《Strongest Shinobi》First Time


What Dakusodo father Yami did shocked him. When we left, we went immediately to the woods and made our way towards Amegakure the village hidden by rain, on our way their we ran into a group of 4 elite chunin and one jonin and what father said shocked me, he said before going to kill them [This is where the hunt begins] and I looked at him in a crazed expression, but what happened next shocked me even the more, it looked like the sword he pulled from his back morphed into a bigger type of sword comparable to Kasami’s Samehada and in one slash they all go their legs taken off but they didn’t die as of yet, but when I seen this seen I was even more surprised I thought to myself [I knew he was strong but this is beyond what I thought it seems my dad's level is comparable to someone like a prime Jiraiya but a tad bit weaker] and I looked at this scene with horror because I’ve never seen blood this up close before even in my other world and I for sure haven’t seen 5 peoples legs cut off, when I first seen the scene I vomited and in the corner of my eye I seen my shake his like he was disappointed in me, but what can he expect i'm only a kid aren't I? Yami then told me to come over and steal all their chakra and with this I looked at him with and wondered [How many peoples chakra has he taken, at the same time I don't even know how to take their chakra], he then told me to try and concentrate my dark release bloodline limit to my palm and put my palm on the enemies forehead, with that after a few tries I finally did it and I seen two things that were like two diamonds intersected with that I walked up to the 5 legless shinobi who already looked especially the chunin, but the jonin was still awake and the look on his face made it seem like he was looking at the devil, so I put him out of his demise and stole all his chakra until he was skin and bones and I did that to the rest of them, after that my father Yami got rid of the bodies and we returned home, when we got back we didn’t say one word to each other but he did say you feel it don't you and I knew exactly what he was talking about, it seemed after I absorbed their chakra it combined with mine and made me stronger but I was also in pain because their chakra was way larger than mine but I held out until I reached my bed and fell asleep. In the morning when I woke up I felt a different type of energy within I felt stronger than yesterday and I know exactly why but it still seems like the foreign chakra is still inside of me and causing me some pain with that I got the courage and asked Yami he told me he’s going to start training me until I graduate from the academy and with that my new journey begins in the naruto world the path to power.

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