《Strongest Shinobi》Land of the Rain


For Team Tsunade they got the easiest mission which ended up being healing injured shinobi from Konoha attacking the land of rain, because Tsunade was known to be a medical nin she was chosen by the Hokage for this mission, they were to leave straight away and reach a small outpost Konoha has outside the Land of Rain that's being led by Yami Tama the father of Dakusodo, before leaving like all the other groups they all got black mask and the flak vest the reasoning was the same as Team Jiraiya and Team Orochimaru, while running towards the outpost on the border of the Land of Rain Tsunade was telling me (Shinrin, Kushina and Anko what to watch out for and she also said that she'll be teaching us some medical jutsu that can used for healing fellow ninja from konoha but also an offensive one that allows us to direct chakra to our fist which allows us to hit harder than normal, with that we were all excited to learn new jutsu that can help us save people but also fight people, when we reached the outpost we had greeted the fellow shinobi there than made our way to the general’s room, in the room was a dark skinned man, with a scar on his left eye and a ruff beard his name was Yami Tama the father of Dakusodo when we entered we could feel the deathly aura that was around this man and the murder intent coming from him, Yami is known as the deadly blade of Konoha who which earned this name from killing thousands of shinobi during the first shinobi world war and also fighting against a kage level shinobi escaping only losing his left eye in the process, what is known about this man is close to none because he rarely talks to anyone but he has proven the upmost loyalty towards Konoha so nobody expects him of being a traitor in anyway, when we entered Tsunade told us to bow towards the man in front of them and we did imediately, Tsunade being up front and in the middle said [Greetings Mr. Tama, we're here to help heal the ninjas from our village that are injured in their battle against the Land of Rain shinobi] Hearing this Yami said [Ok] with a deep voice then gave them permission to leave the room with a wave of his hand, when we finally left the room we were all finally able to breath properly again, while I was in that room for a little over 45 seconds I almost passed out from suffocating just from his aura while thinking all of that I asked Sensei Tsunade a question saying [Sensei is that Dakusodo father we just talked to?] she said [Yes, if your around that man in the future make sure you do everything he says down to the smallest details, also make sure you never end up on his list of targets or ever betray the village because that's the man they send to kill you before you leak any information to other villages] Hearing that I thought maybe that why Dakusodo is so strong only being 7 years old and then I asked Sensei Tusnade another question asking [Sensei do you think Dakusodo will ever be stronger than his father?] She looked at me and said [There’s no doubt about it that he’ll be stronger than his father after a certain time in his life] She responded in a serious tone while looking at me, after leaving we went to the infirmary were they had about 5 nurses trying to take care of 20 plus people after Sensei Tsunade seen this she immediately summoned her slugs and each one made their way to an injured shinobis body and starting healing them seeing this I asked Sensei [What is your summon I never seen one before?] Sensei replied [It’s the slugs from Shikkotsu Forest and you need a large reservoir of chakra to be able to train in the arts of summoning them it’s not as easy as you think to get a summon like this, but maybe one day you three might get lucky and get to train in a form of sage arts, but let's stop talking about this and let me show you the way to heal these injured shinobi first] Saying that Sensei gave us a quick lesson how to use medical jutsu she had first said we need to be able to control our chakra extremely well before we even started to train this medical ninjutsu, since we all met the requirements we then proceeded to learn a technique called Healing technique which allows us to gather healing chakra in our hands and move over the injured parts of a ninjas body healing them overtime also a technique that only me and Kushina could learn because we have water chakra is Medical Water Release: Jellyfish which allows us to store chakra in a water jellyfish and have it latch on to someone injured allowing chakra to spread around the injured shinobis body allowing it to heal quicker. While Tsunade was healing a shinobi’s arm, me Kushina and Anko were taking a walk around talking about how Dakusodo father was scary and how we learned some new jutsu and how were going to learn another after walking around fo a while we were just about to return back to Sensei Tsunade when a group of ninja attacked us, seeing that were being attacked instead of calling for help straight away we tried to fight them ourselves there were 6 of them and three of us and they quickly surrounded us and seemed to know our location so it seems we have been betrayed by some from Konoha [Interesting] I thought after waiting to see what they’ll do I used my wood style: Great Forest Technique and turn my arm into 6 sharp spear and I start attacking all of them simultaneously while they’re trying to dodge all of my attacks, Kushina uses her water style: Water Whip and attacks three of the assassins and they end up being hit to the ground breaking a few ribs after a hard hit, the last three assassins seeing that they were not outnumbering them anymore but actually have the same number now and they saw that their friends were caught by the the three little people they decided to flee because they had no chance of winning but before they could run away they were stopped in their tracks by what it seemed to be like a shadow, the shadow attacked so fast that me, Kushina and Anko couldn’t see what happened but after the attack the shadow left, what could be seen from the assassins bodies is that they're head was cut off at such a fast speed that it stayed in place until the three bodies ended up falling down, when I seen this I was completely shocked but I had had to stay focused on the task at hand, I told Anko to call Sensei Tsunade which she did while I was about to check on the bodies of the other three assassins that Kushina hit down a small explosion happened and they're body exploded, I was guessing that it was a fail safe incase they died and anybody that tried to look at they're body may die from the explosion or at least get injured, after the explosion went off Sensei Tsunade was already running outside and the shinobi in the outpost came outside to see what the explosion was, when they came out all they seen was six burnt bodies and three masked black masked ninja in the middle of the whole situation, but they seen that the three black masked ninja were from their village but they still had to be cautious because they didn't know if they were enemy or foe, before the situation go any worse for me, Kushina, Sensei Tsunade finally came out with Anko and cleared up the situation to the other shinobi in the area them believing Sensei Tsunade allowed us to leave the area without being questioned by everyone, when we finally got inside we got a call from Yami Tama to come meet him when we reached inside like last time we all had trouble breathing so I explained the situation quick saying [Me, Anko and Kushina were walking around and we were surrounded by assassins is what it seemed like, while I was keeping them busy Anko and Kushina dealt with three of them but the other three tried to flee that when they were stopped by a mysterious shadow and had their head cut off and such a fast speed, then after a while all their bodies blew up leaving no clue on who theses assassins were] After saying that I was losing my breath quickly Yami seeing that took away his murder intent and I was finally able to breath again he then looked at me then noded his head and waved his hand signalling us we can leave, getting outside the room Sensei Tsunade congratulaated us on defeating out first enemies and then decided to show us the jutsu that she was talking about.

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