《Under a Harey Moon》Chapter 12– Training Begins
Feeling him waking up and look around his unfamiliar environment shook Val just enough to wake her up. With sleep still in her eyes, she looked over to the man she now shares her home with, and smiled wider than she thought possible. She inched up next to him to give him a tighter squeeze. She also hooked her leg around him to get even closer. She couldn’t help the small airy chuckle as she felt his stiffening dick press against her leg in response to the breasts against his chest and a certain dampness on his torso that could only be from her.
“Good morning Jakey,” she greeted him with a kiss, “Feeling better this morning?”
“Yeah, sorry. What happened?” He replied returning the kiss.
“Well, when Master Bear gave the [LycanPup] class to you, it must have triggered something. As soon as you accepted it, your eyes rolled back in your head, and you collapsed. I only barely caught you. Wolfe gave you a chair, and then got back to his paperwork. Not long after he rushed off, and returned shortly after with a key ring holding 2 keys on it. I had just barely pulled you back to your feet, with and arm around my shoulder when you moved your head to me and whispered something like ‘sorry for being a trouble’. Before I could check if you were awake, you transformed into a rabbit, and fell on your face again. At least it was easier to pick you up now. I brought you here, locking both the front door and the door to the bedroom behind us, and put you down on the bed. When I told you we were home and alone you became human, rolled over so you were face up and started snoring. I got a bite from the kitchen, came back up here, changed myself, stripped us both down for comfort, and joined you in bed. There’s not much else to tell. Any idea what knocked you out?”
“If I were to guess, I’d say the sudden rush of information. I know when you gave me the [AprenticeArtificer] class I was dazed for a second, and that was nothing compared to what I got with [LycanPup]”
“Really?” She said confused “When he gave it to me, it only had maybe 2 skills. Why’d it give you so much?”
Jake wasn’t sure how to reply to the questions, so instead he read the screens still in his consciousness to her. She interrupted that such a large attribute change has been known to cause people to lose consciousness. Between that and running through the previous night, it wasn’t much of a surprise. As he continued to read the screens, he noticed that whenever he tried to voice any prerequisites, he instantly needed to clear his throat, or started coughing, sneezing, or bit his tongue. Verbally going down the detour the two decided it was likely similar to how nobody has been able to tell anyone else the prerequisites to classes before. The system that grants levels and abilities simply won’t allow it. Regardless, when he told her the benefits of his new skills, her jaw dropped.
“There are skills like that! With Requirements that can be attained so easily?”
“Well, I can’t tell you the requirements, apparently, but I can tell you, No, it’s not easy”
“Well, I’ll stop asking then. You can’t tell me anyway. You won’t be able to respond to my questions either, even if I guess. In fact, it’s churning my stomach trying to even formulate a guess, so there’s no point. … Well, anyway. Welcome to the Lunar Den, or just the den as we call it. While I can’t guarantee everyone is, an overwhelming number are lycanthropes. Lots of people are brought here for training. Many of whom don’t want their true identity known so walk around as either hybrid or animal. All 3 of our forms are treated fairly. Also, almost everyone goes by a nickname that’s an offshoot of their animal.”
“That explains the whole ‘Hare’ thing, Foxy” he said giving her a look.
“Beats ‘BunnyBoy’ doesn’t it?” Val replied with a chuckle. “So, you hit level 5 of [Scout]. What skill did you pick?”
“Oh, right. This would be the first time. Whenever a class hits a 5th level, any level divisible by 5 actually, you get your choice of 1 skill you qualify for. It always is connected to the class, but the options change based on your entire status. The command to see your choices is ‘Skill Store’ by the way”
“I see… ‘Skill Store’”
“Interesting” was all Val said when Jake read the options aloud.
“Interesting? That’s all you have to say?
“Oh? You want my opinion? The skill you choose can determine future skills, classes, even rank up options. It’s is an exceedingly personal decision. And you want my input?”
“I hadn’t considered the long-term implications of picking the skill, but if I had, I would want it even more. You are my future, so of course I want your opinion on it.”
“Oh, in that case…”, she said trying not to reveal how much his words touched her. However, the twitch against her leg made her quite sure the moisture on his had given her away. “In that case, you have the option of a damage boost from movement, 2 accuracy boosts one from moveing, the other from your sneak attack, and 2 new ways to activate sneak attacks. Personally, I’d say it depends on if you plan on doing acrobatics or being dangerous. If neither, do either of the first 2, the rapid ones.”
