holding Sanata’s back as he tried to talk.
“You… are lying… to… yourself… “
Sanata couldn’t believe it, this angel, he is the most kindest angel Sanata had ever met. She unconsciously made the piercing sword vanish, and stopped doing anything.
She listened to what Michael had said, she regretted hurting this angel with her own hands.
“You… didn’t… lie to me… you… lied… to yourself… you… must become honest… if you want to be… forgiven… “
Sanata lied about Michael trusting her, she didn’t lie about her feelings, she really was hurt. But she lied to herself when she said that Michael trusted the most unfaithful being in the world. They shouldn’t even have fought in the first place, they should’ve just talked to each other. Sanata wanted a friend, and Michael’s duty is to help anyone who needs it.
But Sanata didn’t realized it until it was too late.
Sanata started to feel the weight of Michael’s body. He is already dead.
Sanata hugged Michael back, as he was about to fall.
She leaned her head on Michael’s shoulder and cried.
“I’m sorry… if only I didn’t lie to myself… I would’ve saved you…”
She cried to herself. She hugged Michael with her might even though she knows that he will not come back.
But then, a sensation was felt by Sanata at her back. It was like someone grabbed her.
She was surprised and looked up and into Michael’s face. But her surprised expression vanished when she saw Michael's eyes, glowing with light. And his face, it was like a dead man's face. Without expression, without life. It was almost like an android, controlling Michael’s body.
Michael's skill, Last Battle has been activated. In which Michael loses his consciousness and will be using all of his power to destroy everything around him.
That’s what God did to him. But even God didn’t foresee of this event, the meeting of Sanata and Michael.
Sanata tried to release Michael’s arms from her, but she couldn’t. Even though her strength was unrivaled, she couldn’t do anything.
At this point, Michael is a living bomb that could destroy half the world with only his touch.
Sanata struggled to release his hug from her, she hit him, she used demonic skills, but Michael just wouldn’t let her escape.
It was at a split second, when Michael’s grab at her weakened. Sanata noticed it and she took that moment to get released from Michael’s hug.
But just before she escaped, Michael's hand reached her wrist and held it.
“L… “
Sanata looked at him and saw an angel, fighting his self to save her.
Sanata broke down as she released her wings and went up to the sky. She went up and up and up until Michael was no longer in her vision and she can no longer feel any aura.
In heaven, just before Michael’s Last Battle was activated, God had already been planning what to do.
He sent down his son that is capable of returning Michael into his original state.
Michael screamed as he suppressed the destructive power that he was releasing. He is suppressing this power just by his will. And if he stops on suppressing it, his power will explode and destroy the whole Earth.
Michael continued to scream, he couldn’t suppress his power any longer. It was at that time when he felt another aura right in front of him.
He opened his eyes and looked at his front, he saw an angel familiar to him. But he couldn’t recall who it is, or what is his relation with him. The only thing that came into his mind was, “Kill.”
Michael raised his right hand and was about to slash that angel into two, when it stopped right above the head of the angel.
“Tch. What are you doing, going ahead and breaking yourself up. Are you an idiot? I heard everything about you, about your power. You don’t have to be so scared. You have brothers and sisters, just talk to them if you want. Don’t go down and let some stray demon kill you, you idiot!”
This angel, is the one that God sent. Raphael.
Raphael was covered in moving plates of armor, those plates formed an armor but they are constantly moving around his body slowly.
“Ahh, now you made me use my arcana. Didn’t I told you?! I hate using this! But… if it’s to save my stupid brother, then I’ll gladly do it.”
Raphael stopped Michael from moving using a sphere that he created. In which it pauses all the time in it.
This is the mightiest power of Raphael with his arcana,
“Sahkiel. Now, time to take you back.”
Raphael formed a circle with his hands and moved them as if he was holding a ball, he moved his hands very slowly.
And when he did that, the sphere also turned around. The things inside of it slowly went back to the past that they have been.
The clouds became rainclouds, and then vanished, and then reappeared again. The air turned into water, became a vapor, and became air again.
Michael, in his previous state he was about to slash Raphael, but as the sphere spins, he was slowly doing the things that he did in the past.
Raphael did it until he saw Michael releasing his wings and flying in the sky.
Raphael clicked his fingers and the sphere collapses, leaving Michael falling downwards since he has lost his consciousness.
Raphael took his body and carried him towards the heaven. He made a portal and walked into it, appearing instantly in heaven.
