《Waifu Wars》5 - Junkers Ju 88 Part 2
I took a deep breath and shook my arms in an awkward attempt to distract myself from my nervous feelings. Trash-Chan and I were waiting behind the school's tool shed. School was out, and no one ever came back here at this time of the day. It was the perfect place to meet someone.
This morning I had put a handwritten letter into a shoe locker. Now I just had to wait here to meet. Hopefully, this would not all be in vain.
"Main-Kun, who is it that you think will help us?" Trash-Chan asked. I had not told her yet from who I was trying to get the support. I didn't want to get her hopes up.
"Juyo-San?" We didn't have to wait much longer. A voice caught both of our attention. From around the corner of the shed, Tomo-San came with Estouls at her side. Her face was bright red, for some reason. I hope she wasn't coming down with anything.
"Childhood Friend-Sama?" Trash-Chan exclaimed.
Yes, I had asked my old friend, who I hadn't spoken to in years, Osana Tomo, to meet me here. Estouls suddenly appeared behind Trash-Chan and put his hand over her mouth.
"Trash-Chan, we should let these two talk alone," he said before dragging her away. Before he left, he gave me a thumbs up. I am not sure why.
Tomo-San slowly walked up to me. She held the letter close to her and kept her face only turned away enough so that she could still look my way with her eyes.
"You wanted to talk about something, Juyo-San?" she asked softly.
"Erm, well, yes. Um, this is kind of hard to say..."
"Go ahead," she said in a soft but slightly eager sounding voice.
"Well, you see... I've been thinking... and it could only be you... sorry, this is kind of hard to say..." Asking her to help out here was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I just needed to spit it out. She looked directly at me with her bright red face. I think I might have blushed slightly as I took a step back.
"Go ahead."
I took a deep breath and spat it out.
"Please would you and Estouls fight with me to help Shin-San!" I finally yelled out and went into a 90-degree bow at the same time. Estouls suddenly fell out from a nearby tree. I looked up at Tomo-San. She was now frowning, and her brow was furrowed. Maybe it was too much to ask for after all.
"Tai-Kun," she called me something she hadn't in years, "Was this letter only about that?"
"Huh, what else would it be about?" I asked as I stood up straight from the bow.
She crumpled up the note and threw it to the side.
"Main-Kun, how exactly can Childhood Friend-Sama help us? Does she also have a waifu that can fight in the wars?" Trash-Chan reappeared behind me from wherever Estouls had dragged her off. Estouls also walked out of the bushes he had fallen in. His head hung low as he walked over to Tomo-San.
"Well, you heard him, Milady. Are we going to help?" Estouls asked her.
She crossed her arms while frowning. Her eyes were tightly shut as she thought. After a moment, Tomo-San's face softened, and she sighed. She looked up at me and pointed to me.
"Fine, we will help, but only on one condition," she declared.
"Okay, what is it, Tomo-San?"
"You need to address me like you used to... with my first name..." her voice suddenly grew softer, and her face was red again. She might really be sick with something.
"Your... first name?"
"And you need to talk to me more... you can do that, right? My parents can't object anymore since you have Trash-Chan..."
"Isn't that two conditions?" Trash-Chan asked aloud. She was suddenly hit in the face by a pinecone. Estouls stood behind Tomo-San with his finger up to his lips, as if telling Trash-Chan to be quiet. I sighed.
"Alright, Osana-Chan, I look forward to your help."
"Ch-Chan! You can just use San can't you?"
"Huh, but you said to address you like I used to." Osana-Chan turned away from me and tapped her index fingers together.
"I guess I did say that, didn't I?" she muttered. "Should I tell him to use San? Or should I tell him Chan is okay? I can't say I don't like it..." she continued to mutter to herself.
"Milady, we can all hear you," Estouls said. She jumped and turned back to me.
"Well, let's go save your friend..." she said. Osana-Chan awkwardly and stiffly began to walk away.
"Osana-Chan, the way to exit the school grounds is this way." I pointed to the correct direction that was opposite wherever she was about to go.