“Well, to be honest I was thinking about that Acrobatic strike. I mean that midair summersault kick… I could get used to that, but I’ve only done it once. Prey’s Adrenaline on the other hand, recently that has triggered quite frequently whether I want it to or not. … I think I’m going to think about it for a while.” Jake finally concluded, having gotten nowhere.
“Well… now that we decided that, we need to go meet Grizzly, unless… well..” she walked her fingers up his chest innocently.
“Well what?” Jake asked.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning. Atleast,” Val said before a deep kiss filled with all the passion she could muster, “not without some exercise to wake myself up.”
“You know, you’re right.” Jake said subtly bringing his hand down to rest between her legs. “Especially not”, he added gently swiping his second and third finger between her soaking lips scooping some of her sweet cum making her gasp sensually, before he brought it up to his mouth and licked them clean “without breakfast” he added sliding under the covers.
It was nearly an hour later when the two finally left their new duplex and stepped out onto one of the den’s side street, back in hybrid forms and the standard outfits for them. Speaking of which, Jake had found it remarkably easy to become a full hybrid this morning. Head to toe grey fur, his arms and legs both longer and more muscular, his feet were wider and longer, in fact except for the digits on his hands (he wasn’t sure if the maneuverable bendable apposable digits the last knuckle of which was a claw counted as fingers anymore), everything was thicker and more powerful. He had even managed a proper tail that any grey rabbit would be proud of. All of that, combined with his new stat upgrades and the mornings activity gave his ears extra perk and his step a new spring. Once they got to the main road however, Foxy deliberately turned south, away from City Hall.
“What happened to Grizzly? Isn’t he the other way?” Jake asked confused.
“That’s just his office. He isn’t usually there. He’s meeting us this way” Foxy said pointing down the road.
They kept walking for almost half a mile. After 3 more side streets, the land opened and there were orchards and fields. Eventually, they came to a lake in a meadow. This was the first indication Jake had seen in a while that they were underground. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but there was a circular waterfall in the middle of the lake that appeared to be roughly twice the width of his human hand. He also had no idea how the lake wasn’t constantly in a state of overflow either unless there was a drain of some sort in it. For all Jake knew, it was constantly overflowing. He also couldn’t see where the water came from. Likely there was a natural source of water above that had been magically tapped into. Regardless, there was a good size lake in the meadow. And sitting cross legged wearing red billowing robes from the waist down sat what was almost definitely Grizzly in human form. He was an elf, a few inches shorter than the bear hybrid Jake met yesterday. The bald head explained the presence of only fur on the hybrid. Based on the man’s white physique he was strong, but hardly a body builder. He was clearly in a meditative trance, which was broken only by Foxy’s and Jake’s approach.
“Foxy! Hare! Or should I say”, he said looking around to be sure they were alone, “Valphine and Jacob. I hope you slept well. You’re going to need your rest for your training.”
“How” Jake began before Grizzly interrupted.
“Jake, there are some things you must know about my teaching. When not in lessons, we are equals. But during lessons, I demand your respect. You will refer to me as Master Bear, or simply Master. You will speak when it is requested or when your hand is raised to ask permission. Otherwise you will listen and obey. Do you understand?”
“Umm… yes Master Bear” Jake replied, taken aback by the Monk’s change of tone.
“Good. Now then one at a time you may ask your questions. I can’t guarantee an answer at this time. The information may be part of our future lessons. If so you may need to wait for such a time that you can understand it. OK?”
“OK. Well, I suppose my first question would be how you knew our names… but of course I saw your name when the Mentor skill added the class, so it showed mine as well.” Jake reasoned as his master nodded. “Then on to the next. From what you said, it sounded like both of us were to be trained. Am I correct?”
“I can answer that Jake. Yes, I’ll be training to”
“but why?”
“… I’m only level 5 in the [LycanPup] class Jakey.”
“And as such she still has much to learn. Do you have more, or can we begin?”
“One more, for now Master. Where did the [LycanPup] skill come from?”
“Ahhh, a good question, and a fine place to start actually. I was bit when I was about the same age you are now. Don’t ask for details, I can no longer recall. As I had already been trained in the ways of the Monk, I knew how to search for inner truths. I therefore began to meditate on my condition. I searched within myself, until it dawned on me. I was no longer one being. I had become 2. 1 the elf I had always been, but the other was a bear born of the bite. If the two were in conflict I cannot be in balance. In order to stop conflict, I required communication with the beast inside. So do you. This is where we begin. Come. Sit” Bear said to his students indicating the grass in front of him. “Sit cross legged as I am, and close your eyes”, he continued as they quickly sat and obeyed.
