《Waifu Wars》27 - The Invaders Revenge
We stood and stared at the window. The two waifus remained in the center of the arena with uninterested looks. They seemed like they didn’t want to be there but had to for some reason.
The waifus didn’t say anything as the crowd panicked. It soon became clear that the escape had been cut off. That realization stopped people from frantically trying to get out, but it didn’t change the panicked look on their faces. Still, the two waifu’s in the center weren’t doing anything of interest. They probably didn’t care what the crowd did at all.
“Well, we are locked in,” Tanaka-san said from across the room. He was pushing on the door to our pod and had no luck in making it budge. Unless we could break it down, we weren’t getting anywhere.
“What’s going on out there?” Trash-chan’s voice came over the speaker. She was still in the dugout area and likely could see everything that was going on.
“Waifus are causing trouble… but what is their aim….” Tanaka-san began to mutter to himself.
“Does it matter? We need to stop them!” Shin-san said as he whipped out his phone.
“Estouls! Don’t just take a hit like that! Get up and kick some butt!” Osana-chan yelled.
Estouls was unconscious and still in the arena. Vicky must have hit him with a solid blow to knock him out so suddenly. I imagine she wanted to get back at him for what happened underground.
“Hello, Hello. Yes, it’s me. The waifus- oh, you know? Well, what is the force doing?” Shin-san was talking to someone. “I see, is there anything I can do to help? No. All right.” Shin-san hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” I asked.
“Akira from the security team. He says that he is currently trying to get into the field, but someone hijacked the barrier system.”
“How did someone do that?” Tanaka-san asked.
“There is a master computer in the underground that controls the system.
He thinks that someone must physically be down there.”
“There is someone down there!” We were interrupted by a certain ghost suddenly bursting through the floor. Shin-san and Tanaka-san were taken aback. Osana-chan looked like she wanted to scream but held it in.
“What is it, Kura?”
“Those troublesome waifus are down under the arena messing with the system!”
“There- There’s a ghost!” Osana-chan said while backing away. I guess she and Estouls had a fear of ghosts in common. Shin-san looked confused more than anything, and Tanaka-san bounced back quickly.
“So, these waifus in the arena are a distraction, and the plan is being conducted underground?”
“Correct… you with glasses,” Kura replied.
“It doesn’t help us with anything knowing that. It’s not like we can or need to do anything,” I said.
I think I was about to get some objections, but they were interrupted by Trash-chan.
“Everyone… Estouls!” We turned to look out the window. Vicky had gotten bored of waiting and kicked Estouls across the field.
“Estouls!” Osana-chan yelled. For whatever reason, he was not teleported out of the field at the conclusion of the match. It had to be due to the interference but knowing that wouldn’t help us. Tanaka-san frantically was tapping on his tablet to switch Estouls out, but nothing happened as he tapped. At this rate, we would have to helplessly watch Estouls get hit by a waifu with a grudge.
Hally, who had also not been teleported out, stood up on the other side of the arena. She climbed out of her crater with a slightly contorted form. With a couple of unnatural twists of her limbs, everything quickly was put back in its proper place. She moved her neck like she was cracking it.
Vicky paid no mind to the robotic waifu, but Kaeru faced her. Hally put up her fists, then turned away from Kaeru and ran. Even from a distance, I could see Kaeru laughing at the robot that fled away from her. I couldn’t blame her. She was injured from the fight and was facing an opponent that had an advantage. Hally reached the wall of the arena and had to stop. Kaeru shrugged and began to walk up to the robot waifu slowly.
The next thing Hally did surprised me; she pulled back her fists and punched straight into the arena wall. It crumbled like a cracker when her fist made contact. Kaeru stopped while the wall opened up. On the other side of the wall was the dugout for Hally’s team. The other three members of her group stepped out into the arena.
Kaeru took a step back after being faced with the four-member team looking at her. She pointed both her hands in the shape of finger guns at them. Before she could do anything, she froze so Antidoton could roll a die. The pink waifu looked upset by the roll.
Just then, Kaeru discharged two electrical shots at her opponents. One contacted Hally and another with Antidoton. The waifus were blown back into the dugout area, out of my view. They stood still for a few minutes, but it became clear that the waifus that had been hit were knocked out from the blow. Kaeru seemed to laugh again and aimed her next shots at Amplifier and Button.
Amplifier shook her head then released a loud soundwave. The arena shook, and Kaeru put her arms up defensively. The hit that the electrical waifu anticipated never came; instead Amplifier appeared suddenly on the other side of the arena. She pressed her palms against the wall, and a loud sound filled the air.