"Oh, yes, I just wanted to stretch my legs first..." She suddenly turned around and followed me as we left the school grounds.
It was a little of a strange exchange, but Osana-Chan and Estouls were on board. After not talking to her for so long, I was worried that she had grown to hate me. I was glad to see that she still considered me somewhat a friend. Now we just had to get involved with this war.
Our next stop was the Waifu Services building. It was a tall building in the middle of the city, at least seven stories tall. The building was shaped like an obelisk, with a capped point at the top, and was all white.
We walked into the front door and up to the desk of the facility. There was a lady behind the counter wearing the standard all-black uniform for the Waifu Services. The logo of the office was plastered onto the left side of her uniform. It was said to be made to look like two waifus holding hands but looked more like a series of minimalist shapes. She had short and blonde hair pulled back in a bun and a skinny pair of glasses sitting over her nose. Her nameplate on the desk had been turned face down.
"Can I help you?" The lady asked as we stopped in front of her desk. She only glanced up at us from her computer for a moment after addressing us.
"Um, we'd like to talk to a Junkers Ju 88 that should be here right now."
"Ah, that one. She's been nothing but trouble. What is your business with her?"
"We'd like to support the Naka family in the war that Junkers put forward."
The lady suddenly looked directly at us. She lunged over the desk and grabbed my hands.
"Do you mean it? We can get rid of her!" she asked me with stars in her eyes. I nodded.
The lady went back to her desk. She dialed up a number on her phone.
"Yes, yes. We have someone willing to fight for that troublemaker. Their relation to the family, I didn't ask. Does it matter? We can finally get rid of her. Yes, yes. I'll ask that you just get started on the paperwork. It doesn't matter; we'll fudge some paperwork if we have to. Only if we get caught. You want to get rid of her as much as I do, right?"
With that, the lady hung up the phone and looked at us with a wide smile.
"Are we all good?" I asked with a cautious tone.
"Oh, yes, you are. Someone is on their way down to take you to her. I just need to see your waifu licenses."
That might be a problem. Trash-Chan had just recently joined me, and I had never gotten a waifu license. I probably should have realized that they were going to ask about that. This could be trouble.
"Um, what if I didn't have it with me?"
She thought to herself for a moment while looking all around the building.
"Well, under normal circumstances, I should have your waifu stay here until you retrieve the license and put a warrant out for your arrest if you don't return within three days. However, I will fudge the paperwork this time so you can get that Junkers Ju 88 out of here."
"Um, thanks. Uh, miss..."
"Oh, you can just call me Marigold. Now, will these two waifu's be the ones that are entering?" Marigold began to type on her computer gleefully.
"Oh, actually madam, I'm-" Estouls started to talk, but Osana-Chan put her hand over his mouth.
"Yes, ma'am. These two are our waifus," Osana-Chan said.
"Excellent, and what is your relation to the Naka family?"
"We are friends with one of their sons," I said.
An elevator beeped, and a man in a black uniform and black glasses came out. His head was bald, and his mouth was twisted downward. A name badge pinned to his chest simply read Kioshi. He gestured to us to come his way.
"Very good. He will show you to the troublemaker. I will take care of the rest of the paperwork. I just need you to sign here." Marigold-San pointed to a tablet with a stylus. Osana-Chan and I each signed it, and we received a printout with the date of the war and other information. Then we were taken to the room where Junkers was waiting in by our silent escort. When he showed us the door, he gave a thankful nod and went on his way.
The four of us entered the room. We were immediately blasted by loud classical music as we walked in. In the center of the room, a hammock was hanging from the ceiling. Junkers was rocking back and forth in it while eating caviar.
"Oh, good you're back. Did you bring me the correct soap? I asked fo..." She turned to look at us and paused for a moment. "Tai-Kun!" Junkers leaped out of the hammock and ran up to us. "Vat are you doing here?" she asked as she hugged me.
"Junkers, what is all of this?" I asked in a tone that didn't hide my disappointment. She let go and gestured to the room.