There he rested for the rest of the day. While Sanata, she was still at space when she realized that her back was aching. When she looked, there were tons of white light that was shaped like hands at her back.
She screamed because of the pain that those scars were releasing.
It was Michael's soft touch. His gentle touch could destroy anything in an instant. That is why he is treated as the counter for the demon lord. He matches the demon lord in skill, strength and intelligence. But his softest touch could be the deadliest weapon that even Sanata, could not defend herself from.
Michael continued to walk aimlessly in heaven. He talked to himself, remembering everything that happened to him and to the demon lord.
“Remembering that time makes me feel sad. It is because I didn’t get to tell you what I really wanted to say. I hope that someday, we would meet again. But when the time comes, it’ll be the last time that we’ll see each other.”
Michael said as he started to walk towards the long stairs inside heaven, the stairs in which only the mightiest angels could go through, the stair of heaven. It isn’t used for humans to walk up towards heaven as the story says, it is also not used as a gateway to heaven. It is used to purify everything that walked in it, and if they didn’t die, they would be able to meet the one and only creator of the world.
Cairn and the others were supposed to be preparing for the war. But it seems like the damage on the Asmoriths were so much that they wouldn’t be able to make it to the war.
Cairn tried to think of an alternate in order for them to carry out the plan. The plan is to use the beings as the vanguard while one of stronger ones are protecting them while the others are rescuing Shiro.
Stupid may be it, but they don’t have any choice. If their plan failed and they didn’t get a hold of Shiro, they would go and try to make the demon lord spend her strength so they could go back and try it again.
That’s what Cairn said to them in telepathy.
He sat on a log near the place on where the Asmoriths are staying.
He was so deep in thinking that he didn’t realize someone was right in front of him. When he saw that, he jumped back and panted as if the demon lord appeared.
But it was just Mordecai. His face is somewhat crowded with the feeling of confusion and sadness.
Cairn fixed his pose and then asked him, “What are you doing here? Do you need something?”
Mordecai nodded and asked him back, “What should we do about the Armageddon? We couldn’t just let the humans bear it while we are fighting. If possible, I would like to stop the Armageddon first before going to hell. Is there any way to stop it even if we don’t have one of the participants?”
Cairn sat down the log and answers him.
“None. There is no other way except using the ritual. In other case, if some reason an Asmorith became as strong as Azazel appears, then we would be able to do that.”
Mordecai's eyes widened as he realized something. Cairn knew what he was going to ask, he’s going to ask “what if I became as strong as him?” and thought of it as the right moment to tell him about the plan.
“What if we take Azazel back first?”
“Yes, I accept— WHAT?!”
Cairn didn’t expect him to ask that. He thought Mordecai accepted to become the Azazel 2nd but no. Cairn gets back to his senses and thinks of it, but it is nearly impossible to make Azazel become an Asmorith again.
As he fall more deep into his thinking, he realized something that he had forgot and it made him feel like a fool.
The time when Azazel was turned into a demon. Raphael told Shiro that it’s all right, Azazel didn’t get stronger and his memories were just warped.
That means that they have a chance to convince him. But they need someone who could do that.
Mordecai tilted his head when he heard Cairn said something.
“If?” he asked.
“If... by some chance, we could convince him instead, would that suffice?”
Mordecai became confused.
“How can we convince a demon that could easily kill us in a second?”
Cairn stood up from his seat and held Mordecai’s shoulder.
“Hey, now. You told me earlier that you wanted to take back your lord, did you think we could turn him back into an Asmorith again?”
Cairn told him with seriousness in his eyes. But he sighed when he saw Mordecai teared up his eyes.
“Azazel’s memories aren’t erased, they are still there. That means, we could convince him. Even though we don’t change him, we could still be able to stop the Armageddon without finding another participant.”
Mordecai understood it in an instant.
“That means… we could make him our ally even though he’s a demon?”
Cairn looked somewhat annoyed at him.
“Y'know, I’m also a demon. And I’m your ally. So are you saying that we demons can’t be your ally or something?”
Mordecai patted the back of his head and gestured a no with his hand.
“No, not at all.”
Cairn sighed and looked at him once more.
“If we are able to take back Azazel, then we would be able to stop Armageddon from inflicting more damage. But if we fail, we have no choice but to train you in order to be a participant of it. Are you sure you want to do this?”
Mordecai hesitated to answer. Cairn noticed him hesitating so he added words in order for him to calm down.
