《Strongest Shinobi》1 Year Training - Minato Perspective Last Part


After fighting with Sokko and watching Dakusodo and Sakkaku fight also watching Shinrin and Kushina fight I now know my flaws and what I need to work on to bring my skill level up to the next level and bring me closer to Dakusodo and Sakkaaku in terms of fighting ability and chakra level, after getting the soul technique and having the earth chakra nature shinobi from our village use the Light Weight Rock Technique to apply more gravity pressure to make it harder for us to train are body but also helps us train speed, attack speed and chakra level was something that I was extremely grateful for and I thanked Teacher Kantoku after every class, while also doing the training at school I was also practicing my kunai skills with Dukasodo and Sakkaku every time I got the chance because they are both the best close combat students in the whole class so I would naturally would want to train with them even though they have the reach advantage with their katana and short katana I still made up with it because of my reflexes so while training with them I didn't receive any serious or fatal injuries only minor ones which could be healed in a day or two, and with the help of Dakusodo and Sakkaku even though they don't talk much I practiced the same kind of chakra release they had, and within the first three months I created my own Wind-Lightning Style Chakra Release which my lightning was yellow, and surrounded myself with my wind chakra and then yellow lightning enveloped the wind chakra with sparks of lightning and I was happy with my first creation not just because it looked cool but also it boosted my speed, strength, and reflexes by four, for the amount of time I have the Chakra Release on which shocked me the most, and I was even more happy when I heard Dukasodo say that with my new Chakra Release on i’m even faster than him with his on which made me proud of my natural born speed, when I wasn’t training with Dakusodo and Sakkaku I was at home with 500 pound weights training my speed at every second I got because I know my speed and reflexes in a real fight would be chance to obtain victory and if the enemy is too strong to flee and return later, so for this reason I started to wear 500 pounds ankle bracelets to class and also had the gravity lowered so it would harder for me to walk on run, even though it was painful training for the whole year I can gladly say that i’m tied for being second fastest in the class first being a next tie between Dukasodo and Sokko who has the swift release Kekkei Genkai which I wish I had to improve my speed even more but with training I believe by the time I graduate I can be the fastest in the my class. The type of Jutsu and techniques I learned throughout this year of training was few between all my chakra natures which makes me extremely versatile the first jutsu I learned was lightning release: False Darkness which shoots out lightning from my mouth and pierces my enemy and from testing it the piercing ability is amazing I even shoot through a rock! But the time it took me to master was one month I was practicing this and my Wind-Lightning Style Chakra Release together. The second jutsu was fire release: Great Fireball Jutsu I picked it up from Sakkaku after seeing him use it and I asked if he can teach it to me and just gave me a simple nod with a smile, which freaked me out at first but after hanging out with him for a bit now I got use to his and Dakusodo creepiness, learning that jutsu took me three months to master it, for my wind nature chakra I learned wind release: Air bullets which allowed me to shoot air bullets out my mouth that causes good damage to so I wasn’t unhappy about learning it and for my last one I learnt a Sensing Technique which allows me to detect and track down chakra signatures while im going on missions in the future. Throughout this year of training my chakra level has reached the high level of Elite Chunin without actually being a Chunin yet and who I have to thank for this are the shinobi from Konoha, Dakusodo and Sakkaku even though they are both usually quiet they still helped me throughout this year of training, during the last class of the year I was with Sokko, Shinrin and Kushina who I like now and we were talking about how strong we all have gotten throughout this year Sokko was telling me how he learned my Wind-Lightning Style Chakra Release that I created and that his lightning was white which made me think [Maybe he’s special too?] but I didn’t bother thinking too much about, he then told me learned a few other jutsu but I just looked at him smiling at not caring for a word he was saying, but I couldn't handle how much he was talking and how fast so but he ended up being told by Shinrin to slow down and which he did and I started to understand better, and from what I can tell from his chakra level he a low tier Elite Chunin the weakest but the fastest out of the top six in the academy, for Shinrin she said that she reached the peak of the Elite Shinobi like Sakkaku which didn’t really surprise me because she’s a Senju but I was still happy for her in the end she also said she was learning how to better control her wood release along with her water and earth release saying she made a breakthrough which again I was also happy for again, lastly we had Kushina while she was talking I was paying complete attention not compared to when I wasn’t listening to Sokko, from what she said her chakra level is at the Elite Chunin mid tier and that didn't surprise me in the slightest I already knew she was strong since she can go toe to toe with Shinrin, she was also talking about the jutsu that she learned which was like my Wind-Lightning Style Chakra Release but instead of lightning it was fire that combined with her wind nature to provide a Fire-Wind Style Chakra Release after she took some directives on how I came up with my Wind-Lightning Style Chakra Release and turned it into her own she then said she learned a sealing jutsu called Enclosing Technique which allows her to seal ninjutsu in a scroll which can be opened at her command or when it reaches a certain condition she said that it only took two weeks because her Uzamaki clan is proficient in sealing jutsu. A month later they year was done and all of us turned 7 and went into the new year,

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