《A Collection of Short Stories: Quiet Girl》11. Beach Boys
Fuck. The. Beach.
Was something Cassie was thinking the entire time in the car as Quana, Keris and Annabel, her aunt, and her son, Thomas, talked about who the hell knows what because that shit they were playing on the radio was so loud and the window was open. How are they even hearing each other?
"Cassie?" She looked at her aunt, "I know you don't really want to go to the beach, but how about we get something to eat before?" She shrugged. Don't you fucking ask me- "What do you want to eat?" You bitch!
"I don't really know, anything's fine." Cassie said. Annabel made a face. You can go ahead and screw yourself because you know I have no idea how to pick on the spot like this. Plus it's like nine in the morning, anything I want won't even make sense and then you'll all judge me so I don't wanna hear it!
"Well then, what do all of you want?" Quana nearly threw herself to the front of the car as she leaned forward.
"Tuna sandwich!"
"Right before the beach?" Thomas said.
"No, we should just get drinks like coffee or something." Keris said.
"I really don't like Thomas drinking coffee."
"He's older than us and you still treat him like a baby?" Quana said.
"Only about stuff she doesn't want me doing." Thomas said.
"Well, a mom's gotta look out for their kids when they won't." Thomas laughed and they all returned to likely not being able to hear each other as the woman on the radio really wanted the listeners to call and say that damn word! No wants to go to this fucking concert!
Eventually they did just get something to drink, Cassie opting on having something cold since it was Global Warming temperatures outside and melting in the sun wasn't an option for her; once they got to the beach everyone set up everything meanwhile Cassie just simply put up an umbrella and sat on the sand until they got the chairs out.
She wanted no part of whatever this trip was supposed to be and just wanted to think about writing. Her drink was melting and dripped on her leg, she sighed thinking that nothing could make this worse.
"What are the odds?" She heard someone say, "Cassie at the beach?" Now she turned her head and nearly passed out from all the blood that just ran to her head. The nude body of a popstar!? Terumichi, another friend of hers, came over and got under the umbrella as he removed his shades.
"W-why are you here?"
"Well I got a day off, plus I was thinking about spending the morning here but I'm glad you're here because there's something I wanted to tell you about."
"What is it?"
"Amai met up with me, and you'll never believe it, we got put in the same group together! I think we'll be debuting together too!" Cassie hated this.
"I-is he here?" He nods. Fuck! As she thought that, Amai called out to them and now her eyes were filled with the sight of two people who worked out more than they needed to. Cassie wanted to lie and say maybe she should be with her family, but the even the remote thought of talking in their presence made her gag.
Amai eventually got to them showing off the perfect thing he called a body to her. "Dude, I thought you were joking, but I guess Cassie got out of her shell." The fuck I did.
"Well my aunt asked me to go with her."
"Your family's here?" Cassie nods, "I should go and say hi." Terumichi said getting up.
"Then I guess I'll just slide into-" Those DMs. "Your spot and keep Cassie company."
"No, Amai you're not staying here alone with her."
"Why not? She might need company!" Terumichi looked as if he was about to kick him, Amai sighed and got up. "Fine then," He got up and as he did gave a small wink to Cassie. She pressed her lips together in order to resist laughing.
Then they finally left and she let out a breath and told herself things were looking up... more like down, but things were getting better! She sighed and got up to throw away the cup she had just finished drinking out of and much like a sick fantasy someone else she knew was there.
"Koto, why are you here?" He snickered.
"I should really be asking you that." Don't make me kill you. "But seriously, I'm here on a business trip... that's at least that's what Mr. Wry said that's what this was." That was likely why Terumichi was here, "Oh, but a bunch of other guys are here too. They weren't invited or anything, but Mr. Wry said somehow this trip got leaked and now pretty much everyone is here."
"Who leaks a beach trip?"
"I said we don't know," He got close and whispered; "But Mr. Wry thinks it was Akuma." Of course, "But who cares about that, why are you here?"
"My aunt dragged me out here."
"Really? Sounds like something Anna would do though." He snickered while saying that, "But if you're free right now maybe we could-"
"Why are you talking with short stuff over there?" They both looked behind them and saw the bright red hair of Shugi. He smiled at Cassie and stood beside Koto.