The wall collapsed, revealing the opposing team’s dugout, our dugout. Trash-chan was the first out of the dugout. She charged and wrapped two trash whips around both of Vicky’s arms. The vampire turned her attention from Estouls to the trash-tier waifu. Raphine was the next out. She shot several arrows at Kaeru, which just harmlessly zipped through the waifu as she took on an electrical form.
Junkers was the last out, but she stayed in the back. Whatever cooldown she had for her suit had not worn off.
“Shin-kun, Tai-kun, Ve can take care of the vaifus here.”
“That’s great!’ Shin-san said.
Amplifier said something to Junkers, and Junkers pointed our way. The next second, Amplifier was crashing through the glass of our pod. We all jumped at the sudden surprise.
“Oh, Tai-kun. You’re okay. Where’s Emiko-chan?”
“Hey, no fair going to see Main-kun like that!” a voice rang over the speaker.
“My sister isn’t here; she was in the crowd….”
Amplifier stepped to the edge of the broken window and looked out.
“Emiko-chan, are you still okay!” her voice suddenly echoed across the arena. Everyone in the crowd looked in our direction. My phone began to ring as a response.
“Hello,” I said after picking it up.
“Big brother, are you with Amplifier.”
“Ah, Emiko-chan. How are you? Are you okay?” Amplifier shouted while leaning in close to the phone.
“I’m fine, people were panicking for a moment, but they’ve calmed down.”
“That’s good to hear….” Amplifier let out a sigh of relief.
Another figure jumped up from the arena to our pod. Her green hair flowed frantically in every direction as she landed. She ran up and stood close to me.
“Main-kun!” she shouted.
“Oh, is Trash-chan there too?” my sister asked over the phone.
“Hello, Sister-sama!” I turned away from the waifus and walked close to the broken window. Out on the field, Button was currently engaging Kaeru, and Raphine was firing arrows at Vicky.
“Your safe, at least?” I asked my sister.
“Of course, these nice security guards are trapped in here with us!”
I didn’t feel like asking, I already had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that told me the answer, but I did anyway:
“What security guards are you with?”
“Hello, Tai Juyo! It’s me, Marigold. Oh, and Kioshi is here too!” the voice came through the phone.
I lowered the phone for a moment and shook my head in disappointment. I took a deep breath before lifting the phone and asking my next question.
“Shouldn’t you two be working on catching these rogue waifus?”
“Of course… but some of us wanted to watch your match… then we got trapped.”
“So, who is going to stop them? Shin-san made it sound like Akira was doing something.”
“Oh, he is probably the only one outside of the stadium area right now. I think he went to the restroom right before the battle….”
“There is only one person who can stop these waifus?”
“Wait, big brother, you have Trash-chan and Amplifier there. Can’t you go stop the bad waifus?” my sister interjected.
“Now dear, we can’t have a civilian go fight some random waifus….”
“My brother can take care of them! Go get ‘em.”
“Dear sister, I can’t just go fight some random enemies like that….”
“Sure, we can, Main-kun! It will be like during the draft!”
“Don’t go putting my Tai-kun in danger like that, you joke of a waifu!”
A loud crash in the field caught our attention. We turned to look back to the fight. Raphine had been knocked across the arena into a wall and struggled to push herself up off the ground. Vicky had turned her attention to Junkers and was slowly walking over to the plane waifu.
“How long until her armor can come back?” Tanaka-san asked Shin-san.
“I have no idea….”
“What does your tablet say!”
“Oh, oh!” Shin-san pulled out his tablet and pulled up Junkers’ profile. “She still has five minutes.”
“That… is a long cooldown….” Tanaka-san muttered.
Raphine pushed herself off the ground and fired another arrow at Vicky. The vampire didn’t even turn her attention to the raccoon girl, but she effortlessly caught the arrow out of the air, nonetheless. The arrow exploded into a ball of fire, but Vicky was unfazed.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the field, Kaeru was toying with her opponent. She lazily shot multiple electrical shots in a manner that would hit Button unless she dodged. The rabbit waifu was forced to dance around the arena to avoid even a single hit.
“Tai-kun, don’t worry about us, just go on ahead and stop the others,” A voice came over my earpiece. It was Estouls, who was only now pushing himself up off the ground.
“Let’s go Main-kun!” Trash-chan began to pull me to the door.
“The door is locked… anyway.”
“We’ll just break it down!”
I put my phone back up to my ear.
“Marigold, could you talk some sense into these waifus?”
“Sorry, big brother, she has already gone to try to assist the guy on the other side of the barrier with breaking through….”
“Of course, did she tell you how long it would be?”
“She said it would be a couple of hours at best….”
“Thanks, make sure you stay out of trouble there….” I hung up the phone and sighed.
At this rate, whatever plans that the opposing waifus had come up with would be carried out.
“If you can break down the door, we can try to help….” I said. I doubt Trash-chan had anything that would be useful for breaking down a door like that.