“Don’t worry. You’ve got until this evening. If you still don’t know what to do, then we have no choice but to take back Azazel and pray that we could be able to convince him.”
Mordecai was relieved, and finally answered Cairn's question.
“I will do it. I will be the one convincing him. And if we fail, I’ll take responsibility. I’ll become stronger in order to stop the Armageddon.”
Cairn smiled at him and said, “That’s how a right hand should act. You should have more faith in yourself. Well then, I will go now. Let’s wait for orders, until then, you are to help the injured here. Understand?”
Mordecai nodded to Cairn who was acting like a leader, Mordecai idolizes him now.
Cairn walked forward and then laughed at himself.
“I didn’t think that I could be a leader, I thought that I would always be a follower. Nevermind that, I should report this to Lucifer.”
Cairn used telepathy to relay the news to Lucifer.
“Mordecai agreed to do the training, if we fail to convince Azazel to join forces with us.”
Lucifer received the message and understood it quickly.
He was preparing his army the whole time they were talking. He gave them demonic powers, he boosted their morale. The Asmoriths are still tending to their wounded soldiers, but Cairn said that they can go at anytime. The last ones are the angels. Raphael still didn’t send any message to Lucifer. Lucifer is starting to get worried.
It was when a portal appeared behind him, and he knew that he was worried for nothing.
Lucifer turned around and said, “It took you so long, brother. So, what happened?”
Raphael went outside the portal and closed it after that. He then made an image of the angels that he brought down to earth.
“The angels, the angels that I brought was concerned about the humans. So I had them help the humans who were affected by the Armageddon while waiting for the time to strike. That’s our job in the first place, to help humans in case Armageddon happens.”
Lucifer understood what Raphael meant.
“So the reason why you are late was because you helped them? Then there’s no reason to talk about it. After all, saving humans was also a part of our plan.”
Raphael closed the image and walked along with Lucifer.
“So? Can we really pull it off?”
Lucifer laughed at his question.
“What kind of question is that? Of course we can. There’s no point to what we are doing right now if we think about that. Did Cairn already told you about trying to convince Azazel?”
Raphael nodded.
“Yes. If we did it, we could stop Armageddon.”
“That’s right.”
Lucifer smiled at him and they became silent for the next few seconds. And then Lucifer realized something.
“Ah— how are we supposed to attack if your angels are doing something?”
Raphael stopped, along with his face and his body.
“You’re… right.”
And then, the both of them fixed their selves when they felt an aura familiar to them, but the aura that they were feeling is a lot more stronger than before. They knew something happened, so they fixed themselves and looked in front of them.
They saw Kuro, walking towards them with seriousness around her.
“We could’ve just let them help humans first while we are preparing the others for the war. And when it is time to strike, Raphael-san?”
Raphael behaved like a dog trying to prove itself to its master.
“Can you do a mass teleport into hell?”
“Of course! I could do it milady, but there is one problem. I won’t be able to use any teleporting skills for a time, since the angels' numbers are large, I have to use a large type of teleporting magic.”
Kuro looked down to think about it.
“How about one portal and then the angels will just go right through it?”
Raphael somewhat agreed but…
“That’s going to be a problem. If we will be fighting Sanata, we need to do an all-out ambush. Maybe, she will get hurt considering the numbers and strengths of the combined armies of Angels, Demons, and Asmoriths.”
“I see. Then let’s do that.”
Raphael bowed and then Kuro left the two.
Lucifer used his right arm and hit Raphael with it. Raphael became annoyed with it so he hit Lucifer’s head.
“What are you doing, idiot?”
“Ah… it hurts! I was going to ask something! Why did you do that?”
“It’s annoying. Stop it.”
“Yes, yes. Anyways, do you think something had changed Kuro? There’s something different about her right now. It almost feels like she’s another person. Can you feel it too?”
Raphael looked straight. And the view with Kuro walking flashbacked.
And then he realized something. His eyes widened, his body shivered.
“Hm? What is it?”
Raphael gulped and then asked with all of his might.
“Do you think that she's pregnant?”
Lucifer could only offer silence as an answer, he was too shocked that Raphael asked him that.
But a while after that, Lucifer said no since Shiro is a coward.
“What a lovely father.” Raphael replied to him.
It was all fun and cheerful when the demon that Lucifer sent down to the lower hell messaged them with a telepathy.
“Sanata’s army started to move.”
Is what he said to Lucifer. Lucifer had almost forgotten that he sent down a minion in Sanata's territory.
