《Phantom Trooper》Arc 2-Chapter 18 (Words change everything)
15th of June, 2011
Palawan, Philippines
After the deaths of Yamamoto, Goto and Nishimura heads it was only a matter of time before tensions rose up. The families were in a mess, fighting between each other and often waging war against fellow family members. South East Asia became basically a war zone. But this help the UATF.
Because they were fighting between each other and desperately trying to patch themselves up and keep their territory, they were becoming more predictable. The Indonesian and Philippine forces, along with the Australians, Japanese and Chinese, have managed the decrease their activity significantly.
As time went on things were looking better. Until one month ago something unexpected happened. A truce.
The members of the Goto family that operated in the west have joined forces with the remaining Yamamoto members.
The current leader of the western Goto forces is Okuninushi Goto's son, Akihiro Goto. The leader of the Yamamoto family and the officer in charge of overseas operations is Fuji Yamamoto's cousin, Hyousuke Yamamoto.
Their headquarters was located in Palawan, a province in the western Philippines.
Kill team Nemesis was on their way to a joint base in the eastern parts of Aborlan, operated by the Australian, Chinese and Philippine forces. The base also acted as a refugee camp for the people who lost their homes to the Yakuza.
When they exited the truck, they were greeted by an Australian officer:"Afternoon lads, this way."
He led them through the base. On their way they saw a lot of people drenched in despair. Desperately clinging in to life and trying not to lose the only thing they had left, themselves. Most of these people saw their family members get killed and their homes destroyed by the Yakuza.
The team entered the main building. They were greeted by the Australian and Chinese colonel as well as a Filipino major.
Australian colonel:"I presume you're the kill team we've been told about. Welcome to fort Hope."
Franklin:"Not much of a fort if we're being honest."
Chinese colonel:"Yes. This was built recently in order to fight the Yakuza. They have been getting more and more aggressive. The villages west of here have been taken. The people you see outside are all that remain. Others have either been killed or escaped somewhere else."
Yuri:"Where are the Yakuza specifically?"
The Philippine major plays a map of the western Aborlan. It shows satellite images of houses and a lot of heat signatures.
Filipino major:"So far, around six or seven villages have been taken by the Yakuza. We estimate that around 3.000 out of the 7.000 people that occupied them have been killed. We have around 3.500 survivors, most are women, children and elderly. We are uncertain what has happened to the rest."
Victoria:"Oh my god. Well why haven't you attacked?"
Australian colonel:"So far we've been engaging in skirmishes in between our territories. We've estimated that their numbers are somewhere between six and ten thousand spanning over the village areas and western seaside."
Franklin:"Why the seaside?"
Australian:"They have boats and if we attack them head-on the leaders will most likely flee."
Carla:"Speaking of which, who are the shitheads."
Chinese colonel:"I assume you read the file. They call themselves 'Atarashi doragon'."
Takeshi:"New dragons. They believe they're the new generation and that they will surpass the old one. Fucking edge-lords."
Yuri:"What is your army status here?"
Australian colonel:"We've sent 4.000 men, the Chinese also. The Philippines have sent about 2.000 which makes us equal at least, but there's a problem."
Franklin:"What is it?"
Filipino major:"The people. They wish to fight."
Carla:"You're joking right?"
Filipino major:"I am not. These people have lost their homes and their families. They want to take revenge. My soldiers have been training them for the past month. They are as good as they can get. But these men do not agree with me."
Australian colonel:"I ain't gonna sent out men who have no experience into a war zone. They will not participate in this."
Filipino major:"My people are warriors. We have defended ourselves against invaders for countless years. Fighting is in our blood. Our ancestors would be ashamed."
Chinese colonel:"This is not about honour. This is about survival. If they are sent out there they will die."
Filipino major:"My people will fight. Or I will pull my soldiers. Besides, I am not the only one who wants this. All the survivors outside have been begging for it."
