《Waifu Wars》14 - Beach Episode
“Main-kun, Main-kun, look, it’s the ocean!” Trash-Chan yelled with her face pressed up against the window of the train.
“Trash-Chan, you’re disturbing the people around you,” I said with my head hanging down.
She turned around and slid back into her seat with a smile. I just shook my head.
It had been only last week that Trash-Chan suddenly wanted to go to the beach. She had begged me for days on end until I gave in. So, here I was on a train with Trash-chan and my sister… and Shin-san, Junkers, Tanaka-san, Raphine, Osana-chan, and Estouls…. I looked around at the others.
“You know you didn’t have to force yourselves to come; I would hate if you had to make a change in your schedules due to Trash-chan’s whims.”
“Don’t mention it, Juyo-San. We are happy to tag along!” Tanaka-san said with a smile.
“Junkers wanted to go to the beach just as much, you know,” Shin-san sighed.
“I can’t wait to get out there!” Osana-chan added.
They all seemed to be okay with the trip, so I guess I would just leave it be. I leaned back against the train’s seats. We were almost to our destination now that the ocean was in view; it would only be a matter of minutes. I looked over to Trash-chan, who was eagerly bobbing up and down.
As usual, she wore her green hair to the side and held it in place with a bread clip. She was dressed in her short, frilly dress that seemed to be made from plastic bags and candy wrappers. Some people down the way in the train car gave us odd looks on occasion. They had probably never seen a waifu quite like her after all.
The train came to a stop, and we jumped up and grabbed our bags. We stepped outside into the warm air.
“We’re here! Let’s get to the beach!” Raphine shouted.
“Hold on, Raphine, we still need to go to the hotel first,” Tanaka-san said. Her ears on top of her head drooped, but she nodded to indicate that she understood.
“Don’t vorry dear, ve vill get to the beach before ve know it,” Junkers said with a smile.
She was right. It did not take us long to walk to our hotel and get our things in our rooms. We grabbed our swimsuits and headed down to the beach.
The beach we were visiting today is known as Waifu Beach. It used to be called something else, but after it became a popular spot that waifu’s liked to visit, it got renamed. Naturally, when we got down to the beach, there were waifus all over the place. We divided up and went into the changing rooms. After we finished changing into our swimsuits, we went out onto the beach.
The guys were the first out of the changing room. Shin-san and I just wore simple plain swimming trunks. Tanaka-san wore swimming trunks with a waifu printed on them. Estouls wore a one-piece bathing suit with laces.
“Um, Estouls, couldn’t you have just worn some trunks?” Shin-san asked.
“Milady said I’d be cuter in this,” Estouls said with a sigh.
The girls were next to come out. Osana-chan wore a simple one-piece suit with golden trims. Junkers was in a red two-piece with a long skirt that ran down one side of her legs. Raphine was wearing a two-piece with the bottom resembling black shorts and the top looking like a short, green dress. Trash-chan wore a two-piece as well. The top half was a green piece with ribbons, and the bottom half was a frilly, white skirt. My sister just wore a simple one piece.
“The beach! Let’s go!” Trash-chan yelled. She ran to the water and jumped in, making a reasonably large splash in the process.
“Trash-chan, wait for me!” Raphine yelled as she chased after her. She soon joined her in the water, and they began to splash each other.
“Come join us; the water is great!” Trash-chan yelled to us with a wave.
“Wait for me, Trash-chan!” My sister yelled as she ran out to join them.
“Estouls, I’m heading out there too,” Osana-chan said as she ran out after my sister.
“Wait, Milady, you need to put on sunblock!” Estouls yelled, but he was ignored.
“Let’s go out to the beach as well,” Shin-san said to Junkers.
“Vait, Shin-kun. Look at that sign,” Junkers pointed to a sign that said ‘Sandcastle Contest. First Place Prize: Bragging Rights’.
