《Wonderland: Origin Arc [Script]》4.2 - After Hours


[The van parks just outside of a quiet coffee shop called “Afterhours”. The shop is mostly full inside, bustling with business and conversation, however the outside is rather barren. There are three white plastic tables, all with two chairs by them. Only one has a customer being Alice, wearing a white shirt with roses across it and jeans and bare feet. On her table, there are three cups of coffee. She sees the van park and smiles, getting up from the chair. Hoping out from the passenger side is Humphrey, who immediately smiles to Alice. Marshall gets out, walking around the front.]

Marshall: Now, I realise you two haven’t met yet but this-

[Alice walks over and hugs Humphrey.]

Alice: Pleasure to finally meet you Humph.

Humphrey: And you! How’s he keeping?

Alice: Marshall? Same as usual.

[Marshall stares at the two in surprise, Alice winking to him over the shoulder. The hug breaks.]

Alice: Take a seat then, if ya staying.

[Alice sits back down as Humphrey turns to Marshall, still surprised.]

Marshall: [confused] Um, sorry, how did-

Humphrey: We met in a chatroom. Come on, Marshall, take a seat

[Humphrey pulls a chair over from another table and sits down. Marshall very hesitantly sits in the free seat and rests his hands on the table.]

Marshall: Okay then… okay then.

Alice: I already ordered us three coffees, I hope that’s alright.

Humphrey: Sorry, um… not to be rude, but I’m not a fan of coffee.

Alice: That’s fine! Don’t worry!

[Alice very eagerly skids Humphrey’s coffee cup in front of her.]

Alice: I am quite the coffee fan!

[She gives a happy giggle as she starts to drink. Humphrey starts to get up.]

Humphrey: I’ll just run and get some-

[Marshall quickly gets up.]


Marshall: No, I’ll do it! I insist, I’m the one that invited you here!

Humphrey: But-

[Marshall shushes Humphrey, moving to the door. Humphrey slowly sits down.]

Marshall: No buts! I’m doing this for a friend, it’s the least I can do!

[He enters the coffee shop, Alice giving a scoff as she turns to Humphrey. He smiles at her again.]

Alice: Y’know… I haven’t seen him that happy to see someone in a long time.

Humphrey: Well… I suppose that it’s helpful that he invited me here. To do a job, bare in mind.

Alice: Oh I am, don’t worry. I do have a question, if you don’t mind me asking. It’s kinda been eating me up since Marshall called you.

Humphrey: [chuckling] Alice, ask away. I am nothing but an open book!

Alice: How the hell do you know Marshall? Only time I’ve met people that he’s known has either been from the old team we’re trying to kill or people coming to HIM!

Humphrey: Oh, well that’s simple! We went to school together.

[Alice chuckles, drinking some more.]

Alice: Really? Because I presumed he just came out of the womb and stabbed the surgeon.

Humphrey: [chuckling] Well no! Sadly no, I wish that was true. No… we met in primary school, we’ve always been friends.

[Alice leans over, getting close. Humphrey closes the distance, clearly entertained.]

Alice: [whispering] But you have a superpower!

Humphrey: [whispering] Yes I do.

Alice: [whispering] You shoulda joined the team!

[Humphrey rests his hands on the table.]

Humphrey: [whispering] Alice, I’m disabled. I couldn’t help as much as you think.

[The two pull away from each other, getting comfy in their seats. Humphrey relaxes and leans back.]

Humphrey: Besides! When did you turn up? 2008? ‘09?

[Alice nods.]


Humphrey: Exactly! You missed the college years.

[Humphrey gives a wink and a smirk. Alice is about to ask another question when Marshall comes out with another cup.]

Marshall: Hot chocolate, that still your favourite?

Humphrey: [excited] Oh yes! Gimme!

[Marshall hands Humphrey the drink and sits down. Alice slowly smiles as she watches Humphrey drinking.]

Marshall: So then, did I miss anything?

Alice: [smug] No, of course not, just asking questions.

Marshall: Like what? Hell, I can probably answer half of them.

Alice: [smug] Well… I was just curious when Humph was getting married.

[Humphrey does a partial spit-take into his cup, Marshall looking at him in shock. Marshall shares a look between the two as he places the hot chocolate on the table, sighing.]

Humphrey: Well it was meant to be a surprise but...

[He smiles to the two, holding up the back of his hand and showing a golden ring on his ring finger. Marshall smiles immediately, leaning in to look at it.]

Marshall: [surprised] Oh my god!

Humphrey: Thanks Alice.

[She winks at him.]

Marshall: [surprised] When did this happen? And why wasn’t I invited?

Humphrey: [happy] I swear that I tried to call you! Let you know! You must’ve changed your phone number!

Marshall: [surprised] When was it?

Humphrey: [happy] This summer! In June! It was a very spur of the moment decision, I was in… I believe it was Vegas with June…

Alice: Yeah, you already said June.

Humphrey: Oh no! June Duncan, Mrs Duncan. She’s an art teacher, you’d love her, she is beautiful and artistically a genius. Hell, she made even made this happen!

[He points to the ring, smiling. He pulls his hand back, gently rubbing the ring while keeping the smile.]

Humphrey: We’d been together for a while and just thought… “Well why not?”

Marshall: I’m happy for you, Humphrey.

Humphrey: Yeah, so am I.

[He clears his throat, readjusting himself in the chair.]

Humphrey: Hardly had much else going on outside of married life and contracts.

Alice: [quickly] Oh right! The contract! The kids! We’re going to need a plan for that.

Humphrey: Oh, no worry at all! I planned it all on the way here, it’s sorted.

Alice: What…

[She turns to Marshall for confirmation, responding with a smug smile.]

Alice: Wait, seriously? You’ve barely been here ten minutes!

Marshall: He’s a fast worker.

Humphrey: Indeed. Now then, that group… I believe it’s a case of protecting two and killing the rest?

Marshall: Exactly.

Alice: I think he’s gone a bit soft…

Marshall: [defensive] I’m not.

Humphrey: [chuckling] That’s what I said!

Marshall: [defensive] Hey, I’m not!

Humphrey: Anyway! The easiest target, by far, is Mister Gary Edward Gray. Apparently in the lightning storm yet has no current power, making him the current target.

Alice: Well how are you going to get him?

Humphrey: Well I contacted the College and simply said “Hello, I’m the substitute” with the hopes they’d need one. Apparently they have a position for the counselling sessions and Mister Gray has signed himself up for an hour each week. Now it is…

[Humphrey pulls down his right sleeve and checks a watch on his wrist, smiling.]

Humphrey: Roughly ten minutes past twelve and his appointment is scheduled for one o’clock. If Marshall would care to give me a lift to work after our drinks it would be much appreciated.

[He starts to chug his hot chocolate. Alice turns to Marshall, jaw slightly agape.]

Alice: [surprised] He has been here… about fifteen minutes.

Marshall: Yeah… he’s that good.

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