"Oh, all this? Vell, I figured if they were going to make me stay here when I didn't vant to, I vould make it hard for them," she answered with a sinister smile.
I looked around the room. The hammock had been awkwardly drilled into the ceiling. Around the walls, there were fancy-looking paintings that I hoped were not originals. Junkers turned off a set of expensive-looking speakers to stop the classical music. I decided not to say anything.
"We will be competing in the war to help Shin-San," I told her. Junkers clapped her hands together.
"Oh, I knew I vould be able to count on you, Tai-Kun," she said with a smile. "I have to admit, I was a little vorried when he made it a double battle, but I am happy to see you found a good partner."
"I don't think you should put your hopes in these weak ass looking waifus, Junkers."
A voice came from behind us. We turned around. A rather sleazy looking man stood leaned back against the door frame. He had two waifus with him, both appearing to also be from Azure Welkin; if their clothing was any indication. He turned to look at us with a gross smile. Junkers let out a sigh and dropped her shoulders.
"What do you want now?"
"I just thought I'd stop by. Imagine my luck getting to see my opponents here." The man looked at Trash-Chan and then Estouls. "What ugly looking waifus," he added.
"You take that back; Estouls is beautiful!" Osana-Chan shouted.
"Milady, please don't try to defend me."
The man laughed before walking out of the room. The waifus stayed behind for a moment. They looked at each other, then at Trash-Chan and Estouls. Then they sighed and followed the man out.
"If it veren't a crime, I'd take that man on a skydiving lesson vithout a parachute," Junkers groaned and fell back in the hammock.
"Junkers..." I said.
"I know. I know. I need to do it over the ocean."
"That's not what I was going to say."
"Oh, then do it at night?"
"Junkers, please don't kill anyone. We will take care of this with the Waifu War."
She sat up with a smile.
"You're right Tai-Kun, if you're fighting for me, I know it will all end up alright!"
"You got that right, Junkers, Estouls, and I will be able to take care of those two easily," Trash-Chan declared.
"They did look rather tough. We will have to be cautious with coming up with our strategy," Estouls said while rubbing his chin.
"Do we know for sure those are the two we are fighting?" Osana-Chan asked.
"Yes, those two are all he has left," Junkers confirmed. "If they lose the fight, they plan to use it as an excuse to leave him."
"So, they might let us win?" I asked, hopefully.
"Unfortunately, no, they are both rather prideful and vill come at you with all they have."
"This isn't the time to be stubborn!" Trash-Chan exclaimed.
"Unfortunately, that is how they are."
"You at least know their names right, we can formulate a strategy from there," I asked.
Junkers gave me a thumbs up.
"You bet I know their names, Bristol Beaufighter and Waco CG-4 or Hadrian as she likes to be called. Beaufighter excels at the air to ground attacks. She will take off immediately at the start of battle and rain down on you. She will be equipped with several 20 mm cannons, multiple rockets, and at least one bomb. Hadrian... isn't actually a fighter. She's a glider that won't be able to take off immediately. Just make sure under no circumstances to let her off the ground, and if you do, make sure you shoot her down. I think she started carrying an M1903 Springfield rifle as well as a trench knife and some grenades vith her," Junkers explained.
"Oh, one of them isn't even a fighter. This will be easy." Trash-Chan claimed.
"Don't be so confident, Trash-Chan," Estouls said.
"Exactly, Trash-Gozen. These two have fought together in the Vaifu Vars. They vill be a good team. Frankly, you will have a hard time." Junkers let her head hang down.
"Alright, I think I have enough. Osana-Chan, I'll do some research on our opponents. We will meet again to plan before the war," I said.
"Oh, that's fine," Osana-Chan agreed. She seemed like she was just going with the flow.
"Good, also, can I have your number? I'll need to be able to reach you so we can meet," I asked.
Osana-Chan's face turned red again.
"Um, oh, sure," she stammered.
We exchanged numbers, and I was off to look into our opponents more. The day of the war was only a few days away. I spent the first two days researching our opponents. There were some recordings of their fights, but they all were ended by Beaufighter rather quickly.
