《Phantom Trooper》ARC 2- CHAPTER 5 (Caged animal)
April 1997
The police have begone an investigation due to the robbery of a few local stores. Some people gathered around to take pictures, reporters from several News stations and the police set up a circle to let the investigators to their work.
Detective 1:"So what do you think?"
Detective 2 lit a cigar:"Well it's pretty obvious. They threatened the workers and took of with the money. They used the fact that there's not much police in these parts to their advantage and escaped in the woods. Most likely to cover their tracks and take an indirect path back to their getaway group."
Detective 1 sighed:"So, they're most likely kilometres away and we don't have a single clue. Just perfect. The only thing we have to go on is the fact that one of them had an orange jacket and the other one had a brown jacket. And do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"
Detective 2 sighed:"Yes. This is troublesome. And we can't just start arresting everyone in large radius, that will just alert them." He three the cigar down and extinguished it with his shoe," Looks like this will be a non-solvable case."
They stepped out of the store
News reporter:"This is Lydia Ivanovich, reporting from a small town in the Kyshik area. Earlier this day, two armed and masked men managed to rob two convenient stores and a cafe. The witnesses reported saying that the men ran into the nearby forest covering their tracks. This was possibly an attempt to outrun and confuse the police, however the details are unknown. The detectives are trying to find any clues to- oh wait here they come."
Lydia and the cameraman went to the detectives:"Sir?! Can you tell us more about this investigation? Do we have a confirmed identity of the criminals? Is the police currently giving chase?"
Detective 1:"Please, please one question at a time. The identity is still unknown but the police is currently investigating as well as sweeping the area for any leads and tracks. Rest assured we will find them."
The detectives leave and the reporters start asking them more questions and cameramen start taking pictures. The police push them out of the way and hold of them so they don't get in the way. The detectives speak with the local police officers.
Police officer:"Sir. We have men in the forest with dogs trying to find them. We are speaking with the locals trying to get more information but we're not having any luck. There weren't an patrols here at the time and the men wore masks. The only hope is that the dogs pick something up."
Detective 2:"Understood. Report anything you find directly to us. Leave no stone unturned. Got that?"
Police officer:"Yes sir!"
Detective 2:"Good. Now go."
The officer leaves.
Detective 1:"You wanna get the FSB involved?"
Detective 2:"No. There wasn't a murder and I doubt they'll even bother with something this small. We just need to-"
The other detective pats him on the chest as he's looking down the street. Both of them them stare. They see a tall boy covered in blood. Even on his face. He's caring a bow on his back, a revolver in his right hand and a knife in the other. It was Yuri. He's slowly walking towards them with a lifeless stare, barely blinking. The first detective reaches for his gun but the other one stops him:"Don't." He said quietly. "Everyone. Put your guns away and remain calm."
The reporters then see Yuri and run over to film everything.
Detective 2:"Go and stops those blood suckers."
Detective 1 nodded and called the other police officers:"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALREADY. GET THE FUCK BACK!"
The reporters started asking questions nonstop and taking pictures. The police just keep ignoring and pushing them.
Yuri then walks over to the second detective and stands as still as a statue in front of him:"What's your name?"
Yuri was slightly taller than him so the detective was pretty scared:"I-I'm Dominick. Detective in charge of this investigation."
Yuri:"Detective Dominick. Can we talk in private please?"
Dominick muttered a little bit:"S-Sure, of course." He looked at the police officers,"CLEAR A PATH."
The police cleared a path through the crowd and Dominick led Yuri to his car. On the way cameramen took pictures and reports shouted questions, especially Lydia.
Lydia:"Hey kid! What's with the blood and the weapons? Are you responsible for-"
He looks her dead in the eyes. She stoped talking. Everyone suddenly felt a chill down their spines and calmed down.
Detective 1:"Wow."
Yuri went into Dominick's car and they drove to the nearest police station.
(An hour later)
Yuri arrived at the nearest police station. All the officers were confused and some were frightened. According to standard protocol, Yuri had to give all his items to the officers. He cooperated and gave them his bow, knife, a gun, his cross and a paper bag with money. He was then taken to an interrogation room with a two way mirror. Dominick was standing behind the mirror and watched Yuri. Then his partner came in.
Detective 1:"So who is he?"
Dominick:"Tell you the truth Evgeni, I have no fucking idea. His file is literally one page long and even that's just basic info. His name is Yuri Maksimov, he was born in 1982 in a hospital on the outskirts of Volgograd. He has two brothers, Igor and Dimitri Maksimov. His father is ex-military, former lieutenant Ivan Maksimov. His mother is a woman named Jovana Maksimov. Says here they both died in a car accident last year. He never applied to a school, he never signed up anywhere. Hell, he never even went to the dentist to get his baby teeth removed. It's like he doesn't even exist and yet he's here."