“Have you found the place where my son is being confined?”
“No, sir. But I found a place in which the demon lord goes to. There is a small prison-like building inside, and she goes there alone. I could not see it’s inside but I know that it is suspicous for her to go there by herself. It is most likely the place where she is confining your son, sir.”
“How about her army’s numbers?”
“About 1 million, sir.”
Lucifer cracked his fist for he had forgotten the small time they were talking, Sanata is turning the human souls into demons.
“Tch. We were too late. We can’t beat their numbers.”
Lucifer said to Raphael.
Raphael knew what he meant by that, even though he doesn’t know how many numbers exact.
“So, what are we going to do?”
Raphael asked Lucifer.
Lucifer tried to think of the other alternatives, but there is nothing that he could of as a counter.
And then, he laughed. Raphael gets creeped out at him so he started to walk back.
“Call Gabriel. We might need his help.”
Raphael was surprised, he never knew Lucifer would ask him that.
“Okay. You better stay alive when we save Shiro, understand that old man?”
Lucifer laughed and said, “Ha! What are you talking about? I still haven’t used my arcana when me and Sanata fought!”
Raphael only smiled as a reply, and then he went back to the earth through his portal.
While teleporting, he muttered to himself; “Yes. His arcana. Even though he was completely defeated by Sanata at Alagahad, he would still have a chance to stand against her if he uses his arcana. Just wait, demon lord. You’ll be facing the anger of a true fallen angel.”
Lucifer sent a message to Cairn and then relayed it to all the Asmoriths.
“We all have only 30 more minutes left! Do what you must, if you do not want to fight, then turn around now! But if you do, you will never have a chance to see your lord again. But if you did not turn around and join me in defeating the demon lord, I will be sure to take your leader back. Prepare to fight, you angels!!”
Cairn shouted with leadership in his mind. The Asmoriths were amazed and their morale was boosted. No one turned around, even the most injured ones, they didn’t run, they will fight for their lord, they will fight for the world.
Mordecai looked at him with awe, he was inspired by this demon. He knew that he was something, charging right into the Asmoriths without a care on anything, he did it for his friend's sake. And he thought of something, if this demon could do this, why couldn’t he? This made him feel more stronger as he also joined the cries of the Asmoriths.
The angels at the earth were gathered. Thankfully, they were able to decrease the effect of the Armageddon. They may have slowed down the destruction, but they wouldn’t be able to stop it. That’s why they have to risk everything in this fight, for the world, for the heaven, and for their own sake.
Raphael told them about everything, about their fallen brother, about the failure of him as a teacher, and how he is inferior to anyone who doesn’t give a second thought when saving someone.
The angels were pleased, they were happy to know everything about Raphael. They have complete trust in their brother now, and they will do anything to help him.
Soon after, Raphael started to chant his mass-teleportation spell.
It will be taking so long, since the skill affects very large area and it also uses a lot of angelic power.
The numbers of the angels were almost a 100,000. The numbers of the Asmoriths were less than 5000, and the number of Lucifer's demons were at 300,000.
The Asmoriths used their own teleportation ability and teleported exactly at the same time.
The demons inside hell were already moving, along them are Lucifer and Zenainiel.
Kuro clenched her right hand and muttered to herself; “I will save you no matter what. Just wait for me, Shiro-kun.”
And that voice… reached the one whom she dedicated it too.
Shiro muttered as he open his eyes. It turns out he lost his consciousness when Alistair crushed his hand. Shiro looked at his hand, and it was not even scratched. But he was chained, and he knew that these chains were also the one Sanata used to seal the magic power of the Asmorith Azazel.
He couldn’t do anything, he struggled but it didn’t do anything.
And so he screamed,
But he stopped screaming when he heard footsteps coming from the floor.
“Ah, would you please shut up? No one will hear you here. And even if they did, no one will bat an eye to save you, kid. I’ll kill anyone who takes my pretty little Nephilim away from me.”
Shiro stood up, and even though the chains was holding him back, he still stood up and faced the demon lord right in her face.
“What are you really planning, Sanata!?”
Sanata laughed at him.
“You look like a dog who can’t do anything because of its lash. Well, I don’t have any reason to tell you. I only needed you because of your power.”
Shiro stepped hard on the ground and said, “I DON’T HAVE ANY POWERS! AND IF I DID, I WOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU ALREADY YOU DEMON!”