Once I had enough research, I called Osana, and we went to Shin-San's house to discuss our plan. They were somewhat surprised at first but welcomed our help.
And so, the day of the event came. I walked up to the arena with Trash-Chan by my side, as well as with Osana-Chan, Estouls, the entire Naka family, and my little sister. We were quite the crowd. The Naka family and my sister came dressed in raincoats, the sky was dark, and the rain was in the forecast. We could only hope that it did not rain during the war.
"Tai-Niisan, will you get Junkers back?" Kiyoshi-Kun asked. He was the youngest of the siblings and was the most confused by the situation. I gritted my teeth back and forth.
"We won't go down without a fight," I told him. He smiled. I had no idea how this would go, and I did not want to make a promise I couldn't keep.
With that, we entered the arena. We had decided in advance that only Osana-Chan, Shin-Kun, and I would go into the pod together. My little sister would join the rest of the Naka family in the stadium. They would be joined by an official from Waifu Services that we would meet at the gate.
"Hey, you all!" A cheery voice called out to us as we finished registering with the front desk. We turned to see a happy Marigold-San skipping over to us. "It's good to see you again! Man, I can't wait to get rid of that troublemaker today!" She skipped off with the Naka family and my sister. Trash-Chan and Estouls left to get ready, and the trio of us headed to the pod with our tablets.
In normal circumstances, the pod supplied would go to the lowest-ranked waifu on a team. That meant we were back in the F-Tier pod. We all sat on the hard fold up chairs that had been set out for us and looked out to the field.
The battle would start soon. There was something currently taking place in the arena, but we paid it no mind as we waited for our time to come.
"Tai-San... Tomo-San... Thanks again for helping our family," Shin-San had said. He had been saying thank you over and over since we told him we would help him.
"Don't mention it. Let's just win this thing," I said. Our strategy was simple. Estouls had a griffin he could summon. Once the battle started, he would bring out his griffin and engage in close combat with Beaufighter. Trash-Chan would take care of Hadrian on the ground and keep her from taking off.
The rules of a double battle were that one of the fighters on a side had to be knocked out or admit defeat. Once that happened, a timer would start to count to the end of the match. If the waifu on the team that lost a partner were able to knock out a waifu on the other side or got one to admit defeat, the timer would stop, and the war would continue as if it was a single battle. If time runs out or both waifus on one side were knocked out, the war would be over. The end timer went for 3 minutes once the first waifu was knocked out. Any waifus that were knocked out are teleported outside of the battle and cannot rejoin even if they recover before the 3 minutes are up.
I planned to have Trash-Chan take out Hadrian and Estouls to stall Beaufighter until the time was up. It sounded like a perfect plan, so I was sure something would go wrong.
The crowd cheered as the previous war ended. It was finally our time.
The four fighters stepped out onto the battlefield while the announcer riled up the crowd. Our opponents held themselves with confidence. They might think they're going to win.
We did have the element of surprise. Trash-Chan had only been in one war, and Estouls would have no record in the wars. Our opponents couldn't have done much research on us.
The bell rang, and the battle started. Just like predicted, Beaufighter immediately took to the sky. She wore a metal, mech-like set of wings just like Junkers wore when she fought. Estouls summoned his griffin and lance and took off to the sky after her. It came as a surprise as she was not prepared for his first strike. It landed on one of her wings, and she spun in the air for a moment before regaining control.
Trash-Chan charged at Hadrian with her Trash-Whip summoned. Hadrian fired several shots off. Trash-Chan zigzagged back and forth to avoid being hit while sprinting to Hadrian. Hadrian began to fall back and threw a grenade. Trash-Chan had to jump back to avoid getting hit by the explosion.
Up in the sky, Beaufighter backed up from Estouls and fired two rockets at him. His griffin gracefully dodged, and the missiles exploded on the invisible force field that protected the crowd. They cheered from the explosion as the forcefield became temporarily opaque where it was hit. Beaufighter began to fire a series of 20 mm rounds at the griffin. Estouls flew around over the crowd while the bullets' ripples chased behind him on the force field. He passed in front of our pod, and the spray of bullets caused a ripple pattern along the force field as they followed him. He continued to fly around, avoiding her attacks. Beaufighter turned looked in Trash-Chan's direction.