Evgeni scratches his head:"Yeah, with weapons and bloodied clothes. Are even gonna go in there and ask him questions?"
Dominick:"I have to. He could be involved in this whole thing. Or worse..."
Evgeni:"Worse what? You don't believe he killed those men do you?"
Dominick:"I just don't believe that a kid covered in blood coincidently arrives hours after a robbery. At this point, anything is possible."
Dominick exits the room and goes into the interrogation room. Yuri is sitting there, still as a statue. Dominick sits down:"Hey Yuri. You already know me, I'm detective Dominick. And this my partner detective Evgeni."
Evgeni waves a little:"Hello."
Silence fills the room for several seconds as Yuri looks at Evgeni and then at Dominick:"I thought you said we will talk in private." He said this with a cold and monotone voice.
Dominick:"Well yes, but rules say that my partner has to be here with me."
Yuri:"No they don't. They say it's optional. It also optional for me to request a lawyer. But I don't have one."
The detectives were surprised. He showed up out of nowhere and yet he knew everything. Who is he?
Evgeni:"Look here kid I'm-"
Dominick:"Leave us."
Evgeni looked at him:"Excuse me?"
Dominick:"You heard me. Leave."
Evgeni gets up and as he's about to open the door Yuri tells him:"Also. I know that's a two way mirror. You can watch and listen but don't intervene."
Evgeni grunts in frustration and leaves.
Dominick:"Well let's start with the obvious. Where are you from?"
Yuri:"The mountain."
Dominick:"OK? Can you be more specific?"
Yuri:"There's a road that leads up the mountain a few hours away from here. It leads to a cabin. You will find two dead bodies in there."
Dominick stuttered:"A-Are those the-the thieves?"
Yuri:"No. They are my brothers. The thieves killed them so I killed the thieves. You will find there's and two more bodies further down the mountain. The bag I gave you was the money they stole and the gun belonged to the men that killed my brothers."
Dominick was speechless. He couldn't fathom this. A kid? A fifteen year old killed four men on his own? If this was any other scenario he would of just called it a joke, but the way Yuri said it, it confirms it's true. Dominick saw a lot of lies during his career, but everything Yuri said was a truthful as it could be.
Dominick pulled himself together:"Alright. And where are the bodies exactly?"
Yuri:"Give me a pencil and paper, and I will draw you a map."
Dominick got up and rushed over to the nearest desk grabbing both things and giving them to Yuri. It took Yuri a few minutes to draw the map. When he finished, he gave it to Dominick. To his surprise, the map was very detailed. Even the different altitudes on different part of the mountain were pointed out as well as clearings in the forests and safe paths for the police to walk through without getting attacked by animals. Yuri spent his entire life there, of course he would know the ins and outs.
Dominick gave the map and instructions to the police officers and Evgeni who went to the marked locations. Then he sat back down:"Alright, thank you Yuri, this is very helpful."
Yuri:"You're welcome."
Dominick:"Now the other problem. You mentioned you murdered those men. How?"
Yuri:"Simple. I stabbed two in the throat, I shot one with an arrow in the head and shot the last one with his gun."
Dominick:"Why did you kill them?"
Yuri tilted his head a little bit:"Was I not supposed to?"
Dominick:"Well...no! Murder is wrong. Taking people's lives is wrong."
Yuri:"People? I don't kill a single person."
Yuri:"Those men I killed were scum who had no right to live. They steal and kill cause they can. They take innocent lives just cause they can. Father warned me about them. He said that should I ever encounter one, I am to end him."
Dominick:"Why? Why did he tell you this?"
Yuri:"Was he not correct? Thieves are the cause of all the world's problems. They mess with the balance and people suffer for it."
Dominick:"Yes Yuri. But we have systems and laws for this. It's not the Wild West. You can't go around killing people!"
Yuri:"I already explained, they are not people."
Dominick:"Yes they are and they are punished according to law."
Yuri:"But that's a temporary solution to a permanent problem."
Yuri:"If you put them in prison, what makes you think they're not going to repeat what they did? And it's more problematic. You still have to maintain the prison using the country's money. Even for something as simple as tax fraud people go to jail, but aren't they living off of other people's taxes and still not paying their own? A permanent solution is best. And that is to execute them."