“Let’s vin sis sing!” Junkers said. She didn’t give Shin-san a chance to reply before she started to pull him away.
“Hey, that looks pretty fun; I’ll give it a go too,” Estouls mused as he followed after Junkers and Shin-san.
Tanaka-san quickly threw down a towel and put up a large umbrella. Within a matter of seconds, he was sitting under it with his phone out.
“You brought your phone to the beach?”
“Of course,” was all he said.
“I see,” I sighed and sat down on the towel. The girls that went to water were happily running around without a care in the world. Meanwhile, Estouls and Junkers were beginning to push sand into piles. Shin-san was reluctantly moving sand with Junkers.
“Not going out there?” Tanaka-san asked me.
“Not yet; I am just here because Trash-chan and my sister wanted to come.”
“Hey, look at that, the construction of the Waifu Tower starts tomorrow!” Tanaka-san said, having not listened to me.”
I stood up and stretched.
“I guess I should find something to do, huh?” I said, but Tanaka-san was still not listening.
“Oh, and they’re going to hold a new draft since that last one got messed up,” he said out loud while looking at his phone.
I began my walk down the beach. There were people in every direction, no matter where you looked. I sighed as I continued my walk. I didn’t have a direction in mind; I was just walking for no reason.
After a while, I found myself in some far corner of the beach. It seemed like it was about time to turn around and head back. I had ended up walking a bit farther than I needed to after all. I turned around and began my walk back.
“Um, excuse me,” a voice said. I turned around to look. It was a waifu with long, orange hair that resembled tentacles. She was short and looked up at me.
“Can I help you?” I asked.
“I’m looking for my little sister. Have you happened to see her?”
“I have not,” I said, and I began to walk away.
“Wait!” the waifu started to run next to me to keep up with my pace, ”She looks like me, but is a bit taller and has green hair!”
“I haven’t seen her,” I said while picking up my pace. I was unsure who she was or what was going on, but this was none of my business.
“Well, if you do, could you tell her I was looking for her?”
“Sure,” I answered as I kept walking. The girl smiled at me.
“Thanks!” she said, then she stopped trying to keep up with me. I didn’t bother to look back as I walked away. I kept walking at a fast pace until I could see our beach umbrella in the distance. I finally slowed down and casually walked up to it. I think I may have avoided getting into trouble back there.
The sandcastle contest was wrapping up as I walked up to everyone else. They were standing in a crowd in front of a stage that had been made from sand. Junkers, Estouls, and Shin-san were all missing, but the rest of the group was there.
“What’s going on here?” I asked as I walked up.
“Oh, Tai-kun, they are about to announce the winners!” Osana-chan said excitedly. “My Estouls is going to win!” she added.
“I don’t know, Junkers and Best friend-kun’s wasn’t too bad,” Trash-chan said.
I looked around the beach. Off to the side of the stage, there was an assortment of sandcastles, or rather, sand sculptures. There were, of course, some traditional sandcastles. Still, among them, there was also a replica of a Gun-mecha, an Eiffel Tower, a 3D version of the Mona Lisa’s hands, a catgirl idol (or maybe she was a fox), a scale version of ancient Rome, a battleship, and much more.
“What happened here?” I asked as a stared in disbelief at all the crazy sculptures.
“Hello everyone, how are you all doing?” An announcer came out on stage. The crowd roared. “Well, it’s good to see everyone is excited. Now, we had a lot of unexpected talent show up for this event today. Can I get a round of applause for everyone who participated!” The crowd cheered along.
“Go, Estouls!” Osana-chan yelled as everyone cheered along.
“Very good, everyone, so I will go ahead and announce the winners! Starting in 3rd place, we have a wia- husbando named Estouls who made a ½ scale of the Effiel Tower. Can I get an applause for Estouls!” The crowd cheered along. Osana-chan wiped tears from her eyes.
“3rd place, I’m so proud of him,” she commented.