“Now be calm. Relax. Put your mind completely at ease. They won’t come to you. You must go to them. Stay relaxed. Open your mind. Imagine yourself sitting calmly in a void. There is nothing around you. Now, think about your animal. Think about where your animals like to be, where they like to go, and what they like to do. Now rebuild the environment around you. Imagine yourself in a place your animal would feel completely at home in. Put yourself where it’s likely to be.”
Jake thought. He thought of nothing else. He had been a rabbit multiple times. He knew where it liked to be. Its ideal place would be quite similar to where he actually was. Suddenly, Jake was alone in an empty field He was back in his human form yet there was no sign of his armor or clothes. It was clear and sunny. There were a few wild flowers scattered about. There was also some random wild vegetation. There was some carrot and radish tops emerging from the ground, and some lettuce heads here and there. All of them were clearly wild. To the right of him a thin creek ran over a shallow rocky bed. The creek was maybe a foot deep. Too shallow to swim in, but perfect as a water source for an animal. And to his left in the dirt, about the size of his hand, was hole to darkness.
“Now,” Bear said in little more than a whisper, “allow yourself to be open. Allow yourself to not be alone where you are. Don’t be anxious. Don’t try to force it out. Let your animal come to you. When it does, gently talk to it. And remember, it is not your pet, it is not your prey, it is not your guest and it is not an intruder. It is your equal. It has just as much right to be in your mind, in your landscape as you do. If it doesn’t appear just relax and wait”
And he did. Jake sat and waited. He watched the field, and the creek. He felt a light breeze against his face and watched the flowers sway in the wind. It was all very peaceful.
But nothing happened.
Nothing changed besides the wind in the grass. Since this was in his mind, the sun didn’t move so there was no way for Jake to track the passage of time, but it definitely seemed like more than an hour. He didn’t dare leave this imagined world and open his eyes. Not with Grizzly monitoring him. With him here, he had no choice but to do what he wants. He’s trapped. Nothing he could do about it.
… Wait.
… Wait that’s it.
That’s why Jake stayed all alone in the field. If the rabbit arrived it would be stuck in the middle of nowhere! Nowhere to go but either back where it is, or to Jake. He had been thinking of where he would like to run into the rabbit. It was ideal for the hunter, and the last place the prey would want to be. Clearly a change of scenery is in order. First thing he did was stretch the ground. He should not have started this close to the rabbit hole. Now there were about 5 yards between him and the hole. Now for a little cover. Along the creek sprouted a handful of bushes. There also grew a bush on the opposite side of the hole. Finally trees sprouted, until Jake and the hole were sitting in the clearing in the middle of a forest. Every tree had roots. Some of the roots emerged from the forest floor. Others went across the ground with ditches under them. There were now plenty of hiding places. Jake did keep the vegetables growing around the edges though.
“I’m sorry my friend”, Jake said over the creek’s gurgle. “I should have known you would want to be in a place with more cover. There is no reason to fear me. I just want to talk to you”
Jake kept sitting and waiting. He went to the extent of completely blocking out the outside world. He didn’t even feel the grass on his tail anymore. He only felt the root he was sitting on in the forest in his mind.
The voice sounded like it came from everywhere, and yet nowhere. Jake thought he had heard it before but wasn’t quite sure where.
“No, no bear. Not here anyways. The only thing here is you and me, and I have no reason or want to hurt you.”
Jake thought he saw the tip of a pink nose come to the hole.
“No tricks”
Out of the hole popped the head of a grey rabbit with long furry ears, and a curious twitching in his nose.
“Well, I wanted to start by saying hi”
The rabbit emerged from the hole.
“Yeah, hi. Look, umm… we’ve been together for a little while now. We will be together for much longer. I just thought it would be nice to talk. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything you want?”
Hop hop hop. The rabbit was now only a few feet away.
“How can I put this… You don’t have a physical form. You are … You are an alter ego.”
“So, why did you ask for freedom, when you know I can’t let you go?”
the rabbit said hopping to about 2 inches away and glaring at Jake.
“If you mean in the forest, yes I did. I didn’t know you were real. I thought you were just the instincts calling in my head. The beast I attacked was attacking the woman I love”
“My point being, I didn’t know you were real. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have openly ignored you if I knew you were real. I have to know you know that.”
If Jake didn’t know better, it would swear it saw a smirk on the little rabbit’s face.
“Deal!” Jake said with a smile reaching out towards the rabbit “Do you have a name?”
the rabbit replied pressing his head to Jake’s outstretched hand.
“Pleasure’s all mine”
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