"I'm not short!" Koto yelled.
"Come on, you're only a head over Cassie and she's pretty short herself." Again, don't make me kill you. "Still, I saw you talking to her and couldn't help but think you were flirting." Koto's face turned bright red at that.
"No!" He exclaimed, "I wouldn't flirt with..." He stopped talking. "I-I mean not because I- but because... Ah!" Shugi laughed.
"Look at you!"
"You're the one who never shuts up!"
"Way to clap back, but if you're done talking I could give Cassie some proper company." Cassie shyly touched her hands together.
"I-I don't really know why you're here, but I shouldn't be in the way of whatever it is." She said.
"Even if there was a reason why I was here, it wouldn't be enough for me to ignore you." He said that while putting his arm around her shoulder.
"Hey! Cassie doesn't like stuff like that."
"What, skin?"
"You know what I mean." Koto said as he pushed himself between them moving Cassie to one side, he then took this chance to start pushing her back to the water. "He's really annoying sometimes."
"Still here." Shugi said as he walked beside them, "Besides what makes you think you're any better than me? You might be pissing her off too." Koto stopped.
"No, you can see when Cassie's annoyed. She looked like it when you started talking." Shugi glared at him. You really can't tell anything on me, but okay
"Look, just let Cassie get back to her family and we'll both leave her alone okay?" Koto said nothing, but while they were essentially eye fucking each other, Cassie noticed an extraordinarily pale body walking towards her. No, this can't be happening! Akuma got to her while Koto and Shugi were busy.
"I wonder what you were staring at?" He said with a raised eyebrow. I won't compliment you.
"Well I was just confused to see a ghost out during the day." He laughed sarcastically.
"Good one, but you know me and the sun, not a good mix. I like how warm it is, but dealing with it isn't good for me." He paused, "Maybe I was a Demon in a past life and Hell was my home." God made a mistake on this one. "But anyways, why are you always surrounded by men that aren't me?"
"I don't know, I just go places." He laughed, "But why are you here?" She asked.
"Didn't you hear? Ankara is having a business trip! I think he's really trying to work an angle on Terumichi and that other guy."
"So you did leak this?"
"I can't say that, you might be an undercover cop." Denying is just as bad, "But maybe I should just stay by you so no other guy thinks to get near you." Once more she had an arm put around her shoulder, this time she wanted to shove it off, but she instead just tried to walk away. Akuma however was on her tail and refused to move from her side.
"Is that Akuma with another girl?" Upon hearing that they both stopped, they turned and Cassie got a glimpse of the detail on Brayleigh's body, his shirt must have hated its job.
"Why the fuck are you here?" Akuma said.
"Because I heard Koto was gonna be here, so I decided to go too. I actually invited Aki and Shugi here." That's why he's here... but wait- Akihiko came over and joined them.
"Hey, I thought you hated the beach Cassie?" I swear to God, the next fucker who says that shit to me- "Still, I think you look really pretty though."
"Oh... well thank you." Akuma let out a loud sigh.
"Could you be anymore whipped?" Like you aren't?
"Complimenting someone is being whipped?" Akihiko said.
"Well the way you said it made it seem like you wanted her outfit for yourself."
Akihiko just bit his lip and turned his attention back to Cassie, Brayleigh spoke up instead. "I only came over here because you looked like you were gonna take Cassie away somewhere."
"And that concerns you because?"
"Because, I wouldn't want Cassie alone with anyone." Brayleigh said that with a smile, but they could all tell he could and would jump Akuma right now if he wanted and the thought of that caused Cassie to squirm. Though she managed to get from Akuma's arms and spoke as she walked away.
"I think my aunt is calling me, I'll see you guys later!" She nearly sprinted off and prayed that Akuma's big ego would be enough to allow her to escape.
She looked back as she ran and then she turned back and nearly ran into someone. Idiot! You see me running, why not move? She looked to apologize to the person but her eyes immediately went down and saw, SIX? Her eyes went up and said sorry almost immediately.
"Oh, you're here? I really hope that leak didn't get that far." She stood up and saw Ankara there in all his glory. She always wondered if a man in a suit worked out. So is this how lawyers look too?