The room went quiet. The air was heavy. No one knew what to say. Finally, Yuri spoke:"How many men are able to fight."
Filipino major:"We have 700 militia ready."
Yuri:"Take me to them."
The Filipino major took Yuri outside to the training grounds where the militia was.
Philippine major:"Attention!"
All the members organised in a typical military fashion. Albeit slow, but that was to be expected.
Yuri:"How many of you can speak English?"
A lot of men raise there hands. Yuri points to young man, about 21 years old:"You. Take your rifle and come here."
The man takes the rifle which be practiced with, the HK 416, a German assault rifle. He stood a meter in front of Yuri.
Yuri:"Good choice. What is your name?"
Yuri:"Tell me Rodrigo, are you ready to die for your home and your people."
Rodrigo:"Of course."
In a split second, Yuri pulled out his CZ75 and pointed at Rodrigo's head:"Prove it."
The young Filipino twitched and held his gun with both hands, but didn't raise it. He was scared, terrified. He couldn't do anything.
Yuri:"Go on. You said you're willing to die."
Franklin:"What the hell are you doin?!"
Yuri walked closer to Rodrigo. The others behind him were nervous to the point where they were sweating.
Yuri came close enough to put his pistol on Rodrigo's forehead:"Come on then. I am going to kill you if you do not kill me."
Rodrigo was even more scared. He was breathing rapidly, his heart was pumping, his hands sweating and eyes twitching.
Yuri:"You won't kill me by shooting my feet." He raised Rodrigo's gun to his chest. "Now if you pull the trigger, I will die. But if I pull the trigger, you will die. So who will go first."
Rodrigo's finger was twitching. He wanted to pull the trigger, but he couldn't. The fear was to strong.
Yuri pulls the trigger.
Rodrigo let go of his gun and fell back on his behind. Yuri stood there holding his gun by the barrel.
Yuri:"Do you see now? Learning how to kill and killing are not the same. How will you save your home if you can not even save yourself?"
He threw the gun down and holstered his pistol. He walked back to his team and the officers, who all had a shocked look on their faces. Yuri turned towards the Filipino major:"We can not use them. They are not ready. And they will die."
Yuri walked past them. The Filipino major lowered his head, now realising what he had done. No one dared to spoke. No one, except her:"No!"
Yuri turned to her. To Victoria. She looked at him with an angry glare and walked up right in front of him:"You're saying that their worthless? That they can't fight and should just accept that? That they can't defend their homes and avenge their families? Who are you to say something like that? You have no right to judge them? None of you do!"
She walked back to Rodrigo and gave him and hand up. She looked at the others, who all had defeated looks on their faces and were giving up. They're will, determination and morale was taken down in an instant. It popped like a ballon. All that remained was a tiny spark. But even the smallest spark, can cause a great fire.
Victoria:"I know how you feel! Lost, scared, defeated! You feel like the world is against you! That you can't win! That you're fighting a loosing battle! You see yourselves helpless and weak! But you know what I see?! I see the faces of men who chose not to fall, but to rise! You wanted to train, to become strong so you can fight back! I've seen countless men and women give up because of fear! Fear is your greatest enemy! You have to beat it before anything else! And why are you scared?! Because he told you you can't fight?!" She points at Yuri, "Well fuck him! No one has the right to tell you what you can and can not do! The only person that can stop you from doing something is yourself! You are all strong! You are all brave! This is your home, your land, these are your people! Will you just sit and cry while they keep destroying it?!"
All the men:"No!"
Victoria:"Didn't think so! So get up from the mud, take your weapons and prepare to fight those dickless cunts!"
The militia roared. They're morale is restored and their will to fight is back. They're battle cry was felt by everyone, even Yuri himself, who just watched as Victoria raised an army.
She walked back to Yuri:"So... how's that."
Yuri looked at the militia and then at her:"Not bad. I hope this makes them more efficient. We start tonight."