Estouls came out onto the stage and awkwardly waved to the crowd.
“Now in 2nd place, we have a team of Junkers and Shin Naka, who made a scale replica of the city of Rome! Can I get an applause for them!” The crowd cheered once again.
“I would have thought it was the battleship,” I said aloud.
Junkers and Shin-san came out onto the stage as well. Shin seemed uncomfortable on the stage, but Junkers happily waved to the crowd.
“And now for our 1st place winner. A husbando that didn’t mean to enter and asked to remain anonymous. We just had to recognize him for his wonderful rendition of the Mona Lisa’s hands. Come out on stage!”
The crowd cheered as a tall and slender man in a purple suit walked out on the stage. He had a tie on with skulls that draped over a green dress shirt and bright yellow hair. A black bar covered his eyes, apparently to protect his identity.
“Congratulations on winning,” The announcer said to him.
“Um, thank you.”
“Tell me, what was your inspiration for this wonderful piece?”
“Well, I just like hands.”
“Amazing, now as someone who didn’t mean to enter, do you know what you’ve won?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Nothing! Have a good day, everyone!”
With that, the competition came to a close. The contest officials quickly knocked down the sand stage, and the crowd dispersed.
The trio that competed joined us soon after.
“Good job, everyone!” Osana-chan said.
“Yes, your sculptures were impressive,” Tanaka-san said.
Estouls slowly shook his head.
“I can understand the scale replica of Rome, but how did I lose to a pair of hands,” he said solemnly.
“Man, that was fun, ve should do that again sometime, Shin-kun!” Junkers said while slapping Shin-san on the back.
“Ow, let’s not….” Shin-san said while rubbing his back.
“Well, I am glad you all had fun,” I said.
“It wasn’t fun, Tai-san; we worked like crazy. My hands are still numb.”
I didn’t get a chance to reply. Immediately Raphine was pointing over at a volleyball net.
“Oh, look, there is a volleyball contest going on!” she said excitedly.
“I like the vay you think, Raphine,” Junkers said. She grabbed Shin-san’s arm and began pulling him to the contest.
“Come on, Shin-kun, let’s vin this thing!”
“No, Junkers, I want to rest for a little bit!” Shin-san shouted.
“That looks fun, Main-Kun; we should enter too!” Trash-chan said to me.
“Um, I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” I answered.
“Wait! Junkers look! The sign says waifus only! That’s a shame; I guess I can’t enter with you.” Shin-san quickly pointed out the details written on the sign. Junkers let go of his arm and sighed.
“vell, that’s a shame,” she said with her head hanging down.
“Yeah, a real shame, but maybe someone else will join you,” Shin-san said after a sigh of relief.
“I’ll join your team Junkers,” Trash-chan said enthusiastically.
“Wait, If Trash-chan is playing, then I want to be on her team!” Raphine shouted.
“Estouls, why don’t you give it a try as well?” Osana-chan said.
“Milady!” Estouls exclaimed, but he gave no resistance to joining the contest.
And so, the teams were formed for the competition. One team of Junkers and Estouls and one team of Trash-chan and Raphine. The battles they fought were fierce, but they were facing off against each other in the finals in no time flat.
“Vell, I expected ve vould face off against each other, but I’m glad ve could do it in the finals,” Junkers shouted to the other side of the field.
“Indeed, but don’t go expecting to win this thing, Junkers,” Trash-chan shouted back.
The match started. Estouls was the first to serve the volleyball in the air. It flew over the net and was spiked back by Trash-chan. Junkers, however, was ready for that and was able to return the volleyball over the net. It flew over Trash-chan to Raphine, who was able to hit it back into the air to Trash-chan. She jumped and sent the ball to the back corner of the field. Estouls was not able to hit it back, and it crashed into the sand.
The game continued with an intense back and forth with the waifus. Those of us on the side watched as each side slowly gained points on each other.
“They are going at it, huh?” Shin-san said.