"Trash-Chan, be prepared for rockets from above!" I yelled. Sure enough, Beaufighter shot off two rockets. Trash-Chan leaped in the air, avoiding the first rocket's explosion, and snagged the second rocket with her Trash-Whip. She pulled the rocket, and it flew toward Hadrian, who appeared to scream and dove out of the way with a tug. It exploded on the ground where Hadrian had stood. Trash-Chan threw aside her now broken Trash-Whip and summoned a new one.
In the sky, Estouls took advantage of Beaufighter shooting off rockets and flew in for a strike. She was still paying attention, however, and gracefully avoided the spear. Estouls ended up flying past her. She shot a barrage of 20 mm bullets in Estouls back. The griffin changed its flight course to avoid being hit and went back to prevent a spray of bullets.
"Estouls, are you okay?" Osana-Chan asked. She was not too experienced with the Waifu Wars and probably thought the damage was severe.
"No need to worry, Milady, I don't even have a scratch." Estouls relayed. Osana-Chan let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey, this isn't looking so good," Shin-San said.
"We can still win this. Trash-Chan has the perfect opportunity to take down Hadrian," I said while looking down at my tablet. Trash-Chan's Trash Wave was already in the countdown. As I had suspected, the shells from Beaufighter's bullets would activate it.
"Trash-Chan, you have the wave coming up, but you might be able to take her down now."
"I'm on it!"
Trash-Chan charged at Hadrian, who was still on the ground after avoiding the rocket. Hadrian scrambled to stand up but ended up falling back down in her haste. Trash-Chan had this. All she needed to do was deliver a good blow.
Then, it started raining. Almost all at once, the rain came pouring down into the stadium. The crowd began to cheer again as the rain poured down on them.
Beaufighter's barrage stopped with the rain. Estouls stopped flying around and hovered in the sky. He looked all around for Beaufighter. She was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly a barrage of bullets went across the ground between Trash-Chan and Hadrian. Trash-Chan leaped back and looked up at the sky. We all looked up as well. For an instant, I saw Beaufigher's form as a black shadow before it disappeared. I looked around the sky for her.
"Milady, do you see her?" Estouls asked while he hovered his griffin in front of a wall.
"I don't see her anywhere!" Osana-Chan cried out as she frantically looked around the arena.
A barrage of bullets suddenly rained down from above onto Estouls griffin. The creature started to plummet. Estouls de-summoned it and crashed into the ground. He brushed off his armor while he stood back up. Once again, the shadow form of Beaufighter could only be seen for a moment before it disappeared.
I pulled out my tablet and began to look at Beaufighter's stats. 'Night Fighter' was one of the abilities.
"Damn, she can turn invisible in low visibility situations!" I exclaimed. It was just our luck that the fight would happen on a rainy day. "How long until Estouls can use his griffin?"
"It has a five-minute cooldown after being un-summoned," Osana-Chan relayed to me.
Just our luck, that was about an eternity in a fight like this. A barrage of bullets started hitting the ground, and Estouls barely leaped out of the way to avoid the strike. Once again, the shadow appeared for an instant before disappearing. As if to make things worse, Hadrian began to fly up in the air.
"We're in trouble here, Main-Kun," Trash-Chan said over our earpiece.
"I know, we need a way to deal with that 'Night Fighter' ability."
"Trash-Chan and Estouls, can you hear me?" Shin-San started talking into his earpiece.
"Loud and clear," Estouls said while barely dodging another barrage of bullets.
"Okay, 'Night Fighter' is a formidable ability, but Junkers has it, so I am familiar with it. Whenever she attacks, she will give herself away, and every time she does, she will be visible for longer before disappearing again. Additionally, her vision is being negatively affected while it is active. She's going to make sure to fly slowly and probably in a fixed pattern to avoid running into anything."