Yuri went inside and Victoria smiled with a big satisfying grin.
Western part of Aborlan
The coalition forces and militia were spread out to cover the villages. Their best bet was to attack at night with all they had. Tanks wouldn't be good so they used mortars.
Franklin and Takeshi already planted explosives at various places.
Franklin was in the south attack force:"TNT in position."
Takeshi was in the north:"Techno in position."
Carla and Victoria were in the middle:"Valkyrie and Longshot in position."
Franklin:"Let's get started."
Explosions went off all over. The Yakuza screamed in pain as mortars rained down upon them. After several minutes of bombardment, it was time to move in.
Victoria:"All units, charge!"
The soldiers and militia let out a battle cry and charged into the enemy. The shooting started.
The Yakuza were caught off guard and a lot died. But so did a lot of the military and militia.
Victoria moved through the village and gunned down every enemy she saw. She moved from house to house, clearing out room by room, making sure nothing was left unchecked. Just like she was taught.
After clearing several houses, she went into a room and found a wounded woman. She was crying and trying to get up. Victoria went over to help her, but then a Yakuza grabbed her and another restarted punching her in the stomach. She kicked him but the other one threw her on the ground.
Just as he was about to shoot her, both get gunned down. Victoria looks over and sees Rodrigo. He runs to her:"Are you alright lieutenant?"
Victoria:"I'm fine."
Rodrigo:"I will help this woman, you go."
She nods and heads out. After several hours of fighting, the villages were cleared. But it came at a cost. A lot of good men died.
Out of the 5.000 soldiers that were sent, about 200 died. But the militia had it rougher. Out of the 700 that were sent, half didn't make it and 100 more were wounded. Victoria was saddened. It isn't the first time this happened, but it didn't get easy. The lives of hundreds of men were lost and she felt their blood on her hands.
The Filipino major out his hand on her shoulder:"Do not feel bad. Feel proud. You gave these men the courage to fight. They died with honour while defending their home."
Victoria:"I know."
Filipino major:"Now, let's kill those sons of bitches."
Victoria:"They're already dead."
Filipino major:"What do you mean?"
Victoria:"Let's get to the dock and I'll show you."
(Half an hour later)
The soldiers along with kill team Nemesis arrived at the small dock the Yakuza used. It and the surrounding area were littered with bodies. Dozens of them.
The soldiers and militia couldn't believe this. They didn't send out men to the dock. As far as they know only one man came here.
The officers and the rest of the team saw a burning boat. Behind it on land, was Yuri. He was sitting on a crate with two leather bags next to him.
Chinese colonel:"Where are Akihiro and Hyuosuke?"
Yuri threw the bags in front of them. They knew exactly what was in them.
Australian colonel:"Ok... I think that wraps things up, don't it?
The militia walks up to him, but their still concerned. Rodrigo especially. Victoria walks up to Yuri:"Once again, you save the day. Now go say something."
Yuri:"To who?"
Victoria:"You know." She gestures her head pointing out Rodrigo and the others.
Yuri sighs and goes to the militia fighters. They all stand still.
Yuri:"You did a good job. You completed your mission. You were flawed and are still lacking proper training and discipline. But you would make good soldiers."
This gave them some reassurance and put a proud smile on their faces. They all salute Yuri. But he doesn't salute back:"Do not salute me. I am not an officer." He walks away.
16th of June, 2011
Kill team Nemesis was in a transport truck on their way back. Some were tired and just wanted to get sleep. Especially Victoria.
She rested her head on Yuri's shoulder:"Sorry I'm just tired. Do you mind if I sleep like this for the rest of the way?"
Yuri:"...No. It does not bother me."
Victoria:"Ok." She rubs her head on his shoulder."You know, for a cold blooded killer, you're really warm."
Yuri doesn't reply. Instead he glared at Carla who's taking a picture of them. She smiles with a childish grin:"Aaaaand save."
End of chapter 18
Thank you for reading
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