《Strongest Shinobi》Training part 3


During the last two months before I apply for the academy I finally start training in the second stage of the Lightning Chakra Release with this my body strength increased massively, I went from 400 pounds to 650, I can now do 560 push ups 680 squats, I can run nonstop for 14 km, and now i’ve reached the the point where I can do 2500 sword swings each arm, also I practiced a new S-rank technique that was used by Sauske the Chidori Katana which allows me to direct my electricity onto my sword and attack with it, for right now until im able to fully control it, so untilI can control it will be my hidden trump card against stronger opponents, the next thing I got was a sword that father Yumi gave to me it is the same exact type of sword he has on him it can change the form of the sword with a thought which makes this weapon extremely useful and when i'm not fighting i can wear the weapon as a ring on my finger and it won't be too obvious as to what it is, the next thing I realized was that my lightning is a dark purple color most likely has to do with my dark release well that is my examination so far of the situation but also I learned a two C-Class Jutsu one was Water Clone Technique and Water Prison Technique which will both come in handy in school and the future and during this last month the amount of enemies of both villages i’ve killed has been many but during the last month they upgraded the amount of ninja surrounding the village so it makes it nearly impossible to kill and get a freely without having to look back. During the last month before I turn six and head to the academy I start fighting with father Yami while have 250 pound weights on at first every time I attacked I was nearly killed each punch he threw at me because the force behind them was too strong and I couldn't dodge in time until the last week I was finally able to dodge on an inconsistent basis but at least I was finally able to dodge the punches and alleviate the pain I was receiving each time me and father had a spar. Well I have one more week before I go to the academy and I can say that their will be no child in my class and in the academy will come close to me in anything except for minato in speed but after that no one in the academy will be able to come close to me my chakra level is at least at a Elite Chunin close to Jonin level my speed is at a Elite Chunin level close to jonin, my strength is at a Jonin level and my ability to cast jutsu and fight is probably able to go against some Jonin in the village, but all I can say for right now i’m an overpowered kid i’ve been training since I was four and now i’m six during the last two years all I have been doing is killing, and training which at first I wasn't fine with it but then I grew up and you can say that i’ve grown cold and immune to blood splatter and murder which on my other world I wasnt, but I guess this is the ninja world isnt it, [I cant show any sign of weakness] I thought to myself [Or else my enemies and people from Konoha will take me as week person!]. Well today I finally turned six the first thing I did when I woke up was a light workout like always and then I showed my greetings to father Yami and then we went to the academy to register me, while walking we receive a bunch of looks from other children and their fathers and you can hear some of the whispers like [They look strong], or [If you have Yami son in your class, make sure you dont bother him, from what I heard his father Yami is a ruthless killer and most likely that passed on to his son too], we reached the academy and signed up, the first person I saw was Minato Namikaze and that surprised me I didn't expect to see him here, but then I also seen Kushina of the Uzamaki clan, and from what I picked up from my surrounding is that there is someone called Sakkaku of the Uchiha who has apparently unlocked his Sharingan already but what is even more rare is that it was the three tomoe which can be said he is the genius of genius in the Uchiha clan, and Shinrin of the Senju clan who apparently has the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai which is a surprise to me, and lastly Sokko of the Hatake Clan and to my surprise were all in the same class, class A being taught by Kantoku of the Hyuga Clan.

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