I watched the next series of barrages from Beaufighter. Each one started away from Estouls and swept in closer, giving Estouls enough time to dodge them. It seemed that she couldn't see very well, and sure enough, the seconds I saw her shadowy form increased with each attack. Something else also stood out.
"Estouls," I said, "It looks like she's flying in a counter-clockwise path around you. If you have any long-range attack, I think you could hit her."
"I don't have a long-range attack, but I can do something risky."
"Let's try it," Osana-Chan said. "Estouls, I believe you can do it."
"Ha, now I have to make sure I don't miss."
"Another barrage of bullets went after Estouls. He dodged with a somersault on the ground. We looked up to where the shadow was before it disappeared again. Estouls pulled back his arm with his long lance. He took a step forward and threw it at the sky. The crowd continued to cheer along. The spear gracefully flew through the air... and connected with something invisible in the sky. Sparks suddenly came out of nowhere as a form reappeared. Beaufighter went tumbling down and smashed into the ground. The crowd roared as Beaufighter was teleported out. A large buzzer sounded off, indicating the timer had started.
"Alright, Estouls, can you do that to the other one?" Shin-San excitedly yelled.
"Unfortunately, I cannot. I only have the one lance, and it just broke."
"What's the cooldown?" I asked Osana-Chan.
"7 minutes," she reported.
"It takes longer than the griffin?" I asked while not bothering to hide my shocked tone.
"It's a mighty lance that's not meant to be thrown..." Estouls relayed to us.
"Does this mean Estouls is defenseless?" I asked.
"I think it does," Osana-Chan confirmed.
We all looked up in the rainy sky at Hadrian. We had no way to take her down in this situation. She floated in the sky and slowly raised her right hand. In the distance, from far outside the arena, a black shadow began to break through the clouds. As it grew closer, it's form began to take shape. It was a full-sized Waco GC-4 glider, a real one and not a waifu. The glider came in from the sky as Hadrian began to float back down.
The glider gracefully touched down in the arena as Hadrian landed. It should not have been possible given the arena's shape, but it easily touched down with no issues. In an instant, the front opened up, and a group of soldiers poured out/ The rolled a 75 mm howitzer rolled out onto the field.
The soldiers were a group of identical figures. They each wore a green uniform with a green helmet and had a matching weapon set. They had no facial features and instead had a smooth area where their faces should be. As far as I could tell, they were identical. Hadrian held up her rifle and waved to the troops. Several donned the howitzer and aimed it at Estouls. He was unable to dodge as the shot was fired directly into him. His body slammed back against the wall of the arena.
"Estouls," Osana-Chan yelled out.
"It's okay, he's fine," Shin-San yelled to reassure her.
Estouls was teleported away. The glider also faded away as well as the soldiers began to surround Trash-Chan. She leaped over their heads as they fired shots off. Several soldiers looked like they got hit before disappearing.
"Trash-Chan, you have the Trash Wave. If you hit Hadrian, we should win," I yelled to her as she ran away from a barrage of bullets. I looked back to Hadrian; she was beginning to take off in the air again. The Trash Wave would be useless at this rate.
The soldiers shot off another round with the howitzer. The round flew just in front of Trash-Chan as she jumped back to avoid it.
She changed direction and began to charge at the soldiers. With her Trash Whip, she snagged the legs of one and used it to throw him at Hadrian, who awkwardly fell back to the ground as the soldier flew over her. Trash-Chan's whip disappeared again as she ran through the soldiers.
The soldiers open fired on Trash-Chan, this time hitting her with several rounds as she ran. She broke through and tackled Hadrian as she was trying to take to the sky again. They both landed on the ground as the soldiers surrounded them and pointed their rifles at Trash-Chan.
Hadrian struggled as she tried to push Trash-Chan off her. From around Trash-Chan, pieces of garbage started to appear as she prepared the wave. Hadrian suddenly stopped struggling and put her arms down. The bell rang to indicate victory as the soldiers and trash began to disappear. The crowd cheered as Trash-Chan was announced the winner.