“I cannot condone this Tai-kun; that is why I will go with you as well,” Amplifier declared as she walked over to the door.
“Amplifier, wait…”
She pressed her palm to the door. It began to shake until it violently exploded. We were free to go….
“Oh, I’ll go with you too!” Kura happily said as she floated next to us.
I turned to the others. Tanaka-san gave me a smile and a thumbs-up, Shin-san made a nod of approval, and Osana-chan gave an innocent smile.
“Go take care of what you have to, Juyo-san.”
“We will hold the front here, Tai-san.”
“And don’t worry, because Estouls will kick all their butts!”
They were encouraging me to rush out. I did my best to smile back out at them before rushing out the door.
It wasn’t until later when I was told the rest of the details of the fight.
Estouls managed to get the strength to stand back up. He immediately caught Vicky’s attention. She turned and charged at him with as much force as she could muster. It was apparent that she would try to tackle Estouls against the wall, but he managed to slide to his left enough to avoid the blow. She ended up plowing into the wall instead.
Raphine took the opportunity to fire off several more arrows. They encased Vicky in a large block of ice. She easily shattered it and turned to her opponents.
On the other side of the field, Button was still trying to avoid electrical discharges. She quickly outpaced Kaeru, but she could not close the distance between them enough to get a good counterattack in. Kaeru kept firing shots at her opponent with no apparent concern for winning the fight any time soon.
Raphine fired a couple of shots at Kaeru as well. The electrical waifu was not paying attention, and the arrows exploded upon reaching her. The smoke cleared quickly, revealing Kaeru focusing her full attention on the raccoon waifu. Raphine’s ears fell flat for a moment as her opponent locked in on her.
Kaeru was across the field in a flash. Raphine barely managed to duck as the electrical waifu swiped at her opponent. Her hand, crackling with electricity, passed just above Raphine’s ears. She drew back her bow and fired another arrow at Kaeru, but the arrow just flew through. Kaeru looked down at her opponent with an uncomfortably friendly smile.
Meanwhile, Button came flying across the field. She gave a dropkick to Kaeru in the back. The electrical waifu was stunned as the kick sent her into the wall of the arena. Her body exploded into electricity as it crashed into the wall, then it reformed back into the form of a waifu. She shook her head for a moment before stepping forward to her opponents.
Vicky and Estouls continued to fight it out on the other side of the arena. Vicky would try to get a blow in, which Estouls would avoid or block. Then, Estouls would try to get a blow in, which Vicky would avoid or block. They had faced each other several times and were both cautious as they fought.
Vicky leaped in the air and tried to smash Estouls in the ground. Estouls just rolled across the ground out of the way. The vampire harmlessly crashed the ground. She stood up slowly and prepared to strike her opponent again.
Junkers was anxiously waiting for her mecha suit to return as she watched the fight taking place.
“How much longer, Shin-kun?”
“Um, just a few more seconds.”
She continued to turn back and forth to each of the fights taking place as she waited.
Finally, her armor was restored, and she took to the sky. The sudden sounds of a plane caught the attention of the others, but no one had the opportunity to look away from their fights. Junkers took advantage of that and began raining down bullets on Vicky.
She put her arms up defensively as the plane waifu made a pass overhead. Estouls took the chance to strike immediately after Junkers finished her pass. He tackled the vampire waifu with his shield. She stumbled back from the blow. Junkers was right on top of the next move as she fired another barrage at Vicky. After she finished her pass, Estouls hit her with another blow. The vampire stumbled back for a moment and froze. Estouls watched carefully until she fell straight onto her back.
The raccoon waifu and rabbit waifu continued to avoid the electrical strikes of their opponent. Even though they avoided getting hit, they could not find an opening to get in a counterattack. Kaeru finally hit both Raphine and Button with a jolt of electricity. The two waifus were knocked out cold in an instant.
The knockouts of Vicky, Raphine, and Button happened about at the same time. Kaeru turned her attention to her new opponents. She tried firing a jolt at Estouls, but his shield just absorbed the blow. Junkers attempted to fire a volley at the electrical waifu, but the bullets did not affect.
Kaeru pointed her finger gun at Junkers and released a massive discharge. The shot hit the plane waifu’s armor, and an explosion came from the side. Junkers began to spin out of control until she crashed on the other side of the field. She pushed the flaming fuselage aside and stepped out with a disappointed look.
“I just got that back,” the team heard her say over the speaker.
Estouls began to walk to the electrical waifu. She fired a shot at him, but his shield absorbed the blast. She fired another, and again it was absorbed. She put her hand down and sighed. Then she put both her hands up. She had decided she wouldn’t win the fight.
The fight in the arena ended, but the group of us that had left still had plenty to do before the whole ordeal was over.
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