"N-no, I didn't hear anything about the leak until just now. I'm here on personal business." He smiled.
"Does that personal business involve those boys who were around you?" Does that really concern you?
"No, they're just..." Annoying as hell, "Friends of mine. I'm really here with my aunt." Ankara nods.
"Well I'm currently taking a break, maybe you would enjoy a small walk back to your family?" She shrugged.
"I'd be fine with that." He smiled with her and began walking where she went.
"Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you used something like the beach to get your ideas. You're very good at describing scenery so I was always a bit curious."
"No, I actually hate the beach, but my cousin wanted to come and my aunt figured I should get out of the house." Ankara chuckled.
"At least she cares, but it's still amazing how you can give a perfect description of an area, especially if you dislike it." Cassie smiled a bit, "Oh and I finished reading your latest draft. You have the same issues as usual, but other than that I don't really have any complaints about what you decided to write about."
"Thank you for bringing that up! I was going to email you about it, but stuff got a bit hectic. You really don't think it's too ambitious?"
"Of course not! I have complete faith in you and even if this gets to be too much for you, what you have written will be good enough for at least a few months." She smiled at him.
"Thank you so much!" He returned the smile and Cassie felt like she had to jump into his arms, but that was wrong and she knew it. Though, about halfway back to her umbrella someone called out to her again and this time she saw Hayate and Chris.
How is it that all these assholes are here?
"Oh, it's Hayate." Ankara said.
"You know him?" Cassie asked.
"Yes, he used to work in the stunt department of our film studio. He works now as a teacher in the same department so he doesn't report to me anymore."
"Oh..." Was all she could say before they got to them.
"Mr. Wry, nice to see you... but isn't Cassie a little too young for you?"
"I'd take offense to that, but me and Cassie aren't here in any way that's inappropriate." Hayate chuckled, "But I'll leave you now." No, don't! "Keep up the good work though Cassie." Ankara said as he walked off.
"Right..." She then looked to the two in front of her. "Before you say anything, can I ask why you two are here?"
"Oh, Keris invited us. She told us you would be here so that made it easy to know what we were gonna do today." Cassie just closed her eyes, So you mean to tell me Ankara is here on a business trip and he invited Terumichi who brought along Amai. Akuma leaked that this was even happening, Koto got word and invited Brayleigh who told Akihiko and Shugi about it and you two are here because Keris told you? This has to be a nightmare!
"But I really didn't think you even wore swimsuits."
"I don't, but I had to." She said.
"See, I told you getting out of your comfort zone was a good thing. Look at how cute you are!" Chris used that as an excuse to touch her.
"I think Cassie should wear whatever she wants. That way she thinks of herself as beautiful and it'll only enhance what's already there." Please don't start this cock fight.
"You're so corny," Chris began, "Who says stuff like that?"
"A gentleman." Chris rolled his eyes at Hayate, Cassie was about to run off, but as she was stepping back she felt someone's hands on her arms.
She looked back and saw Akihiko and everyone else she also just ran into approaching her. They all surrounded her and the sight of so many bodies caused Cassie to panic. She just tried to move to no avail.
"Are you okay Cassie?" She heard Akihiko say.
"I-I am but-"
"Maybe she just needs to sit down." Ankara said.
"Yeah, my lap would be a good seat." Akuma said.
"You always say stuff like that you pervert. No, Cassie just needs to relax and I can help with that!" Koto said.
"She'd be a bit better if she could just sleep for a bit." Hayate added.
"On the beach? She doesn't need sun burn." Shugi said.
"Oh right, do you have sunscreen on Cassie?" Brayleigh asked.
"I bet she wasn't even planning on stepping into the sun. Which means I need to take her back to the shade." Amai said.
"I doubt if she needs someone who's just gonna stare at her like a piece of meat, I'll take her back." Chris said.
"You're all wrong anyways, she really does just want to sit under her umbrella with her family." Terumichi said.
"Who should stay with you Cassie?" They all said in unison, but by this point they had all begun talking over each other, so even if she could answer she wouldn't be heard.
Cassie felt like she would pass out soon, but made a mental note to never have all of them in the same room together.
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