I fell back into the chair and took a deep breath. Shin-San and Osana-Chan did the same. We looked back and forth at each other.
Shin-San began to laugh. I don't know why, but we joined in with him.
"We won!" he shouted through his laughter.
We first reunited with Trash-Chan and Estouls. They were tired from the event but didn't seem too bad otherwise.
"Estouls! Are you okay?" Osana-Chan shouted. She began to circle Estouls looking for wounds.
"Milady, no need to worry. It was only a 75 mm shell."
"I'm so glad you're okay!" she yelled through tears as she hugged him. We were joined by the rest of the Naka family and my sister while she cried. In a short while, Marigold came out with Junkers following behind her.
"Junkers!" the whole family seemed to shout in unison as they all, kids and adults, ran to her and gave her an enormous group hug. She embraced them.
"I'm back," she said softly.
The silent guard that escorted us produced a bowl of water and a table and placed it in front of Marigold. She began to wash her hands in it, then flicked the water off.
"That's it. I'm done with that troublemaker. I never want to see her again," she spat. The Waifu Services walked away, leaving the bowl and table behind.
I sighed and looked at Trash-Chan.
"I know you don't get harmed in the wars, but I still feel the need to ask. Are you okay? You got shot a couple of times."
She smiled and gave me the peace sign.
"Absolutely no problem," she said. I smiled back.
"Alright, let's go home."
The entire group of us that had entered together now walked out with Junkers in tow.
The following is a series of selected transcripts between Marigold and Junkers Ju 88. The conversations took place over the phone between Junkers Ju 88 in her room and Marigold at the front desk while Junkers stayed with Waifu Services.
Call 1
Marigold: Hello, this is Marigold at the front desk. How can I help you?
Junkers: Oh, Marigold-Chan. I need help. The beds you have in this facility are too hard!
Marigold: Let's see... Room 408. So, you would be Junkers Ju 88?
Junkers: Yes, that I am.
Marigold: Well, it should be no problem getting you a more comfortable bed. Is there anything else we can do to make you more comfortable?
Junkers: Vell, that will be okay for now.
Marigold: Alright, I have put in an order for a new bed. It should arrive later today.
Junkers: *chuckles* Very good. I look forward to it.
Call End
Call 2
Marigold: Hello, this is Marigold at the front desk. How can I help you?
Junkers: Marigold-Chan, this new bed is too soft now!
Marigold: Huh, is this Junkers Ju 88?
Junkers: Oh, Marigold-Chan, I think I really need a hammock to be able to sleep. That is what I used back home.
Marigold: Well, that shouldn't be a problem at all. I will send one of our agents to the local store to buy one.
Junkers: No Marigold-Chan, it has to be a silk hammock freshly voven and scented with the extract from roses!
Marigold: Uh, Junkers Ju 88, with all respect, that would be a little hard to find...
Junkers: It is not too hard to find; they can be imported directly from France at this moment.
Marigold: By wouldn't that be a little expensive?
Junkers: Well, I can certainly head back home to get some more comfortable sleep, if you vould like.
Marigold: *sigh* I will see what I can do.
Call End
Call 10
Marigold: Please, Junkers Ju 88, I have to do some other work.
Junkers: *chuckles* Don't vorry, Marigold-Chan, this will be a quick call.
Marigold: What is it?
Junkers: I have unfortunately spilled some of that Italian red vine on my lovely hammock.
Marigold: So, you stained it?
Junkers: I am afraid stained is an understatement; the vole thing is dyed red now.
Junkers: It was a bad call to buy a vite one.
Marigold: So, are you trying to tell me you want a new one?
Junkers: That's my Marigold-Chan! You always are on top of things. Vell, I look forward to receiving it.
Marigold: Wait! We had to fly someone to France to get that the first time!
Call End
Call 37
Marigold: Please Junkers Ju 88. Call someone else.
Junkers: Well, I tried, but they just sent me your vay.
Marigold: Who sent you?