Dominick was stunned. He's so young and yet he understands the world bette than people twice his age. Still, this isn't normal. A kid thinking that murder and killing is alright.
Dominick:"Look Yuri, I don't believe that you're a murderer."
Yuri:"I'm not. Murder implies I killed a person, and as I stated before-"
Dominick:"Yes yes I know. But let me help you. Let me show you the real world."
Yuri:"I already know the real world detective. It's not pretty."
Dominick then leaves the room. He puts his hand on his mouth and thinks to himself:"I don't know what to do. He's refusing help and worst of all he thinks murder is perfectly normal. I guess I have no choice. I have to send him, to RASPUTIN!"
(10 days later)
Yuri was hold up in a jail cell until the police finished the investigation. They found Yuri's cabin and inside they found two dead boys: Igor and Dimitri. Down the mountain they found four more bodies with wounds perfectly matching Yuri's description. The case was closed and Yuri was found guilty. He didn't even deny anything, instead he just confessed everything in front of everyone. The news spread like wild fire. A boy killing four armed men by himself. It was truly unbelievable.
After the trial, Yuri was sentenced to serve 40 years in prison. The problem was he was a minor. So they decided to put him in a special juvenile correctional institution called "Fort Rasputin". This place wasn't a typical correctional facility. It was build and treated like a prison. Only certain teenagers were sent here. The ones that did drugs, smuggling and even robbery. This place was meant to break them before the prison does. The goal was to help and show them that what they did was wrong. If the treatments and therapy worked, their sentences were reduced or sometimes they were even just erased. This place was the only hope that Yuri would brake come to his senses. Will it work though?
28th of April 1997
(Inside Fort Rasputin)
Yuri was standing and holding his new clothes. They were orange, telling him that he's in some kind of a prison. He was in a room with seven other teens lined up.
Yuri thinks:"A prison uniform? I'm a minor, this can't be a prison. So it's some kind of correctional facility. But the protocol is different. Much more serious and organised than I would expect. What is this place?"
Then a larger teenager, about 17 years old with tattoos on his left arm pushes him:"Hehehe look at this guy. You look like you're lost or something. You stoned?"
Yuri doesn't respond.
A skinny teenager next to the tattooed one looks at Yuri:"I don't know man. This dude looks tough. He's pretty tall, he's got broad shoulders... maybe he was in a lot fights."
Tattoos:"Well he ain't shit! Just you wait pencil neck, I'm gonna-"
"YOU'RE GONNA WHAT?!" A voice boomed into the room. Everyone was standing still as statues, terrified. Yuri doesn't flinch he just looks at the door from where the voice came from.
A man walks in. He was in his late 40s. He had short grey hair, a bit of a pot belly and a goatee. He was wearing a black suit and a bible in his left hand. He then stood in front of the tattooed delinquent:"So what's your name?" He said with a threatening voice.
Tattoos mumbled out:"M-M-My n-name is-is-"
Warden:"WRONG! You're name doesn't matter! None of you matter! You are all the same. Degenerate delinquents sent to my institution for fixing! And when I'm threw with you, you're gonna regret the day your mother shat you out of her ass!"
The tattooed delinquent was terrified. This man was serious about everything he said.
The warden then looks at Yuri and walks over to him. The warden himself was 169 centimetres tall while Yuri was 182. The warden had to look up to him but this changed nothing.
Warden:"And what's your name?"
Yuri:"Why? You just said they don't matter."
Warden chuckled:"Finally. Someone with a brain bigger than his balls. But don't worry, I know who you are Yuri. I make sure I know everyone that comes here. You're gonna love at here, trust me."
He stepped back:"Now! MY name... is warden Grigori Novakov. Welcome to Fort Rasputin. It was named after a great spiritual healer. I wish to heal you as he healed others. Read the holy texts boys, they will help you a lot."
After that they were led to their own cells. Inside Yuri's cell was a small 16 year old. He was about 160 cm tall and skinny, with short brown hair and a thin moustache. He was twitching all the time and he never stood still. He also talked in a really annoying voice. This was Miki.
Miki:"Hi, I'm Miki."
Yuri:"I don't remember asking."
Miki:"Well never mind. Listen, if you need ANYTHING, just let me know. I know AAALLL the ins and outs. Been here for three years."
Yuri didn't really mind him much.
The next day he went out into the yard which resembled a prison yard. He saw a lot of other teens separated in different groups. This was something he didn't take interest in. As long as no one bothered him, there would be no reason to fight.
