《Strongest Shinobi》Final Match Shinrin Senju vs. Kushina Uzamaki


After that match everyone was surprised even Teacher Kantoku he thought to himself [Taking advantage of Sokko panicking Minato took the perfect opportunity to attack while his enemy is not paying attention and what's even more surprising is that he used the Shadow Clone Jutsu which is extremely hard to learn but for someone his age learning proves he’s a genius, but Sokko surprised me too being faster than Minato but also controlling the tempo at the start of the match before gradually losing is also good, seems like this generation could be the best generation of Konoha shinobi] while thinking to himself, Tsunade asked if Shinrin and Kushina can fight and he agreed immediately. Walking to the stage was The two best female students in the academy and everyone knew that, Tsunade knowing that the obvious winner of the match is Shinrin because of her high chakra amount, wood release and Senju blood running through her, but she also wanted to see what Kushina could do against an opponent that is far above her caliber and how she would react, everyone had their bets on Shinrin someone in the crown told everyone [Shinrin is going to win there’s no chance that she can lose to Kushina!] he said with complete confidence, it’s not that everyone wanted Kushina to lose it was just that she was going up against a Senju clan member, who is born with the wood release and an immense amount of chakra even close to reaching Dakusodo at her young age, they only have two people that can rival her at her age and that is Dakusodo and Sakkaku. Off in the distance was Dakusodo watching the upcoming match, he already knew the outcome so he didn't bother staying, he wanted to practice a jutsu that he seen Darui use in Naruto Lightning Style: Black panther, but since he doesn't have black lightning it would be Lightning Style: Purple panther he then left the academy to start practicing. Only people from the original group of six was left was Minato who wanted to see how Kushina would fight against Shinrin because he had a little bit of feelings for Kushina because of her red hair and her dreams of being Hokage which he also wanted to be to, and Sokko wasn’t watching because of the injuries he sustained after fighting Minato. In the middle of the ring was Shinrin and Kushina facing off with each other, before the fight started Kushina told her with confidence that [I’m not going to go out without even if you have Senju blood running through your veins!] she then put her kunai in her hand and stared fiercely at Shinrin, Shinrin in her mind knew that she was already going to win but also wanted to see her female competition in her class, with her eyes closed Shinrin started to feel all the wood energy around her and turned her hand into a wooden staff, Tsunade said to the [Perfect control of her chakra, nothing less should be expected from a Senju wood release user] said casually, meanwhile Orochimaru was thinking about how he can get a bit of her DNA and chakra for his research because of the similarities between Shinrin and Hashirama Senju which could possibly give him a breakthrough in his research. Surprisingly Kushina attack Shinrin first, she blocked it easily but the recoil she felt shocked her she didn’t know Kushina had a strong physical body that was able to make her move back after one hit which made her even more happy to have her first rival, while watching Tsunade was also happy because their was another female with strong physical strength just like her in this village even the other students were shocked saying things like [Wow I never knew she was this strong before], [I should stop calling her Tomato she’s very scary] or [I never knew a girl could be this strong, I only thought it was Lady Tsunade who was unreasonably strong for a girl] after attack Shinrin Kushia backed of and used water style: Gunshot which she created five orb-shaped projectiles using her water chakra and aimed them towards Shinrin, to counter this Shinrin easily used wood style: Great Forest Technique which then she created a shield to block this attack, then decided to create wooden spears to counter attack Kushina, Kushina seeing this coming user water style: Water whip to hit away the incoming spears, Shinrin seeing it's a stalemate decided to say [Kushina you’re stronger than I thought i’m glad to call you my rival], Kushina hearing smiled then used water style: Water Whip to start attacking Shinrin aggressively leaving no room to counter attack only going on the defensive, seeing this people started to think if Kushina was really going to beat Shinrin, Kantoku on side even shook his head thinking [ How could I think an Uzamaki couldn’t go head to head with a Senju, but it’s still surprising that Kushina is making Shinrin take the defensive in this spar] Shinrin thinking about a way to counter attack suddenly used wood style: Wood Clone Technique to try and get behind Kushina , Kushina seeing that she was now just attacking a wooden clone immediately turned around and used water style: Gunshot because she felt a presence behind her, a minor explosion happened with the jutsu and wooden spear colliding rapidly. Kushina seeing the slight hesitation from Shinrin used her only fire jutsu fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu which looked like one fireball but split into 4 others while she’s controlling the direction using her chakra, seeing this Shinrin thought [It’s over if she doesn't see this jutsu coming at her] at this moment Shinrin used her only water jutsu water style: Water Mirror Technique and created four mirrors covering her two sides, back and front with this the four fireballs coming at her reflected off the mirror and shot back at Kushina faster than the jutsu she used herself, immediately Kushina used water style: Water Clone and dodge the attacks coming at her, Shinrin seeing this was mad but happy at the same time she thought just because she has Senju blood and wood release she would immediately win but Kushina showcase today proved her wrong, at the same time both Kushina and Shinrin said I forfeit and shocked everyone their, when they both said this they were both arguing saying why they forfeited Kushina said I used up all my chakra and can’t do anything else and Shinrin said she was too cocky and accepts defeat, Minato seeing this broke them up and asked Teacher Kantoku to please decide the result, hearing this Kantoku said [It’s a draw between both of them], the said quietly towards both of them [Good job today] then walked back to the sidelines.

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