Junkers: Well, let's see: There was Azumi-Chan in security, Kioshi-Kun in security, Masashi-Kun in accounting, and Taiyo-Kun in engineering.
Marigold: How did you get a hold of all these people.
Junkers: Well, I interact vith Azumi-Chan and Kioshi-Kun a lot...
Marigold: Kioshi-San doesn't even talk; how did he tell you to call me?
Junkers: He vrote it down. I still have it here 'Please bother Marigold vith all your frivolous requests'
Marigold: That does sound like something he would write... Damn, I can't believe he did that, though.
Junkers: So, anyway. I was vondering if I could get some excellent speakers to listen to classical music with?
Marigold: I just personally brought you up some speakers!"
Junkers: Yeah, they veren't strong enough to play music at the volume I had it.
Marigold: Fine, I will bring some up to you...
Call End
This concludes the list of selected calls from the first day that Junkers Ju 88 took up temporary residence at the Waifu Services Office Building.
- In Serial175 Chapters
The not-immortal Blacksmith
The story of a young blacksmith who helped the Isekai Hero defeat the Demon Lord. This is NOT the story of them killing the demon lord, this is the story of blacksmiths life, after the Hero returns to earth. Updates on Monday and Thursday.
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Hundred Worlds
A story about finding oneself in an ever changing reality and new alternate reality. Follow the MC as he tries to live up to his convictions and the changes he makes when he realizes he has strayed away from his path...
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Demons of Humanity
‼️ Long hiatus to improve myself‼️ Times were calm until terror struck, demons, the embodiment of evil, began attacking humanity. In response angels from the sky blessed and supported humans by granting them the power of magic. One man especially, a chosen one, almost single handedly fought the demons and became regarded as a hero. Decades later, demons continue to bring pain and suffering, but humans continue to fight back with their new powers. A child would come to understand the hatred towards demons after having his home ravaged by demons, losing his family in the process. Somehow, a miracle protected him, a mysterious man saved the child under him. Years pass, and the kid grew up talent and latent ability completely Separate from the rest, almost inhuman. And embarked on his revenge. *I dont own the art, its by Lee hu Kwang on Artstation the other image was found on Pinterest: 4b80b0bd7b86c5293ad1&_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.ca%2Famp%2Fpin%2F408490628706086374%2F*
8 192 - In Serial105 Chapters
Apostle of the Goddess
A disappointed man dreams of leaving the confines of Earth and living adventures in fantastic realms...Suddenly, his wish is granted... Albeit in a far different way from what he could have expected. An isekai genre story with a few elements from LitRPG. The overall tone will be jumping back and forth from light to dark. Expect a lot of references to anime, manga, games, etc.It is written in first-person view and will contain a side-story using a "real-life" character. Initially, the MC will be writing the story as a true journal, so the prologue and first chapters may appear a mess of things that already happened, journal entries, and afterthoughts. A few chapters in, it will change into a normal, first-person manner retelling of what happened (storywise the character "Records" what happened to him). This is a side project of mine, so I will be uploading a few chapters per month. Chapters may have a severe difference in length (albeit I will try to maintain them around 3k), but expect the overall monthly word count to be not less than 15k words.Author recommendation, if you intend to follow the story, read the new updates once a month (counting from the day the first chapter is uploaded). Content Warning: I do intend to include a few disturbing moments to emphasize the darkness of the human (and other beings) nature, so please consider that even though some chapters (especially the starting ones) are kinda like a comedy routine.
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Chicos de Kof reaccionan a....
Son chats donde algunos chicos de Kof reaccionan a cualquier cosa.Ejemplo:Que no te bañaste o te tiraste un pedo jsjsj pueden pedir a lo que reaccionen jejejeLos personajes no me pertenecenLe pertenecen a SNKLas imágenes no son mías créditos a sus respectivos autores
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❝ i see things that nobody else sees ❞YG's top girl group, BLACKPINK, are not exactly what they seem to be. What happens if the curtains close? [ BOOK 1 OFTHE DOLLHOUSESERIES. ] ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: 2017RE-PUBLISHED: 2020
8 146