Sanata laughed way more harder for it is amusing to see a Nephilim challenge her while on a prison, being unable to do anything.
Rage filled Shiro's heart and mind, rage that was pointed at himself.
He couldn’t stop Sanata from taking a hold of him.
He couldn’t do anything, he just let himself get captured.
He let his father down, he let his teacher down. He left his friend on his own, and he drove the world towards destruction.
He calmed down and sat his back to the wall.
He cried as he said, “I really am cursed, am I?”
Sanata looked at him with pity. But everything was in place now, so she can’t stop even if she wanted to. She had no choice but to smile even if this Nephilim in front of her cries because of the pain that she gave him.
So she decided.
“At second thought, I guess you should know the reason.”
Shiro heard her talk, so he cleared his eyes from his tears and listened to her.
“I have already told you before, I just want to tell someone that I love him. But I couldn’t do it, since we are like the north and the south pole. We are like magnets, we may be attracting each other, but we would also reject each other. For some reason, I fell in love with him. I don’t know why, I just did. He’s not the same as the last one whom I fell in love with, he’s different. He let me escape, even though his mission is to kill me. Instead of rejecting me, he welcomed me into his arms. He was also the first one to smile at me, after all these years, I finally made someone smile at me. My heart skipped a beat, I knew I have to do something to get back to him. And so I decided, whatever it will take, I will tell him that I love him. I have already prepared myself if I am defeated here. But I won’t die until I’ve told him that I love him. I’m an idiot, aren’t I?”
Shiro understood what she said.
“Ah. I see. You did all those things for him. You made us hate you. You made us fight each other, you made us stronger. All of that, was your plan?”
Sanata nodded.
Shiro smiled.
“So, how are you going to meet up with him?”
Shiro asked her.
“I… I need you to take your power back and fight me. That way, I’ll have the chance of meeting him in battle.”
Shiro understood why she captured him. It really isn’t about raiding heaven, she deceived everyone about attacking heaven to go all out on her.
“Also, if I die, there would be no longer any evil in this world. Michael wouldn’t be needing you to cleanse this world of darkness. He wouldn’t need someone as innocent as you to do something far more evil than anything in the world.”
Shiro sighed.
“So it was Michael. I thought it was God, but it isn’t. I’m curious as to how you fell in love, considering you are a demon of malice, the pinnacle of all the evilness in the world. Ah, I really wanted to train more with my sensei. I didn’t even get to use all my powers, I didn’t get to tell Cairn my name, I wasn’t able to tell dad how much I missed him. And I wasn’t able to tell Kuro how much I love her.”
Sanata became sad for him, but she can’t turn back now.
She will be using Shiro as a bait for Lucifer to give release Shiro's true power. She needed to be evil in order for her to meet her love again. It may sound stupid, but this is the only way to make Michael appear again. Sanata is not sure if this is going to work, but she would still continue her plan.
Everything is planned out. The only thing that she needed to do was to...
"Hey, boy.”
Shiro tilted his head.
“Do you mind if I asked you a favor?”
Sanata told him while turning her back around.
“What is it?”
“If I’m defeated here, I want you to be the one who will kill me.”
Shiro stopped for a second. And he smiled.
“Yes. I will.”
“That’s good to hear. Oh, and if you got your power back, don’t hold back when fighting me.”
Sanata turned around and took Shiro’s chin with her hand, she made him look into her eyes and said,
“Because if you do, you'll get killed first.”
And then she stood up and looked up.
The whole place shaked, it was kike an earthquake had hit hell. But they don’t know why is it.
“They're here.”
And then the whole place that they were staying explodes, leaving nothing behind.
Lucifer coughed as he tried to talk, but it was Kuro who answered Raphael’s question.
“Shiro-kun isn’t that weak. He could easily break that place down. Speaking of, look.”
She pointed downwards and they saw two people, one with chains, and one standing.
Kuro released her burning sword, Asmodeus, from its seal and then pointed it at the demon lord.
“Prepare to pay for your sins, demon lord.”
Lucifer shouted as loud as possible, and every being from his demons to the heaven’s angels appeared at the back of them.
Sanata looked challenged as she saw thousands of beings gathered to try and beat her down.
“Looks like this is going to be a hard fight. Are you ready, my demons?”
And then, the army of demons that she prepared appeared behind her and charged upwards, they shouted as they charged.
“And as for me,” Sanata said as she ripped off her clothes.
“—Arcana. Satanichiel.”
- End of Chapter 15 -
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