“My Estouls won’t go down without a fight!” Osana-chan eagerly said.
“Hmm, Junkers and Estouls have the advantage of raw power, but both Trash-sensei and Raphine are quick on their feet. They are unbalanced teams for this, but that makes it more interesting who will win…” Tanaka-san muttered to himself.
I watched as Trash-chan and Raphine scored another point. The game was tied for the final point. Whoever scored next would be the winner.
Raphine served the ball. It flew over Junkers to Estouls. He sent it up in the air to Junkers, who delivered a spike so strong it seemed to shake the ground. Trash-chan was ready and slid on the sand to where the spike would hit. She deflected the ball back up in the air. It flew backward to Raphine, who sent it back over the net. Junkers didn’t let it get far. She jumped in the air and spiked the ball back down. Trash-chan tried to return the ball but was just unable to get it. She dove to the sand to send the ball back up, but it hit just outside where her fingers were able to reach. It was over.
“Yeah! Ve did it!” Junkers yelled. She and Estouls high fived.
“No! Trash-chan, we lost,” Raphine fell to her knees. Trash-chan pushed herself off the ground and wiped the sand off. She laughed.
“That was a good game, you two! Next time, we won’t lose, though,” she said with a smile.
With that, the competition was over. Junkers and Estouls were first place, though there was no reward for winning. We all headed back to the umbrella we had set up to relax.
“Um, excuse me,” a voice said to us as we walked to the umbrella. We turned to look. It was a familiar face, for me at least. The octopus girl was standing there.
“Hello, how can we help you?” Osana-chan asked.
“I’m looking for my little sister, have you seen… oh, you’re that guy,” she stopped midsentence when she noticed me.
“Um, yeah. Sorry, I haven’t seen your little sister around here,” I awkwardly said. Her head hung down.
“Oh, I see, that is okay. I’m sure I’ll find her. Thanks anyway.” She began to walk away with her head slumped.
“Wait, Main-kun; there is a girl in trouble; surely we could help her look!” Trash-chan shouted. The orange-haired waifu turned around with a smile.
“Trash-chan, we can’t just get wrapped up in some stranger’s business,” I said.
“We could look around for a little bit; it wouldn’t hurt, right?” she answered.
“It is none of our concern, though. We don’t need to get wrapped up in anything.”
“So, you won’t be able to help me?” the girl asked with a sad expression after hearing our exchange.
“Of course, we can help you! Just ignore this guy here.” Trash-chan said. The girl smiled.
“That’s great! So, you’ll all help?” she asked everyone.
“Sure, I have no problem,” Estouls said.
“If Trash-chan is helping, then so will I!” Raphine said.
“Ve can help too!” Junkers said while grabbing Shin-sans arm.
Everyone, except me, seemed to be on board.
“Hold on a minute,” I said to everyone before turning to the waifu. “Tell me, where is the last place you saw your sister?” I asked. She thought for a moment before answering.
“In the ocean!”
“And how would you describe the area you lost her in?”
“Hmm, it was very blue.”
I turned to the group.
“See, she doesn’t even know if her sister was lost around here. How do we plan to find her?”
“So, there is no way to find her?” the waifu asked with tears in her eyes.
“Don’t worry about him, Tako Musume; we will find her regardless,” Tanaka-san said with a smile.
“Thanks, Mr.- wait, how do you know my name!” she suddenly backed up a few steps. Tanaka-san made a confident smile.
“I know the name of every waifu!” he shouted.
“You didn’t know who Firestorm was,” Raphine added.
“I know the name of every waifu from anime, manga, games, light novels, etc.” Tanaka-san amended.
“Wow, you must be brilliant!” the waifu named Tako Musume said with a smile.
Tanaka-san made a confident smile. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted before he could say anything.
“Well, let’s get searching, everyone!” Trash-chan yelled.
“Yeah,” the others yelled.
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