The tattooed delinquent showed up with three of his "friends". One was shorter skinnier, one was also short but was wider and one was very tall and thick. The tattooed one was in the middle, not very distinguished but he wore ripped clothing, as to show of his tattoos. He called out:"HEY! YOU THERE WITH THE SHORT HAIR!" He was implying to Yuri, as he preferred having short hair.
Tattoos:"You know who I am dumbass? I'm-"
Yuri just walks away not caring.
Tattoos gets mad and rushed to him and grabs him by the shoulder. He then turns him and starts pushing him. Yuri doesn't fall but he is pushed back.
Tattoos yelled out:"COME ON! FIGHT BACK! YOU FUCKEN PUSSY!" He kept throwing insults at him, but Yuri wasn't fazed. In fact, it's as if Yuri wasn't paying attention to anything. He spaced out and started remembering about training with his father.
(Five years ago)
Ivan pushes Yuri so hard he fell down on his back.
Ivan:"Why aren't you fighting back?!"
Yuri gets up:"I don't want to fight you father! I don't want to hurt you."
Ivan:"Yuri, in this moment I'm not your father. I am your enemy. You have to fight back." They paused for a few seconds," listen Yuri. You can't let people push you around. You will end up being used and manipulated. There comes a time in a man's life when he has to stand up and fight for himself. No one will fight your battles for you. If you don't fight back, you are weak, and you know what happens to the weak."
Yuri:"Yes. The world isn't a place for them. They don't make it."
Yuri gets up and charges at his father.
(Present day)
Tattoos is still pushing Yuri:"This is too easy, you're pathetic!"
Yuri then stops and grabs his right hand. He twists it and breaks his wrist. Tattoos falls on his knees and starts screaming. Yuri grabs him by the hair and and knees him in the face, knocking his teeth out and breaking his nose. He falls over in pain. Everyone watches in shock. This pushover knocked out an older teen in three seconds flat.
The short wider teen rushes and tries to hit him, but keeps missing as Yuri moves around him with impressive footwork. When the teen got tired Yuri punched him in the face several times. He then punched him in the gut three times, used a short uppercut on his face, kicked his right knee so he would bend over and then hit him in the head with a left hook, knocking him out.
The large delinquent charges and grabbed Yuri, picking him up in a bare hug and squeezing him. Yuri grunts in pain.
The warden is watching everting with his security captain.
Captain:"Should I send in the blue guard, sir?"
Grigori:"No. I want to see how this plays out."
The large delinquent is squeezing Yuri:"I'm gonna break your arms asshole!"
Yuri then head butted him several times before breaking his nose and front teeth. The large delinquent put him down and held his face in pain. Yuri used this chance and kicked him in the balls. Then he aggressively and repeatedly kept punching him in the face until finally using a Russian hook to knock him out. As his body flopped on the ground, Yuri looked at the skinny teen, who was shaking in fear.
He thought to himself:"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! What the hell! This wasn't supposed to happen. I get knocking out one but ALL THREE!? No way! Fuck this I'm out!"
He than ran away. Yuri looked around to all the other delinquents. They were all frightened. This dude took down three strong guys by himself in a few minuets. The never heard anything about him ever. One thing they knew for sure, Yuri wasn't someone to be messed with.
Yuri:"If anyone else wants to fight, I will happily oblige! If not, get out of my fucking way!"
Then suddenly, guards with blue patterns on their shoulders ran in, cuffed Yuri and took him to solitary.
Miki:"Oh boy. This year is gonna be REEEEEAL interesting."
(A few hours later)
Grigori was rewatching the footage of the fight. He thought to himself:"This won't be easy. The way he fought was like he was a professionally trained fighter. On top of that, those fluent and flawless moves with no hesitation. It's etched into his brain. Removing it will be proven very difficult."
His secretary walks in. She's holding a file:"Sir I have the report you asked for."
Secretary:"Well they’re not good sir. Out of the thirty request you sent for a psychotherapist nineteen refused after seeing the video you sent them and the other eleven took up other jobs before receiving your request."
Grigori sighs in frustration:"Damn it. If only I hadn't wasted time with the footage!"
Secretary:"We'll sir, there is something."
Grigori looks up:"What?"
Secretary:"Well sir, a psychotherapist has contacted us and she is very...eager, to take the job."
Grigori raised and eyebrow:"Well this is peculiar. But fine, give me the contact and will let her know we accept."
Secretary:"Actually sir, she's already here."
Suddenly, a young woman in her early twenties comes in. She was about 173 cm tall with long black hair and a slim physique. She had brown eyes behind a pair of glasses and her skin was a bit pale.
The woman:"I'm so happy you accept my request... warden Novakov."
End of chapter 5
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